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Mar 9, 2017 11:35 AM

Aug 2012
Fun fantasy with a ton of action and really likable lead cast. The Story is pretty generic though, nothing special and is solid for what it is but it's certainly by the numbers in many ways. Beautifully animated character designs and animation in general though could have perhaps done with a little less CG. Recommended and I look forward to the sequel in a few months, though I'll be waiting for the simuldub since the dub cast was really solid.
Mar 10, 2017 12:22 PM

Jul 2010
Pretty fun adventure series but the start was incredibly dull and slow, glad it improved later on. Interested to see where the second season will lead with new MC and all.
Mar 15, 2017 7:08 AM

Jul 2014
Well, this was amazing and a big surprise.

The scene between Favaro & Amira was beautiful :'(

Looking forward to the second season ^^
Apr 1, 2017 3:01 AM

Dec 2016
Favaro & Kaisar always made a great team.

Loves that scene where the angels and demons were working together to stop Bahamut.

I enjoyed this a lot and really looking forward to the 2nd season.

Apr 4, 2017 2:31 PM

Sep 2016
which way is the wind blowing? to tomorrow!
getting ready for 2nd season

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Apr 7, 2017 2:18 PM
Jul 2018
What a epic and wild adventure it was! This was filled with entertaining and yeah those who can overcome Episode 1 somehow can get greatest satifaction feeling about finishing a hidden gem.Too bad this should been more popular.

I really liked the most was the chemistry between Favaro and Kaiser.
Apr 8, 2017 3:35 PM

Nov 2016
That was simply amazing. I went in with low expectations and ended up binge watching it in one go. Everything was enjoyable
especially the animation and sound.

The kiss between Favaro and Amira was really touching, but I almost cracked up at his face xD

Tastes are different, but damn this show is underrated. It is barely in the top 1000.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 17, 2017 3:42 PM

Apr 2011

who was amira's father ?
Apr 23, 2017 7:58 AM

Sep 2014
I kinda was bored by it, dont ask me why. Its just that the good end was highly obvious, and the interesting vibe this show started with faded away very fast.
Garbage world building, like none at all.
I dont want to rate this 6 or lower because it deserves more, but anything higher then 7 would be blasphemie.
My main problem is I had the feeling I saw everything before, like the "hero" and his childhood friend who became "enemys" and get over it. The "important to plot because from child from angel and demon" character.
Im glad Rita was in it. Also Jeannes was kinda awesome, when she turned a demon it was for some reason very emotional.

overall the high quality animation saved this - 7/10 although nothing special. Lets see if season 2 is worth the time.

Quick edit indeed - season 2 is SO much better then this imo. It benefits from already introduced characters but the story just does not seem that obvious.
Comander-07Jun 5, 2017 3:37 PM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 13, 2017 3:24 AM

Dec 2014
Ah, what an experience! .. I love it.. despite the story flaws, I love this. I want Amira BACK :'( She and Favaro makes the perfect couple.
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May 16, 2017 7:37 PM

Dec 2014
im so sad now goddamn, that ending too :/
Jun 3, 2017 5:56 PM

Nov 2014
Second time watching this, dropped it the first time which I can't understand why. Solid 8/10 but visually this is a 9 easily.
Jun 7, 2017 11:03 AM
Jun 2016
I will always miss Amira, she was my favorite character.
Jul 5, 2017 4:07 PM

Aug 2009
Finally watched this, so I can get on to watching Season 2.

I enjoyed it, maybe it is just me, but there are a few things I don't quite understand. I looked through the pages in this post for some answers, and between bad grammar and incomplete thoughts I am worn out. K, so any help would be great, here goes:

So I thought there were two keys or a key and a seal? Zeus and Satan turned themselves into keys or seals to initially trap Bahamut, right?

So, halfway through the 1st Season, I thought Azazel and co. were trying to release Satan by using Amira to break "the seal" holding Bahamut?

Bottom line can someone explain the "keys" and/or "seals", and how Zeus and Satan fit into the release of Bahamut, and if Amira was just a vessel why was she yapping to Favaro at the end of episode 12. In other words, what happened to the soul of the "key" that was supposed to be inside of her (Zeus right, or no)? Sigh. Any help would be great!

Hopefully that all made sense.
Noobstar21Jul 5, 2017 4:22 PM

Sep 28, 2017 8:04 AM

Jun 2016

Beelzebub was killed by Azazel.

Kaisar's left hand got cut off by Favaro to set up that fucking guy behind all these shits.

Rita got pissed at Kaisar for losing his hand. Hehe.

Just when I thought Bacchus is gonna transform Hansa into a fabulously gorgeous figure, but he just got bigger and he's still a duck. Pfffft. My spleen.

I like Favaro x Amira together, but I feel like that romance was rushed since I didn't notice any hints in the previous episodes, but I'm not salty, though. I love that kiss between them and it hurts me that they'll never end up together because Amira had to die. Fucksake, maan.

That was a good finale, though it was predictable. Called it that Favaro is the Holy Knight. Hihi.

8/10 I really enjoyed this anime. I love the characters especially Favaro, Rita, Amira, and my love Kaisar. :3 Will definitely watch its 2nd season anytime soon.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Oct 13, 2017 11:22 PM

Oct 2013
Finale was meh, story is just okay nothing to special it went downhill from the first couple episodes, but the art is truly beautiful, such a waste for such an avarage story like this. And still i can't get my self to like the MC, Favaro is a mediocre character barely left an impression in my head. But Amira and Jeanne are possioble new waifus for me, the art makes them even beautiful, not only that but i guess they have high production budget too. I don't know if i wanna watch the 2nd season if there's nothing interesting, but it was fun to watch

Overall score 7/10
Nov 27, 2017 2:38 PM

Oct 2015
Great anime with great story and most of all the enjoyment was through the roof. I was in my bed jumping for joy from every episode and I couldn't wait for the next. The finale of this one was so epic it made me love even Kaisar, because he was active in this finale to even losing an arm. Too bad though for Amire because I liked her, but most of all the hero of the story Favaro was my favorite. I loved his mature look precisely his goatee, and Kaisar ditching his knight captaincy to join Favaro in bounty hunting again brought back memories from the first episodes.

But the villains in this series precisely Belzebuth and Martinet were a let down (wish Lucifer was the villain), meaning they were defeated easily along with Bahamut.
But the kiss Amire gave Favaro made up for the let down.

9/10 from being brilliant, great main character, animation, plot and most all enjoyment.
lihle808Nov 27, 2017 2:42 PM
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Dec 21, 2017 1:59 PM

Sep 2016

The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Jan 12, 2018 4:06 PM

Aug 2017
The anime is very good. Of course, it have some problems like the rushed ending but is a very good adaptation from a game that is very rare to find. 8/10
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 26, 2018 8:41 AM

Feb 2015
helloisabelle said:
Favaro looked sick with his hair looking like it was dyed half black. Agh, really hope Amira comes back


Digitalcommunist said:

Swerv said:
Trash just like it's game.

Go back to watching Naruto.


zellami said:

Rita - best girl, after all ^^
Favaro - best eyes :)

yeah, i really like his eyes (everyone's is pretty nice). they're really unique.

Kaoreen said:
Favaro with his hair down tho

it was wet. and yes :)
so from many, many, many many (MANY) people here saying mappa did this, not surprised. they did zankyou no terror and the animation is wonderful on there as well. the flight scene when the duck flew to bahamut's face was GORGEOUS. it was almost like mappa was showing off.

the last two episodes picked up tremendously. this season finale was just awesome. i liked how bahamut's awakening was filled with darkness and hopelessness, because i really didn't see a way out. usually the villain doesn't even kill anyone but hurts them and is killed in 2 minutes, so there's a plus for this show.

the plot twist of beezlebub being killed was unexpected.

i'm conflicted on the kiss, since amira is like what 5, 10 at best internally? but nothing seemed romantic/sexual about it, just an honest thankful kiss.

speaking of, i also liked how making bad decisions makes everyone pay. the dragon told favaro to kill her before it all happened and he decided not to. now after all this death he has to, making it even harder for him and everyone. shows actual character flaws.

speaking of favaro, not too happy on his beard but it's not that bad.

i would have given this an 8 for the anime and its entirety, but the characters are so enjoyable i'll make it an 8.5. i'm expecting a lot for the next seasons.
May 3, 2018 2:50 PM

Jan 2013
Great ending to an alright story.
The characters were great, I really enjoyed the addition of Rita aswell.
Art was stunning though and the kiss at the end was touching.

8/10, really enjoyable series, I wonder what the second season will bring us.

*Oh one that thing that kinda felt way too convenient was the "Seel Soh Cetom" to capture Martinet.
Couldn't they have done that before, and would that mean anyone with any bounty on their head could just be captured like that at any time ... also how would the bracelet know. (I might be looking too much into this lol)
PrOxAntoMay 3, 2018 3:00 PM
May 23, 2018 1:56 PM

May 2016
Loved this show every episode of it seriously why is it underrated like this.
How the fuck Favaro survived that last explosion of Bahamut I definitely saw
His leg bein ripped off.

Anyway that kiss was so damn sad, it was a goodbye
For them but not for us cause there is season two gladly it will be better, and Favaro looks pretty cool with that little beard 8/10
May 7, 2019 12:16 PM

Nov 2016
decent ride, was hoping for more action instead of the more slice of life stuff. the ending was a bit off seeing how they still had to team up against bahamut.

was also surprised the girl actually diededed when i took a peek at s2 and didnt find her (IIRC).
anime/manga version of steam would be awesome -
Sep 4, 2019 6:40 AM

Jul 2015
RIP Amira, pretty sad kiss there

So Kaiser became a captain with an mechanical arm replacement, while Favaro has grown a goatee and has a mechanical leg

Good season, definitely looking forward to what season 2 holds
UnkrownedSep 4, 2019 6:50 AM

Nov 9, 2019 4:37 AM

Mar 2018
The art and (2D) animation was great throughout but everything else was pretty much garbage.

Cheesy dialogue and characters, bad comedy (imo) and a uninspired story.
Don't know how so many liked this show but good for them I guess.
Dec 19, 2019 9:14 AM

Jul 2013
Rewatched this show before getting into the 2nd season to refresh my memory and my opinion of it hasn't changed a bit. It still deserves a good score in my book.

Shingeki no Bahamut isn't perfect. The characters are nothing special but they still work in the whole narrative. The plot is basic fantasy and the progression was quite fast. It was pretty much disaster after disaster without much of a break in between. Admittedly, it did keep the suspense going after each episode. What this show executes beautifully is that it just hits all the spots I love in fiction. Angels, demons, dragons, necromancers, zombies... basically general fantasy stuff. It's even better than that this is a straightforward fantasy as opposed to your usual fantasy genre in anime where it is just slapped along other genres as a secondary attribute.

Anyway my score hasn't changed in the slightest even after a rewatch. It's still a solid 8/10 for me. A very good fantasy anime indeed.

Now on to the next season.
Jan 29, 2020 9:37 PM

Oct 2019
Fantastic. This show is a hidden gem for anyone that enjoy adventure genre. Easily 9/10 from me.
May 5, 2020 4:17 PM

Mar 2010
Man Nb Loved the characters esp Zombie loli she was best dead girl. Can't say much else everything was just.. too fast lolz

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jun 10, 2020 1:08 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
Such a mediocre show if we set aside the production values. I will probably forget about the show tomorrow.

5/10 meh
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Jul 24, 2020 5:11 PM

May 2014
I've literally no idea how this can be rated so high. It's a shame because the first episode was quite good imo.

It's like the storytellers had a great setup but got confused what to do with it and spewed out a really generic story.

I mean Bahamut is revived and IMMEDIATELY gets put down again.
Favaro and Keiser survive ridiculous and impossible situations.
Beezlebub plans to revive Bahamut to control it even though it clearly can't be controlled.

And why?

Because they didn't actually know how to write a better story or they were just lazy. I mean comon, it's annoyin cause the world and setup did seem interesting.

I've been here way too long...
Aug 17, 2020 7:17 PM

Aug 2018
Favaro is the holy knight!!! Beelzebub thought he could control Bahamut, what a fool xD

May 21, 2021 1:11 AM

May 2020
Quite an ending. Bahamut lived upto my expectations, a hopelessly powerful force of nature that nothing can withstand for long. His defeat was a bit anti-climatic to me but it was fairly done.

A strong cast and nice production values. I feel like the story and the world could've been more fleshed out but whatever. 6/10.
Jun 6, 2021 8:30 AM

Jun 2016
Sad to see that interaction between Amira and Favaro go down. Such a shame really.

Favaro and Kaisar end the show as buddies. I knew their chemistry would play an integral role in the series.

Mappa did pretty great with the art and animation for the show, but it seems that the last 3/4 eps were unfortunately rushed. Not bad overall.

Jun 12, 2021 12:07 AM
Oct 2019
wait no no no. she's not dead. she can't die. no no no. that's terrible if that's how it ended

but i LOVED how they brought back "are these the eyes of a liar" or whatever that phrase is that they used so often in the earlier episodes (and he got smacked every time, but not this time)

pretty sure they didn't need to cut that dude's hand off in order to defeat that nutjob. but i guess if they live in a society where you get mechanical limbs that are apparently as good as the real mccoy then it's not really a big deal (but we didn't know he'd get a replacement hand at the time)

also good to see puffball survived. and he gets a mechanical leg, because obviously they have to level the playing field for those two morons and their neverending duel

from episode 7 onward this was a very good show (8/10). i enjoyed it quite a bit. i thought the first 5 were kind of average (5 or 6/10). so i'll have to give this a 7/10 overall, but man it's borderline 8/10
Jun 16, 2021 3:15 PM

Jun 2019
My 35th completed series (only the first season) chronologically.

For the record, I extended it a 6/10 rating.
Jun 28, 2021 5:40 AM

Apr 2009
The audio ruined my final score on this show.
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Oct 4, 2021 11:41 AM
Nov 2020
Looking forward for the next season about Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul.
Dec 1, 2021 12:54 AM

Mar 2013
Was hoping for more adventures but it is time to say farewell...
In the end, I was hoping for a happy couple ending but... sigh...
I need a sequel that has a happy ending for Amira and also for Jeanne.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Feb 22, 2022 11:37 AM

Jan 2021
I don't really like how they make Lavalley/Martinet die (I was also a bit surprised when they revealed who Lavalley really is), but never mind, maybe that's how it should be.

The ending was quite bittersweet for me, even though it was all for the best. Most importantly, how was Rita after that time? Well, she was one of the mvp during this crazy great journey.

And yeah that kiss.. one of the cutest goodbye kisses I've ever seen :'3

Jun 8, 2022 8:21 PM
Mar 2022
So,this episode was outstanding but a bit sad cuz of Amira

that kissing scene between Amira and Favaro was wholesome and bromance between Kaiser and Favaro was cool too.

Overall I love this anime and this episode. Also I watched Virgin Soul it was kinda disappointing but anyways "Genesis" is the best season.. better than virgin soul.
Aug 2, 2022 9:33 PM

Feb 2020
oh god oh no they went full 'born sexy yesterday' on Amira. still do not understand at all why they had to make her a 6 year old. that kiss scene could have been so touching with better characters

pretty disappointed...the story of this anime was like the most simplistic, unoriginal high fantasy plot ever, the ending was anticlimactic despite the fact that it showed a dragon destroying the world, and it had an unfortunate case of interesting side characters, horrible leads (excluding Rita if she is one), and abysmally one-note villains.

also kaisar please don't do that you will kill your fucking horse
Feb 24, 2024 1:23 PM
Jul 2019
could make a grown man cry </3
May 29, 2024 8:41 AM
Aug 2022
completed it a while back going off vague memory but I remember I liked the plot and the dnd fantasy aspect appealed to me however the only main character i liked was the prince dude. will give it a go again solid show, but i remember just never liking the girl.
Jan 17, 8:31 AM

Apr 2013
I was wondering why the bad guys would try to free the destroyer of worlds, what would they gain from it? Turns out one of them is an idiot who for some reason thought he could control a being stronger than him and the other is your generic "I wanna destroy the world for no reason" type of villain. Disappointing...

Having said that I actually enjoyed this show a lot in the first half, but the last few episodes really dropped the ball hard. Also felt quite rushed in the end, so much happened in the last two episodes.

I also wonder what the 2nd season will be about. I mean in the first one they killed or banished the destroyer of worlds, who couldn't even be stopped by dozens of gods at once. Seems like a pretty high bar to jump over, but I'll see.

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