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Jul 13, 2013 2:34 AM

Oct 2011
Murasaki not killing Date goes to show that she is human. I mean I really wanted her to kill him but then I realize that if she did, she'd be the same as him. She'd be a monster. It still gave a bitter taste on my mouth but I understand why she didn't kill him.
Sep 25, 2013 7:33 AM
May 2009
The boob scene - dafuq.... At least cut his hands off that Date....
Nov 25, 2013 12:08 AM

Jul 2008
Epic bomb repellant. Looks like Taira finally betrayed them, but why couldn't the doc finally die?
Dec 26, 2013 8:19 AM

Jul 2013
HAHAHAHAHA Titty Rebound!!! LOL!!
Jan 9, 2014 11:57 PM

Sep 2012
Awesome BIM bounce. Also, a homing nade?
Jan 12, 2014 4:27 AM
May 2013
Blackstar81 said:
HAHAHAHAHA Titty Rebound!!! LOL!!

The scene from the ending XD is a classic ... "Kyaaaa! Ecchi ! Baka !"
Feb 8, 2014 12:35 PM

Jul 2013
I didn't get that emotional shit with Date? Just slain that bitch, he might still pull something out of his sleeve... One second he wants to kill them all and another second he says that he's sorry... suuuure. The characters sure can be dumb sometimes.

Also, I knew that at one point or another this old guy would betray them.
Mar 9, 2014 7:23 AM

Jan 2014
Sudden change from serious scene to really funny scene XD
i really cant stop laughing XD
Mar 25, 2014 2:20 AM

Oct 2013
It would have ben funnier if the bim bounced of of himiko's boob and exploded at Date. XD

May 22, 2014 2:10 PM

Apr 2012
That boob thing... I have no words.

I know Murasaki had a lot of feelings for Date but like... what happens when you nurse him back to health and then he tries to kill you again, lol. WE KNOW HE WILL.
Jul 31, 2014 7:45 PM

Jun 2013
What an intense episode! Cant wait to see how it ends!!!!!
Aug 3, 2014 6:48 AM

May 2014
"You either die an Ashita no Joe, or you live long enough to see yourself become a Naruto."
Aug 5, 2014 6:54 AM

Jan 2014
That epic moment when Breast deflector happens XD
Aug 20, 2014 1:13 PM
Aug 2014
OMG i kinda don't want to finish it. But at the same time i wanna start seeing all the people he encountered during the whole series. And, they have one more episode to fall completely in love xD
Sep 17, 2014 2:34 PM

Feb 2011
madhpoise boobthing
lolz i rly love the animation
Nov 15, 2014 5:22 AM

Jun 2011
Boobs saiko!

I don't like how the other woman just spare the doctor, this guy tried to kill you years ago, and not only that, he tried to kill you moments ago too. The woman fell from the building without breaking her bones..?

I am starting to see some hax Kirito in Ryota now. "Oh I just changed the placement of your bombs, I just happened to came across them just now, lucky", and also the way he talks. I also don't like what the author is doing with Himiko's character, not at all.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Nov 30, 2014 2:59 PM

Feb 2014
Vyudali said:
Okay, that boob scene was just dumb, i hate how Himiko went suicidal so quick, and i REALLY HATE how Murasaki didn't kill that son of a bitch.

Completly agree.

I'm really... REALLY angry in this exact moment....

That woman, Murasaki is saying: "PLZ KILL ME..!" and/or "I like to suffer..!"

That crazy doctor betrayed her twice and even tried to kill her...

And just with an apologize it's OK..?! "I WILL SAVE YOU"..?! C'mon.....

Some women are really masochist, fact.

Good heart guys are nothing... Points for the bad guys..!

PS.: Yes. That boop scene was "dumb" and unnecessary for me.... the show was flowing good, without "dumb" things and suddenly that boop scene... For what..?! =( ;
PS2.: About Himiko... what you said, I totally agree with you;
PS2.: About Murasaki... I already said what I think above, in the beginning.
Vi-Dec 15, 2014 7:15 AM
Feb 1, 2015 2:11 PM

Dec 2014
So if someone writes your name again you'll be sent back once more? How lame. But seriously, just fucking kill the doctor already. It's clear mercy only helps your enemies on this island. Sooner or later they'll be a nuisance again.

Seems like my presentiment about Taira was correct, judging by the next episode preview. Too bad Ryouta realized he'd be collecting the chips just recently... he's as gullible as he gets.

“There are two kinds of arrogance. One where you are unequal to the task and one where your dreams are too big. The former is commonplace stupidity... but the latter is a rare species that is difficult to find.”

Apr 4, 2015 10:27 AM
Feb 2015
I wonder why she didn't kill him... Oh well. That scene where a bomb was repelled by her boob was great xD
The old man betrayed them????? Oh boy just one more episode...
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Jun 3, 2015 7:44 AM

Feb 2012
Vyudali said:
Okay, that boob scene was just dumb, i hate how Himiko went suicidal so quick, and i REALLY HATE how Murasaki didn't kill that son of a bitch.

5layer said:
For a moment I thought the bomb really didn't explode because of the boob. I'm glad I was wrong or I'd give this anime a 1/10.

these are my exact thoughts.

but oh my god did they REALLY not kill him? this is an entire new level of passive.. and i expected from the beginning that the old fat wounded guy couldn't be trusted. not sure why it took them so long to check back on the bodies though

i predict disappointment in the final episode.. not enough has happened for a proper resolution i think. might bother checking on the manga afterwards
Jun 13, 2015 4:32 AM

May 2014
So they won't at least cut that bastard's hand... or the head maybe! But it's nice to know that Shiki didn't lose her humanity.

It looks like next episode Taira is gonna show his true colors. I can't believe it's only one episode left Q_Q
Jun 22, 2015 1:56 PM

Jan 2015

Of course! lmao
Jul 15, 2015 5:38 PM

Dec 2009
Good episode, and it seems like they squeezed in some fanservice right before the series ends.

Only thing that frustrated me a little was how that Shiki woman surprised Date with the sickle, stabbed him, and then... went to the girl and ran away from him so he could chase after them. What kept her from killing Date right then and there? Just keep stabbing his back till he drops dead or becomes completely incapacitated. But I guess we wouldn't have an exciting episode that way eh?
Oct 14, 2015 2:50 AM

Dec 2008
Epic Titty Rebound. Is there any other way? lol
Oct 17, 2015 11:29 AM

Dec 2013
i loved the fanservice in this episode xD omg, i re-watched the boobs' scene like 11 times xD
it is almost the end..1 episode left..
Nov 8, 2015 3:54 AM

Dec 2012
Plot armor? More like oppai armor!

Jan 18, 2016 7:43 PM

Jun 2014
Why be worried about the place being "surrounded" by Date's remote-types? He just set 2 off, so he only has 3-4 left. Running where the 2 already exploded is probably a safe path...

MC spends half the episode pretending to be dead while his friends are still in trouble. k.
Feb 22, 2016 6:43 PM
Aug 2015
"It feels like something is keeping me alive." - Sakamoto
I'm feeling the SAO vibe.
Apr 30, 2016 7:33 PM

Jul 2013
Finally Date got what he deserved. Even if he didn't die I hope he finally learned his lesson. Pretty sad the scene of Shiki crying :(

I'm also very glad Sakamoto survived.

Oh god that Bim bounced back from here breast? That was like a HotD moment lol. Also cute moment between Sakamoto and Himiko during the shower and ofc nice fanservice :D

So every chip was taken from the corpses. Slowly I don't know if Sakamoto and Himiko should trust Taira anymore. On the other side how should he have done this with such injures?

Can't believe that I'm at the last episode. Kinda sad. :-/
And I'm very curious how they will end this. There are soooo much uncleared issues.
Natsu88Apr 30, 2016 7:40 PM

May 19, 2016 6:11 PM
Jun 2013
this whole thing could of been avoided if she would have keep stabbing the dude. did she say farewell mother? wonder if we will get more answers aout that. Also the power of tits saved the day. Behold we see the stupidest character on the show. I hope she dies. How can you not kill the guy who screwed you over and blew off your hand not to mention screwed you over back at home. Just like I share no pity for people who go back to an abusive spouse. Anywho at least we got a fanservice shot.
Jul 10, 2016 5:29 AM

Dec 2015
This is a fucking joke right?!? After all that they let him live?!? Fuck this anime!
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Aug 9, 2016 1:09 PM

Jul 2009
If you don't have it on you, taking the final step to actually take someones life is extremely difficult. Especially when that someone isn't even fighting back, begging for forgiveness.

It's really not that unbelievable that he was spared to be honest.
Oct 3, 2016 1:45 AM
May 2016
Seriously ?! What the fuck is going on here?!

First sakamoto let that kid live and now he witnessed that kid is back and has taken his bombs back with the promise of getting into a fight (again with the intention of killing sakamoto)

Now any normal person would learn from this mistake of how important it is to take out such hostile threats without hesitation.

But here we go again
The doctor has attempted to kill sakamoto ,himiko and the nurse, finally they somehow manage to get the better of him but for some reason they let him live cause they don't want to kill a human being ?! Are you fucking kidding me ? Why is this show rated seinen in that case? It should be for kids under 10!

And he has the balls to say that he's not the same person as he was when he came to the island?!--- he is exactly the same pussy he was when he came

Mezziaz said:
If you don't have it on you, taking the final step to actually take someones life is extremely difficult. Especially when that someone isn't even fighting back, begging for forgiveness.

It's really not that unbelievable that he was spared to be honest.

Yeah I'm sure it's "extremely difficult" for a few naive kids who believe the world is made of sugar and rainbows even after seeing the killing on the island

It might not be hard to believe that sakamoto decided to spare his life, what's hard to believe is that even after having this retarded outlook at their current situation of not killing obvious hostiles --sakamoto is still alive

In the real world if anyone did what sakamoto has been doing he would probably have been killed long ago --now that wouldn't be too hard to believe
Oct 13, 2016 2:12 PM

Jul 2013
Wow, her boob deflected it lol. I also thought for a moment it stopped it going off lol.

Ryouta survived again and all the flashbacks of how Himiko found out there was a bomb, I did wonder lol. Glad they explained it.

I am surprised the woman didn't kill doctor dude.

But also the end with the shower and calling him a pervert, she was the one who ran out and her towel dropped off, silly girl, that was really her own fault, think before you run ... in a towel lol.
May 4, 2017 7:59 AM

Apr 2015
Next is the last episode. Wonder what's going to happen.

“Even if the attention isn’t forever, I’ll keep singing.”
Jun 20, 2017 10:13 PM

Jul 2016
I cried so much when Murasaki couldn't kill him, even though I had really really wanted her to slice his neck open the second before I don't know why I felt sympathetic and was okay with him living. So I was watching the last few seconds of the episode, and wtf... The final episode?! I was so sure there were 24 episodes, to reaffirm my suspicions I went to click if there was a episode after episode 12. There was not... Oh hell naw. This is so good! Shit! Though I thought once that it was going at a pretty fast pace and questioned if it was like this because there's only 12, I didn't seriously believe...
Nov 2, 2017 4:38 PM

Oct 2015
I guess Murasaki forgave Date, I am glad he never got killed I kinda liked him especially when he had evil inner thoughts.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 11, 2018 8:34 PM

Sep 2011
Dude, he deserves to die though. Or maybe at least, make him incapable of doing something such as cutting his limbs or at least his feet.

May 10, 2018 6:59 PM

Feb 2010
Idk how it's going to end in one episode. They just started getting the chips. I doubt they can get them all in one episode. But man I love murasaki I was expecting her to cut off the doctors hand honestly.
But man I'm really holding it doesn't end sigh no actual ending. But I have a feeling that's going to happen.
Jun 29, 2019 12:09 PM

May 2016
Taira finally lost it, I didn't trust him till he cried like a little kid, but that face was a face of a weak person.
Aug 9, 2019 11:54 PM
Oct 2017
I was enjoying this anime but the pacifism of the main characters, the fact the main character constantly reminds us he is a NEET and the weakness shown by Himiko in this episode is really starting to annoy me.

It is like they wanted it to be relatable but then totally misfired in predicting the target audience.
Feb 10, 2021 11:45 PM
Feb 2020
It's a good thing Ryouka has super powers because he was dead. By the way Himike that battle with Queen Bitch when she had her skull smashed in and this episode. Her Plot Armour is strong.

With Ryouka's Super Powers and Himike's Unlimited Health Plot Armour they've cleared the game.

I'm calling it now. Absolutely nothing can kill either of them. There will be a handy trap door appear out of thin air to conveniently exit certain death, a handy time travel machine to deactivate an opponent's death trap.

In the previous ep Queen Bitch was shouting Why aren't you dead as she was smashing her head about half a million times. This ep I lost count of how many times I saw a character and was like... okay, now you're dead. Though That Grim Reaper swing with the Scythe at the end from Nurse-san I knew she couldn't and she wasn't going to kill him. She's not a killer.

It's been entertaining. It helps that they actually gave every one compelling backstories,

I really hope his firend doesn't let his guard down around thet woman.
Feb 25, 2021 5:10 PM
Nov 2020
That was a powerful ending between Date and Shiki. I mean it's obvious that Shiki's heart is full of revenge and hurt, but at the same time she can't bring herself to kill Date because in a way she has kind of accepted that this is how he is, flaws and all.

So did Ryouta get to see all of Himiko or did he also see the "leaves censorship" that we also saw?

I wonder if Oda is wearing those glasses just for looks, and that part at the end about Taira-san makes me think twice about his trustworthiness....
kuwangpaFeb 25, 2021 5:13 PM
Nov 20, 2021 10:06 AM
Jul 2020
Stabbed in the spinal cord and no damage taken, now that's something alright.
May 4, 2022 6:12 PM

Jul 2021

Oct 19, 2022 9:55 AM
Apr 2022
What damn poor characters.
Nov 22, 2022 4:19 AM

May 2020

Plot armour got too heavy this episode, not once, not twice but thrice people escaped death when in every sense they shouldn't have lol. Though whatever, atleast the doc isn't dead, I liked his inner monolouges after all.

We won't have a conclusive ending, that much I can see.
May 15, 2023 1:19 PM

Dec 2022
Titty bomb reflection. Can't go wrong with that ⌒▽⌒

Date is insanely lucky. The guy throws everyone to the wolves and gets spared because Shiki still loves him, even though he'll probably just betray her for the third time.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Jun 14, 2023 8:37 AM

Dec 2018
Okay, I was not ready for Himiko’s boobs to deflect the bomb complete with moaning lol, like I knew it wouldn’t explode because Ryouta was definitely not dead but the way it was revealed caught me off guard lol. It definitely got rid of some of the tension of the scene but it was hilarious so I’ll allow it, kinda reminded me of High School of the Dead too lol.

And I’m ngl the way they showed how Ryouta survived was dumb, because before it clearly showed he didn’t have enough time to throw the case away but in the flashback it showed that he did, so it was definitely just shown that way so you’d believe he was dead but of course no one did because he’s the MC lol, so definitely not as cool as the depth perception trick used before. And of course they let the doctor live, I kinda get why but still a bit upsetting, and now it looks like Taira might actually betray us, but is he actually? Guess we’ll find out in the final episode.
Dec 1, 2023 10:40 AM

Jun 2022
This Series Kinda Grows On You , Sure Did On Me .
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