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Sep 4, 2015 6:35 PM

Nov 2011
Well that was quite something.

It sort of gave me the GITS feel in a few places. Action on most parts is nice for the first half. Looks like there's a hostage crisis and there's also the Fire Starter problem, which I think is a virus. The movie had somewhat of an experimental feel to it and it also involves an assassination.

Osamu is somewhat of an interesting character I guess...
On most parts, I think the movie retains its technological aspects well. Major still looks the same as the ARISE movies though. The music imo was solid and that ED theme song is catchy.
Sep 4, 2015 7:57 PM

Nov 2007
A facility where ghosts grew up including Motoko.

More advanced AI = whole robot with fake ghost?

Someone used Motoko's body to set real one as criminal. For desire to walk.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 7, 2015 12:57 PM

Nov 2014
Where did you watch this?

Sep 25, 2015 2:23 AM

Oct 2012
ExTamplier said:
Where did you watch this?

Close the world, ƚxƎn ɘʜƚ nɘqO.

Oct 26, 2015 4:02 AM
Sep 2012
Hi, would anyone be kind enough to link/PM to fansubs for the movie? Thanks.
Nov 1, 2015 1:07 AM

May 2014
murakafkami said:
Hi, would anyone be kind enough to link/PM to fansubs for the movie? Thanks.
Nov 1, 2015 3:40 AM

Jan 2008
Was this movie original content or did it rehash portions from the other shows? I felt as though I had watched the whole thing before. I'm pretty sure I hadn't.
Nov 1, 2015 7:35 AM

Sep 2013
Oooh, that was really good. The plot is on the level of the Stand Alone Complex episodes. It's great to see Section 9 back in business yet again. It's nothing we've never seen before from Gits, but if you take it as another SAC episode, it works really nicely as a sci-fi thriller. I haven't seen Arise, but coming in with low expectation from what I'd heard of Arise, it surprised me positively.

Production I.G doing their best when it comes to animation too, the film looks just like a 2015 anime movie should - smooth yet very detailed. 7/10
cupcNov 5, 2015 12:32 AM
Nov 1, 2015 11:45 PM
Nov 2, 2015 8:28 AM
Oct 2010
So, this serves as some sort of prequel ?

Because concluding scenes are identical to the prologue and 1st page of chapter 1 of Ghost in the shell manga.
Nov 3, 2015 9:02 AM

Jan 2015
theunfettered said:
So, this serves as some sort of prequel ?

Because concluding scenes are identical to the prologue and 1st page of chapter 1 of Ghost in the shell manga.

That's what fucks me up about GitS everytime. I have no clue whether/how it's all connected. Until now I've been operating under the assumption that the movies (GitS; Innocence), SAC (1st GiG, 2nd GiG; Solid State Society) and Arise all play in different universes. Now this movie comes around and kinda meshes together Arise and the SAC universe? You have to disregard "Pokerface" from SAC 2nd GiG, characterisation obv. Dunno how it squares with Motoko meeting Kuze when they're young. The end scenes "tried" to tie Arise and SAC together just with a less attractive Motoko.

Edit: also Motoko was never mentioned to have lost her real body from birth on. 2nd GiG suggested she lost it during a plane flight. So I guess Arise is another Universe. (again)

Putting that aside, I thought it was a decent movie, not as philosophy heavy as the original and Innocence, but still pretty good. I didn't think the animation was that spectacular, but I usually don't care about that that much...Dunno if it's about style or I just have no taste, but I preferred what GitS/2.0/Innocence offered.
BVerfGNov 3, 2015 9:54 AM
Nov 5, 2015 12:10 AM

May 2012
Just great.

Well must say out of all the movies this was my favorite. It felt like that old Ghost in the Shell that I loved. Love the direction this movie took as well. It felt like three stories tangled in one. Best part about that was how everything tied together (well at least to me).

The fight scenes was amazing. The other characters got a little more shine this go around. Saito wasn't sleeping all the time. Plus that ending song. Plus grown up Major.

All in all this was a great movie. Definitely the best one out of the series. 10/10.
Nov 11, 2015 3:48 PM

Apr 2009
At mark 27:57-28:10 are shown 3 angles of a tall buildings being built modular, each module is several floors high! The smaller and lower building module being slotted into position is at least 10-stories high, the rest are even bigger or higher! Even the taller surrounding buildings seems to have been built the same. O_o Wow.

Kurutsu, you little bitch. You didn't grow up at all, and I mean the maturity thing. >_< Fire-Starter eh? We've been chasing our own tails again. I always suspected she's up to something but not in the heart of it all.

Apparently if you've got a criminal record and being smug about while invoking Japan is a civilized and pacifist country, gets you assassinated by Major Kusanagi as Dr. Zhinzee Bekka Arr Thied from the GitS A- Alternative Architecture Episode 1/GitS A Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone and in this movie, Robert Lee found out too late.

Finally Togusa gets his hanami/team bonding wish.

You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Nov 11, 2015 8:04 PM

Jun 2011
Really enjoyed the movie. Especially the fact I got to see it in a theater. Visuals looked great and the story was pretty good as well. I like this version of the Major a lot. The dubbing was really nice as well. Hard to believe the Major's original voice actress was the antagonist of the movie. She did speak with Mitoko's body once, which was kind of a nice call back.

I definitely got what I payed for.

Nov 16, 2015 9:51 PM
May 2010
i think this is a different universe than SAC.

Motoko's background story is completely different. In the movie, she was always a cyborg. But in SAC, she was a human who after a plane crash, became a cyborg with some early relationship w/Kuze. This isn't canon to the original TV series, which sucks since I like the TV series much better.

The ending of the movie is totally parallel to the ending in 2nd GIG, kinda interesting. Everything from the set up, asylum, civilized/pacifist country, domestic espionage, assassinating, nearly identical. This movie is parallel to SAC.
Nov 17, 2015 11:19 AM

Aug 2008
I am confuse about Motoko body too. In SAC, she become cyborg after the plane crush. I am under the impression that Arise is prequel to the SAC but now, it turn out to be different universe?

vlasic said:
This isn't canon to the original TV series, which sucks since I like the TV series much better.

Yeah, the TV series is still so much better.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Dec 17, 2015 8:35 PM

Jan 2011
First, I do not think this movie or Arise series as a whole is actually related to the other series/movies. So I am not sure why it is described as such in MyAnimeList's page for this...

This movie was great. The animations were very beautiful, shootout scenes were fast paced and great, action scenes were full of good choreography and made up of varied visceral occurrences. It is always amusing and interesting whenever we see Major interact and command her squad. The best part of Stand Alone Complex imo, and I am glad that it was kept in and also made a frequent appearance for this series too.

Most of all, what made me cheer for this movie at the end was that assassination well as the cherry blossoms scenes.
Anyone who watched the original movie or even the 2nd GIG series should know why. lol
Those scenes are almost like a homage after all.

I was not able to entirely follow the plot of the story however. At some point I lost track what was actually happening. Mostly the fact that it seemed like everyone was somehow committing a crime or plot with a different motive besides Motoko and co. lol

Although I guess this isn't unusual for a Ghost in the Shell series. 9/10
Dec 22, 2015 7:41 AM

Nov 2011
lawl what happened to the slow-mo scenes they oh so loved in ARISE?

so uninteresting


character design is so goddamn CHUUNI

can't believe that nigger Seymour is still here
fucking reggae tubes
fucking moe tanks
fucking fuckity fuck fuck fuckeroonie
Dec 31, 2015 8:42 PM

Dec 2008
That Batou is one sexy motherfucker! He's the only reason I'm into GITS.
Jan 13, 2016 1:49 PM

Jan 2013
What a lovely comment, saying Major's smile was too perfect.
Amagata's forehead is massive.

I see Kurutsu's point though, kind of a harsh way of showing it the way she did but still.

Damn all the action scenes when they infiltrate the building, the end when fight Unit 501 ... PERFECT!
The fighting, the animation, the sound were topnotch (as always)


*Cool to see the ending scene tie up the series.
Jan 23, 2016 6:25 PM

Jul 2009
Wow what an amazing movie!?! Sure the old movies and Solid State Society still remains the best, but wow what a good fanservice this one is :)

First off, so the beginning scene was Kurutsu and Motoko when they were little.

I also love how they are now starting to act like a team. At first they were scrambles and couldn't do anything that much, but now they are perfecting their arsenal like what Major does in the old series :)

I love the action and the music they used when the infiltrated the building. It reminds me of SAC :D

And finally, we're seeing more Batou hand to hand combat!! That's what i missed in Arise. He only fought Major in one to one and everyone else is just firearms.

Paz's knife's skills are just on point!!!

The scene were they were being followed by those fools. Man when Major finds something, she goes out in style ^^

Her hacking skills are much more improved now. She doesn't get hacked easily like in Arise :P

So Raizo and the commander finally dies off, same with other characters connected to Motoko back then. Batou vs Raizou was soo good!!

The twist at the end, who would have thought kurutsu faked her own death along with the PM. Was disappointed when her fake Motoko body got owned pretty quickly by Major herself. Was expecting more of a fight!

And wow sooo many references!!!

When Major disbanded her team, it's basically similar in the first season!!!!

That end scene!! As soon as i saw the building and the soldiers storming in. I fucking KNEW they would reference the first movie. Right down to the dialogue!!! When Motoko said "Oh is that so?" man what a reference!!!

The only thing i was little disappointed is that Major shot him so many times and that fat guy's head should have blown off even more so like in the original film.

That end scene at the sakura tree. Another nod in 2nd GiG's ending :D

Even used her original look in the original film ^^

I still prefer SAC, but this was a good fanservice movie and nod to the franchise. Really good and fit for the 25th Anniversary of GITS :D

I miss the old cast like Akio Otsuka as Batou, but Maaya Sakamoto as Major was really good. Seeing this movie, they really need to make a game on it!!

Make it like Metal Gear Solid x Deus Ex style. Logicoma is basically Walker Gear in MGSV. Custom loadouts, infiltrate your enemies, sneak past, hacking. It's perfect!!!

I give this an 9/10. Simply amazing!! Arise was kinda off at the start, but got good at the middle. Was expecting it to be like Mardock Scramble seeing Tow Ubukata was involve in this one.

I'll be watching Psycho-Pass movie next. Let's see how both movies stack at each other ^^

I really can't wait to see the next Ghost in the Shell :)
Feb 8, 2016 10:31 AM

Jun 2012
lol the ending was almost exactly the same as the one in
at least we know that both are alternative settings.
Feb 9, 2016 12:47 AM
Jul 2007
I had no idea half the time what some of the political factions' motives were or what they were fighting over. What was the point of submerging her body underwater in a capsule? I guess to block any outside interference like Major from being able open it due to water pressure? This movie felt a little convoluted on purpose. 7/10
eraltergFeb 9, 2016 1:27 AM
Apr 1, 2016 12:49 PM

Oct 2009
Several people in this thread are still confused about where this fits in with other Ghost in the Shell works.

It only fits with the rest of Arise.

There are now four parallel Ghost in the Shell continuities and this movie is only part of one of them.

There's the Shirow Masamune Manga continuity:
Ghost in the Shell Manga
Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor Manga
Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface Manga

There's the Oshii Movie continuity:
Ghost in the Shell (1995)/ GitS 2.0
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence

There's the Stand Alone Complex continuity:
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex TV series
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG TV series
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society Movie

And now there's the Arise Continuity:
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:1 Ghost Pain OVA
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:2 Ghost Whispers OVA
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:3 Ghost Tears OVA
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone OVA
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture's last two episodes which are essentially Border:5 of the OVAs
Ghost in the Shell (2015)/ Ghost in the Shell New Movie (2015)

These continuities are all consistent with themselves and only themselves, most of them contradict each other significantly in certain areas.
Jul 8, 2016 12:23 PM

Feb 2015
I should have watched Arise first.
Aug 27, 2016 8:05 AM

Aug 2011
Overall, GIS is still a great series. Intense with relevant issues and the cast is amazing. Don't know why the changed Mokoto's look, but I feel it took away from the series a bit.
Nov 16, 2016 7:46 AM

Jul 2008
So it ended up being Major vs Major at the end.

For fans of the SAC dub, this was especially poetic and an absolute great nod.

It feels like Mary McGlynn got the sendoff she deserves.

I give this a 7/10 just for that alone.
Nov 25, 2016 11:16 PM
Apr 2014
Was a lot more interesting than I expected it to be.

The plot was pretty deep and intriguing.

The animation and soundtrack were top-notch especially the fight scenes.

Would recommend watching all the arise series before this.
That homage to the first movie at the end was great.
Nov 30, 2016 11:35 PM
Jun 2016
The ending left me feeling really gross and used. I'm glad I didn't pay to watch this because it really tried to bank on nostalgia / existing fanbase. They could have just made a new IP at this point with all the huge changes they made to everything. I guess I just didn't see the need to make ARISE and this movie at all. That's why the ending really rubbed me the wrong way: why try to mash ARISE into the other continuities? It felt like watching a mentally challenged child try to get a square block through a circular hole, expect with a direction and story-writer instead.

The only good part was the english dub using Mary as it tied a couple meta elements together nicely, but again, banked on nostalgia.
Dec 6, 2016 2:46 AM
Jun 2013
I own the arise ova's. Do I need to watch last two episodes of the tv show to enjoy the movie?
Jan 9, 2017 12:33 AM

Mar 2012
In terms of being in line with the GitS we all know and love, this definitely had at times the feel of it. Arise as a whole has been pretty terrible compared to the likes of SAC and the original movies. I'd say out of all of them, this was the best part of Arise.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Jan 16, 2017 4:25 PM

Jan 2017
My thoughts on Arise as a whole

The Arise series is a roller coaster full of ups and downs. The highest is the The New Movie whereas the lowest of the low is Ghost Tears(Arise Border 3/episodes 7 & 8 in Alt. Architecture).

The New Movie has its twists and turns plot-wise that held my attention when I watched the SAC series. Though I did get lost at some points because dialogue and/or visual was insufficient to explain what was happening. The ending surprised me a bit. I never expected it to be a homage to the 1995 movie. That was a cheeky move written by Tow Ubukata and directed by Kazuya Nomura. Nonetheless, I think the ending was a safe way to end Arise after such a bumpy ride the series had become.

Arise made daring moves that placed Ghost in the Shell fans in uncomfortable positions sometimes, but also opened new doorways to portray Public Security Section 9. For me, I did not enjoy watching Motoko's love life in Ghost Tears(hence why it is the worst movie in my opinion) because I don't watch Ghost in the Shell for romance, but for action and a mind-blowing story. On the other hand, the Arise franchise showed what would happen if Security Section 9 and Aramaki were not as friendly as in SAC or Ghost in the Shell(1995) + Innocence, which was refreshing to see.

The Arise franchise is not what some people wanted, but it is a Ghost in the Shell in the roots. The franchise's integrity was skeptical, from bad visuals to introduced foreign aspects(Motoko's romance had more presence than in other series), but Arise ended solidly on a strong movie.
LineraxJan 16, 2017 4:44 PM
Feb 9, 2017 6:39 PM

Apr 2012
Haha 24 hour cherry blossom stakeout.

This was really good, a bit easier on the pacing than Arise but I was kinda feeling mentally exhausted by the end, since it's somewhat longer, but think I kept up. Kept up-to-date with some interesting concepts such as slowing down the pace of technological innovations.

Only thing that I couldn't suspend disbelief for was playing back an explosion, reassembling a camera that was blown in it up enabling you to hack it. Whaaat ????

This served as a nice prelude to the 1995 film series - how is it inconsistent with that timeline? Not counting the credits scene. Apart from the implication that Kusanagi's team weren't part of Section 9 for very long...
Mar 2, 2017 5:29 PM

May 2012
Well this GITS movie sure was lovely, quite intense and with a strong story, I especially loved how they linked that ending together!

Quite liked the overall pacing of this movie as well, so all in all a very good watch if you'd ask me!
RafaelDeJonghMar 2, 2017 6:08 PM
May 24, 2017 10:05 PM

Jan 2009
the plot of this is complex lol i only get that its government vs businesses (of robotics/AI) and the main villain is this woman that is a childhood friend of Kusanagi, that main villain also wants to create some sort cyber heaven where computerize consciousness/soul can live there forever eh

and nice ending scene there showing similarity to the first ghost in the shell movie and it makes people believe this movie is some sort of prequel to the original movie lol
Jan 7, 2018 9:28 AM

Nov 2011
If the OVAs from ARISE have left a bitter taste in your mouth, this film puts much of the wrongs back into place. In the film there are references to scenes already seen in the saga of GITS (as in the final, when the major and others are recalled by Aramaki, when they look at the cherry trees in bloom), but it is only a trifle. The important thing is omnidirectionality that has the story, in which the topics addressed are multiple. Being a film, the quality of the drawings and the backdrops is excellent, as the futuristic solutions that are shown during the narration, this is that it is cyberpunk.

my vote is 9/10.

TopgunUK said:
Several people in this thread are still confused about where this fits in with other Ghost in the Shell works.

It only fits with the rest of Arise.

There are now four parallel Ghost in the Shell continuities and this movie is only part of one of them.

There's the Shirow Masamune Manga continuity:
Ghost in the Shell Manga
Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor Manga
Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface Manga

There's the Oshii Movie continuity:
Ghost in the Shell (1995)/ GitS 2.0
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence

There's the Stand Alone Complex continuity:
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex TV series
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG TV series
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society Movie

And now there's the Arise Continuity:
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:1 Ghost Pain OVA
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:2 Ghost Whispers OVA
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:3 Ghost Tears OVA
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone OVA
Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Alternative Architecture's last two episodes which are essentially Border:5 of the OVAs
Ghost in the Shell (2015)/ Ghost in the Shell New Movie (2015)

These continuities are all consistent with themselves and only themselves, most of them contradict each other significantly in certain areas.

Thanks for the explanation.
Apr 22, 2018 10:54 AM

Apr 2013
Kurutsu had to survive the beginning since she pretty much set herself as the big enemy in the last episode of Arise Alternative Architecture. So that wasn't really surprising. Had a nice ending with that typical GitS scene though.
Dec 26, 2019 6:30 AM
Dec 2019
It was.......a movie

Could've done without whiny teen major

Hopefully we're done with this arise crap for good
Oct 30, 2020 4:24 AM

Jun 2017
I'm not going to lie, I haven't been the biggest fan of AAA but this Movie was pretty good though. A touch of nostalgia with the final couple of scenes too from the two different parallel timelines, I knew they was coming when the "Ara sou?" and the sakura blooms came on respectively.

Got a very SAC feel from how some of the events played out, moreover, so that's another plus. Main villain was pretty much obvious considering how the tv series ended and the start of the Movie further solidified it. But it was nice to see the crew reached the conclusion from the scattered hints.

Animation Quality had its few lows but overall, it's a job well done from Production I.G. imo. Likewise for the Sound Department.

As such, it's getting a solid 7/10 from me. And that marks the end of my GiTS binge, can't say I'm the biggest fan quite but I certainly enjoyed it! SAC 2nd GiG in particular, not going to forget that for a long time, I can at least guarantee that.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jan 27, 2021 11:29 AM

Feb 2020
Now that I am entirely done with all of arise.
I have to say the Arise was a cumulation of bunch of rehashes of original Gits movies and tv series (I cant even count anymore how many times they reused the idea of merging minds and merging with net in single story). Hell, they even went out as a rehash to the original movies beginning.

Not bad, had good action and nice new animation and was engaging for most parts. As for story, it was a mess (u cant tell the what is head or what is tail) not necessarily a bad mess, but not a good one either. Character design were hit and miss (batou, ishikawa, borma and aramaki looked good while mokoto, pazu, togusa and saito looked bad). characters had some personality issue though

Overall this final movie was great compared to other movies
In order of enjoyment
New movie>movie 2>movie 1>Pyrophoric Cult>movie 4>movie 3

One of most disappointing thing of arise is I added no new concept to GITS franchise. I wouldn't recommend arise continuity as the entry point, as its too dependent on other Gits series
AdampkJan 29, 2021 12:07 PM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Oct 12, 2022 5:43 AM
Nov 2010
good movie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 26, 2024 3:22 PM

Sep 2019
Arise never clicked with me when i was watching it after having watched the previous 2 universes, it felt like it tried to build upon SAC with stuff like the Logicomas having those hooks like that ending scene of SAC 1 and other stuff that seems to be building on those older concepts.

Its a cool idea to make an origin story for the ghost in the shell cast, speically cus that is something that isn't present in the Oshii movies and kinda present for some characters ing SAC and SAC 2nd gig, but for the most part it felt like a dumbed down version of GITS, not as much philosophy discussed and it only got good by Border 4, the movie was kinda confusing but still somewhat enjoyable, it was alright, the problem is that just by name is automatically compared to the shoulders of 2 gigants being the Oshii movies and SAC that in my opinion is probably one of the best Science fiction thing/media i've seen ever. They tried to play on concepts from SAC like the relationship of Motoko with that guy but sadly every character aside from the main cast felt like they didn't fit and didn't have enough development sadly.

7/10 for the film and whole series.

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