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Sep 23, 2016 11:11 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, I feel kinda bad for Meiko in this movie.

Ass I found the movie rather moody compared to the previous too..there's a lot of tension. Looking back, it's kinda sad at how the story has become. Takeru also showed a lot of concern for Patamon, not that I blame him though considering how infected Digimon can become..

I think the movie was fine except for the long buildup. A major theme from the movie seems to be more about friendship again so I guess the element of digmon/human bonding was expected. Also felt like the budget went down for this movie compared with the previous ones.

Tentoman and Agumon were MVPS after most of the other Digimons got infected. Hello again Digital World~
Stark700Sep 23, 2016 11:30 AM
Sep 23, 2016 11:50 AM

May 2011
Finally finished and I've mixed feelings to be honest on which cliffhanger would've been worse. Ending with four episodes only or with five like in this case now.

Either way, months of waiting have paid off and really excited for the next one.
Sep 23, 2016 1:11 PM
Sep 2016
imagine a dark seraphimon and dark ophanimon dude, who can stop that....
Sep 23, 2016 1:19 PM

May 2014
I cried. I tried not to. But I cried.
Sep 23, 2016 1:55 PM

Jun 2014
I bawled like a baby!

I felt so bad for Meiko and I really felt her pain being around the others.

I really couldn't contain the tears when

Overall it was a great movie and it had a whole lot of feels - 9/10!

Digimon Forever!

***Side Note*** - Why aren't movies 4, 5, and 6 listed yet for us to add to our lists?
CeissaDesisteSep 23, 2016 2:35 PM
So glad that I'm not a huge manga reader, because the manga readers WHINE WAY TOO MUCH and have to RUIN every adapted anime for the ANIME ONLY WATCHERS!
Sep 23, 2016 2:05 PM
Mar 2008
OK, this movie was probably the best one with a major blast from the past compared to the other two. Just looking at the bond between Humans and their Digimon as well hearing Yamato's Harmonica again, thats how its done. Mistakes were still done but overall......................gnah, let me see the next movie now.
Sep 23, 2016 2:26 PM

Nov 2012
Just watched it. It was the best movie so far and it seems the next one will be even better.
Sep 23, 2016 2:38 PM

Jul 2009
I agree this was the best one so far. 7/10 for me. I feel this whole Digimon Tri would have been better if they have began from this episode right off (adapting it to be an introduction of course). All previous episodes felt very slow and redundant. Anyway, I don't get the twist in the end, I already forgot what that woman did before so I have no idea what was her plan. Kinda disappointing it wasn't Ken at the end. Who was that, Gennai? I feel like the explanations won't be very satisfying.
Sep 23, 2016 3:03 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Tentamon my boy becoming Golden Tentamon...I mean HerculesKabuterimon. I really liked his honesty towards Koshiro(Izzy) and in the end he helped push everyone back in the portal.
Agumon tanking them hits after everyone else became infected, he managed to fend off his infected comrades up until the end when he became Wargreymon.
And Patamon too, that line where he tells TK to finish him off was pretty sad.

The ending is a bit confusing. Just when we think everything is going smoothly, they throw in a plot twist in Himekawa. I had a hunch in the scene where she smirks as she eats a donut that the was probably up to something.

So far we have no clues about the 02 kids but my guess is they may be held captive in the Digital World or some other place.
Those two other Mega like Digimon, I wonder if they are infected.

Sep 23, 2016 3:27 PM

Oct 2008
Brutally honest stream of consciousness Digimon Adventure tri. opinions coming in... Insert spoilers and opinions disclaimer here. Please don't get angry if you liked the movie. I feel really bad for not liking it as it is. Alright?

- First of, oh my God. What did I just watch? They're not even trying with the evolutions anymore, are they? Like that whole Tentomon suddenly becoming Kabuterimon just so that they could show off the AtlurKabuterimon evolution sequence. Yes, I get that they wanted it to be "emotional" and "poignant" but that is NOT the way to handle a new evolution! There really was no weight or impact to it. None at all. HeracleKabuterimon did not get any kick-ass fight sequences or even launch any attacks. What a waste.

- Why didn't Agumon Warp to begin with? Oh, because they wanted to show off the MetalGreymon evolution sequence. That's right. (Though I have to admit it was one of the cooler ones...)

- Also... WTF is with infected MetalGreymon becoming WarGreymon? What was with that? How was that even possible without Taichi's input? Please explain!!! PLEASE SOMEBODY!!! They don't even give a shit about these things, do they? (-.-)

- Didn't they see Hikari get taken over by the Digital World God before? Why is this new to them? What?

- Meicoomon's evolution has boobs. Okay. Will she join the ranks of Renamon? Who knows? (Probably. YES.)

- Reboot? Oh dear, it's the X-Evolution and Tamers movie all over again! (O.o) What are they doing different with this Virus theme? What?

- Finally, we get Angewomon. Geez. Took them long enough. I liked the how the D-3 flashed.

- Where are the 02 kids? NOTHING save for THEY'RE DISAPPEARING. You'd think they'd be a little more concerned!!!

- And the play on emotions... I admit that it was initially handled pretty well. But it became really contrived with all of them having to go through this farewell shenanigans. This is significant for Takeru and Patamon because Angemon sacrificed himself once in the past before. Why that wasn't explicitly brought up and referenced? It would have made the issue feel so much more personal and touching...

- Also, it would have been so much better if we didn't already see this before in the first season! But you know what? At least in that finale, we got to see how they dealt with the grief of parting... TOGETHER.

- Which leads me to the next point... WOW, was that a whole mess of I don't tell you, you don't tell him, you know this, but I don't know that... Urgh. They're all going to find out eventually anyway and haven't they already learned that communication is the key to solving most problems? Heck, Koushiro came up with the back-up plan because Tentomon spilled the beans! But we can't have them actually figuring out a solution together, can we?

- THANK GOODNESS there isn't any cop-out with them getting back their memories at the end of the movie. At least all that emotional buildup wasn't wasted. They're obviously going to get them back eventually (because they need to bait people to watch the movie by shoehorning in more Ultimate evolutions), but at least we're left wondering how for now. I really pray that we get to see the consequences of this before they get their memory back though. Like how they re-develop their bonds to prove their innate friendship.

- Also, was there any emotional catharsis? Everyone was pretty nonchalant at the end. You'd think they'd be feeling a little more depressed and emotional. For some reason, to me, everything feels really hollow...

- I actually kinda liked the buildup. That was actually pretty engrossing. I guess it's because I really want to know... WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON! There really was hardly any development to the mystery this time round save for the bit at the end. Thanks for that. Was that Gennai? Hi there.

- That awkwardly placed BUTTER-FLY in the last episode. It didn't fit the mood at all. No! Bad sound designer! BAD! We're melancholic, not PUMPED. That dissonance and mood-whiplash.

- That random digital gate and no questions of where that D-3 and D-Terminal came from. Was that Kens? They can open digital gates now? That's convenient.

- Where are the Royal Knights? More of them please. Alphamon. SAVE THIS FILM SERIES!!! Oh, there he is. AND JESMON. Now, that was kick-ass. Sad that it was only like what... 2 minutes?

IN CONCLUSION. I am really not liking how they're handling this series. I am losing faith in nostalgia-bait projects... like I had any to begin with. I know that this is a film series, but the balance seems really off. They aren't spending enough time developing things equally and should really devote more time to building up the mystery in each movie more.
ActarSep 23, 2016 3:40 PM
Sep 23, 2016 4:19 PM

Feb 2013
Boring movie.
That ending was more like a new beginning.
Meicoomon was the cause of the infection,cool.
They haven't announced another movie yet, I wonder if they will let it end like this, just when things were actually starting.
Sep 23, 2016 4:19 PM

Jul 2009
I cried so hard omfg. Seeing Patamon and TK crying together just ripped my heart open.
Sep 23, 2016 4:35 PM
Mar 2016
i don't like the first half, but man ... that second half was good (that harmonica by Yamato, i love it), that conversation make me so emotional
Sep 23, 2016 5:12 PM

Feb 2013
This movie really stepped up from the other ones. Hoo boy what a ride.
That crying scene with Patamon and Takeru the feels too strong...

Im so happy they gave Metalgreymon a digivolution sequence, been waiting for that since the first movie.
Everyone ganging up on Metalgreymon... ;-;

Herculeskabutarimon digivolution was simply mindblowing.
Hype was real.
It really was.

When Meiko was too late I honestly laughed. Its horrible I know, but I really dont like her.

Always felt like Himekawa knew too much, and now we know why.
Gennai was hooking her up.

Ulquiorra said:

They haven't announced another movie yet, I wonder if they will let it end like this, just when things were actually starting.

Its already confirmed there are 6 movies
Sep 23, 2016 5:19 PM

Feb 2013
Raydnt said:
This movie really stepped up from the other ones. Hoo boy what a ride.
That crying scene with Patamon and Takeru the feels too strong...

Im so happy they gave Metalgreymon a digivolution sequence, been waiting for that since the first movie.
Everyone ganging up on Metalgreymon... ;-;

Herculeskabutarimon digivolution was simply mindblowing.
Hype was real.
It really was.

When Meiko was too late I honestly laughed. Its horrible I know, but I really dont like her.

Always felt like Himekawa knew too much, and now we know why.
Gennai was hooking her up.

Ulquiorra said:

They haven't announced another movie yet, I wonder if they will let it end like this, just when things were actually starting.

Its already confirmed there are 6 movies

I didn't knew that.
They aren't on MAL though.
Sep 23, 2016 5:47 PM

Dec 2011
I think they got the feels right, but I also think they could've done better (fuck you Toei). And they clearly can't make the Digimons use special moves because of the budget, this sucks so fucking much.

There were some things that made me upset this time:
- I was already concerned about the other '02 adventurers, but the fact that nobody from the main cast is trying to contact them, even after the school incident, doesn't make ANY sense.

- Possessed Hikari scene wasn't good, they should've worked better in that part.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 23, 2016 6:09 PM

May 2015
decent I guess if not for my childhood I wont watch this
the ending just made me wanna choke the wirters
Sep 23, 2016 6:36 PM

Jun 2008
I'm a little bummed that this movie barely had much Koushiro in it. He was only relevant in one episode! This was supposed to be his moment to shine and it all gets lost in a mixture of battles and other character drama. Sigh, well that's just my Koushiro super fan biased anyway side of things lol.

The movie itself was good, I thought it was the weakest of the 3 so far but it was still an enjoyable watch.
Sep 23, 2016 6:43 PM
Sep 2012
So Geni was the villain all along, I knew even since his debut he was nothing about trouble. LOL

I knew for a while this movie was going to be depressing, things were not going to work out. The feels, and Tentomon. No Tentomon, when he made the sacrifice I could barely watch.

Though it did have some funny moments, like Gomamon asking Joe if his girlfriend, and I am not alone, by the end of this we better meet Joe's girlfriend, so far we have seen the back of her head.

And as I watching the thought occurred to me, I think the end villain at the end is going to be Meiko and Melccomon. I think Meiko is going to become the new Digimon Kasar. Those that saw the last Equestria Girls move, a girl like Meiko getting corrupted by darkness and becoming evil is a very scary thing.

And second movie in a row Himekawa gave an evil look in one scene, what is up with her? We have seen enough scene from her prospective, that I don't think she is secretly evil, or at least not fully evil. But we find out in the end, she knows Geni, I doubt she is secretly a Digimon all along, or not human. I am thinking whoever knows Geni from the past, is inside her.

And on a side note, Mochizuki's parents, I think we all thinking the same thing, her father looks way older than her mother, married a younger woman, good for him I guess. If this was dubbed 10 or 20 years ago, they would probably have changed Mochizuki's dad to her grandfather. But that is just what I think.

I enjoyed the movie, even though it is depressing as hell, and we still don't know what happened to the other Chosen Children, and I guess that included the kids from the world tour. I hope the French girl is okay, she was nice
Sep 23, 2016 6:45 PM

Mar 2009
In Digimon 01 it was the Digimon partners that were waiting for kids to come. Here the kids now grown up came to search for their partners.

I had no idea Meicoomon is a female ._. I was fooled, but at the same time Leomon doki doki moment should have been a hint.
Shame that Mei was late, they are probably going to find a way to get her back into the digital world. Her partner might be the only one possessing memories.

Whats the deal with Gennai and that lady now? She entered digital world too, what happened to 02 cast now? Dead? Erased?
Sep 23, 2016 7:00 PM

Sep 2015
80% of teen down movie
2% fight
5% plot
13% confession itself

and the only so called 02 kid just i troll genai
Into the Internet!
Sep 23, 2016 7:01 PM

Jun 2014
It's nice to see digimon again! Based on enjoyment I would give it 8/10.

I'm just curious if Himekawa has something to do with disappearance of 02 kids. Let's just say she call the 02 kids first into digital world, they're beaten, and she took their D3 and D-terminals. She also have access to digital world and relationship with that guy (is he real Genai?) and I think Meicoomon has something to do with them too.
SeangelSep 23, 2016 7:10 PM
Sep 23, 2016 7:08 PM

Feb 2013
xJapaliicious said:
I think they got the feels right, but I also think they could've done better (fuck you Toei). And they clearly can't make the Digimons use special moves because of the budget, this sucks so fucking much.

There were some things that made me upset this time:
- I was already concerned about the other '02 adventurers, but the fact that nobody from the main cast is trying to contact them, even after the school incident, doesn't make ANY sense.

- Possessed Hikari scene wasn't good, they should've worked better in that part.

You didnt see Takeru and Hikari visit Ken's house?
Yamato was also concerned about Ken's well being when he talked to Himekawa.

Jeez all these people complaining about no explanation about the 02 cast.. Try to pay attention to the movie it already addresses it.
Sep 23, 2016 8:14 PM

Dec 2015
A (sometimes too heavily) moving chapter, leading to a few confirmations and revelation. Better balanced than the second movie but featuring a disappointingly high number of evolution sequences,
The lack of clear informations / progress coupled with the fact that we are again receiving the main info as a cliff-hanger can be irritating since we have now reached 50% of the content.

Other points:
- the Hikari/Tailmon scene at the vending halls was nice *_*
- Angewomon [Make-up Mode] was making her look ugly.
- the Hikari possessing godly entity was not my thing at all. I think something like that already happened in 02 and it wasn't very good back then either.

Enjoyment: 4/5
Score: 6.5+/10 Now that Maki has succeeded in getting the children back in Digital World and that she went to Gennai, what awaits us?

Is Jesmon Hackmon ultimate level? (we had a glimpse of Hack in the middle of the movie and still ignore his motivations)

@Actar Aren't they told that Ken is okay? They might assume that he's under custody/protection.
About the D3 allowing sliding to the Digital World, wasn't it always one of their functions?

Why are people complaining about the lack of special attacks? Do you want the TV Digimon gimmick back, where the child had some enlightenment unlocking a new evolution followed by a few seconds showcasing the new form and finally wrapped up with the finishing move? I can't say I am missing that formula, especially for movies.
Rei_IIISep 23, 2016 9:21 PM
Sep 23, 2016 8:46 PM

Apr 2013
Let me start this off by getting something off my chest. *ahem*

I think my favorite moments of the movie was with Gatomon--shocker. I knew she'd be the first to catch on, and thus had to explain it to the others who were somehow clueless as to what Maki meant. She looked really torn about it, too--no surprise there. She and memories don't have a... great relationship between them, in a way. So the scene with her and Kari just hanging out at the mall hit me in the feels a lot. Not the the other scenes of the Digimon hanging out with their partners didn't, either, those were so precious. It just hurt seeing it.

This was definitely worth the wait. Pacing still sucks in some places, but I was pleased with what I saw. Shit's getting real.
Sep 23, 2016 9:38 PM
Nov 2012
Most of this stuff was mentioned earlier, but there were just quite a bit of things that just don't seem to add up/were kind of a stretch that annoyed me in this movie:

-The evolution mechanics are kind of all over the place. I mean I remember in 02 they gained the power to achieve their highest forms without the crests, but I thought that was temporary, well whatever.

-But then the crest were necessary to open up the portal. Okay, I remember in Adventure the idea was the crest were also within them, but then 02 described how they had to release the power of the crest to help rebuild the digital world or something.

-It was weird to see Digimon just start randomly digivolve. Metalgreymon to Wargreymon just kind of happened, and Tentomon just kind of skipped Kabuterimon to become MegaKabuterimon.

-Why did no one question why Himekawa had the dark D3 which we've only seen Ken have at this point? Well maybe they'll put two and two together by the next film.

-Speaking of Ken, why don't they seem more fazed him or the other 02 kids are missing/gone? I mean they went to his house and they were told Ken was "alright." But haven't the 02 kids been gone for months now? I would've guessed at least Davis went to school with Kari and T.K. and they would've noticed his absence. Oh well.

-Poor Leomon, mentioned only in passing. Who knows if he'll ever come back.

Anyways, the tension was okay and it was nice to see the gang enter the Digiworld (wasn't sure if that would happen or not). Another five or so months to the next film.
Sep 23, 2016 9:57 PM

Jun 2015
I really enjoyed this movie much more than Ketsui. It had me on the edge of my seat and whewwwwwwing.
Sep 23, 2016 11:09 PM

Sep 2011
Most boring out of them all, sadly. A new start with their Digimon. I wonder if they'll remember later on.
Sep 23, 2016 11:10 PM
Oct 2014
The. Best. Movie. So. Far.

Can't wait for the next sequel!
Sep 23, 2016 11:35 PM

Sep 2014
Ok,the first 3 episodes of the movie were mostly social interactions and foreshadowing what was going to happen.Patapon became infected and even bite Takeru,when he had lost his sanity for a little.The 4th episode of the movie though was beyond great.This must be the best and most intense Digimon episode I ever watched friends fighting friends and fighting Meicoomon at the same time,which was so strong that he was able to take on everyone at once.And the last resort HerculesKabuterimon finished the job at the end and the reboot made every digimon to lose their memories.About the last episode and the ending I have mixed feelings about the all starting from scratch thing again.It takes the beauty away from the previous series.I loved though the little confrontation between Alphamon and Jesmon.I hope the next movie will be even better than this.
Sep 23, 2016 11:48 PM

Mar 2012
Raydnt said:
xJapaliicious said:
I think they got the feels right, but I also think they could've done better (fuck you Toei). And they clearly can't make the Digimons use special moves because of the budget, this sucks so fucking much.

There were some things that made me upset this time:
- I was already concerned about the other '02 adventurers, but the fact that nobody from the main cast is trying to contact them, even after the school incident, doesn't make ANY sense.

- Possessed Hikari scene wasn't good, they should've worked better in that part.

You didnt see Takeru and Hikari visit Ken's house?
Yamato was also concerned about Ken's well being when he talked to Himekawa.

Jeez all these people complaining about no explanation about the 02 cast.. Try to pay attention to the movie it already addresses it.

The characters so far have only asked about Ken, and we only know the rest of the 02 cast is missing because of the first episode and the fact that we see in the "digidestined tracking screen" thing that Cody/Iori is missing. The weird thing is that, aside of Ken, they haven't mentioned the rest of the 02 cast, nor tried to contact them.
Sep 23, 2016 11:53 PM

Mar 2012
Turtles_Leader said:

In the end, it was nice. Maybe because I'm not super critic about the Movies. I just watch that as a divertissment

That is crucial: the story is so-so, with a bunch of plotholes, and the animation is cheap as hell, but is has been a nice little nostalgia trip. Just hoping for a decent ending, and that all the main story lines get properly addressed.
Sep 24, 2016 12:28 AM

Oct 2012
Ulquiorra said:
They haven't announced another movie yet, I wonder if they will let it end like this, just when things were actually starting.

They've announced the new movie "Digimon Adventure tri. Sōshitsu" to be released February 25, 2017. Source: ANN

5 months of wait...
Sep 24, 2016 1:05 AM
Nov 2015
Loved it! Best movie of the series so far. so emotional and nostalgic, not to mention the story is getting intense!
Sep 24, 2016 1:31 AM
Mar 2014
Who was the person at the end, anyways? I can't remember them.
Sep 24, 2016 3:33 AM

Jul 2015
That Angewomon is fucking hot
Sep 24, 2016 4:01 AM

Oct 2008
Turtles_Leader said:
For skipping kabuterimon, it's more of a montage decision. They just showed the Tentomon > Kabuterimon evolution scene like 5 minute earlier. Since the first film, even if they transform more than once, each evolution sequence is only shown once, and in shortened. To me that's a good thing. Man, having the same digivolution sequence over and over, sometimes several times in an episode seemed ok back then, but it's clearly not anymore. Seriously, to me that's nitpicking.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I wasn't annoyed that they didn't show Kabuterimon's evolution sequence again. I'm annoyed that they don't use Warp Evolutions, which would have solved everything. One of the only reasons I can think of is that they want to shoehorn in every single evolution sequence on-screen for the sake of it.

Rei366 said:
Why are people complaining about the lack of special attacks? Do you want the TV Digimon gimmick back, where the child had some enlightenment unlocking a new evolution followed by a few seconds showcasing the new form and finally wrapped up with the finishing move? I can't say I am missing that formula, especially for movies.

Er, YES? It's like having a Pokemon anime without any Pokemon battles. Or Macross series without a dog fight. It's one of those things that makes Digmion, Digimon... You know, the Digimon!

The feeling of triumph, the feeling of hope, the feeling of never giving up and persevering. That is what has been sorely missing. The awe. The spectacle. The feeling of emotional catharsis.

At this point, Cyber Sleuth has been giving me a much more Digimon experience than this film series. (If you're curious, check this Cyber Sleuth spoiler-filled video out:

As it is, the first movie remains to be my favorite in terms of structure and emotional investment. These movies have only been on a steady decline for me since then.

Like I said, if they wanted to make this a worthwhile rollercoaster ride of emotions, they should really have made this movie about Takeru and Patamon. That's all it needed to be, with references to Angemon's sacrifice thrown in. Seriously, that is an absolute no-brainer.

Instead, they had to bring in everyone else as well and they couldn't even develop their stories well because of the split focus and the whole "I don't tell you, you don't tell him" nonsense. Not to mention, the absolute lack of any follow-up on how they handled their grief.

Throw that in with lack of plot movement, nonsense battle mechanics and a lack of focus on the Digimon, and I hope that you can at least see why this movie didn't work for me.

I really feel bad for not liking this movie, I really do. I feel that it's my obligation as a die-hard Digimon fan to eat all this up. But I can't. I won't.
ActarSep 24, 2016 4:30 AM
Sep 24, 2016 4:39 AM
Oct 2014
I think we should discuss more about the story.

Though the story is getting more intense... Wait, don't you think this is a plot hole:
Sep 24, 2016 4:41 AM

Dec 2014
It was pretty good though not as good as the other 2 movies, Felt lacking in the action department but definitely made up on the emotional side.

Patamon and Takeru moments were really emotional.

Tentamon and Koshiro were always my favorites, I loved the way he spoke out to Koshiro telling him that he treasured the time with him was really hearfelt, HerculesKabuterimon was epic, Just wish he had much better action sequences
Random WarGreymon transformation after infection was a bit odd.

I liked the whole buildup towards the reboot with all the digimon pushing Meicoomon into the distortion, Really had a very poignant feel to it.

So glad they played the instrumental version of the OP when they were gonna travel to the digital world. :D
Digital World did feel kinda nostalgic, The art style is completely different though.

Feels like everything is just beginning.
Sep 24, 2016 5:36 AM

Nov 2014
So watching these 3 boring movies full of cheap teen angst has finally paid off.

Hope the next movie finally shows something about the season 2 characters...
Sep 24, 2016 6:13 AM

Jan 2011
bennysiahaan said:
I think we should discuss more about the story.

Though the story is getting more intense... Wait, don't you think this is a plot hole:
Yeah a big plot hole, or you know, the reboot fucked them up, since they already noted something was off with the rebooted Digiworld.
Sep 24, 2016 6:19 AM
Oct 2014
Turtles_Leader said:
bennysiahaan said:
I think we should discuss more about the story.

Though the story is getting more intense... Wait, don't you think this is a plot hole:
Agumon don't remember Taichi, even if he saved him during the Hikarigaoka incident.

In which episode did you see Agumon not remembering Taichi?

ReaperCreeper said:
Yeah a big plot hole, or you know, the reboot fucked them up, since they already noted something was off with the rebooted Digiworld.

I like how you say it.
Sep 24, 2016 6:21 AM

Feb 2008
Someone this ending left me a WTF but then I saw a 4th movie announcement .

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Sep 24, 2016 6:36 AM
Oct 2014
Turtles_Leader said:
In the first, compared to the movie. They even suppose that it was another koromon. He doesn't remember Hikari either, but she remember him (episode 28 or 31, idk, the one done by Mamoru Hosoda).

And Tokomon/Patamon doesn't remember Takeru after Angemon returned to the digiegg lvl, against devimon (ep 13 and further).

I just checked every episode that you mentioned and is related to Koromon/Agumon-Taichi-Hikari scenes, but there doesn't seem to be any scene that shows either Koromon/Agumon not remembering Taichi or Tokomon/Patamon not remembering Takeru, not even in the very first 01 movie.
Besides, Koromon/Agumon and the other Digimon were already connected to their Digivice when they were in DigiEgg. There should be no way that they wouldn't recognize their masters.
Sep 24, 2016 7:15 AM

Oct 2008
Meh. There are way too many inconsistencies in this movie series for me to bother nitpicking anymore. The rules flew out the window a long time ago and the fact that they're refusing to explain ANYTHING just rubs salt into the wound. I'm refusing to consider this series canon no matter what anyone says. I think I'll be able to "enjoy" them much better this way as well. (-.-)
Sep 24, 2016 7:54 AM

Dec 2015
@Actar I understand now what you see in them but I never felt that the presence of an animated [u]special[u] attack during a battle was the proof I was watching a story about Digimon. (maybe because I was considering them simply as a signature finishing move because of the game and anime series)
Sep 24, 2016 7:59 AM
Oct 2014
Turtles_Leader said:
Seriously. Koromon appear in the movie, he save Taichi and hikari by turning in Agumon then Greymon. All the 01 kids see the fight, that why they become the DigiDestined. Then, in the first episode of adventures, None of the digimon knows the kids. In one of the episodes, the one done by Hosoda, where Taichi goes back into Japan after beating etemon, He goes back in his house and meet Hikari, that knows Koromon (because of the movie). At the time, Taichi ask why she knows Koromon, and she refer to the movie, and they suppose maybe it was another koromon, since he doesn't remember any of those stuff. But by the logic of Digimon, that the children and their Digimon are linked, it has to be the same, either way, he couldn't have turned to Greymon.
Umm in the first episode they DID recognize the kids, saying "I've waited for you!" or something among those lines. I can't see which part you'd think that the Digimon didn't know them. Also, if Taichi said it was another Koromon that once came to Hikarigaoka before all of those, then it REALLY was another Koromon, which wasn't Taichi's. The very first movie was only the beginning and introduction to the existence of Digimon, which left an impression to all the Chosen Children.

Turtles_Leader said:
there are a few occasion where Tokomon or his Baby I form don't act as he don't recognise Takeru. I clearly remember a scene where he want to run from takeru.
You mean when it reverted back to Poyomon? I mean, how would you think it was supposed to do to show that he recognized Takeru? Babies can't talk.

Turtles_Leader said:
Plus the fact that digimon forget everything when they return to the egg stage is canon in every Digimon thing. At best, they can have a feeling they somehow were supposed to be together, like Tailmon, but no remembrance
I can understand what you're trying to say. Okay, maybe they can forget the kids' names while still having the feeling that they were supposed to be together, like Tailmon did. But what I meant was they clearly don't have any idea of who the Chosen Children are. They are like completely random strangers they just met there, asking "Who are you?" with frightened faces, obviously not caring about who those people are.
Sep 24, 2016 8:24 AM
Oct 2014
Turtles_Leader said:
bennysiahaan said:
I can understand what you're trying to say. Okay, maybe they can forget the kids' names while still having the feeling that they were supposed to be together, like Tailmon did. But what I meant was they clearly don't have any idea of who the Chosen Children are. They are like completely random strangers they just met there, asking "Who are you?" with frightened faces, obviously not caring about who those people are.
This is exactly what I mean. They can feel they belong together, like in the first episode. They know them without ever meeting them. they know they're supposed to be together, but never spend one second with each other. So if you revert them back, they aren't supposed to have any memory left. At best a feeling, like in the first episode.

But that their bond was created (the flashback when hikari is possessed by the light/god thing). And Since Digimon revert to egg when they die, there was a time where they weren't associated with each other. So if the digital world rebooted, there is no reason for the digimon to either remember or feel the kids. (But yeah, in a way, they will find a way to recreate that link.)

And for the Poyomon thing, Montimon remember koushirou when he is in the weird field.

Looking back at how two ultimate level Digimon, Alphamon and Jesmon, fought, I don't think the kind of reboot that was done actually made all Digimon back to DigiEgg. That's why Koushirou was wondering about this, if the reboot really 'rebooted' the entire Digimon World. And then Jou added something related to how they can grow very quickly. That, or reboot never happened in the first place.

Perhaps, what they mean by 'reboot' is actually "Cutting off the connection between real world and Digimon world that's been developed for so long and CHANGING THE HISTORY".

Yet, Meicoomon still remembers Meiko-chan.
bennysiahaanSep 24, 2016 8:27 AM
Sep 24, 2016 8:57 AM

Jul 2013
If Gennai and that other bit...chick have killed/tortured kids from 02, I'm fine with it. Meiko should be the next. I just want to see the original kids.
Sep 24, 2016 9:25 AM

Nov 2011
I didn't sign up for feels but that's what I got.

I think Jesmon is probably a part of the Royal Knight too, Alphamon trying to get rid of Meicomon probably because he know what trouble it bring. I wonder why they are fighting thpugh.

Why are they gonna do with these level of digimons? Need to grind really really bad if they want to get back to their former level.

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