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Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower
May 13, 2018 12:02 PM
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Yeah I remember you talking about a job in an elementary school. Having to work too much sucks. It's what I dread the most in this world, in my selfish and lazy way.
I understand. School can feel like a drag once you get out of it. For me it feels like a drag when I'm in it too.XD What does physical therapy entail exactly?
I'm thinking of writing my way out of an academical career but you need to be super lucky to sustain yourself with just writing, so it's highly probable that I won't see an end to school for a long time to come.
It's been like when you graduate you rarely see your friends from high-school again.
Spring's usually my time of depression. This year I'm trying to avoid that and attend all the classes I took (I need to graduate sometime XD). But, it's not very easy, I'm retaking Japanese, Chinese and Ottoman besides two hard history classes that has tons of readings every week. Apparently my level of Japanese is so advanced that the teacher's preparing me for the proficiency exam and I'm not attending the regular classes XD. In my spare time I dabble with future worries.
What're you up to Testy?
And yeah, I was the same. I mean, I enjoyed 13 don't get me wrong, but 13-2 was overall easier to understand and felt a bit lighter for it, so it was fun to play through.
You know, I actually liked 13-2 XD I thought it was pretty cool (and the MUSIC), so I'm kind of hoping I'll like LR just as much.
And I can relate to being busy with work, I wish bills payed themselves.
Not got LR yet I'm afraid! I'm gonna check how my finances are when I hopefully get paid from my second job next week, and if rent doesn't take it outta me too much, I might grab it. But I already got Dangan Ronpa for the Vita this month, so I might have to wait 'till next month to pick it up.
please try out the manga
Yeah, I hope she won't die either, I'd like at least one female agent to not leave the show in a body bag you know?XD I'd imagine they will replace her to keep the 4 field agent dynamic going, I just hope they pick someone good if they do decide to have someone else join the team.
I wonder who'll replace her though??
Oh, by the way, if I take my time replying to you on anything, it's because my friend and I just moved into our new place, but we don't have ne there yet. I'm ok this week since I'm at home doing my parents a favour, but after that it could be a while before I can get online again. I'm not ignoring you, I swear!
I lost touch with bunny/puree after they trashed animetunes too. And I'm not on facebook very often so I can't talk with any of you guys as much as I did.