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Jun 17, 2016 4:59 PM

Oct 2015
I see some of the older post here wishing for takumi to be alive but guys cmon it aint going to happen. If it does happen it will be as a kabane/ biba bioweapon cause there is no way a normal human would survive a shot like that.

Sad to see him go :(

that cliffhanger thou.
Jun 17, 2016 5:07 PM

Jun 2016
It's time boyz and girlz! Plot device where somehow Ikoma removes his neckpiece thingey, goes full Kabane yet still retains his humanity and will probably be able to control a Kabane Colony and ends up fighting a genetically modified Mumei. Called it.

But still, what an episode, I had a feeling things would go bad, but this bad with 2 episodes left? This better not be a cliffhanger.
Jun 17, 2016 5:08 PM

Sep 2011
Everything feels forced. Biba is still the shittiest villain ever. Story had such a great set up and we're following it with a trash-tier villain that wants revenge on his father. How boring. Zzzz. The episode was okay, but it's just meh now.

Xenlai said:
Disappointed. Biba is as plain as a loli chest and Ikoma as weak as a loli punch.
"Let's destroy humanity because my daddy abandoned me 10 years ago". Jeez what a character, I'm so thrilled.

Was expecting this show to be about humanity against all odds. You know, fun stuff. Instead we get humanity against

Literally my exact thoughts when this 'villain' got introduced lol.
Jun 17, 2016 5:16 PM

Sep 2015
Lmao. Someone literally made a "what if MC dies" thread a couple days ago. Welp.

Pretty good episode, just more building towards a big finale. I hope Ikoma didn't actually die. Biba can die any time now, I'm waiting.
Jun 17, 2016 5:26 PM

Jan 2011
Phoebe3315 said:
BlazeWho said:
Fuck chibi cough cough fuck Jacob cough cough
Hmm? I understand being mad at chibi, but why Jacob? He's still enjoying the series quite a bit though the cliches (mainly the mind control drug) bothered him, which is understandable. I know they have advanced technology and stuff, but the mind controlling still felt slightly out of place. Although I'd prefer it to get explained somewhat, it won't really bother me as long as it seems like it only works on Mumei. As Mumei has spent a lot of her life with Biba, it's not too hard to believe he has a way to control her to some extent with drugs considering how much she grew to like him.

Are these guys anime bloggers?
Jun 17, 2016 5:36 PM

Jan 2008
Well, that was depressing. And with Takumi's death and Ikoma losing his dominant arm, doesn't look like they'll ever show that epic group stance at the end of the opening, with all the main cast characters about to face hell outside of the train front. This show started off strong, but with two episodes left, doesn't look like we'll get a satisfactory ending. This is starting to go down the same shit show path just like Aldnoah Zero went matter how awesome the music and animation, it won't be enough.

Mumei is as naive and dumb as ever. If I were her, I would have taken that knife out of Biba's hand saying "sure I'll do it", only to use the very knife to stab him and be done with it. A cool kick-ass character reduced to an immature girl constantly having her string pulled like a puppet, time and time again. If she was going to rebel, should have done it from the get go instead of "don't wanna anymore" like her evil handler brother will actually listen to her after all the atrocities she's already witnessed him and his crew carry out previously.
Estoy_GordoJun 17, 2016 5:46 PM
Jun 17, 2016 5:39 PM

Apr 2013
I can't believe Mumei stuck around for Biba even after last episode's events, I thought she was going to be locked up or something. She's one of the worst heroines I seen in a while and that's really rare for me.
Jun 17, 2016 5:46 PM

Jan 2011
4kicks said:

Mumei is as naive and dumb as ever. If I were her, I would have taken that knife out of Biba's hand saying "sure I'll do it", only to use the very knife to stab him and be done with it.

Then she runs to Ikoma, professes her love for him, roll credits.
Jun 17, 2016 5:50 PM

Jul 2012
QWERTYFish25 said:
Phoebe3315 said:
Hmm? I understand being mad at chibi, but why Jacob? He's still enjoying the series quite a bit though the cliches (mainly the mind control drug) bothered him, which is understandable. I know they have advanced technology and stuff, but the mind controlling still felt slightly out of place. Although I'd prefer it to get explained somewhat, it won't really bother me as long as it seems like it only works on Mumei. As Mumei has spent a lot of her life with Biba, it's not too hard to believe he has a way to control her to some extent with drugs considering how much she grew to like him.

Are these guys anime bloggers?
Chibi is a popular reviewer on YouTube, Jacob is the one reviewing the series on Anime News Network. I think their opinions are pretty good for the most part, though Chibi got too upset over Biba and the beam last episode.
Jun 17, 2016 5:56 PM

Jul 2015
I think Ikoma is fine...but...this episodes feels hit me like a train.
I really feel bad for Takumi, as he is one of my favorites in this anime.
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Jun 17, 2016 6:30 PM

Jan 2011
Phoebe3315 said:
QWERTYFish25 said:

Are these guys anime bloggers?
Chibi is a popular reviewer on YouTube, Jacob is the one reviewing the series on Anime News Network. I think their opinions are pretty good for the most part, though Chibi got too upset over Biba and the beam last episode.

The problem I think I have with anime reviewers is the sometimes OCD like desire for consistent mechanics. If an attack throws the MC 25 feet into the air one time they're raging about it only throwing them 24 feet the next time, and 23 the third. I mean I get where they're coming from but one guy literally ragged on something like this for about 26 minutes before.

I tried to listen to Digi and he makes awesome points about the meta, what made Chivalry of a failed knight better than Asterisk and the brerakdown of SAO but there are times when he gets bogged into shit that is otherwise vapid as fuck I mostly look at as exception attention to detail mostly, but there are times where I'm like. *sigh* Still great overall.
Jun 17, 2016 7:07 PM

Jul 2010
A mediocre show got turned to worse the second Biba got introduced, is there seriously someone who gives a fuck about this guy? Oh and Mumei just keep getting worse too....
Jun 17, 2016 7:13 PM

Aug 2013
4kicks said:
Mumei is as naive and dumb as ever. If I were her, I would have taken that knife out of Biba's hand saying "sure I'll do it", only to use the very knife to stab him and be done with it. A cool kick-ass character reduced to an immature girl constantly having her string pulled like a puppet, time and time again. If she was going to rebel, should have done it from the get go instead of "don't wanna anymore" like her evil handler brother will actually listen to her after all the atrocities she's already witnessed him and his crew carry out previously.

Darn these brainwashed 12 year olds, can't even make proper judgement calls. What's the world coming to?
Jun 17, 2016 7:21 PM

Oct 2011
Omg Eren nooooooo😭😭😭
Jun 17, 2016 7:43 PM

Jan 2013
I can't believe that this episode wasn't better...Mumei did even worse. Like how? I mean she saw Biba killing innocent people and capturing her friends and she still did nothing and stayed in the train and obeying him? wtf is wrong with her... :/ Best character ruined :/
Wondering how they will bring Ikoma back...
Can't believe they ruined this anime like this, it was a 10/10 for me, it was getting so good before Biba's appearance.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jun 17, 2016 8:06 PM

Nov 2012
B3=Biba best billain. Am I right?

Someone need to slap Mumei's face since last episode to wake her up. Now that she got drugged, the slap must be twice harder.
Jun 17, 2016 8:09 PM

Mar 2013
Tyrel said:
Everything feels forced. Biba is still the shittiest villain ever. Story had such a great set up and we're following it with a trash-tier villain that wants revenge on his father. How boring. Zzzz. The episode was okay, but it's just meh now.

I'd say the main villain from the Code Geass OVAs puts up some stiff competition.

Although perhaps you could argue that Biba is more bland since the other guy is flamboyant as fuck due to it being Code Geass and all, but if the main sticking point is how weak their motives are then I'd say Shaing takes the cake.
Jun 17, 2016 8:11 PM

Sep 2011
fst said:
Tyrel said:
Everything feels forced. Biba is still the shittiest villain ever. Story had such a great set up and we're following it with a trash-tier villain that wants revenge on his father. How boring. Zzzz. The episode was okay, but it's just meh now.

I'd say the main villain from the Code Geass OVAs puts up some stiff competition.

Although perhaps you could argue that Biba is more bland since the other guy is flamboyant as fuck due to it being Code Geass and all, but if the main sticking point is how weak their motives are then I'd say Shaing takes the cake.
Ugh, yeah. They're both pretty terrible. I can't stand the guys motive for wanting to destroy everything—humanity included basically. The directors sure turned this to shit fast. I forgot when he was introduced, but man, barely half of the show, I think?
Jun 17, 2016 8:17 PM

Jan 2011
I've had some worries about developing an evil character for my story but one thing I have decided was to ensure the main villains don't fall into that basket.
Jun 17, 2016 8:43 PM

Aug 2013
Best buh Takumi died. nooooooo.

Mumei getting caught was dumb as hell. Like stop focusing on the plebian guys who cant possibly catch up to you and gtf outta there. That one guy who beat her and Ikoma was nowhere near her when she started making a break for it, but had time to show up out of nowhere while she was showing how much stronger she was than doctors.

After this episode I've just accepted the fact that Ikoma sucks. Makes no sense how a dude with a super strength body is one of the weakest fuckers in the group. He has the body of a Kabane, but the with his human traits in tact...meaning he has a Kabane's super strength and healing factor. Yet he needs his steam gun, almost always gets beat down in fights, acts like every wound is a mortal wound, needs his friends to take bullets that wouldn't have killed him.

Like, being a good guy character with smarts and a strong sense of justice doesn't really fuckin mean much when you suck at everything. And it boggles me that the guy who soaks up knowledge, and became a self-made science prodigy and Kabane expert couldn't learn how to fight properly and use his body.
Jun 17, 2016 8:51 PM

Oct 2009

Mumei doing the Leroy Jenkins act TWICE and now THIS?!! D: I-I-----I *sigh*

and Biba.... wtf. wtf. wtf. what a drama queen king wtv. >_>

I'm sure Ikoma won't die, but I wonder how he's gonna get out of that mess.

EXFalchion said:

At least American accent dude is still alive. At this point I'm expecting him to be killed off too, lol.

LOL NOOOO! Don't kill GAIJIN-SAMA!! noooooooo D:

Jun 17, 2016 9:06 PM

Jun 2015
the first decent episode.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jun 17, 2016 9:12 PM

May 2015
Thug_Gou said:

Mumei doing the Leroy Jenkins act TWICE and now THIS?!! D: I-I-----I *sigh*

and Biba.... wtf. wtf. wtf. what a drama queen king wtv. >_>

I'm sure Ikoma won't die, but I wonder how he's gonna get out of that mess.

EXFalchion said:

At least American accent dude is still alive. At this point I'm expecting him to be killed off too, lol.

LOL NOOOO! Don't kill GAIJIN-SAMA!! noooooooo D:
YES, HIM! Have you seen his hair and glasses? He clearly deserves to die for that.
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Jun 17, 2016 9:17 PM

Oct 2009
zal said:
Thug_Gou said:

Mumei doing the Leroy Jenkins act TWICE and now THIS?!! D: I-I-----I *sigh*

and Biba.... wtf. wtf. wtf. what a drama queen king wtv. >_>

I'm sure Ikoma won't die, but I wonder how he's gonna get out of that mess.

LOL NOOOO! Don't kill GAIJIN-SAMA!! noooooooo D:
YES, HIM! Have you seen his hair and glasses? He clearly deserves to die for that.

he's the KKEEEWLLLIIIYEST! cause it's not a wig!

Jun 17, 2016 9:49 PM

Mar 2013
Tyrel said:
fst said:

I'd say the main villain from the Code Geass OVAs puts up some stiff competition.

Although perhaps you could argue that Biba is more bland since the other guy is flamboyant as fuck due to it being Code Geass and all, but if the main sticking point is how weak their motives are then I'd say Shaing takes the cake.
Ugh, yeah. They're both pretty terrible. I can't stand the guys motive for wanting to destroy everything—humanity included basically. The directors sure turned this to shit fast. I forgot when he was introduced, but man, barely half of the show, I think?

Yea, there's something to be said for the amount of suck that Biba has managed to inject into this show in about 3 episodes worth of appearances.
Jun 17, 2016 10:24 PM

Jun 2013
I feel like this series peaked hard with the battle against the fused colony. That encounter, for all of its weaknesses was at the very least epic, exciting and had great music. I feel like everything since has been dull by comparison.

Personally I think that the series shot itself in the foot for trying to introduce the human villains with so little time to properly develop them. For a 12 episode series, sticking to just the Kabane would have been better.
Jun 17, 2016 11:05 PM
Jun 2013
Great episode. Very fast-paced and nice action all throughout the episode. I just hope Ikoma's comeback would be somewhat believable. That looked like a checkmate but hopefully the plot armor would make some sense. Really can't wait for the finale where hopefully Biba died some horrendous death.
Jun 17, 2016 11:31 PM

Aug 2014
Angry_Always said:
Why all the hate on Mumei?!?! She actually had the strength to deny the older brother she had been brainwashed into idolising because she cared about the people on the Koutstsujou! She was forced to attack Ikoma! Also, she has never wanted anyone to die, she was mislead last episode.

Also RIP Takumi, just when I started to love you :( Hoping for a Kurusu and Ikoma team up now to go take down Biba!!!

The hate on Mumei is justifiable because after watching all the Carnage that Biba caused in the station due to Mumei's "accident" (Murder, she knew what she was getting into). She walks back to Biba, and tries to look for an explanation on a Massacre!!! MASSACRE!!! She even tries to get a deal out of Biba to not harm the others, but we know Biba wants the strongest to survive and purges out the weak which she should have figured it out by now. Yeah, she had the strength, but it was useless like always! Now, I am not mad about her stabbing Ikoma because she was brainwashed, but because of her character!! Here I thought, we would have a strong female lead, but it turned out to be a HUGE disappointment
Jun 17, 2016 11:46 PM

Jan 2015
oh no he took a bullet for his best friend. wait whats his name again? oh well hes dead no need to learn it.
Jun 18, 2016 12:33 AM
Oct 2010
bluray VOL 1 already preordered
bluray VOL 2 already preordered
bluray VOL 3 i wont preorder until BIBA DIES!
Jun 18, 2016 1:58 AM
May 2013
Darklight0303 said:
Some more elaboration on Biba's past from the Prequel Novel or The recent Newtype article

“12-year-old Biba was used in the standoff between those who advocated the suppression of Kabanes, and the moderates who wished to run away and hide from them. In order for the moderate side to get rid of the advocates, Shogun Amatori created an army of 400,000 and made his son, Biba, the supreme commander. However, the Shogun had planned to let them die anyway. He did not send the reinforcements he planned to send, and left the army out to be annihilated. Kurusu’s father was part of the 400,000 and was killed during this time.

This proved to be the opportunity the moderates needed, as society began to shift to created strong, sturdy stations to barricade themselves in. Biba somehow survives the catastrophe, but is forced to take all the blame of the loss. He was stripped of his status, disinherited by the family, and placed in the Karikatashu. From there, he spends the next 10 years finding out who framed him, which led to his actions last week.”

Thanks for this. I actually would be interested in seeing this backstory. How they survived those earlier years after the betrayal, without the highly developed weapons and stuff they now have; obviously his current research team was not part of the original lot deployed. Those had to be some harsh years. And having to deal with the knowledge that his own father sacrificed him. There really isn't much, if anything sadder/more devastating than this kind of betrayal, is there? He was so young then too.

Obviously his highest ranking group of hunters were the ones left standing. No need for any 'brainwashing'. What led to his twisted state is not far-fetched at all. Day after day of being out there, either fighting off kabane or fleeing from them. I wonder if the stations they passed through had enough food to willingly share with them.. did they eventually have to take by force? Yeah, they would have to. They were seen as renegades, I'm sure some feudal lords who had word would have turned them away, even if food supply was not a problem, and no way were they helping with giving him able bodied men. They would want them inside the stations to defend it should an attack occur. Hmm..more fuel for his hatred. Revenge was his driving force, and along the way, humanity cast aside. Taking by force. That was the only way for him to survive and move towards his goal of revenge. I also see another group loyal to him, without needing to go through an indoctrination program; Some of the men who had their loved ones killed by kabane or their own people, like in Mumei's backstory; Their lords couldn't protect them, or worse still, made off by themselves, etc.
Jun 18, 2016 2:03 AM

Dec 2010
RIP Takumi.

The stars are aligniing so well for Kurusu's intervention. He's going to steal the show, that's for sure.
Jun 18, 2016 2:21 AM
May 2013
Takumi's death was sad. I liked him.

I wonder how Kurusu will make his return from his currently MIA status.
Did they show the hayajiro from the previous station being destroyed? The tracks to Kongokaku obviously intact, so he could possibly travel by means of the locomotive?
And get Ikoma along the way.
Jun 18, 2016 2:49 AM

Jul 2012
Jaslen said:
Darklight0303 said:
Some more elaboration on Biba's past from the Prequel Novel or The recent Newtype article

Thanks for this. I actually would be interested in seeing this backstory. How they survived those earlier years after the betrayal, without the highly developed weapons and stuff they now have; obviously his current research team was not part of the original lot deployed. Those had to be some harsh years. And having to deal with the knowledge that his own father sacrificed him. There really isn't much, if anything sadder/more devastating than this kind of betrayal, is there? He was so young then too.

Obviously his highest ranking group of hunters were the ones left standing. No need for any 'brainwashing'. What led to his twisted state is not far-fetched at all. Day after day of being out there, either fighting off kabane or fleeing from them. I wonder if the stations they passed through had enough food to willingly share with them.. did they eventually have to take by force? Yeah, they would have to. They were seen as renegades, I'm sure some feudal lords who had word would have turned them away, even if food supply was not a problem, and no way were they helping with giving him able bodied men. They would want them inside the stations to defend it should an attack occur. Hmm..more fuel for his hatred. Revenge was his driving force, and along the way, humanity cast aside. Taking by force. That was the only way for him to survive and move towards his goal of revenge. I also see another group loyal to him, without needing to go through an indoctrination program; Some of the men who had their loved ones killed by kabane or their own people, like in Mumei's backstory; Their lords couldn't protect them, or worse still, made off by themselves, etc.
I agree with you, thanks for your thoughts. :) With this, I think Biba's actions are understandable. Unfortunately, the info regarding his backstory was pretty vague this episode, so I really hope they make it clear soon so fewer people complain about his motive being stupid.
Jun 18, 2016 3:19 AM

Jun 2014
Takumi! No!
Poor guy.

This was a pretty damn good episode!
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Jun 18, 2016 3:24 AM

Feb 2016
I was getting excited when everyone gathered together and was pushing through like it was nothing but then again it's studio wit so you have to expect plot twists. I'd say we have reached the point now were everyone thinks that eren, I mean ikoma is dead so that he may have a typical shonen hero like comeback.
Jun 18, 2016 3:28 AM

Feb 2010
am i the only one that finds this protagonist annoying as hell?! :ll Started off promising, then spiraled down to shit

Jun 18, 2016 3:44 AM

Sep 2015
ElectricRed said:
Angry_Always said:
Why all the hate on Mumei?!?! She actually had the strength to deny the older brother she had been brainwashed into idolising because she cared about the people on the Koutstsujou! She was forced to attack Ikoma! Also, she has never wanted anyone to die, she was mislead last episode.

Also RIP Takumi, just when I started to love you :( Hoping for a Kurusu and Ikoma team up now to go take down Biba!!!

The hate on Mumei is justifiable because after watching all the Carnage that Biba caused in the station due to Mumei's "accident" (Murder, she knew what she was getting into). She walks back to Biba, and tries to look for an explanation on a Massacre!!! MASSACRE!!! She even tries to get a deal out of Biba to not harm the others, but we know Biba wants the strongest to survive and purges out the weak which she should have figured it out by now. Yeah, she had the strength, but it was useless like always! Now, I am not mad about her stabbing Ikoma because she was brainwashed, but because of her character!! Here I thought, we would have a strong female lead, but it turned out to be a HUGE disappointment

I agree with your disappointment of her not retaining her 'badass' composure she had at the beginning of the series. When Biba was introduced she returned to her doting ways. Like I said and you know already, she has been mentally manipulated almost her entire life by this man.

In a world of death and terror, innocent people dying is akin to an owl hoot at 7 AM, that is why she may have reacted the way she did. She wanted there to be some inescapable reason why her brother she idolized did such a thing. When she realized he didn't, she began to turn on him.

That is why I still like her character. The writers could have easily made her hold her tongue and continue to believe in her brother and I would understand after his manipulation but that didn't happen, she actually saw him for what he was which I was thinking was impossible considering how she's been seeing him perfectly up until now.

About the massacre anyhow, I think my reason for not blaming her entirely is that line she spoke when knocking out that guard. 'I better not kill anyone or Ikoma would yell at me' she says it sarcastically and with a smile. From that I think two things, one, she didn't expect anyone to die, two, she hadn't turned on her friends at that point.

I'm kind of surprised at the amount of hate she is receiving to be honest. I can name characters far worse that everyone in the fandom has forgiven for deliberately cruel acts because they are 'kawaii'. Mumei, I believe, actually has valid reasons for her actions :/
Jun 18, 2016 3:51 AM

Nov 2011
just checked the preview again - seems like Ikoma's hand didn't grow back :( aaawww, that sucks!

I'm just so disappointed at this point. Episodes 1 and 2 were pure epicness, 3-4 were great, in 5-6 they started introducing unnecessary stuff - like hybrid colonies and people started acting stupid, ep 7 was okay for a moment of reprieve and then... things went downhill really fast.

I gave the show a 10/10 after the first 4 eps. I even took the time to translate them into Polish for my father (who dislikes anime in general) and he liked them. But with how the show is now... I won't show him the rest.

MondayBlues said:
am i the only one that finds this protagonist annoying as hell?! :ll Started off promising, then spiraled down to shit

I don't find Ikoma annoying. His character is very inconsistent. In the first ep he completes a revolutionary weapon. In the second ep he dragged himself with a couple of kabane chewing on him to the lever. Then he cleared the train roof, then killed the wazatori, improved the weapons of his people, then devised a sensible plan to clear the tracks... and this was his peak. He failed to rescue Mumei from under the rocks (had a few bad ideas), although he did protect her from the kabane. But later on all he does is getting beaten like a weakling.

In the last ep, I hoped that he would at least rip off his collar, enter rage mode and kill some of Biba's men after losing his best friend... and/or maybe grab Mumei after she stabbed him and jump out seeing Biba is OP. That would have been cool and smart. But he failed completely and utterly instead.
linchpinJun 18, 2016 4:12 AM

Bonus space for you and me with this link! Now 500MB per referral, up to 16GB from referrals alone.
Jun 18, 2016 4:06 AM

Jan 2009
Wow, they just killed the best bro of the show...
Jun 18, 2016 5:10 AM

May 2009
Baka-Hiru said:
Uh look at the genre. It says shounen. Is there really an MC that "permanently dies" and be removed from the plot in shounen? Correct me if i'm wrong cuz I haven't seen much anime but still that's my conclusion from experience.

Shounen is demographics of manga and not genre. This is anime original.
Jun 18, 2016 6:05 AM
Jun 2016
Shit I'm done with this anime. Hate the plot. Hope you guys have fun.
Jun 18, 2016 6:39 AM

Jul 2012
bastek66 said:
Baka-Hiru said:
Uh look at the genre. It says shounen. Is there really an MC that "permanently dies" and be removed from the plot in shounen? Correct me if i'm wrong cuz I haven't seen much anime but still that's my conclusion from experience.

Shounen is demographics of manga and not genre. This is anime original.

Yes you are correct, the word "Shounen" is actually a demographic but is also considered as a general genre in anime. I should have said "Shounen anime" or "Shounen-anime" to be more clear on my intention. My bad dude...I should not have used it as a single word cause a few people will have difficulty understandig.

Well as your a fellow member of MAL, what I was referring to was the genre being displayed at the left corner under Information where they sometimes put the word shounen type of shounen. For ex.
Jun 18, 2016 6:45 AM

Aug 2010
So pissed off while wathcing this episode...

Only two more episodes left. Where is this show going.
Jun 18, 2016 7:31 AM

Oct 2014
After this , I'll become a huge monster hahaha! -Ikoma
Jun 18, 2016 7:33 AM

Apr 2008
I guess this means that Ikoma will come back later with a bionic arm and working for the Russians.
Jun 18, 2016 8:03 AM
Jul 2011
Best Bro died, kind of expected it especially when he had those multiple death flag bonding moments earlier. Wonder what signinance of him grabbing that green stone will be since he is so seperated from Ikoma now.

Biba revelation of motive is glorified daddy issues, way to go guy. /s

Meanwhile Kurusu is hiding the shadows...waiting to save this anime (who am I kidding).

Can't believe Mumei used to be referred to as "female Levi", lol, what a joke she have become.
Jun 18, 2016 9:23 AM

May 2009
Baka-Hiru said:
bastek66 said:

Shounen is demographics of manga and not genre. This is anime original.

Yes you are correct, the word "Shounen" is actually a demographic but is also considered as a general genre in anime. I should have said "Shounen anime" or "Shounen-anime" to be more clear on my intention. My bad dude...I should not have used it as a single word cause a few people will have difficulty understandig.

Well as your a fellow member of MAL, what I was referring to was the genre being displayed at the left corner under Information where they sometimes put the word shounen type of shounen. For ex.

It's still not shounen anime. It's not for young boys beacuse it airs late night and contains gore.
Jun 18, 2016 9:38 AM

May 2015
bastek66 said:
Baka-Hiru said:

Yes you are correct, the word "Shounen" is actually a demographic but is also considered as a general genre in anime. I should have said "Shounen anime" or "Shounen-anime" to be more clear on my intention. My bad dude...I should not have used it as a single word cause a few people will have difficulty understandig.

Well as your a fellow member of MAL, what I was referring to was the genre being displayed at the left corner under Information where they sometimes put the word shounen type of shounen. For ex.

It's still not shounen anime. It's not for young boys because it airs late night and contains gore.
Since it contains gore it is rated as 17+ but that doesn't mean it isn't a shounen. I think its main demographic are still teenagers/young boys.
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Jun 18, 2016 9:39 AM

Aug 2008
zal said:
bastek66 said:

It's still not shounen anime. It's not for young boys because it airs late night and contains gore.
Since it contains gore it is rated as 17+ but that doesn't mean it isn't a shounen. I think its main demographic are still teenagers/young boys.

If there's no training arc it aint no shounen.
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Stark700 - Jun 30, 2016

621 by degenerate-2002 »»
Mar 2, 10:49 PM

Poll: » Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Episode 6 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - May 19, 2016

547 by degenerate-2002 »»
Feb 28, 6:30 AM

» First time watcher

thelavaleffel - Oct 22, 2024

9 by thelavaleffel »»
Oct 22, 2024 5:02 PM

Poll: » Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Episode 9 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Jun 9, 2016

525 by Ricky16 »»
Sep 15, 2024 11:16 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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