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Jun 9, 2016 6:49 PM

Apr 2015
This show has been fun to watch, if not particularly original. But throwing in this crappy villain and his ridiculous plan really makes me wonder if the rest of the series is really worth watching.

A better story might have been them being refused entry into the capital (very likely) and then having to fend for themselves on their single train in the chaotic world.
Jun 9, 2016 6:50 PM

May 2013
Really bad episode, I don't like all this super powers.
They completely change the tone of the anime.
Jun 9, 2016 7:04 PM
Jan 2016
I like that Biba is basically Ikoma in ten years. They share identical beliefs, advanced weapon technology, and pursue medical technology to further understand the kabane virus; only real difference is that Biba's gone off the deep end and forcibly removing the "tools that keep us safe" (paraphrasing from Ikoma's monologue in episode 1) to force everyone to fight. I just hope that Ikoma offers something more substantial than "I'll never be anything like you" when confronted with this fact.

I'm starting to wonder if KnK also took inspiration from Claymore, given how wildly powerful the kabane virus (dat laser breath, Horobi needs to learn to brush) and their penchant for making female kabaneri.

CerberusGate said:
If they wanted to make Biba evil, they ought to make him a pragmatic vilain. Kill off the leaders of the town, release the Kabane and save them when everything is at their worst. That would earn him some more brownie points with the people and allows him to recruit more people to his cause of destroying the apparently inept Shogunate. BUT NOPE! He causes more deaths and creates more Kabane. I'm sure 'nothing' could go wrong if one relies on a horde of ravenous, bloodthirsty zombies creatures!

EDIT: Okay, Biba conscripts the survivors. But from what I can tell, they're all aware that he caused the Kabane attack. I'm pretty sure that having resentful and disloyal soldiers will make for 'great' soldier material!

It's not that he's aiming to become the leader or continue to earn brownie points with the people, it's that he's given up on saving people and now wants to force them to save themselves; in order to achieve that he's going to kill the leaders and destroy the walls that allow people to live in hiding while relying on others to protect them.

Doesn't make him any less insane, but it does make sense he wouldn't care about loyalty when he's trying to create a world that can survive without relying on people like him.
MysteriousBananaJun 9, 2016 7:12 PM
Jun 9, 2016 7:04 PM
Aug 2010
I facepalmed, the worst episode of the season, this is now the worst anime of the season.
Jun 9, 2016 7:15 PM

Mar 2012

Mumei biggest derp of the season
Jun 9, 2016 7:20 PM

Jul 2009
Well, Biba's pure evil. A complete villain. There's no going back from this. How he can even justify this is a mystery. But I guess he's the type that believes sacrifices are necessarily. Ironic since that's probably exactly what the Shogun felt when he betrayed him. But what Biba has done is arguably worse than the Shogun (even if we don't know the complete story there)

Such scum. I'm really hoping Mumei pulls her shit together because there's no way these foolish humans should be able to hold her. Unless she continues cowering in a corner crying in denial.
Jun 9, 2016 7:24 PM

Jul 2012
Damn. Biba has no chill but at least he's making things pretty cool at the least.
Jun 9, 2016 7:26 PM
Apr 2015
As expected when the studio was trying to make Biba become a villain.
From this episode and the next episode's PV, it look like Biba will do something to test Ikoma's blood.
So I'm assuming Ikoma will get new power.
Jun 9, 2016 7:26 PM

May 2016
Allow me to ask...Why are people calling this the WOST episode of the series?

Is it because of the "IMA FIRAH MAH LAZER" kabane powers?

Is it because Mumei is being the naive child that she is once again?

Is it because Biba is confirmed evil to the core of the core?

I'm not questioning peoples opinions...I just sincerely don't know the reason, since nothing really bothered me to that extent...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jun 9, 2016 7:29 PM
Sep 2015
MysteriousBanana said:

It's not that he's aiming to become the leader or continue to earn brownie points with the people, it's that he's given up on saving people and now wants to force them to save themselves; in order to achieve that he's going to kill the leaders and destroy the walls that allow people to live in hiding while relying on others to protect them.

Doesn't make him any less insane, but it does make sense he wouldn't care about loyalty when he's trying to create a world that can survive without relying on people like him.

The problem is that he simply becomes loony Hitler in a world that is falling apart with followers that obey him despite the harm to the general populace. He's doing everything an idiotic evil leader does; creating resentment in unwilling subjects, being increasingly obvious on how evil he is and giving reason for his less willing subordinates to betray him for the final episode.

All this seems to bring about the usual story in a zombie show which is humans are the real monsters except Biba is not acting human in any way. He's acting like a terrible third-rate villain with no understandable rationale or proper reason for his actions (and his survival of the fittest idea is bullshit since he himself chickens out when Horobi proves to be stronger than him - he was definitely afraid of her when she was inches away from him (cue significant sweat on his face) and only survives all because she still loved him and hesitated from stabbing him).

If the show stuck with showcasing how the main characters are surviving in a post-apocalyptic world and the dynamics of being trapped together with monsters at their walls while focusing on characterization, it would be a decent watch. Even Ikoma being presented as a researcher could have gone far in characterization with him attempting to understand Kabane biology through experiments on corpses and his fellow Kabaneri rather than shouting all the time. I do agree that Biba does represent a darker route Ikoma could have taken with Kabane research but the big difference is that Ikoma's trauma and past would not have made him into loony Hitler.

Now however, this is the most overrated anime of the season and I'm only watching the rest to see how it all falls apart.
CerberusGateJun 9, 2016 8:31 PM
Jun 9, 2016 7:30 PM
Apr 2016
he just toss people aside, even those close to him.....
Jun 9, 2016 7:30 PM

Jan 2011
Darklight0303 said:
QWERTYFish25 said:
I can't really say I felt much from this episode. Normally I like the parts of the series where shit completely falls to shit and the impenetrable fortress gets overtaken and long-standing characters die but this gave me a tad of a meh felling. May be the execution, I figured Biba's betrayal would feel more genuine but this came off as typical. Felt like a LN at times. I gather he wants to militarize the entire population while simultaneously getting back at the Shogunate for betraying him years ago. He does a 9/11 to heat people up and convince them there is no safety behind wall nor place for the weak or some shit. I guess it is somewhat sensible. Though his killing of the guards who tried to run to safety on his train felt a bit dumb, and only there to emphasis the asshole factor. I'm getting a bit worried or the story but I can't expect much since it is 12 eps. And even with 24+ episodes they drags hit out 70% of the time. The action was OK, at least.

6.5/10 overall

Didn't really sense much other than the typical Oujo-sama compassion.

Apart for the very first episodes I feel they kinda let up on the bully on him, replacing it was showing his reliability as a fighter. Unfortunately they seemed to keep him with the fuckstick wide-eyed-idealist role, which is hard to like for me in most situations, even when it's 100% right. Suzaku from C.G. was more likeable because they were constantly challenged and broken in front of him until he had to make a compromise.

Suzaku? Likable? Hahahahaha bullshit

I will say he was angsty as fuck. But at the very least his character seemed a tad built up. Ikoma is one of the more likeable idealists. But meh kinda reminds me of Yuu from Owari.
Jun 9, 2016 7:30 PM

Dec 2015
First off - R.I.P Hobori your performance today was spectacular.
Second- I know Mumei is like 12 or 13 but is she really that naive lol
Third - patiently waiting on Biba to die a very horrible death. (Hopefully by the hands of Mumei or Ikoma)

Other than that excellent ep
Jun 9, 2016 7:35 PM

Jun 2015
It was like watching Attack on Titan lol, even with the human "titan" smashing the wall just like in Attack on Titan.
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Jun 9, 2016 7:44 PM

Mar 2014
Itachi_0893 said:
I facepalmed, the worst episode of the season, this is now the worst anime of the season.

I'm going to guess you havent seen Big Order by that statement
Jun 9, 2016 7:48 PM

Jun 2012
Well this episode happened then. The MC screaming everything he says is starting to annoy me though. And is it just me, or does he seem really weak for a Kabaneri? If he ever does do something cool, it's with his gun.

Anyways, I figured Biba would kill the leadership, but letting all the Kabane in to slaughter everyone is crazy. Also mega zombie Horobi doom lazer, haha. Really liked the tension between the Shogun and Biba's rebellion (I guess) forces. I figured this would just be some boring "save the world from zombies" anime but it's quickly turning to something I really like.
Jun 9, 2016 7:53 PM

Jul 2009
Lol a Zombie shooting lasers and a guy cutting a iron cable with a dagger, how cute.

And I thought this show had a glimpse of hope, oh well, this show turned to have the same level of Big Order, Mayoiga, Ragnastrike, Onigiri and Seisen Cerberus.
Jun 9, 2016 7:54 PM

Jul 2013
Such a waste, Horobi's character was really cool but she sadly ended up becoming more of a plot device to destroy the wall and also showcase Biba's concealed fear :(

I'm assuming Mumei will be the next black cloud but with more durability after Horobi's test run, and the final conflict will be bringing her back to her old self while stopping Biba's tyranny. If that does happen it'll be kind of a bother to watch because I loved watching Mumei kicking ass, not needing to be saved! But she's still great either way. I'll probably keep my eye on Ayame and Kurusu because they both seem pretty cool too and I bet they'll have a few badass moments in the future.

Ikoma on the other hand, I stopped caring about him after like episode 1 because all he does is yell self-righteously lol. God his character annoys me. He's like Eren from SNK but with the unnecessary intensity cranked up to the max.
Jun 9, 2016 7:56 PM
Aug 2010
UmbraIra said:
Itachi_0893 said:
I facepalmed, the worst episode of the season, this is now the worst anime of the season.

I'm going to guess you havent seen Big Order by that statement

I'm watching it but I know what I get into while watching it (it's so bad, that is funny), but this anime was so hyped that is terrible that it turned into such mess.
Jun 9, 2016 7:56 PM

Mar 2012
block1 said:
Mumei is just plain ol' stupid to the core, isn't she?

^she just stands there asking "why?", it took her to the end of the liberation to realize that her brother isn't who she thought he was
Jun 9, 2016 8:02 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Darklight0303 said:
FragOutFire said:
Why is it always social-darwinism?

what's even the point of showing the blue-blood girl regained her composure at the end? is it supposed to be tragic?

this show has gotten pretty dumb

Remember what she told Biba before she was turned. That she was afraid because Biba was affraid. And he denied it. The fact that she made him genuinely sweat proved how true that claim had been and she seemed to be happy with that outcome since she proved she knew him better than he would care to admit.

That's at least one interpretation from her expression and previous scenes.
Did you watch Chibi's "review" of this episode? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this

For some reason a lot of people are hating on this episode and I really don't get why lol
Jun 9, 2016 8:02 PM
Mar 2016
Some People here are dumb & don't know what writers are aiming for....
The real Enemy of people are not zombies but people.
In the time of serious crisis people turn on each other. more to come in season 2 or 3.

Some The walking dead approach....
This show took ideas from many other show.So what it's not trying to be original in the 1st place.

You don't like it & yet it's episode 9 you haters are still watching it.
This studio made AOT, A successful studio don't give rat as#s about what you haters think.

In the end, how much money a studio makes matters.
Xion69Jun 9, 2016 8:15 PM
Happy watching
Jun 9, 2016 8:22 PM
Jan 2016
CerberusGate said:
(and his survival of the fittest idea is bullshit since he himself chickens out when Horobi proves to be stronger than him - he was definitely afraid of her when she was inches away from him (cue significant sweat on his face)

To be fair, there aren't many stories that portrays a villain who's right. Usually their ideology is right but their methods are flawed or both their ideology and methodology is flawed, rarely do you get an ideology-is-flawed-but-methodology-is-right antagonist (only one I can think of is... "Maou na Ano Ko to Murabito A", but that's a comedy).

If the show stuck with showcasing how the main character are surviving in a post-apocalyptic world and the dynamics of being trapped together with monsters at their walls while focusing on characterization, it would be a decent watch.

Yeah, I would've liked a pure survival-horror story instead of the typical shounen action in a zombie setting as well, but I suspect it would need to be a 24-episode series or a one-shot movie for that story to really work out.
Jun 9, 2016 8:26 PM

Jul 2012
What's That?!!'s.....It's.... It's an AAAANGEERRRUUUU!!!!

AAAaaargh!! Damit BIBA! can you be anymore stupid! Keep a very naive girl close to you, damn clueless of the actual mission, then give her the most crucial objective of the mission!

You have all the loyal subordinates willing to die without a second though for your cause and clear on mission objectives (Especially the cute chick who turned into an Angel) .....but just ahppen to keep a clueless idiot beside you. That's a DEATH FLAG! on your mission man. Get rid of her ASAP.

Who the Hell told me Mumei is Brainwashed?! WHO! You call that brainwashing? The idiot doesn't even know what she's doing. Everyone of Biba's men have undying determination and absolute loyalty and clearly not brainwashed.

Mumei needs to follow her example

I'd rather cheer on the team that shouts LIBERATION!! than ROCK ON SHOUJO!!
Jun 9, 2016 8:28 PM
Sep 2015
Xion69 said:
Some People here are dumb & don't know what writers are aiming for....
The real Enemy of people are not zombies but people.
In the time of serious crisis people turn on each other. more to come in season 2 or 3.

Some The walking dead approach....
This show took ideas from many other show.So what it's not trying to be original in the 1st place.

You don't like it & yet it's episode 9 you haters are still watching it.
This studio made AOT, A successful studio don't give rat as#s about what you haters think.

In the end, how much money a studio makes matters.

I think calling critics with valid concerns dumb is a pretty dumb action on your part, being unable to make a coherent sentence while typing is dumber and defending a studio that produces overrated shows is dumbest of all. (And yes, Attack on Titan was an overrated show, get used to differing opinions)

If they wanted to follow The Walking Dead and make it that humanity is the real monster, they could have done it in a more subtle and creative way like factions of differing but valid opinions on the train rather than introducing a two dimensional villain who will only encourage cooperation between hostile people in order to oust the villain. Hell, they could have even made a town filled with bandits that rob trains that enter for much needed supplies and that would portray how humans turn on each other for survival better than what they have now.

The only reason I'm watching this is the same reason I look at a train-wreck. It's a spectacle, a grim one with a lot of wasted lives, but a spectacle nonetheless.

Also, even if a studio makes money, being regarded as a company that makes poor quality shows is still a stigma few would wish to bear.
Jun 9, 2016 8:29 PM

Sep 2011
Honestly, ever since Biba's appearance, the show has gone down in value for me. He's just a stupid "I want revenge" character. Nothing worse than that. Also, Mumei's a dumb bitch. Lmao.

In the end, terrible 'villain'. 5/10 episode.
Jun 9, 2016 8:31 PM
Jul 2014
Was a cool episode.
I wasn't crazy about Mumei before, but Big Sean and E-40 have a song that expresses my current opinion of her...
Jun 9, 2016 8:32 PM

May 2016
Tokoya said:
Darklight0303 said:

Remember what she told Biba before she was turned. That she was afraid because Biba was affraid. And he denied it. The fact that she made him genuinely sweat proved how true that claim had been and she seemed to be happy with that outcome since she proved she knew him better than he would care to admit.

That's at least one interpretation from her expression and previous scenes.
Did you watch Chibi's "review" of this episode? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this

For some reason a lot of people are hating on this episode and I really don't get why lol

I can understand Chibi's point about the Beam...But you could also say that his problem comes from his own expectations and impressions of the anime. HE thought that the anime was going to be Realistic Zombie Survival with Trains and then got mad when the anime didn't go with what he was thinking. Since so many people compare the Kabane with Zombies, they get the impression that Kabanes won't go too far from the standard Zombie, and now they're disappointed with the anime cuz of their own mistaken assumptions.
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jun 9, 2016 8:37 PM

Mar 2015
Little sister's eyes begin to open.

Big brother may be in deep trouble soon...;)
The sword that takes life gives life
Jun 9, 2016 8:37 PM

Jan 2009
so the final form of a Kabaneri can shoot energy blast eh, thats freaking cool lol
Jun 9, 2016 8:41 PM

Jul 2012
Tokoya said:
Darklight0303 said:

Remember what she told Biba before she was turned. That she was afraid because Biba was affraid. And he denied it. The fact that she made him genuinely sweat proved how true that claim had been and she seemed to be happy with that outcome since she proved she knew him better than he would care to admit.

That's at least one interpretation from her expression and previous scenes.
Did you watch Chibi's "review" of this episode? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this

For some reason a lot of people are hating on this episode and I really don't get why lol
Yeah...I don't think the hate on this episode in particular is really deserved. I mean, given the last episode people already knew Biba would be the main villain, and even if he's cliche I still consider him a good villain for making things more epic and interesting. We still don't know exactly why he's doing this, but I think he suggested it's not just for being abandoned 10 years ago but also because of the Shogun's actions during the past 10 years?

Anyway, Mumei has always made it clear how much she likes Biba so while it's understandable people are upset with her in this episode her actions made sense, she's still well written, and she's not brainless. I also think everyone is making too much fun of the beam Horobi shot. It could very well be explained just as the fused colony was, but if not, well...anything can happen when someone is injected with a large dose of refined super monster fluid.
Jun 9, 2016 8:42 PM

May 2016
Baka-Hiru said:
What's That?!!'s.....It's.... It's an AAAANGEERRRUUUU!!!!

AAAaaargh!! Damit BIBA! can you be anymore stupid! Keep a very naive girl close to you, damn clueless of the actual mission, then give her the most crucial objective of the mission!

You have all the loyal subordinates willing to die without a second though for your cause and clear on mission objectives (Especially the cute chick who turned into an Angel) .....but just ahppen to keep a clueless idiot beside you. That's a DEATH FLAG! on your mission man. Get rid of her ASAP.

Who the Hell told me Mumei is Brainwashed?! WHO! You call that brainwashing? The idiot doesn't even know what she's doing. Everyone of Biba's men have undying determination and absolute loyalty and clearly not brainwashed.

But Baka-Hiru, In that case Mumei was a crucial piece of the operation. Why you see, the guys were not allowing men to enter, only woman or children. That's why Biba sent Mumei, a girl child, cuz who would've doubt a child at first right? Just to clarify, it wasn't safe to just sent a grown woman like Hiromi cuz they would still be suspicious of her, so only a child would do...

Also, It isn't wrong to assume that Biba picked up a child for his army with that possibility in mind...
HyperLJun 9, 2016 8:57 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jun 9, 2016 8:43 PM
Nov 2012
Crazy episode but so disappointed by the twist. I rather see this society and how it behaves rather than immediately watch BIba burn it all down. give me more of that human intrigue.

Crazy episode but disappointing when you take a step back.
Jun 9, 2016 8:59 PM

Jan 2011
I got a slight feeling from that smile Biba gave Ayame a the ep before he may try to make her his bitch. Could make it more interesting but Her body guard is a tad meh.
Jun 9, 2016 9:00 PM

Jul 2012
HyperL said:

But Baka-Hiru, In that case Mumei was a crucial piece of the operation. Why you see, the guys were not allowing men to enter, only woman or children. That's why Biba sent Mumei, a girl child, cuz who would've doubt a child at first right? Just to clarify, it wasn't safe to just sent a grown woman like Hiromi cuz they would still be suspicious of her, so only a child would do...

Also, It isn't wrong to assume that Biba picked up a child for his army with that possibility in mind...

Yeah but what I'm pointing out is the fact the she's clueless of the real mission (and also that shitty acting skills) ....She's become more of a burden actually. It's like you can only use her once. Can't help but feel that Biba's going to have a headache just trying re-educate her to make her mission ready.

I'm just saying that you cannot be half-assed when it comes to an important team mission especially when it comes to war.

Naive minds like her are so easily manipulated by the enemy jeopardizing the safety of the entire mission and the lives of their team.
Jun 9, 2016 9:02 PM
Jan 2013
Good action.
Muh human are real enemy, totally not a ripoff.
This will end up like Aldnoah zero, overhyped at beginning only.
Jun 9, 2016 9:05 PM
Aug 2014
I really really like the introduction of a villain like Biba. It shows that characters good-hearted like Ikoma can prevail in a post-apocalyptic world and not everything is lost. Though it will probably be Mumei who takes down Biba.
Jun 9, 2016 9:10 PM

Jul 2015
Poor Horobi I was really liking her
Jun 9, 2016 9:13 PM

Jan 2009
looks like the promise of Ikoma making Mumei human again will become true after all since the scientists have this white blood cure for the Kabane virus, i hope Kurusu gets as much technical info on the cure from that chief crazy scientist lol

that white blood cure maybe the answer too on how to stop all Kabane infection/epidemic
Jun 9, 2016 9:24 PM

Oct 2014
HyperL said:

I'm not questioning peoples opinions...I just sincerely don't know the reason, since nothing really bothered me to that extent...

The execution is forced, predictable and dull. It can excite teenagers, but if you're aware of the execution of the tropes, it's a really lame way to do things.

I've been okay with the show, but this episode was the worse, since the way it was executed was downright dumb.

Wait, so they got telecomunication technology? (15:10) Goddammit, they would've used it on ep 1 to know the other station was overrun and avoided the original invasion. With the trains delivering goods all around japan, I see no reason to believe technology can't be transported for the benefit of mankind, like jet bullets. And I know they could've been monopolizing that technology, but ffs show give us that information at least.

This show is a trainwreck for me now :/ Mumei, you're inmature, but you're the worst.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jun 9, 2016 9:29 PM

Jul 2010
Tyrel said:
Honestly, ever since Biba's appearance, the show has gone down in value for me. He's just a stupid "I want revenge" character. Nothing worse than that. Also, Mumei's a dumb bitch. Lmao.

In the end, terrible 'villain'. 5/10 episode.

You said it, couldn't agree more. and Human vs Humans.... geez like we haven't seen that before a million times.
Jun 9, 2016 9:38 PM
Mar 2014
i dont think this episode is bad but like previous ep they show too much predictable moment and somehow mumei is stupid
At least we can see biba's hunter squad is not under govements/shogun ,they just a group who want to join with biba so this is reason why their inventions,tech like motocylce,mortar,white blood (cure) .. is not popular in this wolrd
Jun 9, 2016 9:45 PM

Sep 2014
Originally I was on the fence of calling Biba a bad guy last episode, and more of a twisted anti-hero... but holy shit Biba is bat shit insane.

Also what the fuck was that beam from horobi I was thinking something like a cero from bleach LOL

Very fun episode for the most part
Jun 9, 2016 9:59 PM

Jul 2013
WTF was this shit!? This episode was so stupid.
Jun 9, 2016 9:59 PM

Dec 2013
Biba is completely ridiculous. WTF!

Dat hyper beam lmao
Jun 9, 2016 10:00 PM

Feb 2014
This is getting really out of hand, why the fuck did that zombie thing just shoot an energy laser. lol
Tokoya said:
adapatations are not supposed to be carbon copies of source materials and until the anime community in general can accept that and judge an anime based on what it presents and how they handle every episode, these threads will continue to be filled with hate posts by purists
Jun 9, 2016 10:11 PM

Apr 2013
these characters are so stupid jesus
Jun 9, 2016 10:13 PM

Jul 2014

They shooting lasers now?

This shit went from cool to ass real quick.
Jun 9, 2016 10:14 PM

Aug 2014
HyperL said:

But Baka-Hiru, In that case Mumei was a crucial piece of the operation. Why you see, the guys were not allowing men to enter, only woman or children. That's why Biba sent Mumei, a girl child, cuz who would've doubt a child at first right? Just to clarify, it wasn't safe to just sent a grown woman like Hiromi cuz they would still be suspicious of her, so only a child would do...

Also, It isn't wrong to assume that Biba picked up a child for his army with that possibility in mind...

I got a question for you. Do you approve Mumei for her actions, even if she is a girl and a child? (Just a little curious)
Jun 9, 2016 10:30 PM

Jan 2014
Mumei, you done fucked up good. I get she was brainwashed into believing Biba was a good guy but I thought she at least had common sense. Up until he arrived, she was literally one of the smartest characters. I mean, she seriously thought she was just letting in Biba's men to spite the station who kept them out? What did she expect to happen after that? Obviously shit was going to happen whether they brought the kabane in or not!

I hate Biba so fucking much. He's not even a villain I like to hate. I just want him GONE. Also, whenever I hear his name, I think of that creepy children's show called Boobah because my little cousin could never say it right and called people "Biba" instead.
JotakakJun 9, 2016 10:49 PM
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