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Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsunomanika Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken
Dec 8, 2022 1:18 PM
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All Comments (25) Comments
P.S. Due to the club having so many members, we aren't able to send out newsletters to all of our members. If you would like to receive newsletters from the Slice of Life Club, post here.
Our newsletters include notifications on when our competition rounds start, club event information, information on our monthly banner contest (new feature starting in September), news about updates and changes to the club, etc.
P.S.S We are in need of active card makers!
We do a few monthly editions and we really need some more card makers to help out with those. If you are interested in applying, click here.
Out of curiosity, when did you start reading/watching Naruto? have you been following the series for long? I'm up to date with it, but I'm a little dishearten that the series shows no sign of ending. Do you think it will end anytime soon? I'm predicting another three years. How about you?
So have you been watching the Olympics?
what have you been reading/watching lately?
So how long have you been watching anime/manga? What is your favorite white hair character?
I love recommendations. Yes, I would like some :D I'm still kind of a newbie to the anime world :D
p.s. I will be away for the next two weeks. I write back when I return :D
Have an awesome summer!
Hello There! Just letting everyone know that we now have membercards and they're up and running for requests!! If anyone is interested here is the link:
We also have another Drawing Contest up! Its going to be our 2nd Annual Drawing Contest! The theme is going to be "Calming and Relaxation." If your interested, click the link: The voting time and submissions are all there, if you have any questions feel free to ask me!
Were still hiring!! If you or a friend is interested in being an Admin, Officer, or Volunteer worker please let me know! Message me or drop a comment on my profile! :) Requirements are on the Anime Filler List Club Page!
My Anime Filler List Club! 1st Annual Drawing Contest! Please Participate! XD
Topic: Draw your favorite character
It can be made up, from a manga, or even anime! Doesn't matter !! It can also be digitial and traditional :) Then when your finished post them on this ! XD You may comment on people's artwork as well, though not required. haha. Have fun! If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment on my Profile page or send me a message :) ( kirihara )
There will be 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place. Each winner will get a prize according to what place they get :3
(Everyone will get a different prize it can be up to, SE Membercards, LE Membercards, and RE Membercards [Rare Edition, meaning only one is made of it. and other things])
Submissions: 9/1 (Sept. 1st, Thursday) to 9/9 (Sept. 9th, Friday)
Voting: 9/9 (Sept. 9th, Friday)- 9/12th (Sept. 12, Monday) WHOOOOO!!