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Feb 11, 2016 9:05 AM

Oct 2015
Mascera said:
Aww, that Trio baby... A perfect image for each character.

Hilariously-loli Episode... Albrecht to the rescue, when pedobear attack. LOL

Was an okay episode. Hope the next one is better.

Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.
Feb 11, 2016 9:15 AM

Nov 2014
Kurumi is 2cute, but she won't save this show anyway. Pretty boring episode, previous one was way more to my liking.
Feb 11, 2016 10:22 AM

Jan 2015
Cr7_vi_Britannia said:
Episode 07Preview

Please no...
What was KyoAni thinking about while they were adapting this?
Feb 11, 2016 10:27 AM

Aug 2008
I knew it will be hard to give a damn about this episode since it's about filler loli but holly crap, they jumped the bear. They jumped the fucking bear. That's all there's to say about the plot of this episode. Aside from that, filler loli (bears everywhere, how creative...) has some really annoying voice... waaaait. It's Takanami from KC. No wonder it's annoying.

Why am I even surprised. What can be expected from a studio that made something as atrocious as fag swimming club thing.

On a side note, will failure MC ever learn to not eat anything in the phantom world?
Ii tenki desu ne...
Feb 11, 2016 10:38 AM

Jun 2013
Obviously kurumi is cute as a button, but overall this was a bad episode.
Feb 11, 2016 12:24 PM
Jul 2018
I've enjoyed the later episodes much better. I was expecting this to be a show far more focused on fanservice based on my initial impression but I do think the episodes lately have been kind of cute, time wasting, but cute. Loved the animation for Kurumi's dream world. Nice to see character explored in such a colorful and aesthetically pleasing way, even though obviously not everyone's going to be enthralled by the loli getting focus. I thought it was cute, though.

Everyone really hates this show, or finds it to be a bore, but it's certainly more interesting than my life at the moment, which feels like watching paint dry. Although, the beauty of Kyoani's work as far as aestheics go has ultimately transformed me into a huge stan for them and their work so I'm definitely biased lol

Next episode is cat episode. Cats. Yes. Good.
removed-userFeb 11, 2016 12:28 PM
Feb 11, 2016 12:34 PM

Aug 2008
If next episode is not full of catgirl fanservice, kyoani can go fuck itself with a sharp object.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Feb 11, 2016 12:41 PM

Nov 2013
LovelyHikari said:
That OST during the transformation, and Kurumi's outfit sure looked similar to Chibiusa's.

Kurumi dang she's adorable. Her voice really fits her character.
Now the gang is all complete. Hopefully we get a Mai centered episode next.

There already was one ( kind of ). The episode with the two phantoms at the bridge.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Feb 11, 2016 1:49 PM

Mar 2014
hello you all toddlercons
Feb 11, 2016 1:54 PM
Sep 2012
wtf was that ??? the only thing is keeping me to this anime now is art .....
Feb 11, 2016 2:03 PM

Nov 2013
Xenocrisi said:

Please no...
What was KyoAni thinking about while they were adapting this?

Ahh, the oblige cat episode, now this is the Kyoani i know and love
Feb 11, 2016 2:14 PM

Jul 2015
Well, this was a nice episode. So we get the backstory of the little girl now, a touching story too. Beautiful music that fit right in. No complaints here.

Feb 11, 2016 4:43 PM

Apr 2014
Banzai! It's Kurumi's episode!
Everything is about that dream world like place is also full of kuma.
Those babies are so cute haha.
Feb 11, 2016 5:01 PM

Jul 2012
Honestly don't have much to say about this episode, it was an episode focused on Kurumi and even though she is cute, I feel that this episode was the worst so far and I honestly didn't really care for it or feel it was needed at all. Overall I had to push myself to finish watching this episode and hopefully the next episode will be better.

If you want to see my full review on the episode check out the link to my youtube channel on my profile page where I make review videos on the current anime!
Feb 11, 2016 5:46 PM

Aug 2015
This was the weirdest episode thus far.
Feb 11, 2016 6:50 PM

Jan 2009
YumeNoMonogatari said:
Let's be honest. The only reason I'm watching it is because it's KyoAni.
This, pretty much.

Coulda been better. 3/5 I dunno why not 2/5.
Feb 11, 2016 7:10 PM
Oct 2015
can we expect a mahou shoujo kurumi-chan spin-off series with this?
Feb 11, 2016 7:59 PM

Oct 2011
Kurumi got over her fear and decided to help Haruhiko and the others YAY

Hope she can transform now.
Feb 11, 2016 8:43 PM
Apr 2014
Holy crap.

That episode was so bad, LOL - anime | manga | reviews
Feb 11, 2016 8:47 PM
Jul 2018
WTF! Gummi Bears?!
Feb 11, 2016 10:47 PM

Dec 2013
Smudy said:
I'll just pretend that this episode never happened.

pretty much this.....
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Feb 11, 2016 11:03 PM

Sep 2013
Probably the worst episode so far, plus Haruhiko had even less presence than usual.

I will say that the music the played during Kurumi's Mahou Shoujo scene was fantastic.
Feb 12, 2016 2:14 AM

May 2015
cute episode
but barely any best girl mai
Feb 12, 2016 7:10 AM

Dec 2012
The worst so far. I hate when a show focused each episode on one character, the previous was ok but this one was boring.
Feb 12, 2016 7:12 AM

Mar 2014
My God, this episode made me wanna neck myself. Thank God for 2x speed.
Feb 12, 2016 11:13 AM

Jun 2015
It was plain boring! :(
Feb 12, 2016 12:09 PM

Aug 2014
Pretty cute episode, Kurumi was quite nice this time around.
Feb 12, 2016 12:43 PM

Feb 2015
overall i enjoy it. it was a funny episode :D.
are we in the disney world right now ?! XD
i guess this is the end for the character introduction. i hope things will get interesting in the next episode. the action was OKAY imo though the animation still looked amazing as always from kyoani.
DAT 3 baby at the beginning though....
Feb 12, 2016 12:55 PM
Dec 2012
alinet86 said:
Can't help but to come to the comment sect for this anime after watching this week ep and all I read (most of it anyway) is people talking sh*t about this ep. Sigh... should have avoid it in the first place. I guess only people like me that like cute thing would prefer this kind of ep. :(

P/s: was expecting more bear pun tbh. XD

I feel I same, not sure what half the people are complaining about half the time haha.

Perhaps it's just a vocal minority since the 5/5 and 4/5 in the poll is always highest
Curry-Kun said:
I notice the current trend that if you don't like a same-gender relationship regardless of what the reason might be, people would demonize you as if you're Hitler reincarnation or something.
Feb 12, 2016 1:26 PM

Mar 2013
burn disney to the ground! :O

Feb 12, 2016 1:31 PM

Oct 2015
Well, that was haremy.

I guess we've got a magical loli now... Cool, more girls for Haruhiro's harem.
I don't know what else to say about this episode, it was average.

That was a weird analogy to show what her mental problems were. It worked. An entire fantasy world with a terrible sounding history was created and the princess didn't want to fight. It sounds kinda clichèy, but I guess it replicates how she felt. Nice to see she got past her problems though, even if I don't care that much for her.

Reina best girl.
Feb 12, 2016 1:55 PM
Jul 2012
Kurumi gave me cancer
I feel like I should just give up
Feb 12, 2016 4:02 PM

Feb 2016
Xenocrisi said:
Cr7_vi_Britannia said:
Episode 07Preview

Please no...
What was KyoAni thinking about while they were adapting this?

Schrödinger's Cat episode is actually part of the LN so Kyoani is going back to the source instead of keeping the anime original content - which was already full of shit - so at this point they're not going into the main plot, just another Amagi Brilliant Park ending -. LN - Haru shows a completely different personality .- Haru is a completely different character than her anime version / +1 KyoAni - beta male MC / the same shit happen to Kanie - Yuuta - Akihito -.

If the AO episodes were fine then Phantom World should be doing a much better job on Japan, and that's not the case - if you want guys check Nico and SP as example -. So yeah even if is really hard to complain in this forum since everyone with a negative perspective is getting nuked, the numbers and how the Japanese viewers feels about this adaptation is right there as a fact -.

Next episodes -.

Snaita said:
Tekken02 said:
And as always a remember.
All what are you guys watching never happened in the LN.

Shit really!? I was suspecting it with the out of the place Maho Shoujo and all... the rest of the episodes too? Can you tell what happened till now that was adapted or what wasn't?
Please tell me that we will see "...They experience the ups and downs of high school life before a certain incident leads them to the truth of this world." it was in the synopsis, it's the reason I'm watching...

Some Parts - eps 1-3 -.
Feb 13, 2016 4:39 AM

Apr 2015
It's the halfway point and I'm unsure of what to say about this. They have built up a distinct style encompassing the art and atmosphere which is commendable, and that lets me power through this without as much pauses and scoffs compared to most shit anime. However as a story it's just eh. Actually worse than eh.

Character wise the MC and Ruru are surprisingly good, and they are mostly carrying the atmosphere til now for me. Outside of that most of them are a bit weak, Reina is cute but not much more than that at the moment.
Feb 13, 2016 1:18 PM

Jan 2008
Well, a quick google search of bear paws resulted in actual severed bear paws before "Bear Paws" shaped cookie-like snack, which is what Kurumi likely was talking about.
Feb 13, 2016 5:09 PM

Feb 2013
I need this OST...
Feb 14, 2016 8:56 AM
Jul 2011
This episode was so boring.... if the next episode fail to grab my attention I`m going to drop.... giving just one more chance...
Feb 14, 2016 11:46 PM

Jan 2015
AYY toddler grills kawaii!!
Loli in the thought
He touched her hand and they went down. I think she has an orgasm and the ground melted and they went to another dimension, yes I call this THE LOLI ROUTE (dat made fokking sense m8 kepp it up)
Boring shit
Feb 15, 2016 3:28 AM

Oct 2013
Loli mahou shoujo vs kuma mecha. I HAVE SEEN IT ALL.

dunno what all the complaints are about; this was a bizarrely charming episode.

Feb 15, 2016 3:49 AM

Jan 2014
I love it so far! So cute <3
Feb 15, 2016 5:05 AM

Jun 2015
The one thing that is enjoyable about this anime is Haru & Ruru. I'm not liking most of the girls, can't say Kurumi isn't cute though. The OST in this ep was amazing btw
Feb 15, 2016 8:44 AM

Jul 2012
Gonna say something that's probably controversial;

The original LN from what I have heard is yet another generic supernatural battle harem. Fairly inept guy surrounded by girls that all develop feelings for him, fighting for an arbitrary reason that later becomes powerful and saves the day, gets the girl/s. The setting is different but the basic framework is the same as every other series with "harem" and "supernatural" tags.
If this is the case then good that KyoAni are doing their own thing with it, good that they have said "fuck that" to yet more of that bullshit. Do we not have enough of those series yet? Is it really necessary to have as many per season as we have done recently?

... I've heard moe accused to being the death of anime but I'd argue any day of the week it is harems doing the killing...
Feb 15, 2016 9:03 AM
Oct 2015
MacMeaties said:
Gonna say something that's probably controversial;

The original LN from what I have heard is yet another generic supernatural battle harem. Fairly inept guy surrounded by girls that all develop feelings for him, fighting for an arbitrary reason that later becomes powerful and saves the day, gets the girl/s. The setting is different but the basic framework is the same as every other series with "harem" and "supernatural" tags.
If this is the case then good that KyoAni are doing their own thing with it, good that they have said "fuck that" to yet more of that bullshit. Do we not have enough of those series yet? Is it really necessary to have as many per season as we have done recently?

... I've heard moe accused to being the death of anime but I'd argue any day of the week it is harems doing the killing...
very well said indeed
Feb 15, 2016 10:25 AM

Mar 2013
Am I the only one thinking that Prince Salmon (or Sarumon) as the antagonist may be a reference to Saruman in Lord of the Rings?

Anyway I think this anime's been pretty decent so far with some cute and bittersweet moments, the main hang-up being that it's already used 6 episodes for essentially introducing us to the characters so the second half of the season is going to be extremely rushed (although the MAL episode count hasn't updated yet so idk maybe this is more than a 12 episode cour)
RiotstarterFeb 15, 2016 10:36 AM
Slice of Life Anime about the everyday life of a German Philosopher: Nietzschijou.
Feb 15, 2016 7:39 PM

Feb 2008
So far the best episode in this show, which has been really lame so far.

The fantasy world was pretty fun and imaginative in this one tho, visually rly good too.
Feb 16, 2016 10:49 PM

Jun 2013
Misaki Kuno personality is really like kurumi

Shy and less confident
Feb 16, 2016 11:10 PM

Jan 2011
Love how they sucked us in with fan-service and feed us this kidde bullshit. My thing is this; they load the first episode with fan service and then it seems to want to be a cutesy kiddie show with phantoms and mild action but then it throws Mai stretching in tight-ass gym shorts and random ass-shots of Ruru...wut? Too many shows trying to be too many things at once this season...
QWERTYFish25Feb 16, 2016 11:20 PM
Feb 17, 2016 3:43 PM

Oct 2008
This episode is full of Kurumi Moeness and KUMA overloadness!
THE BGM musics used for this episode was amazing! good work KyoAni!
"Albrehito" has such a smooth voice on Kurumi's mind!
Kurumi is a dimension controller and a strong one! Kurumi might be the strongest of the girls...and I wouldn't mind!

Hidayat246 said:
Misaki Kuno personality is really like kurumi

Shy and less confident

yes shy and less confident but I salute her as a professional VA because she voiced "Hawk".
matias067Feb 17, 2016 4:04 PM

Feb 17, 2016 9:20 PM

Jun 2013
matias067 said:
This episode is full of Kurumi Moeness and KUMA overloadness!
THE BGM musics used for this episode was amazing! good work KyoAni!
"Albrehito" has such a smooth voice on Kurumi's mind!
Kurumi is a dimension controller and a strong one! Kurumi might be the strongest of the girls...and I wouldn't mind!

Hidayat246 said:
Misaki Kuno personality is really like kurumi

Shy and less confident

yes shy and less confident but I salute her as a professional VA because she voiced "Hawk".

The first time i heard her voiced, i think "oh man must be hard to find good role with that low-type voice"
Feb 19, 2016 2:14 PM

Dec 2012
This episode was a snoozefest, pretty disappointed after those 2 back to back good episodes :/
These are why fillers suck *sigh*

Need moar Koito eps
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