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Dec 4, 2015 5:53 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, I felt bad for Ushio this episode. Felt like he was tortured both mentally and physically...

I feel like karma bit back against Kirio though but is still disturbing. Still loved the way Ushio fought back though. Almost felt bad for Kirio this episode afterwards.
Dec 4, 2015 8:00 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I have no sympathy for Kirio whatsoever and those dumbass priests that followed him got what they deserved

Still, I'm really glad that everything turned out okay because I felt really bad for Ushio and I liked all of the bits with Tora as well
Dec 4, 2015 8:05 AM

Jan 2015
I believe that I've seen the "Emeth become Meth" Riddle in another Anime somewhere, I just don't remember the Title.
[url=]convert gambar online
Dec 4, 2015 9:05 AM

Aug 2010
This ep was great. Definitely one of my favs so far. The faces this crazy chick made were so damn epic. DEM Details! Dat malice!

And the OST was amazing. Animation was probably the highest it's ever been in the series too
Dec 4, 2015 9:16 AM

Feb 2015

Wow, intense episode. Ushio was really badass and I think he'll become even more mature after this ep.

I felt sorry for Kirio the most. Even though that woman used & manipulated him, she was still his mother figure and he had to kill her.

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Dec 4, 2015 9:23 AM

Jun 2014
What a performance by Megumi Han.

I still can't bring myself to feel sorry for Kirio, but what he went through was still pretty terrible. Being lied to and manipulated by the only person you've ever loved.

Also, did anyone else notice Nagare and Hinowa standing when they put up that barrier with Ushio's dad? I thought they said they weren't able to use their legs.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Dec 4, 2015 9:39 AM
Apr 2014
Enjoy your Elzaar's scythe now little faggot.
Oh by the power of the remote control spear I shall defeat you Hakumen no Mono avatar !
I'm surprised there are 3 episodes left, I thought for sure this would end the 2nd cour, cliffhanger maybe?
Dec 4, 2015 9:39 AM

Sep 2013
LOL that Kirio mind *ck was funny and sad at the same time XD :'(


Dec 4, 2015 9:40 AM

Aug 2015
One of the best episodes so far,very intense...
Kirio got a nice bitch slap from Ushio and started thinking straight again.

Tokoya said:
I have no sympathy for Kirio whatsoever and those dumbass priests that followed him got what they deserved
Dec 4, 2015 9:47 AM

Aug 2008
Crazy girl. Great episode.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Dec 4, 2015 10:04 AM

Aug 2012
Every episode that features the Spear's iron will is epic, this one even more so because it and Ushio's will became one.
Dec 4, 2015 10:18 AM

Aug 2013
Next episode: Fools' Banquet!? YES!!!
I was so afraid that they'll cut...

I guess they won't!
il-PalazzoDec 4, 2015 10:39 AM
Dec 4, 2015 11:06 AM

Aug 2011
Nice episode. Was tempted to read the manga and find out what the hell is gonna happen but I resist. That choice that Ushio made to get back the spare.....he won't live after the main major battle will he?
Dec 4, 2015 11:08 AM

Jul 2013
Glad that the arc of Kirio has finished. He was a fool manipulated by that fox-woman and I laughed a bit when she says to him that she never cared for him. The scene when he kills her was cool, though.

Ushio was badass this episode, the scene when he recover the spear again was creepy, but at the end the day is saved. That fox-woman had nice crazy expressions, too bad that she died this early.
Dec 4, 2015 11:41 AM

Jul 2015
Wow, so intense...

Best part in the ep - When Ushio bitch slapped Kirio.
Dec 4, 2015 11:43 AM
Jul 2018
Kirio finally killed the woman who was using him.
Dec 4, 2015 12:08 PM

Nov 2012
Why was he angry about Ushio destroying the stone emeth thing? Just confused, I couldn't tell if he meant Ushio should of erased the E rather than slam into it, as if it could of been useful not destroyed? Unless he was mad he couldn't commit his suicide, which would be odd?
Dec 4, 2015 12:30 PM

May 2013
I love this show,it's all I ever want from a series originating from the 90s
Lead me out of the dark,bishounen space Jesus.
Dec 4, 2015 2:00 PM

Jan 2008
Despite Kirio not dying as I had hoped, I still thoroughly this episode where Kirio gets thrown around like a ragdoll in a pitbull's mouth, while at the same time recieving psychological damage from his "mother's" lies. Throughout those scenes where Kirio and the monks were getting beaten, I was like "Fuck yeah!" with my maniacal laugh and grin up was wider than Hakumen no Mono's itself. Eat karma, bitches!

I also counted; there was a minimum of 52 crap-scythe-wielding priests/monks. By the end of the episode, there were only 12. While not explicitly shown, I'm happy most of them fucking got killed nonetheless by Hakumen's avatar. Especicially since it was after all the shit they put Ushio through by attacking him with lethal force, stealing from him, and still having the gall to call him "Ushio-dono" when they think they've already won without doing jack shit to Hakumen no Mono.

The best part of this episode was probably Ushio getting more used to the spear, able to use only the spear's hilt end to destroy the "e" in emeth on the golem. Still a little ominous with the blacksmith coming back from the netherworld to reaffirm Ushio's resolve, as if he's damning his soul to hell in exchange for power.
Estoy_GordoDec 4, 2015 2:07 PM
Dec 4, 2015 2:00 PM

Aug 2015
Great episode. Glad the whole thing with Kirio and that woman is over.
Dec 4, 2015 5:26 PM

Jan 2011
This was such a great episode and concluded this arc with Kirio and his mother. Kirio's mother was so creepy throughout the entirety of this episode. I had a feeling Kirio's mother was somehow related to Hakuen no Mono and it was true after all. Ushio got the spear back but agreeing to Giryou's conditions. Ushio sure is one badass beast spear wielder. Kirio was easily manipulated by his mother and kept fighting against Ushio. However, he finally realised that she kept lying finished her off himself. Kirio literally broke down and was in a complete mess. That's when Ushio came in and slapped Kirio back into reality. I really liked what Ushio told Kirio about working together to defeat Hakuen no Mono once and for all. Loved the OST that played during that scene. Man, I love this anime.
Dec 4, 2015 5:51 PM

Jul 2010
Kirio being devastated, the first show was really drawn precisely, like wow!

Kirio's action was quite interesting, what if the avatar brought him into the whole thing by telling him, it wouldn't be surprising at all if Kirio did it anyway due to his attachment to his mother. To lose a large significant portion of what was the foundations of his life, yet it wasn't everything as he believed he was doing the right thing, that justice is on his side to bring the greater good. The what if scenario with him being raised differently and getting him to fool the entire sect, and basically to "adorn" the world, of course, the lie regarding the ability to love Kirio has to stay.

Pretty neat arc to see Hakumen no Mono having multiple tactics on destroying the beast spear. Seeing the importance and the strength of unity, it really be cool to see some short of grand battle with Kirio being a new comrade.
Dec 4, 2015 5:53 PM

Dec 2011
I'm disappointed, She doesn't eat Kirio :(
Please don't make Kirio a little brother-like to Ushio and who follows him everywhere like a dog... "Aniki !"

No please...

il-Palazzo said:

I guess they won't!

Really ? (I didn't read the manga)
Dec 4, 2015 7:18 PM

Feb 2013
Wow that Golem, that thing has a Death Star-tier design flaw. Speaking of flaws, that crazy bitches plan was pretty lame. All Ushio needed to do to undo all the effort she put into raising a child for trapping the spear was undone by a bit of yelling.
Dec 4, 2015 9:00 PM

Aug 2013
Raikiri29 said:
I'm disappointed, She doesn't eat Kirio :(
Please don't make Kirio a little brother-like to Ushio and who follows him everywhere like a dog... "Aniki !"

No please...

il-Palazzo said:

I guess they won't!

Really ? (I didn't read the manga)

Dec 4, 2015 9:35 PM

Oct 2011
The Beast Spear is back with Ushio
Dec 5, 2015 12:18 AM

Jan 2015
naki12 said:
Mascera said:
I believe that I've seen the "Emeth become Meth" Riddle in another Anime somewhere, I just don't remember the Title.
It's the anime your avatar came from.

Really?! So it's from Isuca? I couldn't forget about that Anime though. The truth is, this Riddle is Alchemic-like so I think it's from FMA or Anime similar to it. I'm just confused.
[url=]convert gambar online
Dec 5, 2015 3:09 AM
Aug 2015
By far favorite episode from this series... but am I the only one that thought "mama" was kind of a hot in a kind of not way?

If anything those were some sweet oppais :3
Dec 5, 2015 3:24 AM

Jan 2011
Meth is one hell of a drug.

Nice, Mayuko episode next, thought it'd get skipped.
ReaperCreeperDec 6, 2015 4:39 PM
Dec 5, 2015 6:00 AM

Jun 2013
fuck Kirio he deserve it epic episode as always
Dec 5, 2015 6:10 AM

Sep 2014
Great episode. That little shite Kirio deserved it! Can't wait for the next one.
Dec 5, 2015 6:49 AM

Nov 2011
Good episode, I did not find anything out of place to complain, perhaps the only flaw is always the same. Really high quality of the drawings, it is perhaps the real reason for this anime series I follow, then the plot. I was surprised when the grandfather of Ushio, launched the sort of rudder, I would not know, but it seemed strange to see something similar in his hands. LOL
Dec 5, 2015 7:43 AM

Jan 2015
naki12 said:
Mascera said:
Really?! So it's from Isuca? I couldn't forget about that Anime though.
It is, check episode 4 with the samurai armour.

Oh yeah that one, I've checked it. Uuhh, damn this Hazy memory of mine. Thanks for the "reminder" info then.
[url=]convert gambar online
Dec 5, 2015 8:19 AM

Jun 2014
I Cried T_T ... Because Kirio is still alive . Her Mom really is one Woman i wouldn't have sex with , even if my life depended on it , she's fucking Creepy . This episode just proved how scared of the spear Hakumen No Mono is
Really nice action scenes as always , finally Ushio's getting stronger . there's something i'm still Wondering , when will Ushio & Tora fight Hakumen No Mono at the end of this season or at the end of season 2 ? because to me 3 episodes seems short and 3 + 13 from season 2 seems way too long
Dec 5, 2015 11:32 AM

Aug 2015
Finally this pico arc finish -_-
Dec 5, 2015 1:19 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
This series is so very wonderfully 90's shounen.
Kirio getting the snot kicked out of him was delicious to watch after his incredible smugness over the last episodes.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 5, 2015 8:08 PM
Dec 2015
YukhioAihara said:

Really nice action scenes as always , finally Ushio's getting stronger . there's something i'm still Wondering , when will Ushio & Tora fight Hakumen No Mono at the end of this season or at the end of season 2 ? because to me 3 episodes seems short and 3 + 13 from season 2 seems way too long

At the end of season 2.

3+13 is in fact not enough.
The manga has 33 volumes, and Kirio's arc ended in vol18.
The anime progress seems on track. But in fact it has skipped many side arcs and simplified scenes (like the fights in this episode) to make this progress. That means they need to keep skipping things in the remaining 3+13 episodes, which is a pity :(
English is not my first language. Sorry for the bad grammar or wordings.
Dec 6, 2015 1:08 AM

Dec 2012
I think this episode is a renewal for Ushio. At the end of the episode, he looked less pathetic than usual, his voice was full of charisma.
Dec 6, 2015 3:05 AM

May 2008
When the spear came back all I could think of was that "SURPRISE BITCH!" meme...

I ain't even mad that Kirio didn't die since he got the shit kicked out of him. Death would be the easy way out tbh.

EDIT: I made a thing.
Zazie122Dec 6, 2015 3:13 AM
Dec 6, 2015 1:08 PM

Feb 2014
Im glad Ushio got his spirit back him being emo is painful to watch.
Nothing suprising though that the dark bitch turned out to be an ally of Hashiman glad she got killed quickly.
Lol Im still irritated to call Kirio a boy he looks like a girl to me but nevertheless he is a whiny bitch that shouldve died along with this strange boogieman.
I still have to laugh about Tora always being so tsun tsun with Ushio :D :D :D
Dec 6, 2015 8:37 PM

Aug 2010
Aw, Tora is still in denial. :{

Anyway, intense episode. Poor Kirio....not. I do like Kuin, though. Ushio tearing up the enemy was fun, even if Kirio got the final blow.
Bum Bum Dum Dum

Dec 7, 2015 3:40 PM

Jan 2009
Gawd how well those Hakumen frames are done - CREEPYYYYYYY.

Hmmh, I wonder how the rest of the episodes will play out.
Dec 7, 2015 10:44 PM
Jul 2018
I didn’t do it on purpose but I’m glad I waited for a week before watching 22 and 23, seeing the situation get resolved was so epic because of Ushio and the spear. Kirio is just pathetic tbh and hopefully it’ll be a very long time before I see him again or better yet I don’t mind never seeing him again.
Dec 8, 2015 12:51 AM

Dec 2009
How Ushio destroyed that golem was pretty cool. Clever. Not only that, but that little annoying kid got a well deserved slap. 5/5 ep just for that alone.

That monster chick was pretty hot in her human form. Shame we wont see her again.
Dec 9, 2015 7:09 AM

Jul 2009
Poor Kirio, he was just bing used.
Dec 12, 2015 5:12 AM

May 2014
Wow that bitch slap in the face was satisfying.
This episode was fucked up for Kirio. Not that I really care about him though.
Dec 17, 2015 1:17 PM

Jan 2015
Nice to see that Tora thinks that Ushio is worth eating again...
Dec 17, 2015 2:03 PM
Mar 2014
Mascera said:
I believe that I've seen the "Emeth become Meth" Riddle in another Anime somewhere, I just don't remember the Title.
It's from Toaru.

Also it's not in latin, it's in hebrew. lol. golems are jewish stuff
Rinth said:
Every opinion is not equal. Some opinions are simply made out of shit.

nasuverse > your favorite anime
Dec 18, 2015 6:25 AM

Jul 2012
"I think I finally understand what Oyakume-sama was saying"...

"You must all work together"

*facepalm* Really? How didn't you understand that? Pretty damn straight forward if you ask me.
Dec 22, 2015 12:19 AM

Jan 2013
Great episode, very dramatic.
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