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Nov 19, 2015 10:28 PM
Aug 2013
Saikawa-sensei in Moe's dream world was hilarious.

The english scene was really good. Usually you would barely understand them without subtitles, but they did a great job.
Nov 19, 2015 10:28 PM

Apr 2012
It's engrish time.

It's not actually that bad, but the toneless expression robs VA of any performance point (but it gets better as the VA's breaks into speaking English, by the end it's actually decent).

As a side note, the man's engrish is quite a bit better than the woman's.

A lot of plot progression happening in this episode.
bunny1ov3rNov 19, 2015 10:40 PM
My Reviews and Rants:

Nov 19, 2015 10:36 PM
Jun 2012
Have you noticed that the diary the 'sister' has is actually the uncles, the one from which the narration in the flashback comes from? (I guess it was presented as quotes in the original novel)
Nov 19, 2015 10:44 PM

Nov 2012
the engrish made it pretty had to get through the episode... but besides that, it was pretty good, i liked the dream scene and the flashback scene with magata was creepy but great as always.
Nov 19, 2015 11:25 PM

Oct 2013
Dat Engrish doe...

The dream scene was pretty awesome. Got a lot of creepy vibes from Magata and Nishinosono's conversation. It was pretty funny seeing Saikawa doing the moonwalk too xD

Magata's last scene with Magata's flashback was pretty freaky too. We get to see how much she values the individuality of human life a bit more, and I think that is well symbolized in the setting, as she is pretty much set away from the world.

Also, WAS THAT TERRA'S THEME FROM FFVI DURING MAGATA AND NISHINOSONO'S CONVERSATION? It was only for a few seconds, but around 18:45 it was there, I swear.
Nov 19, 2015 11:38 PM

Oct 2011
Nice conversation with Souhaie and Miki.

Moe meets Magata in her dreams and dat reveal with her past

Magata time stopped in that place??? She looks young?? What if its her daughter who everyone saw was dead? I was wondering is Michiru the name of Magata's daughter?
Nov 20, 2015 12:09 AM

Jan 2013
And at the beginning of the episode I was afraid I wouldn't find anything to write about...

Yes, the Engrish. It was amazing. It was a lot better than average, that's for sure. It also was a lot longer than the average. And maybe it's just me but it felt really slow, like sure it takes time to speak English, but it felt more like "let's try to speak as slowly and clearly as possible so everyone will understand us" instead of natural. But yeah it wasn't bad. Not cringe worthy.

Nishinosono's "dream"/imaginary world was quite nice. The whole idea of the thing and running around was interesting, controlling the world, like a lucid dream. Suddenly being trapped in the room with Magata, or well, Michiru. Kind of a way for a dream to turn into a nightmare. Not necessarily scary, but unpleasant.

Saikawa-sensei's seemingly genuine joy and laugh were nice, but I refuse to find it in his character unless it happens outside the machine.

I kind of wish I never went to the spoiler tags, now I'm just sad about possibly spoiling it for myself. Damn it.
Nov 20, 2015 12:46 AM

Jul 2015
Best episode so far I think. So much was going on but it wasn't rushed- everything was paced perfectly. So her uncle did feel guilt for Magata's parents. Magata herself is actually ridiculously scary.
Nov 20, 2015 1:58 AM

Jun 2014
i don't complain about their english personally but more about the reason they were speaking english i mean she's Japanese , she's lived overseas with a relative for a long time but she was in Japan until her Sister got sent there and her parents killed , no ?
Anyway nice episode it was nice to know a little more about Moe's Past
Nov 20, 2015 2:11 AM

Aug 2013
I don't have a problem with the Engrish, since I think it was done well, and in a way it did make sense. Unlike the use of Engrish in say, the Psycho Pass Movie.

But at the same time it really wasn't necessary. Even if it became her primary used language, it's not like she would just up and forget Japanese if she's supposed to be a smart business woman.

I was kind of pissed at the random lab worker chick this episode. She was like in one fucking scene in all 7 episodes and all of a sudden she shows up and tries to get Moe to back down from Saikawa. And this shit came way out of left field. I don't even know what the hell her name is. Plus she likes Saikawa for an incredibly weird reason which doesn't help.

So...wondering if that scene in the chamber was just Moe's illusion, or if Magata did somehow managed to upload one (or all) of her personalities into data somehow? Michiru said that the digital illusion was her reality where she could do whatever she wanted...and invited Moe to join her. Was she implying that she wanted her to upload her "mind" as well?

Perhaps that's what she means when "everything becomes F". Everything becomes free? She's free to do whatever she wants in cyberspace. I thought of this theory before and figured it to be too far fetched. But after seeing this magic mind pod this episode that has super futuristic technology, it doesn't seem out of the question now.

I think the whole topic of a human body being a doll, and Magata only being interested in the human mind also helps bolster this. If a body is just a doll or a shell, and only the mind is important, then her of all people would probably be interested in eliminating the body since it's a meaningless object, cutting out the "middleman" altogether.

With her mind not confined to her body anymore, she would technically be free. On top of that, she mentioned how she is 7, 7 is the only lonely number, and she is 7 because she is the only personality with a body. If she were to upload her 7 personality, as well as all of the other ones, then she would no longer be "7". And all of her personalities would be equal and able to communicate even better than before.

Perhaps she still looks so young because it took time for her body to upload her consciousness into data so it was being preserved using some means for a long time, only being removed, thawed, and dismembered recently. How did this happen? Still not sure, but maybe her cyber mind would be able to control the robots and machines in the facility and also be able to hack the security program.

The more I think about it, the more plausible it just seems for me, even though it may be far fetched.

ak47 said:
I just read this comment here (I can't think by myself sometimes, it seems) and it would be pretty cool if things turned out this way. I think it's an interesting theory, but perhaps a little too dark and over the top lol :p

That's an interesting theory as well. The arguments for it fit as well, so I could buy it.
Nov 20, 2015 2:26 AM

Feb 2015
Nov 20, 2015 2:34 AM
Jul 2018
Everything becomes f can mean everything become free..but that engrish though XD
Nov 20, 2015 4:11 AM

Mar 2013
The english scene was unneded. The pronunciation was fine (at least for me. I'm not from the English-speaking country). But the acting itself wasn't good. I was reminded on English audio cassetes with tasks that were sold with the textbooks back when I was in school.
And that's understandable. Speaking on another language is one thing, but acting on it is a much more difficult task. I don't know why creators thought that characters definetely should speak English in that scene.
Nov 20, 2015 7:24 AM
Dec 2012
So she's not Magata, but Michiru, the same name as the robot. Case should be solved by now.
Nov 20, 2015 7:25 AM

Oct 2008
Enjoyed the detailed flashback of when Moe's parents died. It wasn't elaborated as much in the drama.

Some real creepy moments this episode but the most outstanding point... the Engrish... I'm not usually one to complain about Engrish in anime and I'm sorta immune to it, but with a long scene like this it starts to grate.

I appreciate that they took the effort to have a native speaker translate and have staff guide the voice actors in pronunciation, but it was all so toneless and the emotions weren't there. The voice actors sounded afraid of making a mistake so they read really slowly and carefully. It was like listening to Microsoft Sam ;/
Nov 20, 2015 7:32 AM

Nov 2011
Narratively all that you see is in a way interesting and confusing at the same time, they dig into the past and you understand many things before dark and almost illegible, but new questions arise about events that have taken place have brought to the context in which they are the protagonists. Not bad discover the characters of the characters that gravitate around the protagonists, drawings ripetto much better in the past. The flame of curiosity in me burns ardently, I look forward to the next episode
Nov 20, 2015 8:05 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
So much engrish in one episode lol xD

That Virtual Reality thing really changes things for me and boy was it hella interesting.....Seeing Moe's past was pretty sad too :(

And dat ending was just the epitome creepy O.o
TokoyaNov 20, 2015 11:50 AM
Nov 20, 2015 8:53 AM

Jun 2010
I accidentally read that spoiler GOSH nooooo >.< I've never been so bothered by a spoiler before ;_; but I just skimmed through it so I'm not sure I read right, lets hope I didn't >.< GOSH
Anyway, yeah, why is her sister not bothered that she killed her parents? o_o
And gosh, I don't like Shiki at all, she's a total psycho, though she is very interesting I must admit. I totally relate to Nishinosono and her jealousy of Shiki... I mean Shiki is totally crazy and Saikawa really likes her (at least intellectually) which makes sense but it's so irritating!! I feel her so much! >.<
Anyway, the English was kind of... horrible. The acting seemed forced because of it and well... I just kind of hope they fix it in the blu-ray version or something... But it was a very interesting reference for lip sync *-* (I'm an animation student ^-^''')
Anyway um, I wonder why Shiki was having an affair with her uncle!!!! And the aunt was truly a lot more shocked than I imagined (who wouldn't be?). She was just so calm when talking to Nishinosono though!!
Hm... what else? OH!!!!!! The most important thing! It reminded me a LOT of Serial Experiments Lain with that machine,

And I'm thinking... those flashbacks of her life before she went to that islands are thrown to us kind of randomly... are we sure they are real? What if they are... a product of the machine? I mean I don't think so, but they could be... they might not be as true as we think... though I guess they are... But I wonder how the author wrote those flashbacks; did he just randomly insert them as well?
Also apparently there are a lot of books of this series that follow Saikawa's and Nishinosono's adventures but they haven't been translated ;_; I wish they'd make anime sequels of all the adventures *-* and by the way... I wonder if there is going to be a second season or if they whole story is going to be in one season... I mean... we only have 4 episodes left... and I feel like we're still in the beginning?
What else? Um... oh, I watched the 1st episode of the dorama and I hated it... The facility doesn't look believable enough to me and it seems like there's a lot of "comical scenes" between Saikawa and Nishinosono that don't fit so well... Nishinosono in the anime is much more interesting. Also Shiki in the dorama is just... kind of forced.
FayliciaNov 20, 2015 8:56 AM
Nov 20, 2015 9:16 AM
Jul 2018
That was great, the plot seems to be moving along now and if she wasn’t freaky enough as it is; knowing that they’ll be killed later on takes it to another level. Even though she was most likely just applying karma to it.
Nov 20, 2015 9:18 AM

Mar 2014
Yeah right that the sis had forgotten her Japanese

Still the Engrish was nowhere as bad as in e.g. Psycho Pass The Movie
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Nov 20, 2015 9:43 AM

Mar 2012
bastek66 said:
Tevens said:

Yeah , i hope that thing is exist.

It does

I think the one made by Magata is an improvement, like she added VR at it so you don't only think about things, you can make them material while you are in there.
Waifus only represent ideals
Nov 20, 2015 9:49 AM
Sep 2015
ReaperCreeper said:
There's something off about that female scientist.

yeah, she is most likely Bisexual that's more tilted on the lesbian side
Like most women IRL
Nov 20, 2015 9:56 AM

Sep 2013
Longest English ever :'(

Michiru's data is in the pc :O
Maybe her other personalities are also stored somewhere too.

Moe's past was shown and sensei is with her :O
Magata wanted to cry but laughed instead :'( felt a bit forced too.
Nov 20, 2015 10:13 AM

Apr 2014
the female scientist with her naughty dreams:D
---------My Profile------------
Nov 20, 2015 10:16 AM

Jun 2013
that engrish -_- and the girl with glasses is kinda weird
Nov 20, 2015 10:16 AM

Feb 2015
No real progress to the investigation so far, sigh. At least there was a little bit of character development.

Oh, and that Engrish convo was too long and sounded like they were reading and not talking.

And I loved that dream machine or whatever!
Nov 20, 2015 10:35 AM

Oct 2011
Equitum said:
XenoGeneiken said:
That was actually an interesting conversation between Saikawa and Miki.
Nov 20, 2015 10:41 AM

Aug 2014
That conversation played out like one of those English-learning videos I used to watch. Well-written but the delivery was wack.
Sieg Zeon!
Nov 20, 2015 11:52 AM

Jan 2011
i commend their efforts of on how long that scene was even if it just really just sounded like they were reading off a paper right in front of them, lol lip syncing must of been hard for that

things are happening~
Nov 20, 2015 1:15 PM

Mar 2015
Fantastic episode. Engrish scene was funny but dragged on for too long !
I really liked seeing Moe's 'dream', nice touch for the show.
Also, plot thickens.
Je trempe mes cookies dans tes larmes.
Nov 20, 2015 1:18 PM

Mar 2015
Also, as someone pointed out, I wonder why Dr Magata kept bringing Moe's parents' death.... Weird.
One thing for sure tho : Moe didn't kill her parents, as a popular theory suggested.
Je trempe mes cookies dans tes larmes.
Nov 20, 2015 2:08 PM

Nov 2015
Axelucard_ said:
that engrish -_- and the girl with glasses is kinda weird

so basically all the females on MAL?
Nov 20, 2015 2:38 PM

Sep 2011
I appreciate the effort that was put into the English scene. While they had quite some accent and were talking notably slow, I've seen scenes like that which were done not nearly as good as this one.
Nov 20, 2015 3:10 PM

Mar 2012
Good episode.

I'm french and my english isn't really good, same for my pronunciation but wow... that's sounds ridiculous for me too.
Nov 20, 2015 4:42 PM

Apr 2015
Really good episode. Is Magata alive inside the computer?

The English was probably some of the better that I've heard in anime. My complaint with it was that the conversation seemed devoid of emotion. From her voice, it sounded like Miki's voice actress was fluent in English, so was she directed to speak so flatly?
Nov 20, 2015 11:17 PM

Nov 2015
DJ_Mayo said:
Axelucard_ said:
that engrish -_- and the girl with glasses is kinda weird



so basically all the females on MAL?

Also basically me. Not interested in it unless it's 2D.

stephen5000 said:
Really good episode. Is Magata alive inside the computer?

The English was probably some of the better that I've heard in anime. My complaint with it was that the conversation seemed devoid of emotion. From her voice, it sounded like Miki's voice actress was fluent in English, so was she directed to speak so flatly?

Hey bro virtual world Shiki, thats one of my theories.

However if my primary theory is right then there was a good reason for Yuko Kaida to have such a "flat" delivery as you called it.
Nov 21, 2015 1:05 AM
Sep 2015
I didn't find the engrish part funny, in fact the scene was ling enough to make it unbearable at one point. Yes, I could understand most of the dialogue but they were talking in a very stiff and emotionless way (like when you type something in the google translator)that it was hard to get through. I mean the dialogue they were having was interesting but they need to drop this engrish thing, it's an unnecessary handicap.

Aside from that I'm beginning to think this is all part of some Magata plan with all the talking about human bodies being just recipents and how she was pretty much expecting being "killed".
Nov 21, 2015 1:57 AM
Jun 2012
aifukola said:
Yes, the Engrish. It was amazing. It was a lot better than average, that's for sure. It also was a lot longer than the average. And maybe it's just me but it felt really slow, like sure it takes time to speak English, but it felt more like "let's try to speak as slowly and clearly as possible so everyone will understand us" instead of natural. But yeah it wasn't bad. Not cringe worthy.

I believe this is the result of having an English speaking writer, but the VAs that read the lines.. not so much. If you just think of their lines as written text, it's perfectly fine. But the tone when it's spoken is like someone who doesn't quite understand it is reading it off a paper.
Nov 21, 2015 3:18 AM

Jul 2013
That was a good episode it gave us a really good back-story of Nishinosono and wow to think that maybe she hurt Souhi's face that bad that he hides it with his long hair.

And that creepy idk what girl with glasses :d

and yea the engrish was quite annoying at first but who cares that conversation was good.

and Magata being as fucked up as always :d

Overall nice episode.
Nov 21, 2015 3:39 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
I was surprised and had to giggle sometimes during the english conversation, but come on, guys, it wasn't that hilarious. Best episode IMO. The last few minutes were fucking trippy, amazing stuff.
Nov 21, 2015 5:57 AM

Jun 2013
I don't understand why women are attracted to Saikawa's empty soul. That woman was correct, it's like he's not alive at all. Spot on.

I had no problem understanding or listening to what Saikawa and Miki said during their "engrish" conversation. BTW, it's only "engrish" when everything they said was just a mish-mah of English words that aren't coherent whatsoever. I think you morons are just making fun of their accents.

I'm a part time ESL teacher to South Koreans and Japanese students and they're capable of forming comprehensible and articulate responses in English as most of my students are professionals ranging from accountants, medical practitioners, people working for international trade companies and so on. I think it's immature and ridiculous when someone makes fun of another person's accent. I highly doubt that more than 10% (or less) of MAL's members could speak more than one language without sounding like a complete fucking idiot.
Nov 21, 2015 6:30 AM

May 2013
Robotic engrish 10/10.Quote me on this,the magata shiki we were seeing in the video is actually her daughter and the real magata killed ger daughter and put her corpse in the dress so she could escape.I mean her younger sister looks so much older than the girl we were seeing in the video conversations
Lead me out of the dark,bishounen space Jesus.
Nov 21, 2015 7:56 AM

Oct 2014
Was that the longest Engurisshuu conversation in anime? Best episode so far. The conversation was actually really nice. Things are finally progressing
Nov 21, 2015 10:00 AM

Jul 2014
raveninthemuddle said:
I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh at their accent and at least the 'engrish' doesn't sound like they got it directly from google translate, but the stiff delivery of dialogue is just...well they tried, and there's really nothing they can do.

It's not so bad... translating with google translate is, the google translation is so bad that I never understand what's translated without relying too much in the context...
The problem is different, I understood the conversation perfectly, but they seemed like robots talking. I mean, real people don't articulate as well as them, they speak a lot faster, they are not as easily understandable... not that I care a lot about that.
Nov 21, 2015 10:53 AM

Sep 2014
Holy shit a good episode. Too bad the show wasn't like this from the start, then I would have probably cared.
Nov 21, 2015 4:05 PM

Oct 2012
Wow, such an impactful episode, I was literally amazed by Moe's introspection trip into her subconsciousness and the music that played during that part was also great, Kawai did some really good job there.

And such an lovely engrish, I have to laugh few times while facepalming all the way :D

So, was her uncle actually the director of the lab from a start? Oh my, now everything starts to make sense.

Edit: She said that nana (seven) is a lone number before, right? But nana could also mean a doll in english!
Also, I think CR subs were bit off during one sentence in this scene:

'Nishinosono, you lost your parents, didn't you? Do you remember that day? Wasn't it night when accident happened?'
whereas it should possibly be like this:
'You rembembered that day, right? During the night the accident happened.'
-> meaning current murder accident during which she remembered her parents death.

So in the end, was it Michiru who killed Shiki during that night? Did she actually do it to make Moe remember her parents? Was she inspired by her previous conversation with Moe? Could it be that this doll didn't want to be alone anymore? She really thought they were similiar. Did she wanted Moe to join her?

But Moe wasn't alone, and she knew it. She wanted her to realize it. Thus Saikawa can be in real danger in upcoming episodes. Meaning Michiru may want to drive Moe to kill him with very same knife.

Of course, judging from standpoint that everything was only in Moe's mind, I may be totally wrong and Michiru can be another personality in her mind (=not Shiki's). That would also make sense. But that would also mean no happy-ending for us as Moe would be a villain.
Mich666Nov 21, 2015 5:23 PM
Nov 21, 2015 8:51 PM

Jun 2013
Any significance behind Shimada cupping Moe's cheeks with her hands and Miki Magata's story about Shiki putting her hands on her cheeks?

And about Shiki's interest in the human mind and her idea that the human body is nothing but a simple container?
-Trippwire-Nov 21, 2015 8:55 PM
Nov 22, 2015 2:23 AM

Dec 2012
Great flashback in the machine. Saikawa was always with Nishinosono since the death of her parents. The flashback was very well done.
Is Magata became an A.I ? Like she said, the human body is just a container.
Nov 22, 2015 2:34 AM
Mar 2012
"Free" from the human body/container? Meeting Michiru. Immortal soul in that imagination water tank, digital existence (like .Hack/R;N etc)? Ideal world? Magata asking Moe to "come to this side".
Dream Sensei & otaku were funny, though she got creepy toward Moe real fast.
Engrish was good, but very long. Stolen bag. Doll gift.
Moe backstory, not alone since Sensei was there. Broken old TV part.

Mystery never complete without BUTTERFLIES, in fact whole shelves of em in male coder's office. Plus random animal models.
Nov 22, 2015 5:02 AM

Nov 2011
This time it was the last 10 minutes that were good, that's an improvement.

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