I didn't start watching anime for real until 2013. It was that day when a friend of mine gave me ( Death Note ). I watched the whole series while having my Tests ^^ then at summer vacation I started watching more and more.
Up till now, I'm not a big fan of long running Shounen Anime -you can realize it from my list- as a kid I enjoyed (HxH and Dragonball) but my favorite was ( Gundam Wing ), I re-watched it in my childhood many times when it was airing in my country and even re-watched it a couple of times recently.
I regard Enjoyment as the most important element in any Anime. The story,characters,sound all of them are meaningless if you don't enjoy the Anime, that's why I mainly give a score based on my personal enjoyment.
I'm a guy who cries easily when it comes to Drama. *That's fking embarrassing when there're people around.
(Air) was the first Anime I watched after (Death Note). I think you know what happened later ^^.
I don't set a score for most special episodes, there's no particular reason, maybe I'm just too lazy. and yeah, my list looks kinda big because I'd too much free time to waste on watching too many useless Specials&OVAs ^^
I hope to make some friends here as I don't know many Anime fans, so please be my friend :d

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Because of you I couldn't have "Lupe" as username. Look at what you've done.