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Sep 21, 2015 3:31 AM

Aug 2012
Ruzamaku said:
SirMaddy said:
Is no one going to talk about the fact that Loli-sensei came back more injured than before. Because this fucking bothers me to no end.

Don't introduce a character, imply she'd be of great interest to MC, and then fucking cast her out and use her for comedy.

It's like the writers went:

"Hey look, we introduced this character with scars on her wrists"
"Hey let's bring her back but with an eye patch next time"
"Lets bring her back into the final episode, now with even more injuries"

I fucking demand an entire 2 episode OVA special dedicated to her.

Sloppy writing, and the fact Loli-sensei remained irrelevant, 2/10

I know right? What's the point of showing her in the end. I know this is like many anime that shows that how everyone (that appear in the series) continue living peace (?), in this case after 20 faces case, but whats wrong with her getting more injured? (Is she (perhaps) participate in 20 faces suicide party but failed?)
Besides that overall so many questions unanswered, an 6/10 is justice enough imo.

She was most likely an anime original character (unless someone who's read this novel can prove me wrong)

My prediction is that she is relevant to the twenty faces case, maybe she was a twenty faces clone. Oh but we'll never know, because this anime hated developing characters relevant of interest.

Zazie122 said:
MarkFlowers said:

This is probably one of the worst anime Noitamina has ever aired

I was going to argue PUNCH LINE!, but even that was marginally better overall.

Psycho-Pass 2 was shittier than this.
Sep 21, 2015 6:00 AM

Aug 2015
So disappointed, it could have been something a lot better. The ending was one of the worst ending possibile, but it's something nobody could ever thougth about. Kobayashi is BY FAR one of the worst charachter ever, charachters like Akechi, Namikoshi and the Masked Man made this show good to watch. I give this a 6 or a 7 because of the firsts episodes and the last ones but surely it could have been something a lot better
Sep 21, 2015 4:07 PM

Aug 2012
10/10 gay simulator
Sep 22, 2015 7:06 AM

Aug 2014
Blood tastes like iron
Sep 22, 2015 9:37 AM

Jul 2011
Daedalus- said:

Swap conan with kuuchuu buranko or ikigami and you get my experience.
Sep 22, 2015 5:29 PM

Jul 2009
Well that was ... I mean, not a great ending IMO. You could pretty much see what was going to happen ... everyone helps Akechi on his way to the tower, of course they are both alive (because it wouldn't make sense to kill themselves off first, right?) then they're both saved ... I admit I actually thought they would both die for a second, but of course not! Though, well, then Namikoshi slips out of Akechi's grip and falls ... *sigh* I guess there's still the POSSIBILITY he isn't dead, but Twenty Faces lives on and is stronger than ever ... he kind of got what he wanted, I guess? At least he was voiced by Jun ... made him nicer to listen to :P

Overall, yeah, this show was NOTHING like that I expected. The "mysteries" were quite disappointing, and well, I didn't really like any of the characters either, and the animation was meh ... music was good, at least XD There were some decently interesting ideas introduced (Twenty Faces and that formula) but yeah, it was something I just watched to pass the time. Not bad, but not great, either. 6/10
Sep 23, 2015 3:50 AM
Sep 2013
SirMaddy said:
Ruzamaku said:

I know right? What's the point of showing her in the end. I know this is like many anime that shows that how everyone (that appear in the series) continue living peace (?), in this case after 20 faces case, but whats wrong with her getting more injured? (Is she (perhaps) participate in 20 faces suicide party but failed?)
Besides that overall so many questions unanswered, an 6/10 is justice enough imo.

She was most likely an anime original character (unless someone who's read this novel can prove me wrong)

My prediction is that she is relevant to the twenty faces case, maybe she was a twenty faces clone. Oh but we'll never know, because this anime hated developing characters relevant of interest.

Zazie122 said:

I was going to argue PUNCH LINE!, but even that was marginally better overall.

Psycho-Pass 2 was shittier than this.

Guilty Crown, Galilei Donna, and Samurai Flamenco are more shittier than PP2.

Of course this anime and Chaos Dragon are the worst of the Summer 2015 season. Even Edogawa has nothing to do with this bullcrap of an anime.
Sep 23, 2015 5:06 AM
Aug 2015
It was fucking terrible. Was it written by a 17 year old fucking seriously?
Sep 24, 2015 1:30 AM

Apr 2011
This show started off pretty cool. We had an MC that didn't give two shits and I liked how it tried to be different. Loved the style it was using and the story was so-so. Not great, not terrible. Then the weeks passed and it became painfully apparent that the MC wasn't the only one who didn't give two shits about anything. The execution just got worse each week (how the fuck do you even do that?), the MC just became bland and the reason for Hashiba's existence just never came. When I started watching this, I gave it a solid 7. Now that I'm done with it, I give it a 1. Easily the worst show this year.
Sep 24, 2015 8:24 PM

Aug 2014
Roloko said:
I liked this for paperbag guy and Hashiba being gay over Kobayashi.


Akechi was a decent character imo. Overall decent show, but I didn't really have high expectations.
Sep 26, 2015 6:02 PM

Jun 2011
That was an amazing finale, the entire finale being tied up with many other characters and incidents, and highlight all of their problems is probably the best thing about it. While I really want to know what is happening with the loli sensei, I actually like that they left it ambiguous. I hope that she could one day take a stand for herself, which is pretty much what Namikoshi's plan is, or at least what other people think of his plan is. Or it could be that, after all that Namikoshi had planned, it didn't work for her and she didn't stood up for herself, which indicates that his plan is not perfect and does not work for everyone.
P.S. Now that I think about it, I think the fact that her case was not brought up is just like everyone who got bullied. Nobody is willing to stand up for them, and in this case, Kobayashi noticed the scars on her wrist but never said anything, which in a way make him similar to all the bystanders who do nothing but watch/ignore. Kind of sad actually.

The rooftop(?) / rescue scene was really amazing. I have really come to like Hashiba, even though he's supposed to be the bland guy of the series. I hope Hashiba x Kobayashi works out. XD On the other hand, it was painful to watch Namikoshi go and Akechi's reaction to it. By the end of the episode though, they kind of hint at Namikoshi's survival, which in a way I guess it says that even though he dies, 20 faces will never end.

The scene in the credit with Kagami and Nakamura was also really awesome!

Despite my dislike for certain things, this finale was great and it really brings up the score for me. The opening and ending, after repeated plays, I have come to really like it, especially the instrumental for the opening. Solid 8/10.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 26, 2015 6:39 PM

Mar 2014
That trap sure can be a handful.
So basically nothing changed and they're at the same spot as the first episode.
Kinda felt like the anime tried to be deep, but didn't execute very well. 5/10
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Sep 26, 2015 6:41 PM

Jul 2014
..........seriously it's hard to me to like this anime
OP/ED is great though, probably the best of this season but the story is just meh.
+Fujobait everywhere.
"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous"

Sep 27, 2015 2:43 AM
Mar 2012
Music was nice (headache song + op/ed). Especially Kobayashi backstory/reasons seem too undeveloped, and goth-sensei (one of those victims of society who didn't jump?). Symbolism & abstract visuals were a treat, perspectives, greyed/puppet/20faces crowds. I liked 3minute girl & bag-man. Comedy became the main draw, which is weird since they totally gave up on the mystery genre.
Sep 28, 2015 7:41 AM

Mar 2013
Okay ending. Tho I desired more negative outcome after all that events happened.

What I really don't liked and pissed me off was the lollis getting killed in starting of eps :(
Felt real bad for Kagami's sister too.

Only good thing about the show was music, opening and ending theme.
And some different symbolism show tried to present it.

I think that butterfly symbolism stands for "Butterfly effect" show tried to bring out.
Sep 29, 2015 5:43 AM

Jun 2013
That ending was MEH and UGH. Still, I'm glad it's over. I don't have to guess what's going to happen next. Obviously, the ending was rushed. I feel sorry for this series because I felt it could've been more.
Oct 3, 2015 1:18 PM

Sep 2013
Aye, remember to violently murder, maim and torture someone who did something something bad.

If only they executed more criminals and this wouldn't happen 8/10
Oct 18, 2015 2:14 AM

Jul 2012
One of the weakest murder mystery shows I've seen so far.

The ending theme was nice, I guess. Also, nice voice cast. Reminded me of Code Geass because of Sakurai and Fukujun.

I would have kept it at a 5/10 if they just kept throwing bland episodic cases. The main plot was bad enough for me to push the score down even more. Another thing that bugged me was how they kept on using artsy/abstract scenes to make it even more edgier.

The MC pisses me off. Japan, traps don't make a show better.
Oct 18, 2015 1:59 PM

Aug 2009
The only thing I really liked (and suffered) from this anime was its way to portrait such injustices.

I can't give it a better mark if I can't tell what's the product of that formula exactly. Rumors? Persuasion? Tweets? I more or less understand what it does, but not what it is.
Anyway, it seemed to change nothing at all, and was totally forgotten. As Orihara Izaya said: a trend in a city lasts only a few days.
Oct 19, 2015 7:01 AM

May 2014
What a ride this was, this anime had flaws, ofcourse.
But the originality in animation, something I've never seen before, I gotta thank some folks for it.
Elsewhere, the story didn't really make me feel anything. But it was good nonetheless.
This anime was special on its own, quite different from the other series from the summer season.
Refreshing, if onky every season would have one like this.
Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace, the guy who thought this up was the same one who though up Detective Conan right? Amazing.
8/10 for this anime.
Oct 19, 2015 7:14 AM

Jan 2011
until the last case with this stupid algorithm the show was really great. very nice visuals, they create a very unique atmosphere. and nice characters. but the last case was so stupid, it ruined the show. a algorithm that predicts the future? created from a child? sure … and „everyone“ follows him so quickly? sure … ah yeah, and that useless genderbender with the main character was … simply useless and stupid and so unnecessary, the woman in the cage, too. music was great, i liked the opening. rating: 0,69. could have been 0,85 without the bad things i mentioned. well, back to 名探偵コナン. ^^
Oct 19, 2015 4:00 PM

Oct 2007
Ruined by last episode.

Wish the anime would at least explain what's up with the crazed nimph behind bars and how her braindead ogres escaped.
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Oct 29, 2015 10:33 AM

Apr 2011
Deep. Like piss on concrete deep.

MarkFlowers said:

This is probably one of the worst anime Noitamina has ever aired

Probably, but Galilei Donna still holds the title of being the worst noitamina anime.
Dec 1, 2015 2:01 PM
Aug 2013
Not as bad as everyone says. I'd take this over the hyped wrecks that were Charlotte, which had a very dumb ending (2/10), and Gangsta, which stops in the middle of an incoherent arc (2/10). This one actually told a story to completion. I'll give this one 5/10.
GippyDec 1, 2015 5:41 PM
Dec 9, 2015 7:52 AM

Aug 2013
What a disapointed of original anime.
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Dec 13, 2015 3:03 PM

Oct 2014
Thought that the philosofical points in this anime were actually very interesting and kept me hooked in the series, although I thought that the middle part of the series was especially lackluster.

Oh well, it was a pretty decent anime imo so I'm going to rate it 6/10

Also, I hated the way Kobayashi looked :/

And the OST was beautiful
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Dec 30, 2015 1:41 PM

Dec 2013
I'm still trying to figure out why Kobayashi jumped, thinking "WHY WOULD YOU JUMP!?!? " Technically his death wast necessary for the equation to be complete and he can't really have done it cause life was boring. I'm at a lost, someone want to enlighten me as to why (if there is another reason) he did that or was that just to create drama?

Outside that it was an enjoyable series, too quick paced here and there and felt a bit patchy at times but still glad I watched. Also I feel like that they made Kobayashi male just for comedic affect because there isn't a real reason he couldn't have been a girl (He even dressed like a girl for leisure at times) but whatever.
Examining one series under the magnifying glass at a time.
Jan 6, 2016 8:27 PM

Aug 2015
I enjoyed this show, It was not that bad!
It would be better If Namikoshi appeared at the end of the last episode :'D
Ara Ara~
Jan 19, 2016 5:20 PM

May 2012
Pretty decent ending if you asked me, a bit faster in terms of pacing and it might be labeled as rushed to get it finished, but in general it was still a pretty solid ending.

All in all I pretty much put this anime on hold for 3 months but after getting it back up now, marathoning it sure was fun, so a pretty lovely anime in general I must say!
Jan 28, 2016 10:53 PM

Oct 2007
Visually and stylistically it's a very interesting series. Unfortunately, pretty much everything else about it is completely fucking retarded, holy crap. 3/10
Jan 30, 2016 9:10 PM
Jan 2012
Why do so many people not like this? I thought it was top notch!
Feb 5, 2016 4:54 AM
Jan 2015
Why isn't there a tag "almost Shonen-ai" for this anime ?
The MC is a trap , his friend has a fucking crush on him and he is always blushing (every episode) .... I didn't expect dat since i didn't read the synopsis and only saw "Mystery" tag xD

Anyways, the plot sucked with useless characters :

- The MC who is a trap, decides to wear girls clothes randomly anywhere and find everything "fun".
- masochist girl (Black Lizard) who wet herself when Akechi is talking.... Can almost fill a pool with that ..She is in a sort of jail with chains and we don't know why, everyone don't give a shit
- Loli teacher underdeveloped character
- and more

Jun 25, 2016 12:00 PM

Dec 2010
The fact I found those S/M guys the best thing about this final episode probably doesn't speak really well of this anime, but I can't help it, they were really amusing.

1. Characters: 0.5 | The only good characters were Akechi, Souji and Nakamura. And they were wasted in a bad anime.
2. Atmosphere: +1 | As much as I didn't like it, it was pretty strong.
3. OST: +0.5 | Apart from 1-2 tracks I really dislike this OST.
4. Animation: +1 | The quality was pretty good.
5. Background story: +0.5 | The few character backgrounds we got weren't that bad, but nothing really great.
6. Storyline: +0.5 | The fact there was some kind of a plot is respectable, but it was nothing really great.
7. Ending: 0 | I really hate how the end turned out. Akechi was completely powerless to stop the chain of events, and when the bad ending followed it really left no impact.
8. Drama: +0.5 | There was decent ammount of drama but in the end it really ammounted more to tragedy than anything else. I didn't like most of it.
9. Overall affect: 0.5 | In the end this tried too hard to be artistic and too little to be an actual work with substance. I mostly really liked only a few characters about this.
Overall score: 5/10.
Aug 17, 2016 10:05 AM

Feb 2016
Maybe I had an advantage when I saw this, because I had no expectations of it being a mystery story. After the first episode it was obvious this series was a dark comedy with a morbid sense of humor, and I was having fun with how ridiculously over-the-top the characters were. Most of the stories were simplistic, but honestly, I don't think that was the point of most of the series. I think most of it was about character interaction and relationship. The art style was pretty amazing too.

All in all, I had fun with it. 7/10
Sep 3, 2016 6:56 AM

Sep 2012
Loved this anime! I wish it was longer though and I think it would have been nicer if the cases were set out over a few episodes. Just to give the viewer a chance to solve the case instead of the whole thing being explained and solved in a matter of minutes.

Also something that really frustrated me was how that old detective guy and Akechi didn't like the whole 20 faces thing. I mean they only kill bad guys right? Bad guys that if left alone with the current justice system would commit offences again. It's clear that something had to be done to evoke change.

Anyway I thought it was really a unique anime, wish there was a 2nd season.
Sep 6, 2016 7:06 AM
Mar 2015
I've see worse......maybe a 6.5
Sep 15, 2016 4:48 PM

Jun 2016
Ending was somewhat unexpected for me, Namikoshe died damn.
rip twenty faces :'(
Jul 7, 2017 6:26 PM

Feb 2010
mirana said:
Ranpo Kitan was everything I wanted from a mystery show. Unlike everyone else, I actually liked Kobayashi for what he was, is, and what it came to be in the last episode. Definitely my favorite show from this season. Also, the best ending song is definitely Mikazuki.

LOL at the people who thought Koyabashi was going to come out as a girl. In your face, desperate assholes.

Exactly this! This best commentary of all series. I faw the same comments in Trickster, another anime based on the same work because people expected something different like Agatha Christie (that you can solve the mysteries) I think. Sherlock Holmes (who inspired his stories) don't have mysteries like that. And what is wrong with Kobayashi being boring with life and being always calm? It's a good one for me, well planned. Also the ones who don't like Kobayashi looking like a girl: in your faces 2 lol
The author of the book described him like that so they did it.
I like all good king of mystery and I really liked that one.
Sep 16, 2017 11:35 AM

Dec 2012
lol at the tee-hee.
Dat ass.
Dat leakage.
Baka hypocrite reporter.
lol 2D side scroller.
lol at Shadow-man.
Pillar me- Never mind.
That woman in the helicopter is cute.
Minami committed suicide?
It was Kobayashi's plan.
Dat fall.
Hashiba blushing again. smh
Dat bat.
Kagami. Free Kagami!

And that was the end. It was good. I'll miss Black Lizard. She's so fine. I would want her to give me a shower. :D
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Oct 23, 2017 10:25 AM

Aug 2014
nothing much to say... ..just. sigh... Meh.....

Sep 3, 2018 10:50 AM

Apr 2017
So Hashiba got feelings for Kobayashi
and Namikoshi got feelings for Akechi
Jan 14, 2019 12:10 AM
Jan 2019
Overall loved the anime and art/symbolism. The 3 main character(Akechi,Namikoshi, and Shadow man) were very developed and entertaining(Let's face it Namikoshi and Akechi were the real MCs and Shadow man was awsome). Kobayoshi had some development at the end with him finding more people interesting in the world, and Hashiba was a shotty character with no development. The anime was a little rushed, seriously there was so many 20 faces crime cases that they could have put in as episode, and the ending felt a little bit rushed. Namikoshi's backstory was a little cliche with child abuse and bullies, but that is just real life. Most real life villains or murderers had a similar backstory in some way so I think Namikoshi was a great character. Akechi and Namikoshi were the true man characters and made this anime great to me, as well as soundtrack,art/symbolism,and shadow man. I enjoyed how each main character saw the world,Kobayashi saw people of no interest as shilouttes,Akechi saw them as mannequins, and Namikoshi saw them as cruel skeletons. Again overall great anime but was a little rushed and Hashiba was more of a side character than mc. The true main MCs were Akechi and Namikoshi, with Kobayashi as a side MC and Hashiba being only there to save Kobayashi at the end. I hope Namikoshi is alive though,such a good character. Overall I give it a 8 to 9 out of 10. I would recommend to watch but will give a little bit of a warning as well.
Apr 20, 2019 4:06 AM

Dec 2013
Meh, Kobayashi didn't even care about his own life or what his friend will feel if he will die. Felt like just what I mentioned in first 2 eps, that he just cared about "having fun". Hope the fact that Hashiba saved him knock some sense out of him please. And what happened to Hanabishi sensei???? WHY??? Glad that was still able to finish this. Score is 4/10.
_kukiyomenaiApr 20, 2019 4:09 AM

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵?
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺?

Jul 20, 2019 6:19 AM

Jul 2016
PRQ said:
It was fucking terrible. Was it written by a 17 year old fucking seriously?

Was clearly written with 14 year old emos in mind.
Jul 21, 2023 8:11 AM
Apr 2023
watched it 2nd time and still as puzzled as 1st time :) till now i have no clue what is happening and why it's happening
Oct 22, 2023 10:51 PM

Oct 2020
Can't blame those twenty faces if you live in the country that has a retarded law like this and the detective is f useless the victim is all dead so there's no purpose for him at all
Dec 4, 2023 11:47 AM

Dec 2022
The symbolism and visuals helped this episode tremendously, but I'm indifferent to the anime overall. It fluctuates in tone, atmosphere and narrative on a frequent enough basis that you never really get immersed in the story.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Jul 23, 2024 10:52 AM

Jan 2016
Oh, so those guys are actually masochists voluntarily there with the mistress.

There is 25% chance the idiot who orchestrated all of this is still alive. From before he burned himself, his intentions were shit and misunderstood his relationship to Akechi. This is the mind of someone absolutely broken. Even in the end, he thought the only way to be happy with Akechi, is by killing himself, a man of absolute delusion.

The show kept to how it was from intro and opening. I give 5/5, but reluctantly as hated this and need to replace my floors and walls due to flooding in my immediate area.

Disappointed Richie Rich didn't confess love.

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