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Aug 15, 2015 12:29 PM

Jul 2014
If scientists knew about Imotou they would have took Yuu as well, Imotou is dead thats a fact, the blood on ep 6 further says this, the scientists will be revealed on a different means, remember the poster? the one that had 2 young boys on a lab looking scary as shit? that! with some high possibilities of time leap theory in it since I see the long haired guy that doesnt show his eyes as possible future Yuu.
-Hides his eyes
-Stares at Imotou's blood
-Knows where and what powers the user has (that being his power is a lie) since he came from the future he knows what happens.
Aug 15, 2015 12:29 PM
Oct 2010
Maybe the woman at the funeral was the yandere girl's mother.

So what happened to that girl? dead too? instead of? taken by the scientists thinking she is Ayumi, as a narrative set up for the ultimate trolling?

Zetron said:
eats a bunch of ramen ---> goes outside ----> eats pizza ---> eats dango -----> plays arcade game and suddenly becomes a violent delinquent -----> stabs niggas -----> almost does cocaine ---> eats omelette ---> cured

"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Aug 15, 2015 12:30 PM

Jul 2010
x3Rampage said:
Shokugeki said:

0% for me, wouldn't they have taken Yuu also like they did with Tomori and her brother?

70% for me. no other reason to give her such a badass power.
ayumi n yuu would probably go n take out those scientists' lab or something

about the badass power... i think they gave her that power to kill her from the beginning...
Aug 15, 2015 12:33 PM
Jul 2015

I can't trust Ayumi is dead,but,if it's true, then i hope she will come back with nishimori ESP ='(.
And i was sure Nao followed him!
Aug 15, 2015 12:33 PM

Jan 2013
That was the single worst episode i've seen in quite some time. Terribad wriiting. Utterly cringeworthy.

Excellent comedy.
Aug 15, 2015 12:34 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Lets just hope theres not another power of the week now that they go back with the student council. ._.

It was a really good episode.
Not 100% sure that ayumi is dead tho, maybe the scientist are hiding her.
Aug 15, 2015 12:34 PM

May 2012
The one thing I didn't want to happen even if they death flag was so damn obvious the whole way through.

Man, I really hope Mr. Long-haired-guy helped Ayumi somehow at the end of the last episode.

Can't say I really felt much from watching Yuu destroy himself... it just felt so rushed. Maybe if it were a 2-cour and 2 or 3 episodes were dedicated to Yuu's self-destruction and recovery, but this just felt way too fast. Eh

Welp, the feels at least hit me a bit at the beginning of the episode, but the rest of the episode felt very meh.

Aug 15, 2015 12:35 PM

Apr 2010
They killed of one of the most funny characters.
This episode itself wasn't that good it was basically watching the main slowly throwing his life away and abusing his powers again.
And the girl from the first episode returned again tho we didn't see much of her.

Tomori being their al the time seemed a bit strange tho.
Aug 15, 2015 12:35 PM

Feb 2012
From this episode on in the neighbourhood they call him the Dango Gangsta.

I'm still waiting for that white haired guy from the opening.
Aug 15, 2015 12:36 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Olem said:
The one thing I didn't want to happen even if they death flag was so damn obvious the whole way through.

Man, I really hope Mr. Long-haired-guy helped Ayumi somehow at the end of the last episode.

Can't say I really felt much from watching Yuu destroy himself... it just felt so rushed. Maybe if it were a 2-cour and 2 or 3 episodes were dedicated to Yuu's self-destruction and recovery, but this just felt way too fast. Eh

Welp, the feels at least hit me a bit at the beginning of the episode, but the rest of the episode felt very meh.

It supposed to have a second cour.
Aug 15, 2015 12:37 PM

May 2011
I know some of you are hating on Nao for letting Yuu go through his crisis for so long.

But I sort of agreed with how she handled it. Yuu needed to freak out for a bit. And that takes time. I feel like if Nao just rushed to do the Omelet Rice thing too soon it would have fallen on deaf ears.

I'm sure she took a look back on her own painful experience and realized there would be a time and place to try and reach out to Yuu.

I also can't get past the whole Ayumi is dead thing. seems too early to kill off a lovable side character without a meaningful reason.

If it isn't final, i sure hope they don't pull the time travel ass-pull bit again. That's been done to death and the whole butterfly effect makes it messy for a simpleton show like this one.

At least go for the false death, taken by authorities. I'd even settle for Ayumi collapsing into another plane of existence/dimension idea. It would make her powers more believable.
CirrisAug 15, 2015 12:47 PM
Aug 15, 2015 12:37 PM

Feb 2015
i laughed soo hard when i saw him rolling up the joint. I hate Nao for interrupting him :V

she should have stayed invisible and smoked with him too
also 5/5 i liked this episode because it was more action packed then the rest
Aug 15, 2015 12:38 PM

Nov 2010
Personally I feel like this episode would've been great if they hadn't pushed the edginess way beyond the limit. They completely threw any hints of subtlety out the window with the lame crazy laugh and crazy eyes and whatnot. Those scenes felt pretty awkward and almost ruined the nice feeling this episode had going for it.
Aug 15, 2015 12:38 PM

Nov 2014
Dmmm Key you always find the way how make your fans mourn.
Aug 15, 2015 12:40 PM

Nov 2013
Glorious. It even managed to give purpose to Yuu's characterization in episode 1.
Nao gave Yuu all the time he needed because she had to go through a similar experience and she understood him. She's also a crazy psychopath, so it's understandable.
The ship is REAL. That last scene was sweeter than the Otosaka pizza sauce.

Edit: holy shit, showing/implying drug usage in an anime. A rare sight.
Aug 15, 2015 12:41 PM

Apr 2012
This episode was really heartbreaking... Even though I didnt really like the imouto she annoyed me
Aug 15, 2015 12:41 PM

Mar 2014
I'm thinking little sister is with scientists now question is will she still be sane next time we see her.
Aug 15, 2015 12:42 PM

Mar 2015
She died, as predicted.
Aug 15, 2015 12:42 PM

Jan 2015
Cirris said:
I know some of you are hating on Nao for letting Yuu go through his crisis for so long.

But I sort of agreed with how she handled it. Yuu needed to freak out for a bit. And that takes time. I feel like if Nao just rushed to do the Omelet Rice thing too soon it would have fallen on deaf ears.

I'm sure she took a look back on her own painful experience and realized there would be a time and place to try and reach out to Yuu.

I agree with you. There really is no right way to handle situations like this and I think Nao handled it well enough. Yuu grabbed her collar and was absolutely furious even after she approached him after so long. Just think what could have happened if she had approached him any earlier.
MALoween 2017 Candy:
Aug 15, 2015 12:42 PM

Jul 2014
IcyBurn said:
SansrivaaL said:
If scientists knew about Imotou they would have took Yuu as well, Imotou is dead thats a fact.

-who says that the scientists where the only ones who could have taken her? the girl with the orange hair knew what was gonna happens and cam to save her, she also seems to have alot of of authority(or the groups shes with). they could have cover everything up.

-its not a fact until the anime is over.

Hence why I said IF scientists took her. The girl with the orange girl was too late, she even said so, I highly doubt she can do anything anymore after saying that and us watching Ayumi falling with rocks about to crush her and end credits showing a large amount of blood.

Its a fact when its obvious, she is dead deal with it or stay delusional.
Aug 15, 2015 12:42 PM

Jul 2015
The most heart chopping episode.
Rest In Peace Ayumi-Chan.
We will all sincerely miss you!

"You shall fall in love with someone who doesn't love you.
For not loving someone who did"

Aug 15, 2015 12:43 PM
Feb 2015
This may seem odd but you've got to admit, Yu was badass when he was in that "self-destruction" mode. He kicked ass.

I hope he makes it up with that ex-girlfriend of his though... Does anyone know if he does?

And if anyone has any pics of him from this episode, I'd love if you send them to me.
Aug 15, 2015 12:43 PM
Jan 2015
pizza sauce heals the kokoro.

I won't believe Ayumi's dead until we see her corpse.
ninjasparksAug 15, 2015 12:47 PM
Aug 15, 2015 12:44 PM

Jun 2015
markeus said:
i laughed soo hard when i saw him rolling up the joint. I hate Nao for interrupting him :V

she should have stayed invisible and smoked with him too
also 5/5 i liked this episode because it was more action packed then the rest

It was cocaine, not weed. So I'm pretty glad she stopped him.
Aug 15, 2015 12:46 PM
Feb 2015
Man this episode was very depressing. The Mc got lots of development but man his little sister died? That just hurts...
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Aug 15, 2015 12:48 PM

Dec 2011
Shokugeki said:
Tevens said:

i gave 45% cause , i don't want to hope or even imagine if scientists take her to experiment her. the flashback from nao's brother was very cruel. can you imagine the scientists experimenting her like when they experimenting nao's brother. i don't even want to imagine it

0% for me, wouldn't they have taken Yuu also like they did with Tomori and her brother?

Maybe the scientists found Ayumi but didn't find Yuu.
Aug 15, 2015 12:51 PM

Jan 2014
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW That last scene made me shed a tear :(
Aug 15, 2015 12:51 PM

Oct 2009
DNI_R said:
Eh... i hoped for some sort of MC going to the dark-evil side with a few other shady guys with powers:). At least that what i was speculating from one scene from the opening (i mean the guy in the middle wass so hard to identify from that fast frame, so it looked exactly like MC for me (except for hair when you look closely)...)

That could've been so much more exciting, cause last episode was already quite stupid with that crazy girl with a knife and death was abrupt, so why not go all the way.

I think the middle guy is the Zhiend composer because Nao said he is blind and its look like he is holding a white cane. Or not hehe.
Aug 15, 2015 12:52 PM

Jul 2015
MitsukiHimeka said:
Shokugeki said:

0% for me, wouldn't they have taken Yuu also like they did with Tomori and her brother?

Maybe the scientists found Ayumi but didn't find Yuu.

Hopefully they did, and then Yuu would save her. I mean we did see 2 men in black suits, maybe they came to get him too? I mean Ayumi's power is no joke at all.

"You shall fall in love with someone who doesn't love you.
For not loving someone who did"

Aug 15, 2015 12:53 PM

Mar 2015
Tevens said:
DesuTronic said:
I don't know how make my feels into words

what an emotional episode

That scene ;w;

Imagine if Ayumi is actually being researched by the scientists and not dead? That could be a possibility since we didn't have the chance to see the corpse.
Aug 15, 2015 12:54 PM

May 2015
damn this episode was sad Manly tears were shed :(
Aug 15, 2015 1:00 PM

May 2014
Nice, imouto died.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 15, 2015 1:08 PM

Oct 2011
Aug 15, 2015 1:14 PM
Apr 2015
Great episode, MC gone totally mad hah ^^

Anyone else noticed Angel Beats on TV in Yuu's room? Man, that was awesome! :D
Aug 15, 2015 1:21 PM

Apr 2014
Oh God that whole episode was hilarious. Was it supposed to be sad?
Unintentional comedy of the season.
Aug 15, 2015 1:21 PM

Jul 2015
centurionix said:
Great episode, MC gone totally mad hah ^^

Anyone else noticed Angel Beats on TV in Yuu's room? Man, that was awesome! :D

Kana was trying to fly Lmao.

"You shall fall in love with someone who doesn't love you.
For not loving someone who did"

Aug 15, 2015 1:22 PM

May 2015
NAO waifu points +5
Aug 15, 2015 1:24 PM

Aug 2014
I liked him not ending up twisted, decent episode and a change from the previous 6 episodes. But Ayumi's death...gave me no feels, so rip girl I didn't care about.

Nao continues being nice too! Though I'm certain we are going to encounter some time travelling dude that will save the day eventually.
Aug 15, 2015 1:28 PM

Aug 2013
Wow intense episode Yu was badass when he was using his power to beat all those guys up. Though at the same time it was depressing to see him like that. I'm glad Nao stopped him.

The Omurice scene made me shed a tear. Not the most [edit:(original)] plot but whatever, it worked. However this series needs to get a lot better to match up to Angel Beats.
ittou_shuraAug 19, 2015 1:18 PM
Aug 15, 2015 1:28 PM

Oct 2014
Rip in pizza sauce ;_;

Really liked the episode, altough i think the ''healing'' was a little rushed.
Aug 15, 2015 1:30 PM

Dec 2014
I'm very suprised on this episode, yeah i know ayumi has die. And Yuu going out of control, run from his apartement, went to street fighting with other gank. But NAO!
Yes she turned Yuu back into normal, that's why i like's her :)
BTW 5/5 for this episode. And anyone know about insert song? i wanted to hear the full version of it!
Aug 15, 2015 1:33 PM

Jun 2007
bobzanny said:
So I'm curious ass to what Yuu meant when he said that he never got to repay Ayumi.

Didn't notice anyone responding to you so...

I took it as him referring to the way she has supported him and then questioning whether he had done anything for her all that time.
TheTsunamiAug 16, 2015 5:55 PM
Aug 15, 2015 1:38 PM

Apr 2013
xkinn123 said:

11. How to become SIMON, after KAMINA's death.

Don't even try to compare this garbage to TTGL. You make me sick.

i am average american man i enjoy
bad game runescape
Aug 15, 2015 1:38 PM

Apr 2014
OH HELL NAW!!! Our loli Ayumi is dead...where is my guns, I will hunt that shitty yandere girl.
Yuu goes into an anti-hero rampage...AWESOME!
Nao manage to bring Yuu back to his sense...damn, I will to see Yuu rampage even more. At least until he kill that yandere girl.
R.I.P. Ayumi, we will miss you :'(
Aug 15, 2015 1:41 PM

Feb 2015
guys!!, for you who don't know;

animax is airing charlotte , same day as japan.

so if you all don't want to wait in front of your computer , then watch it on animax
Aug 15, 2015 1:42 PM

Aug 2008
When I heard the sister is dead I though "fuck yes!". It's hard to give a damn about a character with no development aside from being annoying. Luckily they tried to do the drama by showing MC's turmoil but sadly it was resolved way too quickly and easily. It's highly probable the sister was just taken by some research facility (especially seeing there was no funeral shown) and rescuing her might be the plot for the rest of the series.
AntanaruAug 15, 2015 2:37 PM
Ii tenki desu ne...
Aug 15, 2015 1:43 PM

Jun 2015
hlubkoj2020 said:
OH HELL NAW!!! Our loli Ayumi is dead...where is my guns, I will hunt that shitty yandere girl.
Yuu goes into an anti-hero rampage...AWESOME!
Nao manage to bring Yuu back to his sense...damn, I will to see Yuu rampage even more. At least until he kill that yandere girl.
R.I.P. Ayumi, we will miss you :'(

Would you really want him to kill her? No matter how violent and psychotic, she's evidently A) mentally ill, and B) A CHILD.

How about a psych ward and therapy? XD
Aug 15, 2015 1:45 PM

Dec 2012
They guys in black that went to get Yuu were from the police?

Yuu_vi_Britannia said:

In the first chapter of the manga.
Ayumi dreamed of it

I hope that they add the missing scenes to the BDs.
Aug 15, 2015 1:45 PM
Aug 2015
Well that was unexpected but the character development is going steady, to tell the truth the only good anime I like from key is Charlotte I didnt like little busters, angel beats was kinda cool anywayz really happy with this development got to see some baddass act there why can't every character be like badass yuu seriously????
Aug 15, 2015 1:46 PM

Jan 2014
Aww man Ayumi really died ;_;

A really depressing episode i've got to say.. he nearly hit the point of no return but was saved by Nao. I was waiting for her to do something, though it didn't hit me that she had been looking at him the whole time.
This episode really hit the nail on the head for me, ugh TT_TT
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