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House of the Sun
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Feb 5, 2015 10:44 AM
Oct 2014
Its been such a fun ride. I think Im not exaggerating If I say this was one of the best shoujos Ive ever laid my eyes on.

Cant wait to see the extra chapters though!

PS: This NEEDS to have an anime adaptation xD
Feb 11, 2015 6:34 AM

Apr 2013
It ended in a celebration o.o

That guy's proposal though XD

Feb 11, 2015 9:05 PM

Nov 2011
>I want us to become a family
How sweet.

Yeah, this series definitely needs an anime adaptation. Might give the spinoff a try also.
Feb 11, 2015 11:43 PM

Oct 2012
so adorable <3 This was a great manga ^_^

Can't wait to see what the spinoff will be about. I'd rather it be about Chi-chan and Oda rather than Radical-san. But either way, I think I probably still read it.

Feb 12, 2015 12:17 AM
Mar 2014
ahh, what a cute ending : )

it wouldnt be a stretch to call taiyou no ie one of the best shoujos i've ever read (alongside Orange probably)
Feb 12, 2015 12:50 AM

Oct 2009
This is the end....I'm incredibly sad but happy at the same time, it's one of the best shoujos that I ever read and I'm sad that it's finished but the ending made me really happy ^^
Feb 12, 2015 1:02 AM
Mar 2008
Perfect ending for a flawless manga. There's a lot of chemistry between Mao and Hiro, the author really did a great work.
Crossing fingers for anime adapt.
Feb 12, 2015 1:06 AM

Dec 2013
what a heartwarming ending I love it <3
fatmouth7 said:
Balls-to-the-Wall action that makes your testosterone levels skyrocket.

Feb 12, 2015 1:19 AM

Jan 2011
Such a perfect ending to this wonderful series. From start to finish, I've loved reading each chapter of Taiyou no Ie. Mao x Hiro were adorable as always and those final pages with Mao acting all dense when Hiro was trying to tell her that he would like to marry her in the future was so darn cute. xD Now all this needs is an anime adaptation, PLEASE! :D

Looking forward to the extra chapters and the spin-off of Radical-san though. I hope we get to see an older Mao x Hiro with some children. ;D
Feb 12, 2015 2:04 AM

Aug 2014
Ugh, my heart hurts knowing that it's over.. but the extra chapters and spin-off should help.
This is easily one of my favorites, and is probably going to be re-read in a year. v.v!!!
Feb 12, 2015 6:08 AM

Dec 2012
So sweet ;_;
Feb 12, 2015 6:12 AM

Sep 2011
One of the few mangas that have a satisfying ending. Great job.
Feb 12, 2015 6:55 AM

May 2010
So the best manga ever ends (which also has the best shojo couple ever. One of the most distinct artstyle too) in a perfect-yet-still-leaving-me-wanting-for-more way, like I love it so so so much. Mao is adorable and one of the best shojo heroine, same goes for Hiro who is just plain awesome. So many good and memorable characters. The amount of love I have for this series is immeasurable.

Do I have to mention the moments? Like I haven't seen such perfect ship tease before. The ship didn't even lose spark after it happened (and boy, we got 3 hot kisses too) It ended on a proposal and that's highly satisfying. Plus it wasn't out of nowhere. It was realistic as Hiro said he would wait for Mao to grow up and properly become a part of the 'family' he actually wants (of-course, counting Daiki and Hina as well)

10000/10. Taiyou no Ie, you shall be remember always. Eagerly waiting for Taamo's new series.

Also, please please an anime adaptation. 2-cour. Please.
Feb 12, 2015 2:09 PM
Apr 2014
A proposal? Hiro sure wants them to get married, doesn't he?

A nice, sweet, fluffy ending, great read.
Feb 12, 2015 4:36 PM

Feb 2014
That's the way!!! damn it. If not because of the dragging plot on the middle, it could be easily 9/10 for me. But this last chapter enough to pumped my score from 7 to 8. Overall, it was a great series. Yeah!!!!!!!!
Feb 12, 2015 5:27 PM

Feb 2014
One of the first few mangas I ever started reading... So sad to see it end ;_;

The ending was one of the cutest things ever. I'm glad for those two.

"Later on, you will become a lively person causing headaches as the shrine-god."
Feb 12, 2015 5:34 PM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
Sweet and uplifting ending.

Despite a bit of dragging plot at times, I have to say it was a very enjoyable read and I'll be looking forward to what comes next.
Feb 13, 2015 4:51 AM

Dec 2013
Just read this in one sitting TuT.... It's beautiful. One of the best shoujo mangas that I have read!
For once I don't dislike the MC as she was quite understandable and not overreact to her given situations. The male lead, Hiro, he'sa gentleman (which is freak'n awesome cause he's not a jerk like in most shoujo mangas). All the characters fit within the manga. You can understand and even empathise them.

I don't feel that anything was forced onto the readers (e.g. characters emotions) and the way that it ended was not rushed for once! The conflict within the manga was mostly solved and was not dragged/rushed which I find satisfying. Though I do question the "feelings" of some of the characters, like how they forgive/forget a little too easily (I can't see how everyone can be on super friendly terms you know, but such is the way of thing).

Anyways about the ending, it's satisfactory. There isn't that many plot holes, well not any major ones that I can think of. It's would be nice to see a time jump into the future though, love those (the warm fuzzy feels from a happy family ;~;).

Well it might be cause I think highly of this compared to other works but woah.... This is a great story for any shoujo fan :).
Feb 13, 2015 5:00 AM

Jan 2014
Waa, i'll miss this manga, one of the best shoujos i've read! T_T thanks for the memories!

Finally! Hiro proposed :D He should teach Mao to cook before they get married though
"Though we strike at you from the shadows, do NOT think that we lack the courage to stand in the light." - Zeratul
Feb 13, 2015 10:31 PM

Apr 2012
I can't wait for the extra chapters!

Hiro and Mao are really adorable and I hope Daiki will find someone good. :D

I hope she'd do a sequel to this like Mao and Hiro's children or something because Taamo-Sensei's art is really nice.

My forum picture is awesome. #sorrynotsorry (tumblr)

Feb 15, 2015 5:28 PM

Oct 2011
Ok, I love it. This is one of the best shoujos I read. It has a good pace, the characters are lovable and the art is nice. Btw, I love how it is romance but focus so much in family and friendship. i really love it it's cute and refreshing. I can't wait for the extras! :>
Feb 15, 2015 5:39 PM
Aug 2013
I remember looking up "romance manga with family problems" and ending up finding Taiyou no Ie. This was exactly what I was looking for. Believe it or not, I love it when characters are in depressing situations like this. It makes me think and it adds more feeling to a story. Taiyou was absolutely perfect. Nothing was forced and it happened pretty naturally. Like you didn't question that they liked each other depite what they said. Some stuff was drawn out, and I still don't think that Mao's father should be forgiven so easily after so long, but hey, it was still a good manga. I've only been following it for about half a year so I was surprised when it ended already. But I'm also happy, becuase like, I don't want to have all of the goodness dragged out.

Anyways, awesome manga, good ending, I'm hoping to see some nice family stuff in the extra chapters.
Feb 25, 2015 7:32 PM

Aug 2014
I haven't read much lately, great to see this come to a satisfying ending though.

can't wait to read any extras.

great series overall.
Feb 27, 2015 1:42 PM

Sep 2013
that proposal !!!!

Mar 15, 2015 7:35 PM

Sep 2013
Satisfying ending i hope hina have more screen time.
Mar 24, 2015 7:19 PM

Jun 2013
All good things must come to an end eh?
Cheers for Hiro's proposal.
It was a wonderful ride, I'm going to miss this one a lot.
Apr 2, 2015 6:00 AM

Jan 2015
Such an amazing manga, hope it gets licensed so i can buy it physically in English!
Apr 2, 2015 9:54 AM
Oct 2014
WalkerWarning said:
Such an amazing manga, hope it gets licensed so i can buy it physically in English!

yh btw Horimiya was licensed recently so we will be able to buy it soon :D
Apr 4, 2015 6:00 PM

Aug 2006
I just finished the whole manga in two days despite having a lot of things to do. I just couldn't stop reading!

Even though I never went through the exact same ordeals as Mao or Hiro, I was able to feel their loneliness, sadness and their want for a family. I was sad when they were sad and happy when they were happy. That's how good the writing was.

I don't think I'll be able to forget Mao for a long time. She was what really made the manga special for me.
Apr 12, 2015 1:52 AM

Oct 2014
Is it the last chapter? Because it says there are 13 volumes but on mangafox it's only 10 with 50 chapter.
Apr 29, 2015 8:22 PM

Jul 2010
I want this to become an anime!
May 2, 2015 2:33 PM

Jul 2012
Excellent series. I can't believe I put this off for so long.

I really like it was part slice of life, part family, part romance, and part character growth. Just all of the good things combined into one. The romance was actually done really well and somewhat realistically. Also I loved Chihiro x Oda. They were a joy to watch. I want their own spin off. I really loved the family plots with Mao and her dad, Hina and her family and Daiki's growing love for Mao.

8/10 + saving it for a re-read in the future
May 25, 2015 6:05 AM

Jun 2008
This is a pretty damn sweet ending to a great series! I wasn't expecting much given its relatively generic synopsis but the author did such a great job with the art and developing the story and characters that i couldn't help but fell in love with it <3 It's one of those pretty rare series that really strike a cord with me with its family themes and the feeling of belonging. Not much series have done that well so it was refreshing to see this being done splendidly without feeling like it was a forced drama! I only wished that there were more explanations given as to why Mao's mom did what she did because i honestly think she was such a inconsiderate and selfish person and needless to say she was the main reason the family broke up. :(
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Jul 29, 2015 8:54 AM

Mar 2012
Adorable, just adorable.

Radical girl also got someone as well.

It was good that the misunderstandings weren't dragged out, problems were introduced and solved accordingly, great ending.

Only part I disliked was introducing her real mom afterwards, it felt really forced. So overall a good series. 7/10
ninja88880Jul 29, 2015 9:00 AM
Aug 3, 2015 10:22 AM

Nov 2009
Ah, this was an amazing read. Was pretty cheesy at certain moments, but all the characters had depth and the plot was always moving forward. Hiro is an amazing guy ;_; And Mao is a sweet girl!
I'm really really glad that it ended happily, and that the love triangle wasn't dragged out for too long. 8/10
Also: Radical-san extra chapter was great haha

Aug 27, 2015 11:19 PM

May 2014
"I want to grow old with you."
"I'm saying that I want to marry you someday!"
Omomomo, Hiro.. <3

I love this manga. It's not rushed and not too dramatic. Very lighthearted. Definitely a 10 for me~
Oct 14, 2015 4:04 AM

May 2015
Wait, I have a question. This chapter (chapter 50) is the end right? But here on MAL, it is up to 53 chapters. Eh? Might someone explain it to me...

Anyway, this was really enjoyable. I rarely read manga but this one caught my attention. I'm super duper miraculously sad that it already ended though. ; w;)

And yes please! I would want to see this animated! Crossing my fingers.
Feb 10, 2016 9:25 AM
Jul 2015
One of the best shoujo q.q gonna miss this. 2nd time re-read, still not enough `~`
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Feb 10, 2016 9:36 AM

Jul 2012
sharuchi said:
Wait, I have a question. This chapter (chapter 50) is the end right? But here on MAL, it is up to 53 chapters. Eh? Might someone explain it to me...
MAL includes any extra oneshots or side story chapters. So yes in total, there's only 50 chapters but with the extras, it's 53.

It's stupid. I know.
Feb 15, 2016 3:09 AM

Sep 2013
Fuzzywuz_zy said:
One of the best shoujo q.q gonna miss this. 2nd time re-read, still not enough `~`

The chemistry of Mao and Hiro is amazing, the ending they want become a family
Apr 17, 2016 9:19 PM

Feb 2015
Such a good ending. I loved this!
Jun 17, 2016 5:59 PM

Jul 2015
Such an amazing story !
Aug 21, 2016 4:15 AM

Jun 2010
It was great manga, but some things made it drop my rating:

1. Mao moms comeback was not needed, also rly late, coming back at endgame, no chance at win.
2. After Oda and Chichiro started dating, they barely have been shown together.
3.This got my attention mostly, artist most of time draw Mao face centered, she rarely had any 45angle face, mostly front and side, but for my suprise, Hiro had them quite normal. I can assume artist had low confidence in Mao`s face, or assumed it looked best centered.
4.At few points at close up, it was easy to see Mao head was some times bigger or same size as Hiro`s, but from distance panels, she looked like normal sized girl. Strange thing.

Overall, good manga for casual romance readers.
Jan 27, 2019 1:34 AM

Nov 2014
Phew, What a Great ride...

oof.... That proposal, i wish i can see their marriage life XD.
comparing the first chapter and this chapter while they're on Dining table brought so much feels to me, looking at how much they growth after those years. it's somehow beautiful.

The title of manga itself is quite simple "House of Sun", but in the end it has a big meaning to it, Nakamura household which lost it light since the death of the parents leaving Hiro's alone. That's where Mao who desperately feels unneeded in her household came to Hiro's and slowly but sure brought the light of Hiro's house. From croquette the dog, Daiki, Hina, and the most of important is how Mao fills the "Loneliness" in Hiro that turn out to be a love at the end for both of them. Looking that they're already destined to fill each other "Loneliness" from their first meeting on the shrine.

I personally really loved the characters development, i could see great progression of each character development from each chapter. As for pacing i think it has a great pacing, really fit my taste. It might be exaggerating a bit, but somehow i personally as the reader can feel the "feels" from it, either from the "Romance feels" itself or the "Family feels" itself

One of biggest point from several points that i really take a notice here is how both MC struggling in "dark" situation of their household/family. Either their realized or not, slowly both of them actually treat each other wounds and bringing the "light" itself and figuratively as the title itself "House of the Sun"(Taiyou no Ie).

I am really glad i could find this jewel XD. one of the best shoujo manga that i've ever read (sry for a lil bit exaggerating), I really loved it. Props and Big Thanks to Taamo-Sensei for creating this. Perfectly 10/10 for me :))))).

They really Looked Great...

r16fourarmJan 27, 2019 1:40 AM
May 2, 2021 3:34 AM

Feb 2019
One of the best shoujo mangas ever. Probably my favourite shoujo manga alongside Our Precious Conversations. This was beautiful and perfect from start to end.

It's been 6 years since this ended, but I'm still crossing my fingers for an anime adaptation!
Sep 18, 2021 1:45 AM
Nov 2018
Ending is horrible. It ruins the whole character development. Fmc never told the problem about stepmom to her family nor male lead at that time. Sharing worries is key moral of this story and it was ruined
Oct 3, 2021 1:43 AM

Apr 2011
That was a good read. I really enjoyed it!

Nov 1, 2021 11:13 AM
Jul 2018
I’m so happy they got their happy ending, I wish it would get an anime adaptation
Nov 28, 2021 12:16 AM
Apr 2020
It's one of my favourite mangas
Dec 14, 2021 6:32 AM

Jun 2020
I barely read manga, and this has shown me there are a lot of hidden gems out there. Absolute masterpiece 10/10

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