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Jun 25, 2009 5:14 AM
THIS IS A MANGA ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS ANYTHING BEYOND THIS CHAPTER. ---------------------------------------- We all knew that the end was coming but I never expected it to be so soon! The "発進" in the end was cute. |
Jun 26, 2009 8:24 PM
We'll, I guess it had to end when (almost) all of the original characters died. Bokurano was always about the shock factor, originality, interesting dialogue, adolescence, human emotions, psychology, and philosophical and ethical questions. In that sense, this is a masterpiece. "I wonder, what existence designed this whole thing?" "There are many people who say there's a God somewhere up there, but God is nothing more than a formula. Just a part of some law of physics that we have yet to understand." Evolution prevails! :D |
SakujoJun 26, 2009 8:41 PM
Jun 26, 2009 11:02 PM
SPOILERS BELOW Sakujo said: "I wonder, what existence designed this whole thing?" "There are many people who say there's a God somewhere up there, but God is nothing more than a formula. Just a part of some law of physics that we have yet to understand." Evolution prevails! :D I don't think that it's anywhere nearly that simple. It seems to me that the concept of God isn't anywhere nearly so easily dismissed from a teleological standpoint as Dung Beetle makes it seem in that passage, and it seems to me that he realizes that fact. His expression moves from blank reception to a sort of nihilistic smile and then to a sort of grim determination as the conversation moves from page ten to page seventeen. I think that it's far more probable that Kitoh is using this offhand declaration to reveal another aspect of the human vulnerability than as any sort of logical endpoint. Dung Beetle's character seems to be one that cannot logically progress without first rationalizing his actions, and added to the sum of his effortless and sarcastic behavior throughout the entirely series, it seems inevitable that he turns that some form of hedonism in order to maintain his sanity. The statement seems to be satirical of the many who offhandedly declare only consensus reality by way of either the scientific method or some sort of philosophical deduction, as it is distinctly clear from the series that either in application to the situation at hand fails miserably. Further supporting this is the continuation of his argument; "It's better to think like this, no?" Given that he appears to be talking with the Kokopelli at the start of the series and his separate approach to the new world, telling the children directly that they would die, he seems to assume the viewpoint that it is far better to make progress through sacrifice in full knowledge than with only hope in ignorance. He certainly does not know the answer to the whole riddle, since it looks to be impossible to know more than the cursory details from but he thinks that coming to the best conclusion that he can and believing in his deduction is the proper course of action. Another point that seems to support this is that he is able to treat this so flippantly after seeing Jun, the most reluctant and in many senses most rational of the pilots, sacrifice much of his sanity massacring multiple civilizations. Your comment was probably a joke considering how clear most of these points are, but a part of me just couldn't resist responding to this and couldn't muster the control to let it go by. :P. |
Jun 26, 2009 11:59 PM
Jun 27, 2009 12:39 AM
BadSeafood said: I don't want to believe this was the ending. Me neither. But I certainly liked it more than Narutaru's ending. I've been losing plenty of series lately, either due to their end or hiatus. :\ |
Jun 27, 2009 1:00 AM
I was kind of interested to see if Kitoh actually would ever do a real 'happy end.' Thankfully not, it wouldn't have been fitting, but the ambiguous and cute end is better than any of the stuff he bad-end'd. And so an awesome series has reached completion. On an unrelated note, Dung Beetle. One, his jacket was fugly, two, kind of lame that he was the only toy thing that didn't have hair styled onto his toy appearance just because he was a main character. |
Jun 27, 2009 12:02 PM
The hell? This is an ending.. ? What exactly ended? Maybe i'm missing something but i just don't like this.. I need conclusion Even the anime ended better than this, imo |
![]() |
Jun 27, 2009 3:49 PM
The best end for one of the best manga I've ever read. |
Jun 27, 2009 11:41 PM
depressing manga........ but dungbeetle said something interesting...... if he dies in his demonstration to the new group, will the old group get revived? "If the last pilot loses the demonstration battle on the next Earth, the contractees from that world will be revived and the world will not be destroyed. The last pilot's world will be destroyed instead. " he did said he would die - so does that mean all the kids are gonna get revived? |
Jun 28, 2009 3:44 AM
@ duelistbluerose Dung beetle was contracted so he represents the "main world" of the series, not the one he originally came from . So if he loses, the new group will be revieved, but the "main world" will be destroyed. The old group stays dead. |
Jun 28, 2009 9:02 PM
cephalopedalis said: @ duelistbluerose Dung beetle was contracted so he represents the "main world" of the series, not the one he originally came from . So if he loses, the new group will be revieved, but the "main world" will be destroyed. The old group stays dead. I don't think so. "that" seems to refer "the next Earth", and since Kokopelli had to have been the last pilot for the original Earth and it doesn't seem possible that they overrode each other. Otherwise, what would have happened if Kokopelli died? Or in any situation in which there are a greater number of pilots than battles. I think that it has to be determined that way since there would be far too much confusion. What if one hundred people randomly contracted? Then that world would be safe from harm, relatively, for a while given that the technical battle would not be over for a long time and the risks would be relatively few given the time period. I think that the interpretation is literal; if Dung Beetle dies, then the children of the new world would all be revived, as they would die in the cockpit, and the old world, of the series, would die a horrible death. It also makes the most sense since the tenth pilot would technically be fighting for the main world, but the series played out in a way such that the most removed character was apparently forced to sacrifice himself out of kindness. |
Jun 29, 2009 2:15 AM
@Lhefriel_Medies: I think he meant the 'main world' to be the one our main characters are in, so you two are saying the same thing. And there are 15 pilots, not 10. |
Jul 12, 2009 5:38 PM
senerikfred said: @Lhefriel_Medies: I think he meant the 'main world' to be the one our main characters are in, so you two are saying the same thing. And there are 15 pilots, not 10. so does that answer my question - do the children from the series get revived since dungbeetle is gonna die in his demonstration battle? |
Jul 13, 2009 1:56 AM
No. Their Earth will be destroyed, too. The group that gets revived is the last group, who would die when the cockpit gets crushed. |
Nov 13, 2009 4:39 AM
during every1's story i got so attached to the characters and at the end it felt so empty cuz every1 died..even the two commanders and i really liked a way its really sad and depressing but in a way its also not bcuz every1 jus got caught up in a fucked up world |
Nov 22, 2009 9:26 PM
I really liked the way this ended. Unlike in the anime where it left Kana alive at the end, I found it much more satisfying that she cared enough to contract herself into being a pilot and really becoming a character that mattered rather than just that little girl who needed to be protected. And Dung Beetle. I'll miss him. Truly a work of art this series is. The perfect eye-opener. |
Jan 8, 2010 2:30 PM
Why pick a bunch of kids again? The dude made a point to Ushiro that when he becomes dung beetle he should pick people strong enough to handle the job, but he picks a bunch of kids? Also I'm a little confused, that dung beetle we saw in this chapter was Ushiro, right? |
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol |
Jan 12, 2010 6:01 PM
Nope, not Ushiro. Machi died, so Ushiro was number 14(and thus is now dead, hence we saw him metaphorically following the other kids), and Dung Beetle himself became number 15. I always assumed the replacement Dung Beetle was that government guy who always looked really grim and talked about realistic consequences. That's just based on the hair, though. |
Jan 17, 2010 4:27 PM
The dung beetle in this chapter is Ushiro indeed. And he didn't pick a bunch of kids.They're actually adults, but in Kitoh's art, everyone looks a lot younger. |
Jan 23, 2010 5:03 PM
I didnt know people liked the ending. I mean the whole cycle is going to continue and going to keep contiuing and then the main earth would be involved again - theres just going to be endless deaths with out cause. I thought the story was great even though it was sad. I thought however that it seems realistic. they didnt spend too much time between the fights, because they wanted to show how quickly they would have to start fighting. I think it really shows that as the series goes on you get more used to the people dieing just as the children did. But i do wish they spent more time between fights. i cant say i hate the ending but it was too sad and realistic to really love like some people do. |
Jan 25, 2010 6:50 PM
Well, some people (like me) love the ending exactly because it was so sad and realistic. I mean, cmon, if the manga had a happy and optmistic ending, it wouldn't suit the series at all, and it would look terribly... artificial. |
Feb 10, 2010 9:13 AM
The whole point of the manga was about coming to terms with death. Some people might be sad that this cruel game will continue, but this game is really just "death" on a bigger scale involving entire dimensions/universes. It happens whether we like it or not and so people need to learn how to deal with it. I can understand that some readers may also have been disappointed a little because they wanted more of an explanation into the why/what of the game. But this isn't some hard sci-fi manga. It only used the game as a mere plot-device to show various characters coming to terms with death, so the origins or causes behind the game is inconsequential in the end. Overall, it's a very good end that's consistent with the main theme of the story. I can understand people being upset with the ending for personal reasons, but anyone who thinks that this was a genuinely bad end needs to reread this manga and think it over. |
Sep 26, 2010 6:57 AM
I'm still reading Bokurano, finished only half of it, it's kinda so depressing it made me sick at some point (not emotionally, but physically). But unfortunately I've already spoiled myself with the ending some time ago .__. What I just wanted to say is... don't know if the end's good or not yet, but if the "game" continues, then at some point there will be no one on earth left to protect, because new pilots will substitute the dead ones, and after some time (even if it's hundreds of years), there will be no one left to protect, so what's the point. |
Sig Removed. Hosting site unavailable and giving fall virus readings |
Oct 28, 2010 6:08 AM
Leninha said: I don't think so, Because he said "Well, I guess I ended up just like Ushiro". But he should be one of the chlidren. 'Cause he was talking about his friends.The dung beetle in this chapter is Ushiro indeed. And he didn't pick a bunch of kids.They're actually adults, but in Kitoh's art, everyone looks a lot younger. |
fantasierOct 28, 2010 6:16 AM
Dec 22, 2010 10:47 PM
so... i just finished reading the whole manga in 24 hours after i finished watching the anime. for once, im actually not sure which version i liked better, and thats quite peculiar. yoko's death really made me stand up out of my chair and yell at the screen: "REALLY!?!?" Jun was finally gonna get some, then some bitch has to shoot her in the goddamn face. what the fuck. xD ahhh im gonna miss this series D: |
Jan 30, 2011 2:32 PM
Beatnik said: No, Dung Beetle was only telling Ushiro that when Yoko was still able to fight in the last battle. It's the person who goes on to fight the first battle in the new world who picks the new group of pilots, not the dung beetle. Ironically, in this case, the new world's dung beetle is now Ushiro and the pilot is Dung (main world's dung beetle) Beetle, so Dung Beetle (uppercase = main world's DB) is the one picking out the new pilots.Why pick a bunch of kids again? The dude made a point to Ushiro that when he becomes dung beetle he should pick people strong enough to handle the job, but he picks a bunch of kids? And you're also dead wrong about Dung Beetle telling Ushiro to pick only adults. He did say that he should pick people capable of winning and not to let his personal feelings get in the way of his choices. But that was because he was telling him to pick only children since he also told him that the younger the person was, the more powerful the robot was(since it feeds off of that person's life force). Dung Beetle specifically chose children so that the new world would have more chance of winning and the main world wouldn't have to play the game again until much later. Does anyone else hate Chizu's family? Or am I just nuts for thinking that they're complete monsters? |
Mar 6, 2011 2:09 PM
I just finished reading this series and re-read the last chapter. I'm pretty sure the new Dung Beetle is Mr. Sasami and the last pilot is the old Dung Beetle (Machi's Brother). I don't know why you guys keep saying that Ushiro became the new Dung Beetle. Ushiro most definitely died after winning his battle. |
Mar 6, 2011 2:44 PM
I just finished reading this series and re-read the last chapter. I'm pretty sure the new Dung Beetle is Mr. Sasami and the last pilot is the old Dung Beetle (Machi's Brother). I don't know why you guys keep saying that Ushiro became the new Dung Beetle. Ushiro most definitely died after winning his battle. |
Mar 6, 2011 2:46 PM
I just finished reading this series and re-read the last chapter. I'm pretty sure the new Dung Beetle is Mr. Sasami and the last pilot is the old Dung Beetle (Machi's Brother). I don't know why you guys keep saying that Ushiro became the new Dung Beetle. Ushiro most definitely died after winning his battle. |
Apr 2, 2011 7:07 PM
I immediately started reading the manga after finishing the anime, so I'm going to do a little comparison here and reflect on some of the characters. First off, I can definitely say the manga is much better. But that doesn't mean the anime is bad, or I hate it. I'm actually glad that I watched the anime first, so that I could enjoy it for what it was. If I had read the manga first, then seen the anime, I would have just been nitpicking at everything and wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. Also I think watching the anime first helped me to get to know the characters better, and their names. I would have been super confused and would have to keep looking at character lists in order to remember everyone if I had just read the manga. Also, I found the manga to be much more sad. It's rare for me to cry with manga, but I cried a lot during Bokurano. Now as for characters...First off is Daichi's story. I actually liked it better in the anime, since I felt they had a little more time to develop, so it was sadder in the end. But I was shocked and happy at the end of the manga, where they show that Daichi's father came back. Mako/Nakama - I was shocked with how much her story was rushed in the anime. In the anime, her and Maki were the only stories that I cried for. I cried even more with the manga. I think the whole thing with Mako finding the schoolgirl during the attack added a lot. When she found her and said "I'm going to hit you" and punched her in the face, it was glorious. "Next time, help with the cleaning". Those words were so powerful. The uniforms she made also looked much better in the manga. Right before the battle where she screamed at Kako "Do you think I want to die?!", it's one of the few moments where a character outright screams about the situation. But unlike Kako, she didn't let her emotions get the best of her and kept fighting. When Yoko and Ushio are going back to everyone's family, the part with Mako's mom also made me cry. How she regretted letting Mako slip away like that, but then started crying in the uniform, when she learned that they nicknamed her "Nakama". Since the whole reason she was at the summer camp was to make friends. Mako is definitely my favorite character. Kako/Chizuru - The anime and manga versions were really different, but I prefer the manga. I thought Chizuru's story comes across better. In the manga, Kako goes absolutely crazy and ends up being killed by Chizuru herself... And in Chizuru's story, the part where the teacher just left her there to get raped by those guys was painful. Even though I think it was wrong she trampled over the innocent people, I did support her in killing those people who raped her. If I was in her position, and I was going to die anyways, might as well go out, taking the people I despise with me. Maki - I just love her story to death. I cried while reading it. In the manga it's clearly shown that her and Komo were childhood friends. The fact that she never got to see her baby brother in her Earth is heartbreaking. And even more heartbreaking is learning that her parents were searching for her, not knowing the truth. The visit with her parents at the end though was good closure. Kirie - He is really developed in the manga, and his battle is also different. I loved the story with his cousin, and at the end where it shows she started eating again, another thing to make me cry. I loved how he tried to stab the teacher, although he didn't succeed. And him going out onto Zearth for the battle is risky but it really showed everyone that in the other cockpit are people just like them. Komo - I was so shocked at how different her manga and anime versions are. Her anime version is like 1 episode, but her manga version is so much more developed and better. It was interesting to learn that Maki is her only friend and that she drowned the world out with books. I cried when she is reflecting on the world right before her fight, and how it took her so long to notice how beautiful the simple things are. And during her piano recital, the way she died right in front of her father was another thing to make me cry. Really, really sad. She was another one of my favorites. Anko - Her manga version is also much better. I noticed that in the manga, she is more comical. But her story was simply amazing. She wanted to be an idol, and because of her message during the fight, she became the most famous girl in the world. She finally got what she wanted, but in a twisted way. Her fight was really interesting, and her legs got damaged :c. Another character that I cried for. Kanji - I'm glad the manga didn't have any of that stupid stuff like the anime, how his mom is a professor and stuff. His fight was great. Seki sacrificed himself, but it was awesome how he went out singing the theme song to the anime that made him join the military in the first place. You also get a better sense of friendship in the manga with Ushiro and Kanji. Cried for him too, he was my favorite male character. Kana - I never expected her to die in the manga. Only 10 years old... And the thing with Tanaka, where she pulls out the gun...I thought she was going to shoot the tentacles, but then I found out what she really was going to do. Big shock. Yoko - She's an awesome character, but her ending was so jipped. Right about to sleep with Ushio, and gets killed. I wanted to see her pilot Zearth. Ushiro - I really hated him at first, but by the end, I thought he was a really likable character. I thought he was going to survive till the end, but the author chose to take the route where everybody dies. Dung Beetle - I can't fucking believe it, the author actually turned him into a likable guy at the end. I thought I would never like that jerk. Good job, author. Anyways, as for the ending, I thought it was perfect. I didn't need to know WHY these battles where happening or anything like that, it's just the way the world works. I was expecting at least somebody to last until the end, but they all sacrificed themselves for the sake of their world. As for the other Dung Beetle at the end, I don't believe it was Ushio. I'm going to be rating this 10/10, one of my favorite manga series. Saddest one I've read too. I need to make room in my favorites list on MAL to add this in. |
Jul 7, 2011 8:23 PM
Truly and throughly a painful manga. Don't misunderstand though because at least this author didn't put crap in it that disrupted the whole storyline. From the point that it was revealed that all of them were going to die after piloting Zearth that they were going to die we all know the ending. At least we know that most of them will die and by some miracle if the author is truly one of those that prefer a happy ending and give us some type of crap as compensation for unable to give us the true, honest ending. Let's face it happy endings do exist of course. Alot of the world have happy endings depending on what you're talking about. Like those mangas that they're finally together after high school ends and those stuff. Are those really happy endings. Hmm sometimes I wonder in real life what will really happen after all those drama. STILL the ending was just brilliant. ALL 15 kids (prob. more actually) had to go through all their thought processes and we get to see their situation, but the author never gave us sparkles and hope, he even went through the process of killing Machi and Jun's mass massacre, all for the ending which I did cry for Dung Beetle to say Zearth Take Off. Dung Beetle was suppose to die earlier and we see him throughout the whole thing as support and grow fond of him, nice addition. Also the cycle is made by some higher formula so easily explained but also complex at the same time. More people will fight and die. That is fate, but since you want to change it, how would you change it so it would fit you? How would you end this so it won't seem half-ass and optimistic which won't fit the whole storyline? Can someone answer me? |
Sep 12, 2012 3:37 PM
such a dark depressing series, and the ending was pretty sad too... so this game just keeps going on forever :/ |
Jan 3, 2013 8:59 PM
And such is the cruel fate of life. We can't do anything but face the challenges its lays before us to the very end. I'm glad Dung beetle became cool at the end, but damn I got really depressed with Yokos death. Finally was going to lose her virginity before death and bang, off goes her lights. Manga was so much better than anime 10/10 |
DarkjollyJan 3, 2013 9:04 PM
![]() |
May 29, 2013 2:14 PM
I enjoyed the ending. Were there seriously people who expected a happy ending? I believe it was made blatantly clear after the second battle that there would be no happy ending. Everyone will die. How could that possible end happily? A happy ending simply would not work here. Remember the whole thing about main characters, and how no one cares for other victims in the stories who remain unnamed? Well, it's true. The story we were following was that of the children who went to the nature camp and ended up getting involved with Zearth. These other people don't matter. Why would anyone expect the cycle NOT to continue? Whatever is doing this has the power to destroy universes in the blink of an eye. You really think a bunch of powerless humans are going to be able to do anything about it? And the new pilot is DEFINITELY the old Dung Beetle; I don't understand why people are "guessing" when they basically spell it out for you in the chapter. At first I thought the new Dung Beetle was Jun's dad, but after reading the comments about how it might be Sasami, I think that is more likely. |
Jun 24, 2014 11:48 PM
I think the ending was very fitting for the manga. This was truly a very depressing read, but a great manga that will give you a different perspective of your lives. I can already feel myself treasuring my life much more as our lives suddenly feel so fragile after reading this manga. Some of the character's stories were done so well that it made me feel really sad when it was their turn to go. I considered giving it a 10 but settled for a 9/10 because of a few plot twists that I didn't like, such as Machi getting killed by a random assassin - wtf was that? Some plot twists, I must admit were executed pretty damn well though, such as Jun not initially being in the contract and his sister forming the contract. |
Jan 15, 2015 3:56 PM
I am left a little unsatisfied with the ending, but not because I wanted a happy ending. I was just expecting too much from other reviews I'd read of the ending being mindblowing. I perhaps expected a darker ending, where they failed despite the lives and efforts of all those children. I know we don't really know whether they failed or not, it's up to the reader to decide at the very end but it's kind of implied that (old) Dung Beetle will be successful in this last battle. In a way that is a happy ending, even if the cycle continues. I was half expecting all the battles to be won, but having their Earth end nonetheless because of some cruel twist, or maybe having Ushiro fight against another Kana (or someone else close to him) in another Earth (I know Dung beetle said it wasn't possible for there to be another 'you' in another world but I find it to be too much of a coincidence that Machi had another her- it was way too convinient) |
Feb 4, 2015 1:03 PM
DrHouse said: Does anyone else hate Chizu's family? Or am I just nuts for thinking that they're complete monsters? You're not alone. Chizu's family released the teacher even though they were aware of the wrongs he committed against numerous girls. And what could be more ironic than allowing his position in the ministry of education? Was that a joke? Because it sure seems like it was. He deserves at least ten years in jail for his crimes. What's even worse is that he genuinely believes he's done nothing wrong, which indicates that he's of an antisocial nature. He will continue to manipulate young girls for his own twisted enjoyment. I don't understand how Chizu's older sister could have let this scum go scot-free after she learned what he did do her little sister. Instead, she reprimanded Chizu's actions without an inkling to how broken her little sister had become due to the actions of the teacher. She failed to grasp the gravity of being manipulated, abandoned, gang-raped, and then blackmailed into silence. People like her act like saints, but they don't try to understand the perspective of victims. And why didn't the father persecute the teacher? He may have felt he was not in position to do so due to his daughter's wrongdoings, but doesn't he care at all that there will be more victims like his daughter with this man free? The reason his daughter contorted into a mass-murderer was because of the appalling things the teacher did to her. Isn't that even more of a reason to take him to court? Shouldn't he feel like it's his duty to prevent horrific outcomes like that from happening? It's so vexing. So many good-natured characters met with tragic endings, but this piece of scum teacher -- the only person I really wanted to see die in this series -- had a happy ending, and he has Chizu's shitty family to thank for that. |
MischievousGhostJan 20, 2018 7:34 PM
Apr 30, 2015 3:53 PM
Great manga! Loved the ending, it's really interesting - the whole goal of old dung beetle was to find out who was behind this, but he ended up with nothing, but a decision to sacrifice himself for the world, which his sister wanted to save. Also, since people keep wondering if it's Ushiro or Sasami being new 'Dung Beetle'- I will give a clear answer to that, it's Sasami. It's revealed if you read the manga from start to end in one go or have good memory: In the middle of last chapter - they discuss how they should call each other and decide on Kokopelli and Dung Beetle. Then new Dung Beetle makes remark: I'd prefer if you add 'sir' to that. This is related to how old Dung Beetle made Sasami call him sir, back when military first met Dung Beetle. A sort of nice reminisce. Sasami is the main government guy, who helped the pilots, but wasn't contracted, in case someone forgot. Also - reason the children are getting chosen over adults is because the younger the person - the more power the Mecha can get, at least it was mentioned in the manga and it's kind of logical.. It's a little weird how some fight may last for 30+ hours and some end in a few minutes with barely any action, but also almost an immediate death of pilot. The whole power balance/life claim theory was done with quite a few flaws. |
Jul 19, 2015 6:40 PM
I saw the anime a few years ago (still love that godly theme song "Uninstall") and gave the manga a try. Glad I did. The ending was exactly what I had wanted and every character along with their characterization was great. The storytelling also had good connection with each other and the pacing was nice too. Darkjolly said: And such is the cruel fate of life. We can't do anything but face the challenges its lays before us to the very end. This is exactly what I had thought as well. This show has a relation with fate and destiny especially from the very first chapter. It didn't seem like a coincidence that the kids got involved in this "game" or the events that took them to places they've never been before. It's like life itself is full of surprises and no one knows the uncertainty of the future. |
Jul 20, 2015 5:08 AM
I can't really explain why, but this whole story seems kinda pointless to me, bland, empty.. |
Sep 13, 2015 10:35 PM
I was completely drawn into the world of this manga - especially because of realistic characters and their believeable psychology portraits. Even though they were only kids, they had distinguishable personalities and completely different outlooks on their life and situation. I feel like this could have a better closure though, something more meaningful than just simple 'and so battles continued endlessly'. After 11 volumes I got used to people dying (though still, that last massacre by Ushiro hit me hard, damn). Btw, I'm surprised that I actually liked Koemushi in this version, especially during the last two volumes. He cared for his sister a lot, and even decided to sacrifice himself at the end. Much better than his anime version, where he was even bigger asshole than Kako, ughh. Ana said: I am absolutely speechless at how retarded the Honda family is until the end. Just wow. Seriously. Agree, this one bothers me a lot... Seriously, this guy pretty much set up gangbang for his daughter, humiliated her, threatened her to the point she wanted to take her own life... No wonder she wanted to kill all those people, she was just desperate and emotionally unstable. AND 13 YEARS OLD! They are just horrible parents, one of the worst I came across - same thing with sister. Because of this and few other problems I have with this manga, I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. Still, it's really refreshing, made me ponder on my life a bit, think what I would do in these kids' positions, how would I behave knowing I have only short period of time to live... 9/10 |
Oct 2, 2015 3:40 PM
Mar 10, 2016 3:46 PM
To be honest I like anime more, but manga was also good |
Apr 6, 2016 7:01 PM
That was so awesome this needs a faithful anime adaptation so bad, would be one of the best animes ever. |
Sep 4, 2016 10:33 AM
I'm having trouble getting this ending.What exactly happened? Edit : Alright. I grab now. |
OduduwaJan 22, 2017 1:48 PM
Oct 29, 2016 6:29 AM
I felt that this manga was like reading a one shot for each "main" character, it got repetitive pretty fast i just finished this manga and i already don't remember each characters "story' cause i simply diden't care that much anymore since you knew they were going to die. Overall this was not a bad read but it felt too "empty" for me. 6/10 |
Feb 13, 2017 6:25 AM
Duelistbluerose said: depressing manga........ but dungbeetle said something interesting...... if he dies in his demonstration to the new group, will the old group get revived? "If the last pilot loses the demonstration battle on the next Earth, the contractees from that world will be revived and the world will not be destroyed. The last pilot's world will be destroyed instead. " he did said he would die - so does that mean all the kids are gonna get revived? Did he really say it like that? In here, he clearly says that he will not die. And if he would die, the next world wouldn't be influenced. he |
Jun 13, 2017 8:57 AM
This was really deep. This is one of manga that makes you question a lot of things after reading it. It made me question the value of human life. The author did a damn good job! |
Sep 12, 2017 5:55 PM
I can see what people mean now about the anime going off the rails, I definitely prefer how the manga ended it. Much better without garbage like Ushiro's Mary Sue father and 10 minutes of the prime minister sitting up and down. Very memorable series but I don't think I'll ever read this again. Too painful... |
Nov 2, 2017 4:39 PM
Wait a minute guys....Why nobody is talking about who created this whole situation ? I mean, who created the robots, who made them killing each others? In the anime one of the characters had this vision about the people who are in charge of these battles but they never talk about that even again. Who are the true villians in this plot? Why the kids are figthing? I loved the manga but I thought it would explain things in the ending. And about the teacher, nothing happens with him? What kind of family would allow a guy who raped their daughter walking free like this? is not fair, it is what it is, but still i would love to the who is behind this whole situation... ( Sorry for my english, i'm from Brazol and still learing your language ) |
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