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Log Horizon
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Nov 9, 2014 10:22 PM

Apr 2012
wow that's Akatsuki on real world :o

Krusty, did she die? D:

The murderer is people from land, time to catch him

Nov 10, 2014 12:19 AM

Nov 2012
gosh im getting bored by this akatsuki shit
at least they progress the plot with that lecture
and what happened with krusty? someone spoil me please, wiki have not updated
pm me
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
Nov 10, 2014 3:11 AM

Oct 2010
LH once again showing why it's so much better than a certain other series with a similar basic premise.

The other characters (especially the female ones) are actually people and not just something for the self-insert protagonist to save.
Nov 10, 2014 6:23 AM

Jun 2009
10 minutes of literally nothing. that's half an episode we're never going to get back.
Nov 10, 2014 7:43 AM

Nov 2013
*SCREAAMS* At first i thought that what Akatsuki was seeing was an illusion of Shiroe and stuff,but then it turned out that they were both there and playing there and walking by the sea and Shiroe patting Akatsuki`s head!!! <3 Aaahh..i hope this ship becomes canon! I NEED this ship to become canon lol :)))

And the story gets SO interesting! What happened to Crusty? How will Akatsuki deal with that murderer? What`ll happen to Shiroe and Naotsugu in that dungeon? What that about the world expanding? SO MANY stuff i want to know! ^~^ *o*
This is where I`d put my signature...If i had one.
Nov 10, 2014 8:00 AM

Jul 2013
marian11 said: Surprised no one mentioned Akatsuki's eye. Looks like Deen burned their whole budget with this.

When in-game, Akatsuki has this cartoonish eye then a minute after her eyes turn into semi-realistic during her short monologue on the real world. Pretty awesome detail.
Nov 10, 2014 10:39 AM

Nov 2010
Akatsuki and Shiroe waiting to get revived at the shore was animated beautifully
Her appearance in the real world seems more tall and less moe which is a good thing

Crusty getting sucked in the aura of the scythe was serious gruesome with his servant losing his right hand

The girls tea meeting about friendship and overcoming the murderer gave Lenessia and Akatsuki more bounding with the rest
Nov 10, 2014 6:29 PM

Nov 2014
So far I've been a bit disappointed in the second season, but the last two episodes have been great. Good to see some development on the apocalypse, now that everyone is fairly well settled into Elder Tale, it seems like a distant event, so it was very interesting to see some expansion on the idea that the apocalypse is not quite over.

Also quite interesting to see so much real world footage. A bit disappointed that we never got to see Akatsuki's real face, but on the other hand I'm sort of glad we never saw it. Adds some mystery between peoples avatars and appearance. For once in this season I'm actually looking forward for the next episode.
"Zero is always zero no matter how many of them are brought together" -Kyou, Clannad
Nov 11, 2014 2:17 AM

Jun 2007
I can't believe that I hadn't thought about how a female avatar in the game could be played by a male in the real world and just after one scene of thinking about that they talk about it in that meeting.
Nov 11, 2014 5:29 PM
Oct 2007
What about people talking about christmas in the real world, like the real world is passing through it right now, do they forgot about that one day in Elder Tale is 2 hours in the real world? I'm not sure if this changed after apocalypse, but well..

5/5 beside that nonsense of keeping teachings away from log horizon's members, at least from akatsuki, no sense at all. The blonde girl (d.d.d) told they knew 7 teaching so far... wth? seems that even crescent moon's members knew about that. Who's keeping secrets now? No sense akatsuki getting lectured. :P
Nov 11, 2014 6:15 PM

Jan 2013
Interesting dimension they go to after death. Finally a scene from the real world.
It's strange there haven't been any scenes from any of the characters where they voice their concerns for what their friends and family are going through knowing they've disappeared.
I'm unclear as to whether or not this game can be played or accessed in any way by people in the real world.
Nov 13, 2014 6:45 AM
Jul 2010
Akatsuki drama sucks, it was already the weakest episode in S1 and now it's a whole arc wasted on Akatsuki.
Nov 13, 2014 8:01 AM

May 2010
Rieze is a nice character.

Dem RL Akatsuki eyes, so beautiful!

Slow episode but plenty of chara development so all is good.
Nov 13, 2014 10:13 AM

Oct 2013
The only thing good in this episode was the last part.

Nov 13, 2014 4:17 PM

Apr 2013
So the show takes the time to finally develop and make evolve a character who has been pretty bland from the start. I'd say it's a good thing, looking forward to the result. As she was she was of no interest. I can finally start to hope for a good change on this point, so very good news. Also, this episode also show quite a lot Rieze, who seems to be an interesting character.

Now, seems like a lot of people around here found that boring, and wanted more fights/action/higher paced story narration instead. Maybe those who wanted more action/fights downloaded Log Horizon by mistake instead of downloading SAO or some random battle shounen episode...?
Nov 13, 2014 9:34 PM

Jan 2010
Zefyris said:
So the show takes the time to finally develop and make evolve a character who has been pretty bland from the start. I'd say it's a good thing, looking forward to the result. As she was she was of no interest. I can finally start to hope for a good change on this point, so very good news. Also, this episode also show quite a lot Rieze, who seems to be an interesting character.

Now, seems like a lot of people around here found that boring, and wanted more fights/action/higher paced story narration instead. Maybe those who wanted more action/fights downloaded Log Horizon by mistake instead of downloading SAO or some random battle shounen episode...?

You have a "this anime is better than that" attitude exuding out of your post. I abhor SAO and I think Log Horizon is far worse. At least with SAO nobody is getting fooled at what they are getting into. With every single episode LH is transforming from a strategic, adventurous anime to a sappy romance, slice of life anime.

This anime is no longer intelligent nor is it interesting. Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Nov 14, 2014 10:43 AM

Jul 2012
Hm. Am I the only one who actually enjoyed this episode, and the season so far? I've binged watched the first season just so I can catch up and I really don't see anything wrong with it at all.

I don't like how some people are calling us SAO haters(I saw in one of the reviews?) I think that's stupid lol. I like SAO too. I kind of like this one better but that does not mean I hate SAO -_- is it not possible to like them both? LH keeps my interest better oh well.

I like that they're getting more in dept with Akatsuki, I like her. I wish she had more confidence because she is amazing at what she does. This episode was not a waste, I'm sorry they're trying to focus on more people than Shiro? I was waiting for this type of episode in S1 and I'm glad they finally made it. Hell she's one of my favorite characters honestly. (But ofc Nyanata is my favorite because who doesn't like cute cats)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 15, 2014 5:25 PM

Feb 2013
Akatsuki pretty eyes.

The dead-zone thing lasted a few minutes too long. Setup, setup, and more setup. That's almost all this anime is...
Nov 17, 2014 2:05 AM

Nov 2011

Maybe I will be willing to hurt this TV series, saw the great disappointment that I gave, but the episode I met again in half, the first part almost useless; I did not understand its usefulness, the second phase much more engaging, but what makes it even more useless Akatsuki.
Drawing enough, fails to like their new Chracter Design.
Plot again becomes appetibile.Yay!
I hope that the TV series will return to the old glories.
Nov 18, 2014 5:29 AM

Apr 2013
jonnyhan said:
Zefyris said:
So the show takes the time to finally develop and make evolve a character who has been pretty bland from the start. I'd say it's a good thing, looking forward to the result. As she was she was of no interest. I can finally start to hope for a good change on this point, so very good news. Also, this episode also show quite a lot Rieze, who seems to be an interesting character.

Now, seems like a lot of people around here found that boring, and wanted more fights/action/higher paced story narration instead. Maybe those who wanted more action/fights downloaded Log Horizon by mistake instead of downloading SAO or some random battle shounen episode...?

You have a "this anime is better than that" attitude exuding out of your post. I abhor SAO and I think Log Horizon is far worse. At least with SAO nobody is getting fooled at what they are getting into. With every single episode LH is transforming from a strategic, adventurous anime to a sappy romance, slice of life anime.

This anime is no longer intelligent nor is it interesting. Screw you guys, I'm going home.

This does not exclude character development. Log Horizon has been taking time to develop each thing (world, economy, game mechanic, strategy, character, and so on) since the start. I don't see how seeing character development for a character who was seriously lacking in that department until now is anything different than before, and I don't see how it's any bad for the show as a whole. Again, if you only realized this now, what were you looking at during the first season, I wonder.
Nov 20, 2014 12:55 PM

Dec 2008
I wonder what memories Akatsuki and Shiroe had to sacrifice in order to respawn at the Cathedral.

What the hell happened to Crusty? And Sansa lost an arm.

Sent with Mal Updater
Nov 22, 2014 5:20 AM

Jul 2009
Akatsuki's drama again...

I hope Crusty is alive, I really like him.
Nov 23, 2014 4:04 PM

Jun 2013
Cheesy stuff. Friendships are overrated.
Nov 29, 2014 5:55 PM
Mar 2014
Wow, when she mentioned the bad Flavour Text and I saw the glowing I knew something was up, but wasn't expecting that! Liked this episode, looks like the series might ramp up a bit from here :D
Nov 29, 2014 11:13 PM

May 2013
Real life Akatsuki is beautiful. The OST in this episode was beautiful.
Too bad the murderer is still out there and Akatsuki has yet to learn the Teachings.
Also there's some gender changes, land expansion, and flavor text.
Oh Krusty, come back please.
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Dec 29, 2014 8:06 AM

Jul 2012
Woah, where did Crusty go? They're gonna need him to finish this raid.. Whoops, I forgot, he actually went to go finish the Goblin King event. Well I guess they'll still need him to finish the event haha.
AndoDec 30, 2014 5:39 AM
Mar 4, 2015 8:57 PM

Aug 2013
I see.. so this is their approach huh ?
I'm curious on Shiroue's raid side.
Mar 14, 2015 7:17 AM

Jul 2013
Mushelox said:
Shit got serious. Did that girl from Crusty's guild actually lost her hand? o.O

Wow, what happened to them was extreme!!! Wonder where is Crusty now?!
Mar 15, 2015 5:03 PM

Dec 2010
Good episode, a very good one actually, better than about anything from S1. Akatsuki is finally getting a characterization. The rare suspense is also in the air.
Apr 6, 2015 8:53 AM

May 2012
Quite interesting development, let's see what's next.
Apr 24, 2015 6:29 PM

Jul 2012
Oh my god that first half was so good
Oct 8, 2015 3:49 AM

Jul 2013
What's the point of that long and boring conversation of Rieze and Lenesia? And Akatsuki's dream? And the bullshit about "we're friends so help us" and "my lord is gone and I can't do shit".... Stupid-ass drama dragging the show down and longer. The last part of the last episode was intense so I got my hopes up for this episode and this is what I get? Fucking garbage show. I'm dropping the score. The first season was great but this is turning to be a disappointment.
Nov 15, 2015 7:13 AM

Oct 2010
The lecture part was little unnecessary. It's true that Akatsuki didn't converse much with others, but it's not a bad trait if you're more of a solo person. And episode concentrated on too much pointless drama that isn't really a big problem.

The end was surprising. What just happened with that weapon? Well, at least Crusty is not bored anymore. ˇˇ
Mar 14, 2016 5:15 PM

Nov 2015
Am I the only one who thinks the art style of the "real world" looks like Death Note's?

WTF, what happened with Krusty!? I need to watch the next episode now.
Sep 16, 2016 1:47 PM
Mar 2016
r.i.p crusty-sama
Mar 29, 2017 5:51 PM

Mar 2016
This episode was so boring, 10min of full filler! What is going on in this 2nd Season???

HumbertoZero said:
Am I the only one who thinks the art style of the "real world" looks like Death Note's?

WTF, what happened with Krusty!? I need to watch the next episode now.

True, i thought the exact same thing. So dark and the animation is also similar

If you watched 13 Reasons Why in 13 hours in a row (like me) you got my respect !
Apr 29, 2018 7:10 PM

Apr 2009
Slow three-quarters of an episode, only interesting things are that Half Gaia is probably turning into Full Gaia and the flavor text are getting real effects like maybe the one that's happening to the weapon Disaster?
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Apr 15, 2019 6:24 AM

Aug 2014
The story is getting better with each episode ;d maybe it is better than first season, I don't now why rating is lower.

It is actually first time for me that I skip opening, maybe its also because I already heard it 27+ times, they should have changed the song for second season, but also because the story is so good.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Apr 25, 2019 1:31 PM

Feb 2015
Akatsuki kind of saw Shiroe in the other world, and finally revived, she asked the girls for help and revealed that Shiroe is not in Akihabara, D.D.D. and West Wind Brigade agreed. Roderick explained to a group three changes that have been ocurring since apocalypse, the sex change (players that are the opposite sex in the game), the increase of distance (expansion) and the reality of item's text. Krusty is in his mission defeating goblins, along with Misa, Misa's weapon started to act strange and went out of control, causing Krusty to disappear and Misa to lose her right arm. The girls had a meeting, Akatsuki revealed that Enbart's sword is Byakumaru, from the store, someone called Rieze and informed her that Krusty disappeared.

Akatsuki's pride is taking action and now she's gonna act to defeat Enbart. Although Soujiro fainted too, we didn't see him revive. That topics that Roderick touched are quite worrying, if a male picked a female character, his psychology and personality are gonna change gradually to fit the character, despite the fact that I don't remember characters like that so far. The expansion is another thing to look out, for a moment I thought that the digital world was going to try to fit with the real Japan's extension. The item's text could have effects depending in each one, but someones like Misa's scythe could have devastating effects. It's a shame what happened to Krusty, I already had read about it, but he kind of died.
Atlas77Aug 25, 2019 8:38 PM
Nov 8, 2019 9:33 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
So dead adventurers get to hang out in the dead lobby for some time? That's quite neat!

Kinda pissed at how the other treat Akatsuki as if what she did was insanely bad when she is only keeping things secret which I get why they're upset about, but to make Akatsuki on the verge of bowing down and begging for help, that ticks me off.

At least Crusty's 'death' was pretty heroic and awesome at the same time. That scythe looks cool with all those demonic things going on.
Jan 22, 2020 4:31 PM

Dec 2018
is it just me or are all the characters' faces janky this season?
Jun 23, 2020 8:45 AM

Jun 2017
This looks like a tough nut to crack!😒 Just when they're trying to solve the problem about the murderer in Akihabara, there's another problem about Misa's scythe! I wonder if these conundrums are connected?

Krusty should better be alive!😭

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
Aug 17, 2020 6:20 PM

Apr 2018
So this what dying looks like in Log Horizon, interesting... and that end is too.
Oct 17, 2020 11:48 AM

Jul 2008
Losing memories is the price.

And I see what is going on here...WHO UPLOADED THE EXPANSION PACK?!??!
Jan 3, 2021 12:42 AM

Feb 2020
Yeah, this season quite good to got a better side of view for Akatsuki. After a lot of Minori screen time at the previous season. Here i got to see some of her memories and why they could met at those shiny place. At the end, a certain peoples could actually maintain their memories, if they were strong enough to hold it off at those place.

The pace noticeably slow to maintained any side information regarding their whole situations at those world that looked directed to another apocalypse. Curious to see Roderick explanations about his own research at his guild lecture. Salad. The gender manipulation could became real over the time. The flavor text had a real effect. World scales slowly got widen. Its actually explained how that Sansa scythe weapon suddenly reacted to that certain place. She was not aware with her own weapon 'flavor text', because she forgot. As the result, Krusty Crab dissappeared with her arm. RIP.

Meanwhile, Akatsuki and the rest of the girls had a plan. They scolded my chibi ninja really unnecessary with that long and slow duration, just get to the point, y'all! And for Akatsuki, just started your own training to mastering that teaching skill!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
May 11, 2021 12:44 PM

Sep 2012
if flavor txt has meaning new it would be logical to think that hes easy to beat just craft a weapon and write flavor txt that adds effect of anti-teleport and capable of killing royal knight
Jul 23, 2021 6:42 AM

Jul 2015
Ominous to hear that the world is still changing where Crusty vanished due to Sansa's weapon going wild. On a more positive note, its good to see some Akatsuki development.

Aug 1, 2023 7:59 AM
Jan 2023
Interesting, the world is expanding, I'm guessing to the size of real life Japan. In Eldertale, it was half the size of Japan. Seems the apocalypse isn't over yet.

Krusty managed to get himself absorbed by a scythe, that's certainly a new one.

Finally got to find out what happens when an adventurer dies too. Perhaps when Akatsuki was being pushed around like that in the streets of Japan, maybe those were past memories of her time in the real world before the apocalypse. Those could have been the memories that she just lost.

Definitely a lot to think about.
Dec 21, 2024 8:18 AM

Aug 2019
I'm a bit confused. So the flavor text for their items and gear is real? Did they really not assume that from the start? I mean they've already established that they are in the game's world. They don't know why, but they now live in this world. It has people already living in it, with their own lives, politics, traditions, stories, all that, but they assumed the flavor text of their items meant nothing? Idk it just feels a bit off...

I'm assuming 'Disaster' causes something horrible to happen to it's wielder at random times, so what happens to Crusty? Is he dead and waiting to respawn or is he proper dead, maybe stuck somewhere.

Not sure what to make of that katana or that murderer. Tbh wasn't really paying attention because I've really lost interest in this show. I don't care for Akatsuki or her boring story.
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