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Sep 23, 2014 9:56 PM

Aug 2013
The final it ended up being well predictable, Hana in his Dark version, Daichi saves all, Teppei and Akari were as extras, the Planetary Gears turned human, well no surprises
I liked of soundtrack and of animation, Hana surely better character, was worth having watched this anime ..
Sep 24, 2014 6:21 AM

Apr 2014
Last two episodes, viewed together, were decent and if they'd kept to that quality it would've been much better... cheesy but better.

Still, it's over. There is that. And I did enjoy some scenes, if not the show as a cohesive whole. I probably won't watch it again but I will remember it. For better or worse.
Sep 24, 2014 10:47 PM

Jan 2011
That...that whole thing was just not good.

And to think I tried to defend this show when it first aired. My God...that was, just not good. Had some cool parts but just a mess of a show.
Sep 25, 2014 8:31 AM

Aug 2013
Not a bad ending, felt very rushed though as we have no idea what really happened to anyone really. I particularly wanted to know what happens to the Planetary gears now that they have all lost their ego blocks. Maybe this'll get an OVA or a special to help tie things up, who knows. Overall it had it's good parts and it's bad parts and was just really average in every sense of the word. Can't say I'll miss watching it every week either!
Sep 25, 2014 8:44 AM
Oct 2010
-Robunaga said:
Not a bad ending, felt very rushed though as we have no idea what really happened to anyone really. I particularly wanted to know what happens to the Planetary gears now that they have all lost their ego blocks.

I assumed that they lost the ability to transform back into their original states (hence why teppei has to use a mech like daichi). The cocoon blowing up means they are no longer immortal.
Sep 25, 2014 9:26 AM

Jan 2014
skudoops said:
I assumed that they lost the ability to transform back into their original states (hence why teppei has to use a mech like daichi). The cocoon blowing up means they are no longer immortal.
The Cocoon stored the Ego Blocks but it also served another purpose, to be able to move the Oberon through Entangle Link to other places, galaxies, etc. Without it, the Oberon is pretty much static and so they would be stuck. But since they lost their Ego Blocks and are humans, they are stuck one way or the other.
Sep 25, 2014 3:51 PM

Apr 2012

Okay story but boring characters (Except for Baku in his spotlight eps).

Puck/Hana was totally awesome.
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Sep 26, 2014 12:30 AM

Aug 2009
the ending making me remember of darker than black gemini when hei carrying yin ==
Sep 26, 2014 6:08 PM

Jan 2011
had this on hold for weeks finally finished it

Only good thing about this was how much of a eye candy it was watching and Believers High is a beast of a song

5/10 so much disappointment
Sep 28, 2014 4:38 PM

Sep 2009
I actually kinda liked this series overall or at least I liked it better than Star Driver which was a previous work from this team.

What I'm not happy about is

1.So did they did? That's kinda left vague and I DO NOT like when stuff like that is left vague.

If anyone happens to know about this let me know because I couldn't tell if they survived or if that was their spirits or something.

2. What happened with everyone? There are just so many characters and we have no idea what any of them plan to do. Half the characters didn't really have families or lives so what do they plan to do?

Star Driver had a similar problem ending things RIGHT after the final battle and not telling us shit about what happened after.

Listen Bones I know you think you are being clever leaving things open to interpretation and shit but you're not! You are just pissing people off because we want to know what happens not make it up ourselves because you didn't want to write it! Stop doing the same thing every damn time!
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Sep 29, 2014 9:33 AM

Jul 2013
The animation, music and Hana somehow got me through it in one piece. Apart from that there isn't a lot going for this anime.

Great usage of the first opening song, it woke me up when I was about to fall asleep.
Oct 3, 2014 2:30 AM
Mar 2012
Such wow animation, nice osts, and really like Believer's High and Tia's The Glory Days. The good just barely balanced the excessive cheese, messy plot, some bad/poorly developed characters. End episode is conservatively well done.

Main chars mostly likeable (except Teppei), Mahou Shoujo was fun in both personality & her role in pushing the story, but somehow no strong connection to anyone. I thought the overall tone was stuck awkwardly between serious & silly, where it would be better if more focus was on sol/characters, more flashy action, or over the top cheese & comedy, with less namings of killtgang/terms. Actually they could've added more beach/mall/restaurant sol scenes where they clearly discuss these alien terms and factions.
In the end most concepts make some sense. I never quite get why Ark Faction/Salty Dog were against all actions of the Interception Faction. Why they needed to bring the critical Ark with Blume to destroy the Ego blocks (in the end the Ark didn't do much except transport them on blume... they can't sit in the blume except Hana?). Salty Ark seemed completely unnecessary. In this respect M3 is miles better than CE, perhaps because the seeming sol comedy tone doesn't encourage viewers to watch carefully and treat the terms/subplots seriously. (In M3 cour 2, plot really meshes together and ties up the very weak cour 1.)

Backstory on some killtgangs were nice, & longer arcs with less characters would've made better character connection. Setsuna & bugbear were in the right direction. Puck/Kube actually formed a slightly more interesting villain, some nice theoretical dialogs, world domination, betrayals, and monkey in heat.

Anyways, Pitz x Lappa.
gophercgOct 3, 2014 2:33 AM
Oct 3, 2014 7:20 AM

Jan 2014
gophercg said:
Such wow animation, nice osts, and really like Believer's High and Tia's The Glory Days. The good just barely balanced the excessive cheese, messy plot, some bad/poorly developed characters. End episode is conservatively well done.

Main chars mostly likeable (except Teppei), Mahou Shoujo was fun in both personality & her role in pushing the story, but somehow no strong connection to anyone. I thought the overall tone was stuck awkwardly between serious & silly, where it would be better if more focus was on sol/characters, more flashy action, or over the top cheese & comedy, with less namings of killtgang/terms. Actually they could've added more beach/mall/restaurant sol scenes where they clearly discuss these alien terms and factions.
In the end most concepts make some sense. I never quite get why Ark Faction/Salty Dog were against all actions of the Interception Faction. Why they needed to bring the critical Ark with Blume to destroy the Ego blocks (in the end the Ark didn't do much except transport them on blume... they can't sit in the blume except Hana?). Salty Ark seemed completely unnecessary. In this respect M3 is miles better than CE, perhaps because the seeming sol comedy tone doesn't encourage viewers to watch carefully and treat the terms/subplots seriously. (In M3 cour 2, plot really meshes together and ties up the very weak cour 1.)

Backstory on some killtgangs were nice, & longer arcs with less characters would've made better character connection. Setsuna & bugbear were in the right direction. Puck/Kube actually formed a slightly more interesting villain, some nice theoretical dialogs, world domination, betrayals, and monkey in heat.

Anyways, Pitz x Lappa.
Ark Faction thought that facing the Kiltgangs was a loss of time because they would never achieve full victory, so battling and battling would be a loss of time and resources before eventually losing. So if in their vision, humanity is screwed one way or another, it is better to let some to survive through the Kivotos Plan. In the end they were wrong though.

I agree the OST is gorgeous and I'm still waiting to download it. DANG IT!!
Oct 3, 2014 4:48 PM

Jul 2010
Ok then, what I didn't like was how Kiltgangs were neglected, I mean, they were TOO MANY, and they were introduced one after another, everyone with a kind of story and morale of it own but then it was really shallow how they developed through the story, not mentioning that in the last episode they felt kind of unnecessary, ok they contribuited into weakening Puck but it could have worked even without them, you know with the power of feelings that just proofs how less relevant they were to the story and that bugged me really a lot because they had A LOT MORE of potential.

Salty Dogs was kinda ridiculous as opposing faction, they were just entertaining to see I guess.

Instead of all these factions or instead of all these Kiltgangs members (because they were really too many), I would've liked a start where they show us a solid relationship between Daichi and his father, THAT could have hitted my feelings really hard in a Finale episode, like Daichi remembering his father and his moments with him, but then they really didn't show much of the father so .. when they showed him in the ending I did not got the emotional impact I wanted, that's all.

That said I really liked the heroic scene "I'm Captain Earth!", I genuinely got chills there, also animations and music were spectacular, heck, the technical department of this episode was over the top. Anyway, 7/10, enjoyable nonetheless.
AkanezoraOct 3, 2014 4:51 PM
Oct 4, 2014 7:37 AM

Jan 2011
so Earth is finally safe, i think...

the animations look good, mechas design nice too, but the story is very messy, with a lot of new terminology and many things left unexplained, hence overall is an average series for me
Oct 5, 2014 2:43 AM

Jul 2012
Well that was a good ending to this series.

So basically everyone lives happy ever after.

Great episode and series!!!
Oct 5, 2014 5:22 AM

Jun 2011
So much potential wasted. The series started out great with the story and visuals but it just couldnt get it all together.

They wasted too much time on the issue with Salty Dog. Didnt explain how the Kill-T-Gangs came to have Earth avatars. Didnt really touch on the issue of the Livlaster apart from it being a being of another dimension and being able to provide unlimited energy.

The series had MAJOR issue with developing the characters, look at the character development of the Kill-T-Gangs and they are pretty much nonexistent.

They also didnt explain what exactly is Blume. I've been wanting to know that since the early episodes. Why was Hana suppose to kill Captain like she said before she ran away. When Hana and Captain first kissed ans she said the captain knew what she really was. Did she mean that the Captain knew she was a biological part of Blume? I mean thats it? SHE WAS TROUBLED ABOUT THE CAPTAIN FINDING OUT THAT SHE WAS A PART OF BLUME?????
Oct 6, 2014 8:36 AM

Apr 2011
I'm pretty sure they took some stuff from TTGL. Anyway, nice ending, bit cliched, but still happy. After all, a happy ending is all this series needs to save it from the atrocity that was the entirety of it... not! Could have used the budget for the visuals on to hiring better writers. 4/10
Oct 6, 2014 8:48 AM

Jan 2014
ArcanaTrace said:
So much potential wasted. The series started out great with the story and visuals but it just couldnt get it all together.

They wasted too much time on the issue with Salty Dog. Didnt explain how the Kill-T-Gangs came to have Earth avatars. Didnt really touch on the issue of the Livlaster apart from it being a being of another dimension and being able to provide unlimited energy.

The series had MAJOR issue with developing the characters, look at the character development of the Kill-T-Gangs and they are pretty much nonexistent.

They also didnt explain what exactly is Blume. I've been wanting to know that since the early episodes. Why was Hana suppose to kill Captain like she said before she ran away. When Hana and Captain first kissed ans she said the captain knew what she really was. Did she mean that the Captain knew she was a biological part of Blume? I mean thats it? SHE WAS TROUBLED ABOUT THE CAPTAIN FINDING OUT THAT SHE WAS A PART OF BLUME?????
The Blume is a Planetary Gear ship, in which they housed Hana who is by all matters and purposes a living weapon created by them which could use the Livlaster. The idea was for Hana and Blume to contribute in making Earth a wasteland, but that backfired as you can see.
Oct 11, 2014 6:20 AM
May 2012
Just can't help but be frustrated with this series.

I find it hard to get hold of the story to begin with. I patiently watched until the end to see if It would get better but it didn't, it just gets more confusing. The characters may had some development but definitely not noticeable or better yet, useful to the plot. The mechas I feel were not even closed to half-baked in terms of development. In the battle scenes, the protagonists almost get trampled everytime and I don't even know how they won, maybe just luck, because I'm not seeing any much improvements or even upgrades to their machinery. Every episode I just can't help but feel utterly disappointed.

The animation and the music were the only thing that was great about this series. Oh, and the seiyuus as well.

One of the worst I have ever watched, not even the awesome voices of Irino Miyu or Kamiya Hiroshi would save me from trying to watch this show. Not something I would recommend.

Oct 13, 2014 6:25 PM
Nov 2007
I do agree the anime COULD have been better, but hey it wasn't absolutely terrible, i enjoyed enough
Oct 15, 2014 11:40 AM

Nov 2009
The only worthy character was Bugbear, who was no more than a wall decoration to other plain flat and boring characters.
Oct 28, 2014 1:13 AM

Apr 2008
Did I see Mama cry at the end? that sucked...:___;

I wanted to hug her. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, SHOW?!
Oct 28, 2014 1:51 PM

Oct 2011
Well........that was a decent ending.Cliched,but decent.

The show overall gets a 6.75 out of 10.Not bad,an enjoyable watch,but could have been better especially with the plot & characters.
The only good character was Baka,who had 2 episodes dedicated to him.Unfortunately,like I expected,he pretty much got sidelined after that arc.

I'll be honest,the only thing that disappoints me about this show is the lack of Rule 34 material.And what material there is,it's mostly Hana.Yes.........I have no shame in admitting this.
My Devianart

Oh & Space Brothers is still the best anime ever,in my opinion.Even when competing with Attack on Titan.
Nov 9, 2014 7:35 PM

Jan 2011

at some point Bugbear became the only reason i still watched the show, sadly he was barelly there
silversaintNov 9, 2014 7:39 PM
Nov 12, 2014 5:25 AM

Apr 2011
It was an okay'ish ending. Good thing Hana didn't they and the Kiltgang crew are now normal humans.

The ending was kinda abrupt llike Star Driver. No epilogue whatsoever. But its a decent kind of ending. I enjoyed the ride from start to finish of this series, it could have been better but it was okay. It was satisfying.

6/10. A Fine series.
MagitoNov 12, 2014 5:30 AM
Nov 17, 2014 4:38 AM

Jan 2011
This ended up as a big nothing.
Nov 17, 2014 1:16 PM

Oct 2010
Hmm, guess the MC kissed his way to victory. Boring characters and train-wreck story. It had some decent parts but honestly it was a boring watch. Finished it for the sake of completion.

Glad that they escaped safely and that Hana was ok, she was kinda decent character, only if she was fleshed out more.
Dec 11, 2014 8:59 PM

Jun 2014
In the beginning there was just SOOOOOO much terminology and different organizations and characters I had no clue what was going on for awhile. Still have no fucking clue why Salty Dog was so stupid to let a computer and a few aliens tell them what to do...

At first the story was kinda bleh, but overall it really made me happy. 7/10
Dec 16, 2014 8:58 PM
Sep 2014
this anime literally have the worst plot ive ever watch

too many ambiguous words and terms that never explained properly

the only good things about this anime is the graphics

Jan 1, 2015 9:50 PM

Jun 2007
Plot twist, this was all a dream by real world little girl Pitz.
Jan 3, 2015 7:26 PM
Jan 2014
What a huge waste of time this series was. I wanted to like it, I tried really hard to like it but I just couldn't. It had nice animation and a decent soundtrack... But somehow everything else was absolutely terrible.

Get your shit together Bones. 2/10
Mar 4, 2015 3:13 AM

Apr 2013
This show can be really good if they fix all the plot hole and explanation
Mar 7, 2015 5:35 AM

Mar 2014
Story wise this was all over the place

The visuals were amazing though....


All the 2's and 3's are a bit harsh I think

What I really wanted to see was Amara after the battle, but he LEFT!? What kind of closure is that?
Mar 8, 2015 8:04 AM

Nov 2011
For better or for worse, this TV series was quite enjoyable to follow. Maybe the plot has not exploited the potential that he had until the end, even with the script has done a good job, a little better instead was the narrative, but the fact remains that there were opportunities to improve and have not been used.
Very good it did the Studio Bones with the drawings and animations, always excellent and great value, the same can be said for the art, very beautiful and meticulously realized.
Very nice also the Color Design I've always appreciated. All of these points in his favor anyway merely acquire the disappointment of another missed opportunity this time too.
The characters had started to run well in the second half of the season, but it took a little more time to make them charismatic at the right point.
Last episode perhaps a bit hasty in time, especially the ending is too skimpy, but the soundtrack was great. I'm very sorry, but I can not give as vote more than 7/10 given the many gaps, what a pity.
Jul 10, 2015 12:05 PM

Sep 2013
I love happy endings :'(
Even the klit gang survived :'(

KungYii1994 said:
This show can be really good if they fix all the plot hole and explanation

There are no plot holes.
Sep 21, 2015 11:28 PM

Nov 2007
I feel generous giving this a 6 as it was really really average. Nothing really standing out. Swerve end with an uninteresting villain that sort of wrapped things up. Weekly villains that didn't stay villains. Just meh.
Nov 30, 2015 7:53 PM
Nov 2015
It was complex and I was into it pretty well. Wanting to know the outcomes. But the end? Really? Seriously? The writer is going to paint this huge tapestry of plot arcs and then just kinda toss a bucket of puce paint on it in the last 30 seconds leaving you wondering what just happened!? Couldn't stand the thought of a standard "yay we won!" kind of ending?
Overall I thought it was good. But like a race where the driver wins the cup but then dies in a fiery crash as he crosses the finish line it kinda left me feeling empty at the end.
Dec 31, 2015 8:10 AM
May 2013
It had potential but they managed to waste it.
For an average anime I did enjoy it .
I wished they've died in the end for more drama but meh .
The schoolgirl with blue hair = Pitz ,though they never explained how or why .
Apr 20, 2018 2:40 PM

Mar 2016
Someone sold this to me (indirectly), saying that the downtime with the pilots was "tip-top comfy." I honestly didn't see too much of that. I got hints of a coming of age story, but character interaction was overshadowed by cat and mouse games, which was kind of cool honestly.

The writing was engaging, not sure how people are confused, unless they're fucking braindead. It really could have been wrapped up better though. The Planetary Gears should have died, cause I don't give a fuck about them (Bugbear was shit too, you people have no taste). The over-the-topness covers up some of the flaws, as it should.

Also, I liked the dream episode; I'm sure it pissed a lot of people off when this was airing, but it provided some perspective for our MC. As a final note, the way the 'camera' sometimes cut, while maintaining focus on the subject in the center, was both noticeable and pretty fucking cool (if I remember correctly it happened on the beach and during the festival)
syncrogazerApr 20, 2018 2:49 PM
Aug 12, 2019 10:21 PM

Mar 2016
Jan 23, 2021 7:29 AM
Apr 2020
Thank god this anime had a satisfying conclusion...

I'll be honest in this anime. Only the animation really stands up and keeps me up from watching this. Nothing more and nothing less. The plot is somehow there but it's messed up. It had a terrible storytelling which makes it very confusing. Also what the MCs are fighting for is pretty lame (you'll know when you watched it). Well, this is an original work so what to expect.

If not on that ending, I would've rated this pretty low but it ended in a good way so.. I'll give it an 8/10 consideration rate. If you're wondering if you should be watching this, Atlleast give it a try. Who knows you might enjoy it (I think) :)
Kirukato05Jan 23, 2021 7:33 AM
May 24, 2022 11:59 PM
Jan 2020
So pretty much this has all the problems I've had with Star Driver just without the shrink of epicness Star Driver had. As they seriously just recycled most of the plot structure, and the finale is literally the same.

RonninnMay 25, 2022 12:03 AM
Aug 1, 2022 12:29 AM

Oct 2010
at we least we got some kisses and some action, they should've made the ending more complete or something, showing them or earth but it's alright, it was already forgettable
Sep 30, 2022 3:35 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Odd ending. Glad to see Akari and Teppei at least made it out. No idea if Daichi and Hana did. I really thought they'd do a big pull trigger on Hana but it's nice they went with the "using kiss to get someone back". Speaking of, did Daichi learn how to telepathic kiss right there or was it Hana herself trying to get through. It's just so weird.
Either way it's over. That OP playing in the middle of the episode was a fantastic touch.
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