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Sep 4, 2014 9:15 AM

Nov 2011
So Lisa isn't Shibazaki's daughter huh? Good to know.

The attack on the apartment complex surprised me. It reminds me one of those moments when I watched Rush Hour 2 years ago. A bit of a slow episode this week. Going to wait to see the detective, 9 + 12, and Five's next move. I feel bad for Lisa though this episode since she's so scared after what happened..

Seriously though, she got caught already by Five? I'm not surprised but still.

>London's bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.

I just love the way Five sings that. This should be interesting though as I sense that this could be Five's next little "game". I really hope 12 knows what he's doing though.
Sep 4, 2014 10:25 AM

Feb 2012
It was a slow episode but it seems like it was a setup episode to what is going to happen next. I'm expecting the next episodes to be the best yet. Watanabe, don't disappoint me!
Sep 4, 2014 10:27 AM

Aug 2008
Ugh, the ugly CG that doesn't fit the animation @00:10:02. I'm nitpicking.

Things are falling apart for Nine and Twelve. Twelve is being reckless. What can he possibly do alone against Five and all the polices. ><

Btw, the full version of the ED is out. :D
Sep 4, 2014 10:27 AM

Aug 2010
Quite the set up ep.

I guess Lisa being Shibazaki's daughter theory is out of the window now ^^;

Sad to see 12 leaving to save Lisa ignoring 9's advice. There's a rift forming between the 2 :(

5 is still one heck of an antagonist. Love her eye close ups so much though ^^
Sep 4, 2014 10:29 AM
Feb 2014
wow, this is definitely the calm before the storm. Great episode.

Judging by five and Lisa's confrontation, i actually think five is a bit jealous of Lisa, and the fact that she got to be with nine and twelve.

Loved the sountrack as always, cant wait to see how this plans out. GO TWELVE
mattie2710Sep 4, 2014 10:32 AM
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Sep 4, 2014 10:37 AM

May 2013
Man Lisa really is unlucky. She gets kidnapped again and twelve decides to go and rescue despite her likely being a trap there.
Sep 4, 2014 10:46 AM

Jun 2013
Posting something I've said in another thread:

So Lisa ends up leaving and gets caught by Five. Nine and Twelve, more so Twelve, realizes that he can't let Lisa leave him like this, so he chases after her. There are surprisingly a lot of parallel to the play/musical "My Fair Lady."

What did we learn?
1) Rising Peace Academy executed the Athena plan to gather gifted orphans. The contents of the experiments are not known yet, but judging from pharmaceutical companies and other medical companies, children were tested with novel drugs it seems. Seems like they used gifted orphans as lab rats.

2) Lisa is not Shibasaki's daughter. This just puts more of a question to her character besides being a damsel in distress.

3) Five is not fooling around. She is desperate to kill Nine and Twelve for some reason we don't know of yet. The plutonium is definitely going to play a big part in something, we just don't know what yet. When she describes Nine and Twelve as "having no future," I wonder if all the gifted children are running on some kind of time limit?

4) First time Twelve doubts what they're doing is right. Twelve goes to save a girl he basically doesn't know much about rather than sticking with Nine. What's making him so fond of Lisa?

Shibasaki also points out that the term "terrorist" is used too easily nowadays because of all the terrorist attacks we've had. Instead of seeing Sphinx as trying to achieve something greater, people nowadays are blinded by destruction and fear and categorize people who "disturb the peace" immediately as "terrorists."

pakokoSep 4, 2014 10:53 AM
Sep 4, 2014 10:46 AM

May 2012
Man I need that sound tract that was in the beginning.

Oh how I missed this show. First off great episode. Seems like a lot of things have gone bad to worst since the airport incident. Shibazaki is basically fired. Their hideout blew up. Nine and Twelve friendship is starting to get a little shaky. And to top it off Lisa gets kidnap by Five. Wasn't that surprising just didn't think it would happen so fast.

Twelve is going to try and save her by himself? Man talk about a setup episode. Really anxious to see how everything is going to play out. Hope nobody dies.

Sep 4, 2014 10:48 AM

Dec 2011
Slow episode, but yeah, it was probably the build-up episode for the future epicness.
Sep 4, 2014 10:50 AM
Feb 2014
mythological boobies :D
I only read books i have already read
Sep 4, 2014 10:59 AM
Jun 2013
Some interesting revelations. Twelve made ​​his choice xD
Sep 4, 2014 11:19 AM

Sep 2008
TwelvexLisa ship is so strong!
I can't!

Don't really like songs from this anime...
That insert song...
Please, never again play it... -.-

Good episode :)
Can't wait to see next!
Sep 4, 2014 11:25 AM
Oct 2010
Should have just hired a person to the English parts, if you are going to use that many just pull some random foreigner and let him do it...

Aside from that twelve is a bit of an asshole to leave his childhood friend for a girl he met recently. Not only was nine constantly telling him not to get too close but he also warned him about how she could bring them down from the start.

Lisa has now moved from an annoying character to a plot device and I feel like overall she was not necessary for this show. Five's over the top act is still quite jarring and I'm still surprised that the Japanese government is allowing these dudes to bomb their city like no other. When you think about it the Americans have caused more damage than nine has yet they government is ok with it.
Sep 4, 2014 11:28 AM
Jan 2014
Lisa's presence still seems very out of place. I hope she's not just a plot device/damsel in distress and has an actual purpose. Twelve's motives are probably related to that, or so I would like.

There goes one theory out of the window. Nothing can really stop Shibazaki it seems. His determination puts the most of the Public Safety Bureau to shame. The Rising Peace Academy were further exposed as the backbone of the Athena plan. Five's strange behavour is probably due to drug overdosage.

I wonder what Nine's role will be in Twelve's reckless plan.

skudoops said:
Should have just hired a person to the English parts, if you are going to use that many just pull some random foreigner and let him do it...

If you're talking about the lyrics of "London bridge is falling down", then there's no reason to be negative about it. They were more than adequate IMO.
Sep 4, 2014 11:31 AM
Aug 2014
Antearion said:
Man I need that sound tract that was in the beginning.

There u go, I guess this was the one you had in mind? it's a bit different from the version they played in the movie tho.
Sep 4, 2014 11:37 AM

Apr 2009
Lisa was quite the idiot this episode. Why would she answer the door? Who the hell could be coming to visit them? Why would she accept the package? No one knows she's there, so there's no reason for her to get anything at all. It just irked me. But I still can't bring myself to hate her, she's adorkable (pocky in curry?).
I get a feeling that Twelve is going to die either the next episode, or the one after that. Something something should have sacrificed his queen and all that. Besides, I don't think there will be no major character deaths in this series.
Sep 4, 2014 11:41 AM

Jan 2012
Aaaw Twelve how could you leave Nine like that :(

Lisa is so stupid... why would you accept a package at your name when nobody is supposed to know where you live right now? No brain at all...
Sep 4, 2014 11:44 AM

Apr 2013
good episode

some investigation and things are slowly being put together

3 episodes left
Sep 4, 2014 11:45 AM

Jun 2013
Ailly said:
Lisa was quite the idiot this episode. Why would she answer the door? Who the hell could be coming to visit them? Why would she accept the package? No one knows she's there, so there's no reason for her to get anything at all.

Look at it this way. Even if Lisa hadn't answered the door, the bomb would have gone off anyway because the man probably would have left the bomb in front of the door. You wouldn't want Lisa dying off just yet right? It wouldn't really make sense to kill her off either, when she is considered one of the main protagonists.

I agree to your point about there being a major character death sooner or later. My bet is on all the gifted children, but we'll see.
Sep 4, 2014 11:46 AM
Oct 2010
-Resident- said:

If you're talking about the lyrics of "London bridge is falling down", then there's no reason to be negative about it. They were more than adequate IMO.

Just meant in general.. there's a lot of english being used and there quite a few native speakers in the tokyo area where pierrot is located.

EDIT: Meant aniplex.. not sure why I was thinking of pierrot. Maybe because I'm watching tokyo ghoul right now.
GD1551Sep 4, 2014 11:53 AM
Sep 4, 2014 11:48 AM

Aug 2013
Well, much better than last 2 (which were terrible).
Sep 4, 2014 11:51 AM

Jan 2013
It would be great if this final confrotation was prolonged on the next épisodes, with great cliffhangers.

I do Wonder how this will end.

That London Bridge song, I'm still curious how the anime is airing, since it's terrorism and stuff.
Sep 4, 2014 11:56 AM

Sep 2013
Wow so the show actually addressed that Nine and Twelve are not exactly "Terrorists". At least not yet anyway. I am glad they did that though because that bothered me since episode 2.

I am happy to see some development with Twelve.. even if it was rushed, it's still there. He has grown more empathetic it seems. One of the issues with being 11 episodes though is it's so hard to make development seem genuine. It was a bit odd that he so easily turned against Nine though... Oh well, they did their best I am sure and they did spend time on the relationship between them. I don't like how he suddenly doesn't want to do whatever it is they were planning though. How am I supposed to be invested in that conversation when I have no idea what they are planning? Also it feels like this is a last minute twist to show that these guys are heroes and not terrorists because it seems to hint that their final plan was a gigantic bomb that will kill people. If that's the case I don't really see why they were so hesitant before about killing people... Plus it would kind of make the entire reason this story happened completely pointless... Oh well, just speculation.

I am surprised it's only been 1 episode and already they made Lisa make several stupid decisions and becomes the damsel in distress again. Lame.

They are really pulling out all the strings to make Five completely 1-dimensional evil aren't they? No redeeming factors at all. Don't like it, I thought she had potential but now I am just sort of bored by how cheesy evil she is.

Shibazaki investigating more, seems he's turned to blackmailing, kinda sucks out some likability as a person but he's getting shit done and I like that. Got more personality out of him this episode too.

Still no thrills, hopefully this build up will lead to a more exciting episode. I still liked it overall but needed more punch and a bit smoother characterization.
KetenSep 4, 2014 12:00 PM
Sep 4, 2014 12:00 PM
Jul 2018
Better than the previous two episodes,but it still leaves a lot to be desired.
Sep 4, 2014 12:04 PM

Jun 2013
Keten said:

They are really pulling out all the strings to make Five completely 1-dimensional evil aren't they? No redeeming factors at all. Don't like it, I thought she had potential but now I am just sort of bored by how cheesy evil she is.

I don't think Five is as 1-dimensional as you think she is. Recall the scene when she grabs her head like she's suffering from some sort of withdrawal. That's the first time we've seen her show a sign of weakness and desperation. When she spouts all those things at Lisa about Nine and Twelve, her speech was more desperate than downright evil. Whatever Nine and Twelve are doing is making Five suffer (we don't know why) and she wants to kill them off. My speculation is that Five is suffering from some drug addiction withdrawal or from whatever she was given during the Athena plan. When she decides to drop a bomb off at the hideout, she's trying to show that she's actually really desperate and not fooling around at all. She doesn't seem as charismatic this episode.
pakokoSep 4, 2014 12:07 PM
Sep 4, 2014 12:12 PM
Oct 2012
Weird, Twelve hasn't shown signs of drug withdrawal. Only Nine and Five.

Which would suck cause he seems he has a future to live compared to the others. I'm waiting on the characterization.
Sep 4, 2014 12:14 PM

Jan 2014
Slow but golden. A masterpiece, this anime. ^ - ^
Sep 4, 2014 12:19 PM
Oct 2012
My biggest question that I'm getting is Lisa's place.

If she's not a part of Shibazaki in any heritage, then there must be something going on that we don't know in the works. There's no way they put her in and has no service or use.

Waiting on that cinematography.
Sep 4, 2014 12:19 PM

May 2012
MaNWK said:
Antearion said:
Man I need that sound tract that was in the beginning.

There u go, I guess this was the one you had in mind? it's a bit different from the version they played in the movie tho.

Yea that's the one. Thanks.
Sep 4, 2014 12:21 PM
Oct 2012
I'm just going to go in depth and did some research so Long Post incoming.

Oh, and that nitpick regarding the bomb, well, if you're name's on it, when no one should know about it. I'd take it strictly from the implications it might have. It's dangerous alone from the information given. You gonna leave it there?

This reminds me of some novel or book where the adults or protagonists were on borrowed time and they had to act fast cause their times are up. Shibazaki has gotten some new information on the Rising Peace Academy and judging by what they're doing to them or what was in mind, this wasn't simple hallucinogens, this seems on accelerating their skills and mental ability. I do like that we're given exposition and the gray/black color on the institution gives it this painful/remorseful look.

However, anyone else see how Nine and Twelve were separated from the very beginning? How Twelve was focused and Nine was chilling in the back? I believe it was to show the distance the two are on.

I strongly suggest that there's something Lisa must have done as a child or as a kid and doesn't realize she night have given him a first blown look on humanity and not a subject number.

Oh and the opening song was called twenty two and shortly after that, I looked up the tarot cards and decided on eight number which is Strength. And Strength is considered to be used for Discipline and Control.

Which near the end, we seen it slip away from Twelve and goes off to save Lisa, even though it may not be a rational thought. This could also extend to Five, as the card refers to moderation and the way Five reacted to being told to play things safe showed recklessness and lack of control.

Thinks this show's going on a reverse arcana link in terms of the meaning and what not. Then again, I'm just throwing stuff out there for people to see and get interested in.

TLDR; Shit's happening and twice the shit happening here will happen on 9/11
Sep 4, 2014 12:23 PM

Nov 2013
8/11 episodes now and Lisa still hasn't made a good impression. Please please please tell me she's gonna play a major part in the final few episodes. If she really just acts as a damsel in distress to get someone killed then I'm really going to be disappointed if that's the culmination of her use as a character.
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Sep 4, 2014 12:24 PM
Oct 2012
Vexper said:
8/11 episodes now and Lisa still hasn't made a good impression. Please please please tell me she's gonna play a major part in the final few episodes. If she really just acts as a damsel in distress to get someone killed then I'm really going to be disappointed if that's the culmination of her use as a character.

This. I love the show but it lacks depth if that's all her use was for.
Sep 4, 2014 12:26 PM

Aug 2011
I'm not enjoying this.

I'm rooting for you Lisa but some the things you have done here were not exactly the smartest.
Five is awful.
Sep 4, 2014 12:27 PM

Jul 2012
I'm actually sad and bothered that Lisa isn't Shibazakis daughter. It just makes her more useless and in my opinion the show would of been better if they were family.

Anyway, great episode.
Sep 4, 2014 12:30 PM

Jun 2013
BRK25 said:
Vexper said:
8/11 episodes now and Lisa still hasn't made a good impression. Please please please tell me she's gonna play a major part in the final few episodes. If she really just acts as a damsel in distress to get someone killed then I'm really going to be disappointed if that's the culmination of her use as a character.

This. I love the show but it lacks depth if that's all her use was for.

Let's just hope Watanabe wants us to think that way of Lisa and then BAM! M. Night Shyamalama-ding-dong plot twist outta nowhere.
Sep 4, 2014 12:30 PM

Sep 2013
pakoko said:

I don't think Five is as 1-dimensional as you think she is. Recall the scene when she grabs her head like she's suffering from some sort of withdrawal. That's the first time we've seen her show a sign of weakness and desperation. When she spouts all those things at Lisa about Nine and Twelve, her speech was more desperate than downright evil. Whatever Nine and Twelve are doing is making Five suffer (we don't know why) and she wants to kill them off. My speculation is that Five is suffering from some drug addiction withdrawal or from whatever she was given during the Athena plan. When she decides to drop a bomb off at the hideout, she's trying to show that she's actually really desperate and not fooling around at all. She doesn't seem as charismatic this episode.

Very true. However it's just speculation as of yet. I am not saying she is forever a 1-dimensional character, just that for now she is and she's really cheesy is all. I am waiting for some backdrop on her to expand her character more but otherwise yes, there is likely more to her than what I said. My big problem with the show is that they don't really explain anything, I feel like the last episode or 2nd last episode is just going to be a MASSIVE info-dump... I hope that isn't the case. Either way, sorry if it seemed like I was calling her a doomed character, never meant that, just that so far there isn't much to her other than being psychotic and evil.
Sep 4, 2014 12:34 PM

Dec 2012
Slow but great episode~!

So Lisa is not Shibazaki's daughter - Then.. I wonder what her character is supposed to be other than damsel in distress... :/
Also, hmmm Nine & Twelve "have no future" and are "running out of time..."

Both Five and Nine seem to get headaches or some kind of withdrawal or something but not twelve..
Lala-pSep 4, 2014 12:38 PM
Sep 4, 2014 12:34 PM

Jul 2013
Slow, but very good episode indeed. Many queries where answered, which kinda means that the series will have a definite conclusion at episode 11 (I guess?).

Lisa is stupid for answering the door and being foolish enough to go outside on her own while things are still on stake with Five, but still she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. I mean, come on, she's scared and lacks self-confidence, she tries hard to become useful. Let's just appreciate that. And Twelve must has his reason to like her that much, especially if he's willing to quit the attacks with Nine. I'm looking forward to see more of their interactions and thoughts on this matter...

I am really scared about that "having no future", "no time left" thingy Five, Nine and Twelve mentioned. I hope, for the love of God, that nobody dies.

Finally, of course, dat engrish. Five pls.

“In all things, the heart must take precedence. The heart rules over all things, and all things come from the heart.”

Sep 4, 2014 12:36 PM
Oct 2012
Keten said:
pakoko said:

I don't think Five is as 1-dimensional as you think she is. Recall the scene when she grabs her head like she's suffering from some sort of withdrawal. That's the first time we've seen her show a sign of weakness and desperation. When she spouts all those things at Lisa about Nine and Twelve, her speech was more desperate than downright evil. Whatever Nine and Twelve are doing is making Five suffer (we don't know why) and she wants to kill them off. My speculation is that Five is suffering from some drug addiction withdrawal or from whatever she was given during the Athena plan. When she decides to drop a bomb off at the hideout, she's trying to show that she's actually really desperate and not fooling around at all. She doesn't seem as charismatic this episode.

Very true. However it's just speculation as of yet. I am not saying she is forever a 1-dimensional character, just that for now she is and she's really cheesy is all. I am waiting for some backdrop on her to expand her character more but otherwise yes, there is likely more to her than what I said. My big problem with the show is that they don't really explain anything, I feel like the last episode or 2nd last episode is just going to be a MASSIVE info-dump... I hope that isn't the case. Either way, sorry if it seemed like I was calling her a doomed character, never meant that, just that so far there isn't much to her other than being psychotic and evil.

Ironically, the show's website has the preview words for the next episode but not the video.

Apparently, the aoki they're looking for will speak openly on what happened on the Athena's plan. And maybe there's a flashback and at the same tie this is happening, we hear the politician's discussing what goes on while the flashback's occurring with jarring music to go with the scene. Then we figure out why the explosion and madness happened.

Also, time is limited for Nine and Twleve it says with Lisa captured. I expect a info dump but not a MASSIVE one. A short 3 minute explanation with phenomenal music and info should help. I just hope Lisa has something in store.

For some reason, I'm believing that she wasn't a part of the orphanage but played with Twelve as a child. The actions Twelve has been doing showed more than remote interest. The way he reacts in the first episode and subsequent interactions shows interest in Lisa but very weird if this is a first time look. Hm, she has a purpose, don' t know what it i just yet.
Sep 4, 2014 12:39 PM
Oct 2010
midorikiwi said:
I'm actually sad and bothered that Lisa isn't Shibazakis daughter. It just makes her more useless and in my opinion the show would of been better if they were family.

Anyway, great episode.

I see people keep mentioning this... was there speculation of that or something? At no point did I ever think she and him would have been related but thinking about it now I could see how people could come to that conclusion. I figured with him being a detective and all, if they were related the mother would have contacted him for help finding her.
Sep 4, 2014 12:40 PM

Mar 2012
BRK25 said:
My biggest question that I'm getting is Lisa's place.

If she's not a part of Shibazaki in any heritage, then there must be something going on that we don't know in the works. There's no way they put her in and has no service or use.

Waiting on that cinematography.

My guess is that she's from the Gifted Children thing plan or was part of it but forgot or something like that after seeing the opening on repeat:
CEOAmaterasuSep 4, 2014 12:44 PM
Sep 4, 2014 12:43 PM

Jun 2013
Keten said:

Very true. However it's just speculation as of yet. I am not saying she is forever a 1-dimensional character, just that for now she is and she's really cheesy is all. I am waiting for some backdrop on her to expand her character more but otherwise yes, there is likely more to her than what I said. My big problem with the show is that they don't really explain anything, I feel like the last episode or 2nd last episode is just going to be a MASSIVE info-dump... I hope that isn't the case. Either way, sorry if it seemed like I was calling her a doomed character, never meant that, just that so far there isn't much to her other than being psychotic and evil.

Haha no problem man, you're good. You're right that the show hasn't done much else to portray Five in a different light. I've just been seeing a lot of people (besides you) complaining about Five being 1-dimensional without really giving her a chance. Sorry if it sounded like I was taking it out on you. Yeah there's still 3 more episodes so we'll see how Watanabe pulls this off... or not.

As for the show not really explaining anything, that's just how the show decided to tell its story. It's really up to the viewers to deduce background information by paying close attention to the anime (like how I deduced that Five seems to be suffering from withdrawal symptoms of a drug possibly administered during the Athena plan).

The show will never resort to info dump unless it REALLY has to, that I can guarantee. If you take Aldnoah.Zero for example, do you remember Inaho talking to himself weirdly about how he beat a Vers Kataphrakt? There are many instances in that show that outright reveals background info through dialogue, but ZnT relies more on giving "hints" throughout.
Sep 4, 2014 12:45 PM

Dec 2011
Almost felt like a filler. 3/5

Sep 4, 2014 12:50 PM
Sep 2012
Lisa gets taken. I find it annoying how Twelve just leaves Nine to go rescue Lisa like she is the most important thing, It's sad how Nine asks Twelve not to go but he does. I can't tell if he is in love with her or what. It's just really getting on my last nerve.

Sorry, just needed to vent.
Sep 4, 2014 12:53 PM

Jul 2014
Project: rescue the waifu
Sep 4, 2014 12:55 PM
Jul 2018
Lisa got kidnapped again.

Twelve decides to leave and searches for Lisa ignoring Nine's advice.

Let's hope Nine and Twelve can save Lisa from Five.
Sep 4, 2014 12:57 PM
Oct 2012
You know, an important note that someone brought up to.

Five was a spy for the USA. She's getting free power to do but again, the Japanese Police are slowly becoming suspicious and hesitant on allowing the FBI. But again, she was a spy and shifted from an official government establishment and transferred to NEST.
Sep 4, 2014 12:58 PM

Jan 2014
Damn it Lisa, don't be a Sakura, crying and being useless
Sep 4, 2014 12:58 PM
Sep 2013
An ok episode Five is definitely a cold hearted villain she is. Poor Lisa being told shes worthless. I loled at the bomb being delivered at the 1st hideout. Twelve to the rescue seems nine only cares for is revenge
Sep 4, 2014 1:02 PM

Apr 2012
Boring episode e_e
Lisa is such a worthless main character.

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