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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Oct 17, 2012 11:33 AM
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I’m going to be busy as well until the start of November, so I’m sort of glad there isn’t another show like Zankyou no Terror this season, or else it’ll eat up too much of my time X.X
Most of the shows this season seems like I can turn off my brain for the most part. Not trying to downgrade their quality, but they’re probably not as ambitious as Zankyou no Terror.
See you around! And good luck with college :)
All the sequels, basically, and then Nanatsu no Taizai, Shigatsu Wa Kimi no Uso, and possibly the two MAPPA works. I've passed on Sora no Method because the writer seemed pretty third-rate. Please feel free to update me and correct me on the show if you do manage to watch it and like it.
Yeah Zankyou no Terror helped me understand anime better in general because I've talked to so many people about it, both fans and haters. As a learning experience, Zankyou no Terror will be a 10 in my book. The show itself... maybe around 7.5-8. Nonetheless I loved every moment of it and I really hope to see a show like that again.
I'm sure we will cross paths once more, but we may be on different sides then >:)
It's a girly show with ballet as a central theme, but that doesn't make it bad at all. It's actually a deep, kinda mindscrewy story filled with classical music and symbolism and all that good stuff.
It's fairly dark, but not in a "People dying left and right, everything is so hopeless and miserable" kind of way.
I'll have to rewatch the second one some time because it is sort of lengthy, but from what I've watched he's pretty much pointing out how every single detail, cinematography, and dialogue help to tell everything the anime needs to rather than spoon feeding the audience everything.
Nevertheless, it's helped me better appreciate the show. Thanks for the links!
cool to have a shootout of comments n theories on ZnT. :D