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Soul Eater NOT!
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Apr 15, 2014 1:09 AM
Aug 2013
HandSonicvI said:
How did no one see the art change coming? Teh fok.

Soul Eater Not!'s manga has art style some-what similar to the original. Yet the art style for the some-how even more moe.
Apr 15, 2014 1:17 AM

Mar 2014
Holybond94 said:
I just wanted to get a general opinion on this. So my friend and I were having a discussion about this show. Now I may have made it out to seem some-what worse than it was, but that doesn't change my main feelings behind this series. My friend states that this show is separate from Soul Eater.

I can understand that in a way, but when the show references other characters some-what like a crutch, it annoys me. It makes me ask the question, "How is this the anime it so wants to be different from. Also, with what makes this not like the original Soul Eater, aren't even necessarily good points. The art style that made Soul Eater, itself is gone.

Also the characters aren't even that great you can find the same character personalities in other.."Moe-esque" show. I'm just a bit annoyed in a way that this show took up a slot for some other anime like a "Devil is a Part-Timer season 2." I guess I wouldn't have been as annoyed if the show wasn't didn't sell out it's art-style to the moe department. That's pretty much it. This is just my take on the anime, it's not out-right "Bad" me it's just bland and filled with fluff. To say the least, "Boring."

oh, so you're basically saying Moe art-style=notgoodshow
Apr 15, 2014 5:22 AM
Apr 2014
EnvitChan said:
Oh my, this is so... CUTE!!!!
Maybe it remained me K-On! a little (Maybe it's because of the cuteness?), but still that anime brought me back a lot of memories, like Black Star, Maka, Kid (I hope he will talk during the next episodes and they will show Liz and Patty, such as in the opening...), and I noticed it's a prequel (You know, Sid-sensei...), and if it's a prequel, maybe we will see who is Maka's mother! :D

Say im late to the party or what ever but i just now finished all the K-On! episodes, and now that i think about it, Soul Eater NOT reminds me of it a lot too :P Also when i saw Liz and Patty in the OP i thought that we may be able to see more of them in the past when they were ruffing it up on the streets :3 also it looks as if Tsubaki got a CBBE Overhaul, my god.. lol
(To anybody who gets that reference kudos to you)
Apr 15, 2014 4:11 PM
Aug 2013
AzuStar said:
Holybond94 said:
I just wanted to get a general opinion on this. So my friend and I were having a discussion about this show. Now I may have made it out to seem some-what worse than it was, but that doesn't change my main feelings behind this series. My friend states that this show is separate from Soul Eater.

I can understand that in a way, but when the show references other characters some-what like a crutch, it annoys me. It makes me ask the question, "How is this the anime it so wants to be different from. Also, with what makes this not like the original Soul Eater, aren't even necessarily good points. The art style that made Soul Eater, itself is gone.

Also the characters aren't even that great you can find the same character personalities in other.."Moe-esque" show. I'm just a bit annoyed in a way that this show took up a slot for some other anime like a "Devil is a Part-Timer season 2." I guess I wouldn't have been as annoyed if the show wasn't didn't sell out it's art-style to the moe department. That's pretty much it. This is just my take on the anime, it's not out-right "Bad" me it's just bland and filled with fluff. To say the least, "Boring."

oh, so you're basically saying Moe art-style=notgoodshow

No, I'm saying it's a below average show at best, because of these reasons. It tries to separate itself from the original show, with it's "Not!" addon, yet it references characters from the original story. It blatantly has Soul Eater first, in an attempt to attract the fans of the previous show. Why would they want to do that, if they blatantly changed the art style that was most likely a positive point to the fans? To me it seems that the inclusion of these original characters are only to hold up the otherwise lack-luster new characters. The story itself is barely going to go anywhere from the looks of it.(I'm up to the current manga translated manga chapter.) It's like they just sold out to the, "Moe Moe" fan club because that's what sells. Also that's not to say I have a problem with every "Moe" show. I have no problem with shows like K-ON, and Tamako Market. At-least those are different, this is just a cheap cop-out in my view.
Apr 16, 2014 2:25 AM

Jun 2011
Annuvin said:
That nostalgic feeling of seeing all the Soul Eater characters.
Also I'm guessing this takes place before the main story since Medusa is still a nurse.

dmrch said:
P.S. I want no Excalibur. Even if everyone on MAL wants him, I don't want to see Excalibur.

I second that.
Me too

Seems like a pretty fun series. It's way different from the original but it was expected, so I'm not disappointed ^^
"Commoner-sized mammaries = commaries" lol
Apr 17, 2014 3:57 AM
Nov 2013
Zeronex said:
Nice episode,good to see the old soul eater characters.The OP and art are good.I have read a few chapters from the manga and I know this is gonna be more slice of life than action.

I agree with you. The OP and the animation art are great. I have high expectations for the upcoming episodes.
Apr 21, 2014 2:40 AM

Jan 2008
At first I was disappointed that it wasn't like the main series at all; but the animation, jokes and MC's made up for it.

I'd still like a "FMA: Brotherhood"-like remake for the original Soul Eater though.
Apr 22, 2014 5:22 AM

Nov 2011

Soul Eater Not, skin changes at the old SE, both as regards the character design and as regards both scenarios, in which the story unfolds.
The work done by Bones is as always great, beautiful designs and good animations.
Prop Design is not bad, there was shown a lot more than had been done in the previous series.
characters are not bad, quite distinguishable from each other.
Plot yet to be framed, nice narration.
It will not be a masterpiece, but not boring for now.
For now, my final grade is 6/10!

Now with this new Character Design and Color Design, it seems that the characters have acquired what was missing before, or a 3D look; first appeared two-dimensional ...
Apr 22, 2014 10:32 AM
Apr 2014
I liked it, but I'm confused about one thing.

Was Medusa a nurse when Sid was human? Did I just miss something?
Apr 22, 2014 6:38 PM

Mar 2014
osakacrona said:
I liked it, but I'm confused about one thing.

Was Medusa a nurse when Sid was human? Did I just miss something?

yes, in Soul eater, Mesdusa was the Nurse of the academy

Sid died in Soul eater too. Soul eater NOT precedes Soul eater.
Apr 23, 2014 3:40 PM

Apr 2013
The drawing for the original characters of Soul Eater... the difference is so distracting >.<

But for the most part the girls are really cute

Apr 23, 2014 9:09 PM

Apr 2011
Good start... so far.
The art was cute.
It made smile seeing the cast of Soul Eater again.

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all
Code Lyoko, be there when you call
Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall
Code Lyoko, stronger after all
Apr 25, 2014 4:40 AM

Oct 2009
The girls are cute, funny and Anya is badass. Whats not to like?
Besides we get to see cameo's from time to time, this should be fun.
Maka's new design makes me cringe a little bit though.
Was Black Star always that buffed?

Hopefully this will lead to a remake of the original.
Apr 26, 2014 10:03 PM

Apr 2014
The animation was pretty great, maka and soul's performance was candy to the eyes
Apr 28, 2014 8:06 PM
Apr 2014
This has nothing to do with the first ep. But in soul eater manga chapter 99 page 20 or 19, there is a pic of soul, Harudori, and that one bitch that went nuts in the market. I guess they were planning on making N.O.T. for a while. I just thought it was interesting to point out.
Apr 29, 2014 3:28 PM
Sep 2012
Just me or does the opening sound similar to the Digimon Xros Hunters: Young Hunters opening?
May 6, 2014 8:17 AM

Jul 2009
Best part was seeing the old cast! I love Maka! :D
May 7, 2014 11:50 PM

May 2012
03:18 dat ClariS-poi OP

08:34 LOOOL

18:41 dat 10/10 slap

19:47 Henshin!!!

20:57 dat princess rocks

21:35 teh ultimate tsunchan? Tamaranai!!

22:31 motemote da ne

Not SE!
7/10 for this episode.
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
May 21, 2014 1:45 AM

Aug 2013
Well that was unexpectedly enjoyable :o
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jun 12, 2014 5:35 AM

Apr 2012
ummm wat? love triangle? lolololol nothing like the first soul eater
Jun 24, 2014 8:03 PM

Oct 2012
Guys this is a spinoff not a remake or even sequel
Although I'm hoping for a sequel or remake T_T

Tsugumi is so cute!! xD
So nostalgic seeing Maka, Black Star, Death the Kid
Oh, the Sid-sensei is still a human

Lol Commoner-sized bust "Shoppa"
Medusa? Medusa??????
At least it's still love triangle xD

"Gagantous" yeah gagantous xD

Pyr0 said:
Annuvin said:

I second that.
Me too

You fool!!
"Excalibur.. Excalibur. "From the United Kingdom, I'm looking for him. I'm going to California" xD
"Signature removed"
Sep 22, 2014 8:04 AM

Jun 2008
This the Soul Eater version of cute girls doing cute things so if you take the title and accept the "NOT" in it i guess you can have fun with this.

I liked it, is the kind of thing that brings a smile on the face after a hard day, and that cute little skirt on the main girl makes her even more adorable lol.
Oct 8, 2014 3:04 AM

Feb 2010
I didn't have any expectations for this show, it being a spinoff and all, and I'm glad it turns out to be a pleasant experience. The art is almost too cute, but I can live with it. Cuteness is plentiful, it's a kind of therapeutic show, staged in setting of SE and this makes it even more soothing by the contrast with original. There is still nice bit of action and it's welcome. The girls are cute and different and humor is nice. And overal, it's a good way to expand on original characters' story.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Nov 21, 2014 3:05 PM

May 2012
That was pretty fun I must say, quite like the current start. When I first heard about this side-story I had quite mixed feelings about it, but well it seems rather good from this first episode so let's see what this series will offer us!
May 9, 2015 10:12 PM

Nov 2014
That blonde guys head OMG xD That was hilarious.

The art style is so much different than Soul Eater.

Maka is so nice, leaving that pop at the top of the stairs for her. ^_^
"It tastes weird! It's the taste of America!"
Because America tastes weird.

Apparently this all happened before Soul Eater, since

And one more thing: Why does it have to be ECCHI? Why?? T^T
Jul 23, 2015 10:38 AM
Jul 2015
Why the hell did they change the Show?!. I got through to the third episode and the threw a brick through my TV. This Soul Eater NOT series sucks noodles

Bring back the old characters and seriously cut the childish crap. Its now a lesbian musical show not an action comedy... Your new series is flopping annoying
NewLPGJul 23, 2015 10:41 AM
Jan 10, 2016 9:46 AM

Jan 2012
lol she is dreaming too much , nice entrance black star.

Mar 12, 2017 6:16 AM

Jan 2013
It's actually NOT that bad ...
Interesting seeing how "regular" students start at the DWMA and have to train to get as far as Maka, Kid, Black Star have come.

I actually like the 2 male characters that came to observe the fight next to Sid, hopefully they're not just going to be side characters.

Not going to compare it to Soul Eater as it's apparent that it's trying to be more of a comedy / ecchi show, especially when it's having scenes with Tsugumi "accidentally" tripping and falling into the other girls bust - together with all the "cutesy" expressions etc.

The art style kinda threw me of when seeing the old group though, Black Star looked way older despite this taking place 1 year before the original show.
Oct 5, 2017 2:08 AM

Aug 2016
Well, it is Soul Eater but it's NOT.
It's more like SOL CGDCT version of Soul Eater, not very flashy like Soul Eater, but I really love it.
Nov 8, 2018 5:46 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Soul Eater NOT! A prequel of Soul Eater. Let's see how this show is like and the differences it holds...

The OP is well... Nothing special really, a nice, cheerful typical moe OP. I like it but it obviously can't stand against the 2 OPs from the original Soul Eater.
The same goes for the ED

One thing for sure is that Death City is way more bright and livelier than the more grim version in the original. Quite a nice different perspective.

The characters' art style has changed drastically!
Black Star is Black Star as usual, but here, he looks more mature, Sid is still alive and Evans is significantly shorter than Maka?! Maka is cuter here, a sparkle on her eye is all she needs.

The first impression, I already hate Anya's himedere kind of attitude. Though she's undeniably a potentially great meister as can be seen with how she wields Tsugumi, her attitude is just pissing me off. Especially how she turn rejected wanting to be her partner, but then still wanting to be one anyway.
This has turned into a (yuri love?) triangle, but not one that I like...
Apr 29, 2019 3:53 AM

Dec 2018
I guess it's wrong to think of this as a prequel to Soul Eater. This should be a sequel instead, because Kid is already in DWMA.

The only new character name I remembered was Meme.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Dec 1, 2019 2:24 PM

Apr 2018
Feel weird to watch it just after finished Soul Eater, wasn't bad though, these girls are cute
Nov 4, 2021 8:45 AM

Jul 2013
Black*Star is the buffest 13(?) year old ever... Seriously wtf. Tsubaki also looked like she was 20, despite this being set a year before "Soul Eater".

Laying into the boob size jokes pretty hard... but that was in SE as well.
Nov 14, 2021 10:36 PM

Dec 2020
cute episode. with the way people talk about this series, i thought it was going to be completely awful. it was not even bad lol.

i thought it was an entirely different cast too, thought i saw kid in the beginning. was shocked when maka appeared...then black star, then tsubaki, then soul. and some others. it was great. the new cast looks cute too

not really a fan of the art style though, i know it's not supposed to be like the original series, but they look a little too cutesy here, especially tsubaki and soul haha
Jan 17, 2022 1:41 PM

Mar 2020
definitely not as bad as people claim
Mar 13, 2023 8:20 AM
Nov 2010
I like the OP. It sounds catchy!
It's cool to see cameos from the main cast of the main series. I still remember some of them.
The action looks nice! Anya is so hot when she fights! I wish I am her weapon instead.
The ED sounds nice too!
Mar 14, 2023 6:22 PM

Dec 2022
isso com certeza não é soul eater pqp
Dec 8, 2023 8:27 PM
Jun 2016
Watched it expecting it to be soul eater. But it was NOT
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