lol i just saw this was on my profile so sorry for the late reply.
anyway, going back to the whole sora/shiro relationship, that reason just felt more like a cop-out than something that would legitimately happen. i mean, the whole "you don't understand us" thing is just an excuse used by otakus to justify why they don't socialise with others and why they're frowned upon... at least, that's the excuse my otaku friends that i know personally use.
Also, glad to meet someone who shares similar sentiments. you've got no idea how many people actually give me a weird look when i say that i find loli/shota disturbing. yes, they're not real but honestly... you're still looking at sexualised children. that's NOT cool. i don't really mind moe though. moe is just fine, so long as it's in small doses. that's kind of the reason why i'm not too big on clannad: the moe was so strong to the point where i couldn't take any of the female characters seriously.
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anyway, going back to the whole sora/shiro relationship, that reason just felt more like a cop-out than something that would legitimately happen. i mean, the whole "you don't understand us" thing is just an excuse used by otakus to justify why they don't socialise with others and why they're frowned upon... at least, that's the excuse my otaku friends that i know personally use.
Also, glad to meet someone who shares similar sentiments. you've got no idea how many people actually give me a weird look when i say that i find loli/shota disturbing. yes, they're not real but honestly... you're still looking at sexualised children. that's NOT cool. i don't really mind moe though. moe is just fine, so long as it's in small doses. that's kind of the reason why i'm not too big on clannad: the moe was so strong to the point where i couldn't take any of the female characters seriously.