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Dec 28, 2013 4:34 PM
Dec 2013
Recently I've been really into this types of romantic animes, and i must say that White Album 2, really got me, the way the anime is displayed since the beginning, and the hints that randomly pop out from Touma, the expressions, the way she acts with both Haruki and Setsuna it's an amazing way for us, the viewers, to see the true feeling of this girl, since earlier times.

It's not a perverted type of anime where the meaning of passion, love and desire each character has is easily explained by the vulgar acts that one can do or force upon themselves, but one in which you cannot directly favor nor can you dislike one character absolutely. Why is that? Because each heroine has their own personal feelings, their own way of showing it and beautiful talents.

Now, talking about my opinion to the anime, since the moment Touma saved Haruki i knew there had to be a connection, of course at the same time i new about the love triangle that would take place between Touma, Setsuna and Haruki. I understand that Setsuna really loves Haruki,but c'mon and even she new Touma loved him, she then proceeds to ask Touma if its ok for her to be with Haruki, EVEN thought she saw Touma kiss him and leaving, she forced herself between Touma and Haruki, an invisible love that only she could see. I might sound a little selfish here, but Setsuna, knowing how much Touma loved him, she gets this wild idea to go to the mountains as a holiday trip, WITH THE WHOLE GROUP, i mean seriously, this girl gives you the man she has so much loved, and you go with the idea for the three to be always together? Of course Setsuna would love this idea, she is happy with the man she loves, but what about Touma? She completly forgets this girls true feelings.

Touma's flashbacks show us how much this girl has suffered, when she leaves them at Setsuna's house, and as she looks at the mirror, just to watch them kiss and loses it... that scene really got me. We are talking about a girl with social problems, she does not know how to communicate with others, making it hard for her to express her feelings openly. I cannot give the man of the year award to Haruki, but when he kisses Touma for the first time, i actually felt good for the both of them, they where always in love, covered by a see of doubts about each others true feelings.

Now talking about the last episode... WOW. Many people might have lost respect for Touma and Haruki for this sec scene, but who are we to blame? They both loved each other, they where tired of their passion being able to come true, when Touma throws the cellphone, its a sign of no more regrets, she wants Haruki, and even thought Haruki saw it was Setsuna, he wanted to continue, because he loves Touma. The scene at the airport... perfectly played from my point at view, it was a love neither of them could not resist, Touma was tired of watching them both kissing, it even gave me flashbacks when Touma lost her cool in the car when she saw them kissing, it might look like some kind of revenge, but its the love each one barred inside from the beginning. YES, it is sad to see Setsuna cry while the man of her life kisses her best friend, but how much did Touma lost and cried. Fire and fire can make a bigger fire, but that's just how love is, the only thing in the world that can grant us the happiest moments as well as the saddest. It's sad that Touma left, which suddenly brings the impossible love from the beginning and how life gives us obstacles to see our decisions take place. Hope that if there was a second season, Haruki ended with Touma, and well Setsuna thats just how love is.

Yes, i might sound like and idiot or like someone with no feelings what so ever for saying that, but that's why i loved this anime, it brings our true feelings out, and in our faces it tells us how bad live can treat us, even if your are a good or a bad girl/boy.
Dec 28, 2013 4:38 PM

Jan 2011
Wolfeystein said:
I think the point SweetKotomi is trying to make is that the right thing to do is to break it off and then pursue, not pursue then break it off. The latter means legitimate cheating while the former at least is the morally right thing to do as a man. I can see where he is coming from.

Let's be frank here, none of these characters here are social adepts, and they're all relatively terribad people, each on a different level of it.

Not to mention, Kazusa was leaving on the day after they banged. Did people want Kitahara to dump her over the phone and then proceed to shag Kazusa? Who does that?

No. He waiting until the morning to break it off with her. His decision had already been made on episode 12, anyways.

I'm not saying that these people aren't flawed, but it's nowhere exclusive to Kazusa and Kitahara being meanies for having to express their mutual love and not being bothered by Setsuna at the time.

While that is true in it's own right. The fact that Haruki decided that Touma was who he wanted to be with (several episodes ago) was when he should of manned up and told Setsuna how it really is. That he loved Touma all along. This wouldn't of been a surprise to Setsuna then just like it wasn't when he told her on the train. I'm not condoning the moment they shared together. I'm just agreeing with someone who was expressing that maybe he should of told his gf his feelings before continuing falling deeper in love with someone else.

But yes agreed, they all have some social issues here. Thus the good drama.
Dec 28, 2013 4:42 PM
Jul 2013
So I'm confused. I've been reading through this, and it appears that there are two parts to White Album 2? An "Intro Chapter" and a "Closing Chapter" with IC having Kazusa end and CC having Setsuna end? Sorry, I'm not familiar with the VN or game (except for the fact that they have different endings) and just take the anime at face value.
I can see why the anime (so far I guess, since apparently there's a different chapter) ending was appropriate (with Kazusa not making her move, letting Setsuna step in, and thus having Kazusa lose), but I'm the person who, when watching these types of anime, sides with the one who makes their move first, and to me, it seemed like Setsuna won that one, so this ending doesn't really sit with me well. So I don't know if this is allowed, but can someone give me a summary of CC (or whichever one is Setsuna's ending)?
Dec 28, 2013 4:47 PM
Aug 2013
The fact that Haruki decided that Touma was who he wanted to be with (several episodes ago) was when he should of manned up and told Setsuna how it really is. That he loved Touma all along. This wouldn't of been a surprise to Setsuna then just like it wasn't when he told her on the train. I'm not condoning the moment they shared together. I'm just agreeing with someone who was expressing that maybe he should of told his gf his feelings before continuing falling deeper in love with someone else.

There's a flaw in this reasoning, however.

Kitahara chose Touma over Setsuna in episode 12(as he always loved Touma, but never thought he had a chance) when he left Setsuna to go find Touma, despite his BFF's multiple warnings to not do it and forget about Touma and move on with Setsuna. He spent the afternoon of that day looking for Touma, and didn't find her. After he was moping at home, at night, she comes to him, and he finds her. They confess, they kiss, one thing leads to another and they're starting to have sex. That's when the phone rings.

So, really, I must question what do people who complain want from Kitahara and Touma? They didn't know if they'd ever see each other again, they didn't want regrets, and they wanted to express their love. That was the only time they had left to do that. What were they supposed to do? Call her right then and there and tell her they were gonna bang? For some reason I think people would be more angry at that.

Besides, Setsuna knew what she signed up for when she got between a relationship of bottled love. She admits that there was no way they'd have been able to hold it in, and it's why even she herself doesn't hold it against them -- so we shouldn't ourselves.
Dec 28, 2013 4:53 PM
Oct 2012
Wow a lot of people share the same sentiments about the scene taking place in the first 5 minutes. While I was indeed also shocked, (appalled might be too strong a word) about what happened between Kazusa and Kitahara, but let's try and look at this from their perspectives. Rather than putting the blame on Setsuna for butting in and doing whatever, Touma and Kitahara were in a situation on desperation, and I don't mean in the sense that they were horny as fuck.

It basically took Touma having to make a life changing decision for Kitahara and Touma to acknowledge their feelings for each other. You don't really know what you have until its gone. Imagine that the person you care most about was leaving your world behind. Maybe an extreme example but lets say someone you loved was dying. In those were the final moments you had left, wouldn't the natural thing to do is to let them to know of your feelings. Given that this was potentially their final meeting and they had acknowledge the love for each other, I don't really hold it against them for what happened.

This was really a happy ending for anybody and all in all I ended sympathizing with all 3. We're not perfect, we all make mistakes and it's best we learn from them as we move on. I loved the ending though. Hears hoping CC gets animated.
Dec 28, 2013 4:54 PM
Jan 2013
6/10 for me since the ending ruined the show for me.
Dec 28, 2013 4:56 PM
Jul 2013
Great ending and great drama, liked the anime!
It was a good ending for a 13 ep. series. It's always nice watching a good romantic anime..White Album 2 was definitely a highlight in 2013! Quite mature actually -and in relation to golden times I could take the drama serious..
Since i liked it I will give it 8-9/10, because there weren't so many animes which interested me this year..
Dec 28, 2013 4:58 PM
Feb 2009
Wolfeystein said:
I think the point SweetKotomi is trying to make is that the right thing to do is to break it off and then pursue, not pursue then break it off. The latter means legitimate cheating while the former at least is the morally right thing to do as a man. I can see where he is coming from.

Let's be frank here, none of these characters here are social adepts, and they're all relatively terribad people, each on a different level of it.

Not to mention, Kazusa was leaving on the day after they banged. Did people want Kitahara to dump her over the phone and then proceed to shag Kazusa? Who does that?

No. He waiting until the morning to break it off with her. His decision had already been made on episode 12, anyways.

I'm not saying that these people aren't flawed, but it's nowhere exclusive to Kazusa and Kitahara being meanies for having to express their mutual love and not being bothered by Setsuna at the time.

They probably would have regretted passing up that chance for the rest of their lives (and the situation was messed up enough already that they're still going to regret a whole lot besides)

Setsuna knew his decision when he ran off to find Touma after graduation anyway, if not sooner
Dec 28, 2013 5:03 PM
Aug 2013
To clarify, I'm only talking about the sex.

If people are angry at Kitahara and calling him terribad because he entered in a relationship knowing full well that he loved someone else more, then yeah, you can call him terribad.

His nature of self-sacrifice, choosing not to hurt Setsuna at the expense of his own feelings, was in all actuality, the wrong move.
Dec 28, 2013 5:03 PM
Dec 2013
The anime itsfelf is really good, but it just doesn't feel right to end like that, i mean, all the characters had flaws, but that was way too much, on the other episode Touma says she was her best friend and all, and tried to support Setsuna, but on the next episode she just kiss and have sex with her friends boyfriend? Even if they liked each other that still wasn't right, when he first kissed her she slaped him, but now she kissed him right in front of Setsuna. No regrets is a lame excuse, if he really liked her he should've just rejected Setsuna she confessed to him or broke up with her, now thanks to that what happened? He's alone, Setsuna broke down in tears and Touma left (very cowardly of her part btw), i'm not saying Setsuna is innocent because her selfshiness was one of the reasons that this happaned, but still, she forcefully wanted they to remain friends for ever, since she didn't had many friends, but all that ended because of their flaws and selfshiness. And the end was quite weird, it feels like something more could happen.
Dec 28, 2013 5:07 PM

Jul 2012
So, in the end, nobody ended up with nobody... I feel like my time was wasted. Really wanted to see what happened afterwards. Well, at least I'm a bit inspired from the great music from this series.

Crossing my fingers for a type of epilogue or sequel.
MayukaDec 28, 2013 5:11 PM
Dec 28, 2013 5:08 PM

Jan 2013
Best sex scene in anime in 2013.
9.25/10 as a whole. Love this type of romance drama. Bittersweet ending.
Dec 28, 2013 5:21 PM

Jul 2013
Wolfeystein said:
So, really, I must question what do people who complain want from Kitahara and Touma? They didn't know if they'd ever see each other again, they didn't want regrets, and they wanted to express their love. That was the only time they had left to do that. What were they supposed to do? Call her right then and there and tell her they were gonna bang?

Well said Wolfeystein.

People believing that Setsuna would hurt less, had Haruki broken up with her prior to the climax are deluding themselves. She was already aware of the attraction between the two from the get go, not to mention that Haruki's actions over the last eps spoke more than words. Plus, as shown from the train scene, Setsuna is more keen on assuming the role of a 'martyr' than accepting the breakup.
Dec 28, 2013 5:42 PM
Sep 2013
so best romance of the year is done, and 10/10 is obvious score from me.
well, now setsuna know how hurts seeing the person you love kissing other girl.
Dec 28, 2013 5:49 PM
Jul 2013
I actually don't mind this ending, Setsuna actually admitted her faults and told Haruki everything, I would have been seriously annoyed if she kept quite.

p.s it's kinda sad how Touma wrote the song 'A Love That Cannot Be', it seems like she already knew that she will never be able to stay with Haruki or something like that.

p.p.s Wouldn't it be nice if we had an OVA with Touma returning and staying with Haruki :)
Dec 28, 2013 5:56 PM

Apr 2013
That sex scene was nice, it fit the mood and it would've sucked if all they did was kiss. The only thing that sucks is they didn't end up together. One of my top anime 2013 i give it a 9/10 I also liked how they didn't care anymore and started to make out infront of setsuna they were just like fuck it! YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!!
Dec 28, 2013 6:16 PM

Aug 2008
Kurogashi said:
hyperknees91 said:
Actually Satelight kinda confirmed there would be...subtly. They put sketches for season 2 up on their twitter.

link?, tweeted by a satelight animator. I think this is a pretty subtle confirmation but its possible it isn't.

Lyvs said:
@hyperknees91 now people are sympathizing with your sentiments(which is also IMO true)

Exbo said:

Same thoughts though kind-of expected scene (I thought they wouldn't put it in the episode)...

lawl at the sex scene. Too bad we didn't get to hear Haruki's absolutely hi-lar-ious moans.

Anyone who tries to defend Kazusa, well...yeah. She's a very bad person, shes a selfish coward, if this ending didn't convince you of that then the second part of the story certainly will.

You know what's ironic though, most people just look at Setsuna is the only one who manipulated Haruki for his kindness. But guess who did the same thing in this last episode. Let's have sex so I can leave with no regrets so you can have a thousand Haruki "ok!"

Jeesus christ.

So, really, I must question what do people who complain want from Kitahara and Touma? They didn't know if they'd ever see each other again, they didn't want regrets, and they wanted to express their love. That was the only time they had left to do that. What were they supposed to do? Call her right then and there and tell her they were gonna bang?

The sex scene wasn't the problem (though it kinda was for another reason that people aren't complaining about) the scene at the end definitely was. That was just selfishness at it's highest bounds. This is the reason Setsuna wanted to be first in the relationship, because not only did she love Haruki but she didn't want to be left out. This is after she was considerate of Kazusa's feelings as well while dating Haruki, but nope lets just make out and leave her out and make her feel like shit on earth because that's how you treat people you respect.

Now obviously Setsuna is a tad insane for still wanting to be with Haruki after that, so it's kinda hard to sympathize with her regardless.

Though don't get me wrong, Kazusa being a huge bitch is the best part of her character as it's the only thing that makes her interesting.
hyperknees91Dec 28, 2013 6:48 PM
Dec 28, 2013 6:49 PM

Aug 2012
hyperknees91 said:

Anyone who tries to defend Kazusa...don't...just don't. She's a very bad person, shes a selfish coward, if this ending didn't convince you of that then the second part of the story certainly will.

Dude, c'mon, this is getting annoying. You're not to decide which character we should or shouldn't like. It's your opinion, and it doesn't apply for everyone.

Also, what you're labeling Touma as is exactly what Setsuna and Haruki are, as well, then all three of them should get the same treatment.
Dec 28, 2013 6:50 PM
Dec 2013
^^ She wasn't thinking of anything when she had sex with Haruki, and you claiming that Haruki had sex with her out of kindness is really laughable. Your attempts to make Kazusa out to be this horrible person is getting worse day by day. How was Setsuna considerate of anyone's feelings? She clearly admitted that she put her own feelings above Haruki's or Kazusa's feelings.
Dec 28, 2013 6:53 PM
Aug 2013
Does hyperknees have a history with this or something?

He unfortunately sends out all of the wrong signals to me.
Dec 28, 2013 6:53 PM
Mar 2013
I for one was sad Haruki didn't end up with Setsuna. Other than knowing both Touma and Haruki liked each other, she didn't do anything wrong. It's not like she's some evil girl that didn't want to see them together, she merely acted on her own feelings and got to Haruki first, fair and square.

'Let's have sex before I leave for an indefinite amount of time leaving you alone to deal with a LOT of problems back in Japan.' Touma thinking at its finest smh...

Haruki had it all: a sensible, compassionate and amazingly good - looking girl and put it all to waste for someone he doesn't even know will come back in the near future. I had to remind myself it was just another romance series before I punched the screen.
Dec 28, 2013 6:54 PM
Jul 2012
Wow....they bad. He bad.... She bad....Why can't they all have a happy ending? That Haruki, man. What a dick move!
Dec 28, 2013 6:54 PM

Sep 2012
Some people hate Haruki. Some people hate Touma. Some people hate Setsuna.
Welp, the show succeeded at making me hate all 3 with this shit spiraling out of control.
Yeah yeah, people aren't perfect. I just didn't really feel this show.
I can't seem to sympathize with characters when they just start crying and are like "I was in X situation first" with dramatic music blasting.
Well, if the show's only purpose was to frustrate the viewer with "good writing" and "believable characters", it sure as hell succeeded.
For actually being enjoyable and emotional, calling this an utsuge is laughable. I can't see that that aspect transition well to the VN so far.

I laughed pretty hard at how Haruka ran past Setsuna screaming "Touma!" and went up to her and kissed her in front of Setsuna. The tears made it even more hilarious.

So, I guess 7/10 because it was full of precise screenplay and writing to try to make this scenario feel justified, but I dunno. The whole group aspect and why the characters even love each other seems kind of rushed. They've spent so much time running around like headless chickens that I can't even remember what made them head over heels for each other in the first place. I think it was the group or whatever, helping each other out, and whatever. Still, overly dramatic and silly situation. I don't want to give it a low score because I guess its purpose was to be unenjoyable.
Dec 28, 2013 6:56 PM

Aug 2008
dresdenfiles said:
^^ She wasn't thinking of anything when she had sex with Haruki, and you claiming that Haruki had sex with her out of kindness is really laughable. Your attempts to make Kazusa out to be this horrible person is getting worse day by day. How was Setsuna considerate of anyone's feelings? She clearly admitted that she put her own feelings above Haruki's or Kazusa's feelings.

I'm not claiming Haruki was having sex out of kindness. She was manipulating him to get what "she" wants. Which is no regrets, that's not what Haruki wants at all (which is spelled out for you in the VN). But hey, it's whatever floats her boat not anyone elses.

Don't get me wrong, Haruki and Setsuna are pretty bad themselves. Mainly because Setsuna is too insane for her own good and Haruki is just too...submissive. So yeah I am giving them all the same treatment.
Dec 28, 2013 7:02 PM
Mar 2013
Vladz0r said:

So, I guess 7/10 because it was full of precise screenplay and writing to try to make this scenario feel justified, but I dunno. The whole group aspect and why the characters even love each other seems kind of rushed. They've spent so much time running around like headless chickens that I can't even remember what made them head over heels for each other in the first place. I think it was the group or whatever, helping each other out, and whatever. Still, overly dramatic and silly situation. I don't want to give it a low score because I guess its purpose was to be unenjoyable.

"seems rushed" is used to criticize every single anime nowadays. How about acknowledging that this anime managed to, in 13 episodes, construct 3 characters that are liked/hated differently by everybody?

They can't remember what made them fall heads over heels in the first place? I disagree. Even just in this episode Setsuna recalled falling in love with Haruki on the train, going through a brief summary of everything that happened.
Dec 28, 2013 7:09 PM

Nov 2009
10/10 One of the best animes i've ever watched recently!
It was a really amazing experience for me, glad to see new romance adaptions still up to this level of storytelling.
I can't wait for the adaption of CC to see the sequel to this and a closure in the future.
I won't be able to forget what happened in this anime. XD
Dec 28, 2013 7:09 PM

Jun 2011
hyperknees91 said:
dresdenfiles said:
^^ She wasn't thinking of anything when she had sex with Haruki, and you claiming that Haruki had sex with her out of kindness is really laughable. Your attempts to make Kazusa out to be this horrible person is getting worse day by day. How was Setsuna considerate of anyone's feelings? She clearly admitted that she put her own feelings above Haruki's or Kazusa's feelings.

I'm not claiming Haruki was having sex out of kindness. She was manipulating him to get what "she" wants. Which is no regrets, that's not what Haruki wants at all (which is spelled out for you in the VN). But hey, it's whatever floats her boat not anyone elses.

Don't get me wrong, Haruki and Setsuna are pretty bad themselves. Mainly because Setsuna is too insane for her own good and Haruki is just too...submissive. So yeah I am giving them all the same treatment.

Haruki is submissive to himself, or more precisely, to his inner feeling. Setsuna knows this well, so she didn't blame Haruki on the train because such condemnation from others would only make Haruki feel less guilty. In this case, it would determine Haruki to stay away from Setsuna.

After all, IC is a story of"Too young, too simple"XD
Dec 28, 2013 7:11 PM

Sep 2012
I think it's just been so long since Haruki was pretty awesome in the beginning.
I think it might've been better to marathon the series, since I've been waiting week after week and watching Haruki become more of a doormat, so I've forgotten what brought everyone together in the first place.
Vladz0rDec 28, 2013 7:15 PM
Dec 28, 2013 7:11 PM

Jul 2013
i for one don't think this anime should get a second season. Don't get me wrong, i loved the anime and rated it a 9/10 but i think it ended perfectly the way it is. I believe that a second season would only ruin the anime or at least decrease the overall rating of the series. Plus this is probably the most important part out of the 3 parts (IC, CC, Coda). I'm still going to watch if there's a second season.
Dec 28, 2013 7:12 PM

Aug 2008

"seems rushed" is used to criticize every single anime nowadays. How about acknowledging that this anime managed to, in 13 episodes, construct 3 characters that are liked/hated differently by everybody?

They can't remember what made them fall heads over heels in the first place? I disagree. Even just in this episode Setsuna recalled falling in love with Haruki on the train, going through a brief summary of everything that happened.

It is a little rushed unfortunately, even in the VN. I can't say that Kazusa and Setsuna ever construct a very believable friendship for instance, yet they expect us to by it.

Well its mainly because the characters being head over heels for the main is more of a plot point then it is a genuine development. Which is fine quite honestly, but their feelings for each other are a bit on the strong side to really get much out of just with that. It just makes the series lack the impact it could have had really. Though you are correct, it did decently with the 13 episodes it had and it at least didn't feel dragged. However if it feels like something is missing I think it's pretty genuine to criticize it.

WA2 main draw is that it makes 3 otherwise likable characters do incredibly stupid things. Which is pretty effective in it's own right, but that by itself isn't enough for me to say it's anything amazing. Still a good piece of work though.
hyperknees91Dec 28, 2013 7:16 PM
Dec 28, 2013 7:14 PM
Oct 2013
Wow.. great ending! (Although the three of them get the bad ones).

So according to the VN Intro Chapter, did all of them have a chance to talk about their feelings and past actions in the airport before Kazusa leave? Or did Kazusa just leave after that kissing scene? Spoilers tag pls..

Great anime & songs. Oh, and 2nd season PLEASE! :)
I just wish there's some kind of VN translations in the works :(

ShadowSkillDec 28, 2013 7:19 PM
Dec 28, 2013 7:28 PM

Aug 2012
Wolfeystein said:
Does hyperknees have a history with this or something?

He unfortunately sends out all of the wrong signals to me.

He apparently hates the VN and the anime but keeps coming back for more.
Dec 28, 2013 7:29 PM

May 2013
This last episode was full of honesty as well as lies. Haruki and Kazusa were really showing off their love for each other. I'm also right on thinking that Kazusa will leave in the end.

Knowing the truth, Haruki must have boost his high hopes for him and Kazusa being together. Good thing Setsuna just cried in front of them. The scene from the airport was my favorite. Kazusa didn't want them to come or see them, while Haruki didn't want Kazusa to find them. Haruki couldn't keep his cool that time and really ran towards her. Really dramatic indeed. The last song was good. I noticed that they didn't show the last performance during the time of the school fair. It really is a love that cannot be. How sad.

I was unsatisfied with the ending. It feels like there's something missing. Maybe a sequel? Maybe an OVA revealing that Kazusa couldn't take of being away from Haruki and decides to return to Japan? Well I can't decide that. I wish could have seen Haruki and Touma being together at the end. That was my expectation.

I'm rating this episode a 5 because they started to finally tell the truth to each other and for that good finisher when Kazusa left. For the whole series, I'm rating it a 8/10 because it left me at a hanging position. I really hope there's a sequel or at least an OVA.
Dec 28, 2013 7:39 PM

Mar 2010
Wow this series was really great with all the drama. Really unexpected ending and loved how things turned out. Hopefully they will adapt the closing chapter of the VN.
Dec 28, 2013 7:41 PM
May 2009
Madara31 said:
I guess I'm still part of the minority who prefers Setsuna over Kazusa, oh well. I kinda want the Closing Chapter to get animated, but if it does, the characters will probably annoy me even more than this season, especially Kazusa. Still though, it'd be interesting to see which route they go for.

You're not the only one bro... Most people just won't understand... well they need someone to blame, and the most obvious choice is Setsuna~ T^T Coda Kazusa True End... Setsuna... Oh poor Setsuna... T^T
Dec 28, 2013 7:41 PM

Aug 2013
Im pretty much satisfied with the ending partly because i cant choose between Touma and Setsuna. An open end is so much better for me imo.

And as for season 2...mmmmm.....nope, not for me. It would break my heart for the other girl the mc wont choose.
Dec 28, 2013 7:44 PM
Mar 2013
hyperknees91 said:

"seems rushed" is used to criticize every single anime nowadays. How about acknowledging that this anime managed to, in 13 episodes, construct 3 characters that are liked/hated differently by everybody?

They can't remember what made them fall heads over heels in the first place? I disagree. Even just in this episode Setsuna recalled falling in love with Haruki on the train, going through a brief summary of everything that happened.

It is a little rushed unfortunately, even in the VN. I can't say that Kazusa and Setsuna ever construct a very believable friendship for instance, yet they expect us to by it.

Well its mainly because the characters being head over heels for the main is more of a plot point then it is a genuine development. Which is fine quite honestly, but their feelings for each other are a bit on the strong side to really get much out of just with that. It just makes the series lack the impact it could have had really. Though you are correct, it did decently with the 13 episodes it had and it at least didn't feel dragged. However if it feels like something is missing I think it's pretty genuine to criticize it.

WA2 main draw is that it makes 3 otherwise likable characters do incredibly stupid things. Which is pretty effective in it's own right, but that by itself isn't enough for me to say it's anything amazing. Still a good piece of work though.

I thought the feelings were weighted perfectly. Had they been less passionate/emotional, would this anime have even been entertaining to watch? For an anime that puts romance as the main focal point, was it really too much? I don't think so...

Also remember that this series did not have the luxury of incrementing the romance little by little with 13 episodes to work with. Had it been 26, you may have had a point but I feel like you're being unnecessarily harsh.

With 13 episode animes there's always something that will be missing. It's impossible to create a completely satisfying anime without plot holes. As someone who at first wasn't gonna watch this anime, I feel like I have to commend it for being so reflective of what 'first love' feels like, all while creating multi - dimensional and deep characters that can be seen differently in the eyes of each and every person.
Dec 28, 2013 7:50 PM

Jun 2008
Nice drama, that last scene, I really felt bad for Setsuna :(
I want season 2!

Dec 28, 2013 8:02 PM

Mar 2013
nice last episode, nice drama, overall 8/10
poor Setsuna, This reminds me about School Days XD
Dec 28, 2013 8:11 PM
May 2009
CreamZi said:
This last episode was full of honesty as well as lies. Haruki and Kazusa were really showing off their love for each other. I'm also right on thinking that Kazusa will leave in the end.

Knowing the truth, Haruki must have boost his high hopes for him and Kazusa being together. Good thing Setsuna just cried in front of them. The scene from the airport was my favorite. Kazusa didn't want them to come or see them, while Haruki didn't want Kazusa to find them. Haruki couldn't keep his cool that time and really ran towards her. Really dramatic indeed. The last song was good. I noticed that they didn't show the last performance during the time of the school fair. It really is a love that cannot be. How sad.

I was unsatisfied with the ending. It feels like there's something missing. Maybe a sequel? Maybe an OVA revealing that Kazusa couldn't take of being away from Haruki and decides to return to Japan? Well I can't decide that. I wish could have seen Haruki and Touma being together at the end. That was my expectation.

I'm rating this episode a 5 because they started to finally tell the truth to each other and for that good finisher when Kazusa left. For the whole series, I'm rating it a 8/10 because it left me at a hanging position. I really hope there's a sequel or at least an OVA.

Chilllex bro, This is only the prologue of the story... the real thing start later, jst hope they adapt CC and Coda~
Dec 28, 2013 8:11 PM

Aug 2008

I thought the feelings were weighted perfectly. Had they been less passionate/emotional, would this anime have even been entertaining to watch? For an anime that puts romance as the main focal point, was it really too much? I don't think so...

Also remember that this series did not have the luxury of incrementing the romance little by little with 13 episodes to work with. Had it been 26, you may have had a point but I feel like you're being unnecessarily harsh.

With 13 episode animes there's always something that will be missing. It's impossible to create a completely satisfying anime without plot holes. As someone who at first wasn't gonna watch this anime, I feel like I have to commend it for being so reflective of what 'first love' feels like, all while creating multi - dimensional and deep characters that can be seen differently in the eyes of each and every person.

Yeah unfortunately problems persist into the later parts of the story and are never fixed. But if we just want to judge this as a standalone then you are correct it does well for the 13 episode limit. Unfortunately it also makes it so it is a good story instead of a great story. Nothing wrong with that of course, but I just saw more potential for it personally. It is far superior to most romance anime I'll say at the very least.

Beaver897 said:
Wolfeystein said:
Does hyperknees have a history with this or something?

He unfortunately sends out all of the wrong signals to me.

He apparently hates the VN and the anime but keeps coming back for more.

Nah IC is my favorite part of this story and I generally have no problem with it, and this adaption did a good job adapting it. I might bitch about Kazusa, but that's like me bitching about a villain, don't take it so seriously. I find that it makes her character more entertaining anyway. I mean its pretty understandable why she is the way she is, same as with the other 2 characters. Doesn't mean I can't still hate on all 3 of them when they go too far. None of the things I hate on are actually legitimate complaints, rather just a burst of feeling haha. I do have real complaints of course (which I discussed with guntrix) and others which are spoilers but bah we aren't at that point yet.

If it's not obvious by this episode, this series is for masochist and sadists hah. So yeah I guess that does appeal to the dark souls fan in me. I mean most of the fun of the show is suppose to be from the rage you get from it.
Dec 28, 2013 8:23 PM

Feb 2012
Okay, I'm not a fan of the ending... I'm happy Touma gets what she wants (even though i dont like Haruki) in the last part, but I'm still not getting if they'll do a long distance relationship thing (which never works out). Coz, damn, in the end, Setsuna was giving a "goodbye Touma, now he's mine again!" aura in the last scene.

And what's with Haruki? "I love you, I'll have sex with you before you leave, I don't want to see you off in the airport, but again, I love you!" Dick much? If he ends up with Setsuna again, RAGE! He better be loyal and wait for Touma's return.

If there's a continuation of the story in the future... I'm itching to know what happens.
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Dec 28, 2013 8:30 PM
Jul 2013
I'm neutral on both heroines but this last episode it changed I feel sorry for Setsuna I know she won't get a good ending but I didn't expect that the two will do that behind her back and then it follows with a kiss and hug in front of her. :'<
Dec 28, 2013 8:41 PM
Jul 2013
SweetKotomi said:
I hate Haruki and Touma now. Really? Haruki and Touma had sex? Really? Really?Realllyyyy?

True friends don't betray each other. If Haruki and Touma cared for Setsuna they would have just not had sex. Haruki was going out with Setsuna, he betrayed her by kissing Touma, and had sex with her. Kissed her in front of Setsuna, and she cried on the spot. It's true Setsuna got in between them, but let's be honest Haruki and Touma hadn't officially declared their love so in reality Setsuna just declared her love first.

I feel bad for Setsuna, and hopefully CC get's animated. The ending wasn't really good so we get a mess, and Setsuna still has the decency to stay with Haruki after what Haruki did to her.
Exactly what I thought too. What they did on this episode really change my impression on Touma I used to like her before.
Dec 28, 2013 8:49 PM

May 2013
It was a good ending, but not an ending I prefer/wanted. I wanted her to stay but oh well. I mean; you both love each other, wouldn't it hurt to be separated like this? Even if you left, you already betrayed Setsuna. Leaving didn't solve anything in my point of view. Well guess not all anime have a heartwarming ending. 8/10
Dec 28, 2013 8:52 PM

Jul 2012
dhenz07 said:
SweetKotomi said:
I hate Haruki and Touma now. Really? Haruki and Touma had sex? Really? Really?Realllyyyy?

True friends don't betray each other. If Haruki and Touma cared for Setsuna they would have just not had sex. Haruki was going out with Setsuna, he betrayed her by kissing Touma, and had sex with her. Kissed her in front of Setsuna, and she cried on the spot. It's true Setsuna got in between them, but let's be honest Haruki and Touma hadn't officially declared their love so in reality Setsuna just declared her love first.

I feel bad for Setsuna, and hopefully CC get's animated. The ending wasn't really good so we get a mess, and Setsuna still has the decency to stay with Haruki after what Haruki did to her.
Exactly what I thought too. What they did on this episode really change my impression on Touma I used to like her before.

Dec 28, 2013 8:58 PM

Jan 2009
This is the first anime where Nobody wins. Everyone lost in the Touma lost haruki, haruki lost setsuna and touma and Setsuna lost haruki's heart and touma.

Dec 28, 2013 9:01 PM
Oct 2012
Out of what I have seen lately, that was by far the best ending. Everything unraveled and everything made more sense at the end. The emotions/perspective you had towards the characters completely change at the end due to the unexpected events. Very well done, and I look forward to one day playing the VN
Dec 28, 2013 9:27 PM

Nov 2010
Nice airplane.
Dec 28, 2013 9:40 PM

Aug 2012
l didn't really care who he ended up with but at least properly break up with setsuna before doing all that. It's not fair to setsuna and is a jerk move
some friends touma and haruki are
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