All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 218.6
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed689
- On-Hold151
- Dropped117
- Plan to Watch107
- Total Entries1,078
- Rewatched0
- Episodes13,251
Manga Stats
Days: 15.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries61
- Reread0
- Chapters1,800
- Volumes309
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All Comments (33) Comments
But I do also like to interact with the people I'm looking to bring into the club.
The club consists of a lot of different seasonal activities from Power Rankings to OP/ED Comps to Seasonal Cards.
We also have an active Discord Server as well as annual events throughout the year ^.^.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
Well it doesn't seem you have updated your favorites in awhile to fit your theming. In the club as mention we do have a Power Ranking Committee that could help you stay encouraged to continue your trend. Though sadly you have missed the deadline to sign-up this season =(. But you could be apart of it for the Spring 2020 season =).
Hey there! We recently started an Otaku group on Skype and are in need of more like minded members! We'll be talking about all things Otaku; from anime and manga, to Japanese music and Vocaloids, to Japanese culture and history... and most of the time it will just be random non-Otaku stuff anyway. So if you're looking for a place to find more like minded Otaku, come join!
If you're interested in joining you can join the club here on MAL and one of us will tell you how to join, or you can message/comment to me directly and I will bring you in (probably best)!
Hope to see you there :3