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Nov 18, 2013 10:19 AM

Nov 2011
A lot of funny moments in this episode lol.

Oh God, Hyuuga. Takao was amusing too. I remember it from the manga somewhat. Dat tsundere.
Dat fan service.

That is one weird rubber duck. I wonder how they will deal with Kongou though.

Nov 18, 2013 1:14 PM

Mar 2012
Oh man that was one hell of an episode loved it

Man i knew Hyuuga was Eccentric but seeing all that was just so.... I cant even describe lol

Its nice to see Takao again

And that Cliff Hanger oh boy shit is going down in next weeks episode cant wait. At least 7 Nagara class Light cruisers. 1 Kongou class Fast Battleship, 1 class Takao class Heavey cruiser and 2 I-400 Series Submarines, VS 1 I-400 class submarine, 1 Takao Class Heavey cruiser and an Anti Fog Island Defence System, This is going to be quite A show :)
-ShadowClaw-Nov 18, 2013 1:20 PM
Nov 18, 2013 1:17 PM

Aug 2010
Glad that Haru and co are still with them :D

And Dat Takao was HOT with the Dakimakura <3

I didn't expect Hyuuga to be like that XD She's totally M for Iona XD

All DAT Takao Tsundereness <3<3 And her jealousy hehehe.

Dat swimsuit *A* And Iona starting to develop too.

Well shit is gonna get real can't wait ^^
Nov 18, 2013 1:24 PM

May 2013
Iona is starting to develop feelings for Gunzou. Hyuuga was funny. And Takao getting jealous lol.
Nov 18, 2013 1:34 PM
Nov 2012
The reason I started the Aoki Hagane No Aperggio series is due to my extreme liking(almost fetish) towards WW2 era warships. Their purpousful design and overwhelming display of power have always captivated me as almost all my sketch book haave Batttleship it em'. On to the point, Love this episode because of it, there is nothing better to satisfy my fetish than some good Aerial-Battleship on Aerial-submarine Yuri action. And they've change all the mental model to ther respective(+cameo) ships in the end, love that too.

Due to time constraint(again, bill-odddie assignments), I watch the non-sub version so as this is pretty much a talk la talk episode, not much I can tell. Hillarious is one of the few thing I can puzzle out, Tsundere Takao always there to entertain us with some comedy-relieve that she is in the manga, and also my Heavy Cruiser can't be that hot. Battleships...ermm.....all of them look so-so in my eyes.

Super Spoiler:

Takao with the Dakimakura is just hilarious. Look at Chihaya's face on it. Epic LoL

(optional read)The Rant:
Honestly, judging from the previous threats, let us please leave the manga for a moment and consider this as a spinn-off.It is very nicely done, storyline is good and (contrary to most) I think the CG looks terrific. Yes, theres many of my favorite character missing but I am guessing the producer is watching weather the reception is good enough to produce a sequel with more original character in it and pulling it back closer to the manga. The manga as of now isn't what we call well recieved as compared to other popular tiltles and its not even close to the end yet, so following the path of the manga could prove ill-fated as there is no chance that even 4 volumes will be wrap up in the budgeted 12 eps and even if they did, poor reaction to the anime may cause a cancellation of a sequel to continue the story. That would be far worst than what we have now. I mean look at Zipang and Initial D, due to dwindling reaction and a slow manga, we waited 8 years for Initial D to continue and Zipang....the story is still hanging there since 06'. So making a spin off is good, and it is a good spinn-off, they could make an ending with some possibility to just end it there or continue synonymas with most anime.

Nov 18, 2013 1:45 PM

May 2010
this show has gotten really boring lately. time to drop.n and i still cant stand the cgi everywhere. just looks terrible.
Nov 18, 2013 1:48 PM

Apr 2012
Chihaya Gunzoe has assembled quite the har...umm, fleet I mean...

Takao must have a very interesting engine room.
Nov 18, 2013 1:49 PM

May 2013
Great episode once again. I love how kirishma wanted to turn back into a female, but one look from makie and she was smitten.

Next week should be exciting.
I am the punishment of God,
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.
Nov 18, 2013 1:53 PM

Sep 2009
Maybe they made a lot of changes to the story but they still keep a lot of manga content. I laughed so hard at that dakimakura scene.
Nov 18, 2013 2:02 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
T__T I love this anime so much for some reason..
Nov 18, 2013 2:14 PM

May 2011
I like the manga, but I don't have any problems with liking this anime. It's just a spinoff, what-if. I love it. This episode was amusing. Jealous Takao was super hot and Hyuga reaction after seeing Iona was hilarious. Also Takao hugging pillow with Gunzou was cute. Nice to see Iona getting her feelings develop. Summarizing question: Do mental models dream of having a captain? Takao sure does.
Nov 18, 2013 2:17 PM

Jul 2013
Wasn't what I expected.
Funny episode. XD
Nov 18, 2013 2:40 PM

Apr 2010
Some delusions and some fan service well when the reached to island in the anime it was also a bit of that so i don't really mind.
The changes from the manga aren't that bad either and from the looks of it the are heading to battle with Koungo soon so things should get nice again next episode.

The delusions of Takao and Huuyga were funny tho.
Nov 18, 2013 2:41 PM

Aug 2013
Holy hot damn, things are getting good.
My Candies:
Nov 18, 2013 2:42 PM
Nov 2010
Ahh Takao <3

I loved the endcard at the end of each episode. I've been saving them. =3 Episode 6 and 7 are my favorite's so far. =o

The ending song for episode 3, 6-7 is so addicting x.x Plus watching them all floating around is cool. xD

At times the CGI seems off when they move a lot but I haven't really noticed it anymore.
Nov 18, 2013 2:48 PM

Apr 2008
That ED
The fleet in their glorious form XD

That Hyuuga-crab jumping at Iona

-ShadowClaw- said:
At least 7 Nagara class Light cruisers. 1 Kongou class Fast Battleship, 1 class Takao class Heavey cruiser and 2 I-400 Series Submarines
... could identify all that with just a passing scene ?
Nov 18, 2013 4:19 PM
Nov 2012
nseika said:
That ED
The fleet in their glorious form XD

That Hyuuga-crab jumping at Iona

Yeah, WW2 ship have a special kind of beauty in them, wish to one of the Bismarcks or Yamatos, the 'super'dreadnought of WW2.

nseika said:
-ShadowClaw- said:
At least 7 Nagara class Light cruisers. 1 Kongou class Fast Battleship, 1 class Takao class Heavey cruiser and 2 I-400 Series Submarines
... could identify all that with just a passing scene ?

Its actually listed on Hyuuga's display after the scene with Kongo advancing with the fleet...thou I counted 6 Nagaras, 1 Kongo and of course Maya is joining up. Not sure where shadow saw the 2 Sen-Takus.
Nov 18, 2013 4:49 PM

Apr 2008
And aren't you glad Maya, finally your service is required

Jyuu-niDesu said:
Its actually listed on Hyuuga's display after the scene with Kongo advancing with the fleet...thou I counted 6 Nagaras, 1 Kongo and of course Maya is joining up. Not sure where shadow saw the 2 Sen-Takus.
Somewhere under water. Subs have omnipresence by nature. :P
Hyuuga is probably getting the roster from their joint tactical network
Luckily, in the manga too, they don't upload fake information into the network even for strategy.

and an uber-scary Kongo
She's the old hag in the fleet, so…
*imagine the fairy tale's terrible stepmother/in-law character archetype*
nseikaNov 18, 2013 9:14 PM
Nov 18, 2013 5:08 PM

Apr 2011
Not bad, lot of anime only content but it didn't hurted anything so it was ok. And it's awesome see Kongou for once act like...ehm... Kongou. THAT'S why she is awesome .

Aesop was (as usualy) quite heavy handed and I had to facepalm when Iona got flustered, it's just t oo weird, though it might not be particulary out of her anime personality. Oh and Hyuuga was even more obnoxious than I remember. But it was funny and I laughed hard on that ending.

Oh yes and animation somehow sucked, maybe they spend all budgets on Yokosuka battle, but KONGOU GOT FREAKING SERIOUS!!!!, so of course I can forgive anything.
Tenzen12Nov 18, 2013 5:34 PM
Nov 18, 2013 6:00 PM

Jan 2008
I've always wondered what happened to Hyuuga ever since they first mentioned her defeat in an earlier episode. Good to see her...going full yuri on Iona?

Blue Fleet...sounds like a good name to me.
Nov 18, 2013 6:14 PM

Dec 2008
So judging from what I'm seeing from the comments of the previous episode and the fact that this episode built upon the settings established by the last episode, this Anime adaptation is basically taking a slight spin-off from the direction of the Manga, I assume?

Nonetheless, I can't really explain it but I'm REALLY loving this series. I watched it initially for something to do but Ars Nova really not only captured my attention but captivated me; even though it's nothing really extraordinary, I'm REALLY REALLY loving this series for some reason. @_@

...personal ranting aside, FINALLY, some Maya action. Hopefully we get to see one heck of a slugfest over the next few episodes or so.
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Nov 18, 2013 6:41 PM

May 2012
Great episode. Seems like the anime is doing its own thing now which is not bad. Happy to see Takao in episode and in a swimsuit. Finally get to see Hyuuga. Talk about a fun personality. Funny how Takao and Hyuuga are planning out their love plans.

Seems like Kongou isn't to happy with Haruna leaving the fog. Next week Maya. You just know she going to raise hell. Can't wait. Can't forget that ending. Battle ships this time. It was nice to see them lit up like that.

Dat end card!
Nov 18, 2013 6:53 PM
Jul 2018
I smell some Iona and Takao action next week.
Nov 18, 2013 7:16 PM

Aug 2013
Oh hey, this is actually a good deviation from the manga. I'd say this is much more interesting now that I have no idea what's going to happen :D

Hyuuga reminds me of Rika (Haganai) when she was talking about torpedoes slamming on to her while humping Iona XD

I can't help but chuckle every time Kirishima makes that squeaking sound. Didn't think she'd be such a good comic relief.

Takao wants to show her engines to Gunzou haha. I couldn't stop my brain from thinking up lines to follow that up >____<
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Nov 18, 2013 8:14 PM
Nov 2013
I love this ep. Takao its very sweet and pretty. Show me your engines!
Nov 18, 2013 10:11 PM
Oct 2012
HitoriTomoyo said:
I can't really explain it but I'm REALLY loving this series. I watched it initially for something to do but Ars Nova really not only captured my attention but captivated me; even though it's nothing really extraordinary, I'm REALLY REALLY loving this series for some reason.

The reason you like the show is pretty basic, and that reason is why the show is extraordinary: it tells a story while having fun in a way that is consistent with the story. This show has a lot of moe scenes, but all of the moe is actually building the characters personality. Take Hyuuga, they could have kept her as the Yuri oneesan, and it would have been merely funny, but then they had her talk with Takao where she explained the whole point concerning the shows motto "where do we come from, what are we doing, where will we go" (or whatever, its something similar). That cliche has been in the ED for every episode, but now they explain it. That demonstrates that this is a show that knows where it came from, what it is doing, and where exactly it wants to go."

This is why, even though the manga viewers had their complaints, I had faith in this show. It is a tightly written strip, so I know it will end satisfactory and I am enjoying the ride.
Nov 18, 2013 10:24 PM

Mar 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
The reason you like the show is pretty basic, and that reason is why the show is extraordinary: it tells a story while having fun in a way that is consistent with the story. This show has a lot of moe scenes, but all of the moe is actually building the characters personality. Take Hyuuga, they could have kept her as the Yuri oneesan, and it would have been merely funny, but then they had her talk with Takao where she explained the whole point concerning the shows motto "where do we come from, what are we doing, where will we go" (or whatever, its something similar). That cliche has been in the ED for every episode, but now they explain it. That demonstrates that this is a show that knows where it came from, what it is doing, and where exactly it wants to go."

100% agreed. With most series you can almost feel a disconnect when they shift gears from serious plot to humor and fun. With this series it manages to advance plot even during periods of light atmosphere and not lose the grip on its central direction.

As for this episode specifically, I must say I'm really enjoying the cast interaction. Hyuuga is a typical yuri character, but she also reveals that her attachment to Iona isn't all that it seems. As Takao makes a strong push for Gunzou, Iona's starting to develop some type of self-awareness about her own feelings. Meanwhile, Takao and Haruna have definitively defected, with Kirishima trailing but not far behind. Though Gunzou will only have Takao and Iona in their next fight, it's already an added bonus given that he's effectively doubled his firepower in one go. With the addition of new battleships under his command, I think the strategies can become far more varied and interesting as well. Looking forward to the next episode and the major battle.

Did anyone else check the ED? All the mental models were replaced by their ship models. Nice twist.
Nov 18, 2013 10:45 PM

Jul 2012
Well I guess I could find it okay if this was a spin-off or what if scenario. Anime only viewers are generally positive about it as a whole so I guess that's a good thing. It's just that having read the manga and being exposed to that complex a story line I just can't help but feel short changed. The feel of the series is just that different. Although I admit I enjoyed the eps so far. So I apologize for being a grouch in earlier posts and resolve myself to finish this spin-off series. Just please try the manga out after watching this if you're interested. It has a darker tone and a bit more complex but it's a good read.
Nov 18, 2013 10:53 PM

Dec 2009
The director is quite funny; that ending made my day. Since the content was change quite a bit at this arc and a lot of ppl were cut out i wonder how this will play out.
Nov 19, 2013 5:32 AM

Feb 2012
YAY! More Takao! She's the best out of all the mental models. Sadistic, Cute, Funny and Delusional :3 I really had fun watching Takao.

Gonzou x Takao Please! Please Make it happen. Even a single scene will do.

Takao, Please join Gonzou's fleet. pretty please!
Nov 19, 2013 6:24 AM

Aug 2013
Takaoooo! A tsun! tsun! tsundereeee! hahahaha I finally get to see Takao get worked up on confessing to Gunzo... And the Blue Fleet! wooooow, Will they fight as a team or something's up? I want to see the next one!
Nov 19, 2013 7:41 AM

Jul 2013
thay should of used Arai Satomi for Hyuuga voice would of bin 10 x better
Hanekawa tried to stretch herself to the limits, after that her facial expression became resolute, and in that state she inserted her hands inside the hem of the pleated skirt of her uniform.

I thought she would once again flip up her skirt for me, but, no matter what, Hanekawa didn't do such a thing devoid of logical connection.

Instead she took off her panties.
Nov 19, 2013 8:57 AM

Apr 2013
Lol. Wtf is Hyuuga doing to Iona!!? xD

It looks like there is going to be a big battle in the next episode.
Nov 19, 2013 9:14 AM

Sep 2012
What a surprise to see the new ED animation!! The staff really put in the effort to show us humor when we least expect it.

And then the gorgeous End Card of two Takao !

We see almost all the main ship girls in this episode (the exception is the two submarines I believe) and they all look great. And I still got a lot of laughs seeing Takao getting all tere and fantasizing. The episode is directed very well as it shows us the different story lines clearly and efficiently, and there is good mix of character development, seriousness and thought provoking ideas with fun, crazy humor and fan service.
symbvNov 19, 2013 9:29 AM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Nov 19, 2013 9:25 AM

Aug 2008
Man, that Hyuga, tho. :3

and lol at the ED. Ships. SHIPS EVERYWHERE
Nov 19, 2013 9:27 AM

Nov 2010
Oh boy Takao's engine
For a fanservy episode with the gathering of mental model it was remarkable they showed nice boats at the ED instead of the usual one

Funny episode with plenty Takao screentime and her mash up with Hyuuga
The only thing missing was some BL sauce
Nov 19, 2013 9:50 AM

Oct 2008
Epic ED. so many ships <3 lol

Nov 19, 2013 10:09 AM
Feb 2013
Wow, Takao is in love, btw I like her bikini fanservice.
Nov 19, 2013 10:21 AM

Mar 2012
227, did my comment get reported or something? Could have sworn I got the second comment yesterday. Admittedly it wasn't very profound, but it was on topic, and I'm pretty sure there's nothing particularly offensive about the phrase "existential angst". Weird..
Nov 19, 2013 11:00 AM
Jul 2012
-ShadowClaw- said:
And that Cliff Hanger oh boy shit is going down in next weeks episode cant wait. At least 7 Nagara class Light cruisers. 1 Kongou class Fast Battleship, 1 class Takao class Heavey cruiser and 2 I-400 Series Submarines, VS 1 I-400 class submarine, 1 Takao Class Heavey cruiser and an Anti Fog Island Defence System, This is going to be quite A show :)

I was wondering if that island would take part in the imminent battle. I mean, there's no way Iona and Takao can take on all those ships themselves. I'm guessing that the island will deal significant damage to the fleet so they can just barely escape. Kongou looks serious.

Lol Takao was pretty funny. I think her "human" emotions developed quite quick compared to the rest of them. But it's also nice to see Iona getting some character development as well. This series has done well with mixing the right amount of seriousness and comedic relief. And I like how they changed the ED this time where the mental modes are their ship forms.

And they finally said it:
"Where do we come from?
What are we?
Where are we going?"

I've been waiting for that.

The battle next week is going to be intense!
Nov 19, 2013 11:32 AM

Mar 2012
Aquarius215 said:
-ShadowClaw- said:
And that Cliff Hanger oh boy shit is going down in next weeks episode cant wait. At least 7 Nagara class Light cruisers. 1 Kongou class Fast Battleship, 1 class Takao class Heavey cruiser and 2 I-400 Series Submarines, VS 1 I-400 class submarine, 1 Takao Class Heavey cruiser and an Anti Fog Island Defence System, This is going to be quite A show :)

I was wondering if that island would take part in the imminent battle. I mean, there's no way Iona and Takao can take on all those ships themselves. I'm guessing that the island will deal significant damage to the fleet so they can just barely escape. Kongou looks serious.

Lol Takao was pretty funny. I think her "human" emotions developed quite quick compared to the rest of them. But it's also nice to see Iona getting some character development as well. This series has done well with mixing the right amount of seriousness and comedic relief. And I like how they changed the ED this time where the mental modes are their ship forms.

And they finally said it:
"Where do we come from?
What are we?
Where are we going?"

I've been waiting for that.

The battle next week is going to be intense!

Uh Regarding that earlier statement i need to fix a few things
There are actually:

Fleet of Fog East Patrol Fleet
6 Nagara Class Light cruisers
1 Kongou Class Fast Battleship &
1 Takao Class Heavey Cruiser

Blue Steel Fleet:
1 Iona Class Submarine
1 Takao Class Heavy Cruiser
1 Anti Fog Island Defense System

On A side Note u Can add the mental models of Haruna, Kirishima and Hyuuga but since there ships have been sunk i guess they dont really count. it's up to u decide that

As for the two Submarines at this point its actually a guess weather they will participate i mean Iona's sisters class submarines have only so far been featured only in 1 ep for 2 min and next week it will be ep 8 i mean if they have been highlighte in the intro as well as the ending so much than why haven't they made a real appearance yet what are the animators planning to do with them?

Also the scary and coolest part in next weeks episode is that not even in the manga series have we actually seen her aka Kongou in any battle and the fact she is the most serious of the fleet of fog ships and with a whole fleet under her command it terrifies to think what she can do and i love the anticipation because of it
Nov 19, 2013 3:14 PM

Sep 2013
Takao's dreams must be very mature ;)

And in Hyuaga's first proper introduction scene she humped Iona :P

Hyuaga reminds me of Rika from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai :3

"Please note that willful liberties have been taken with her memory recall." ;)

Great episode and cool end card, any idea who the blackhaired girl is? Female Gunzou is my only guess :p
Nov 19, 2013 3:55 PM

Jan 2013
Yay! Some good comedy before the grand battle ^^
I'm glad Takao finally got a decent amount of screentime to show off her maiden plugin.
Well, let's see where this anime is headed...
Nov 19, 2013 4:41 PM

Jul 2012
Well two more ships left the fog and joined the humans.

Great episode!!!
Nov 19, 2013 4:51 PM
Oct 2012
swordstriker21 said:
Well I guess I could find it okay if this was a spin-off or what if scenario. Anime only viewers are generally positive about it as a whole so I guess that's a good thing. It's just that having read the manga and being exposed to that complex a story line I just can't help but feel short changed. The feel of the series is just that different. Although I admit I enjoyed the eps so far. So I apologize for being a grouch in earlier posts and resolve myself to finish this spin-off series. Just please try the manga out after watching this if you're interested. It has a darker tone and a bit more complex but it's a good read.

It's different because the animation team is going for a complete ending by episode 11, so the more they deviate from the original the better, because of course the manga is still on going, so this isn't so much a "spin off" as it is the same characters/situation in an alternative universe.

We are going to get the big battle with the fog the next two episodes, they haven't tried to show any other Fog ships, so this means that 8-9 will be the defeat of the Fog, 10-11 will be the defeat of the anti-fog humans, with Gunzou's ending with Fog/Humans learning to live with one another.

I haven't read the manga, but I know that this isn't what the writer has done or probably intends to do, but I don't fault the production team for going for a wrap in 11 episodes. One of the things I love about Japanese TV shows is that they, in general, end. I hate shows that go on for all eternity and then don't even end because they are cancelled because the costs become too much. Animation had gotten away from endings, and I for one am very happy that this show is bringing endings back. The manga (which I will probably buy now) should continue on with the writer's dream exactly the way the writer wants it.
Nov 19, 2013 5:42 PM

Jun 2012
lol Takao.

Nov 19, 2013 6:22 PM

Jul 2010
"Captain, if it's you I don't mind showing you everything ...
Like my engines"

Wowow, that's too quickly, back down a little, one step at a time.
First of all there's need to show the bodywork, calibrate the cannon ect.

I hope she decides to declare to Gonzou, and stop being so shy, except this fact she's so perfect.

Btw, the incoming battle looks a though one. Can't wait.
Nov 19, 2013 9:48 PM

Feb 2012
Great ep. I <3 Takao! I'd check out her engines anytime XD
Nov 19, 2013 10:01 PM
Jul 2018
I'd launch torpedos into Takao, just saying.
Nov 20, 2013 1:25 AM

Jan 2013
Good episode.
Still not sure if the fog are exactly like robotic androids on the inside.
Pretty good CG as well
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