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Oct 2, 2013 5:22 AM

Nov 2011
Great start so far imo. The artwork reminds me of K which isn't very surprising. I have read the manga before so I was curious to see how this will go.


Naruse ftw though~
Loved the ED song as well.
Oct 2, 2013 5:22 AM
Jan 2013
It's finally here!

Interesting art style with the thick lines and muted colors. Everything kind of has a green / brown tinge to it. I kind of like it, it has a sort of post apocalyptic feel to it.

It seems to follow the manga almost exactly, so no real surprises in the storyline. It covered more than I expected, I was thinking that episode one would just be chapter one of the manga, but that only lasted like 10 minutes. It ended up covering the first 3 chapters, which means the next episode will probably completely cover

By the way, Aoi confirmed for best girl.

egoplanttOct 2, 2013 6:20 AM
Oct 2, 2013 5:27 AM

Apr 2009
Good episode. They're going through the manga material I've read really fast but that's in no ways a bad thing, I felt that the manga was a tad too slow so this is not a detriment.

I didn't mind the filters too much, and the backgrounds were gorgeous. Good VA work as well.
Oct 2, 2013 5:28 AM

Nov 2012
Grr.. Finally it is here.
I was planning to watched it on Animax but.. gahh I cant -_-
I'm gonna watch it with the sub tomorrow..
AH! I know it looks like K XD grr.. kinda miss K now! XD

After Watched the episode :p
hmm hmm.. first episode.. well.. it is still kinda boring but.. I know it is gonna be awesome.. hmm :3
I wonder where tenko go? she hasn't dead right? :o
YokamotaOct 4, 2013 2:46 AM
Oct 2, 2013 5:34 AM

Dec 2010
Long Live Animax!!! xD

It's good to see that they're covering exactly the same as the manga. And that thick outline, hmmmmmmhmmm I'd say that was some nice art style that they were going for.

Expecting more from it! Definitely had a good start here, and it sure has alot of stories to be unveiled.
Gomu Gomu No~!!! JETTO PISTOOORUU!!!
*Guy flying away ( And i mean REAL FAR AWAY )*
Oct 2, 2013 5:36 AM

Feb 2012
ANIMAX. Thank You. Arigato.

Awesome premise though very confusing. Will watch the entire series. very interesting
Oct 2, 2013 5:40 AM

Jul 2010
Certainly feels fast paced but in this case, it feels right. The thick outlines don't bother me that much. Look forward to the next episode.
Oct 2, 2013 6:01 AM

Jun 2013
Hooray for Animax!

Hehe, quite a good start.

Loved the art and the ED is quite good too.
Oct 2, 2013 7:08 AM

Apr 2013
Ahh, I'm so eager to watch this, but I'm at school right now.
I can't wait... Only 5 more hours.
Oct 2, 2013 7:25 AM

Jul 2011
Yay Animax for picking this up!

Solid first episode, very good world-building and foreshadowing of moral considerations, although not the most suspenseful. It could do with more intense BGM imo. But the wolf part at the end caught me off guard.

Ohhh and Kana-chan.
the irreplaceable one existed there~

Oct 2, 2013 8:16 AM
Nov 2010
well Ive been waiting for this to come out since it was announced what? 3 years ago. I have to say so far I am loving it and man the art style for it is so nice. I really like how everything is so quite when they are walking around. That you just simply hear their foots steps or the wind, Gives it that whole ghost town feel.
Oct 2, 2013 8:30 AM

Dec 2011
Wow. As expected of GoHands, they sure like using blue tint... for this anime looks like its more green.

Kinda bored on the first minute, got exciting when the wolf attack. Can't wait to see if the story plays out to be interesting or boring.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 2, 2013 8:44 AM

May 2013
This is good. Loving it already. Can't wait for the next episode.
Oct 2, 2013 8:48 AM

Sep 2012
Gorgeous background. The outline of the characters may need some getting used to though.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Oct 2, 2013 9:09 AM

Jan 2011
They do a real nice job with making scenes look as visually stunning as possible. Can't wait for more.

Pretty cool picture with Kanon in the ED
VioLinkOct 2, 2013 12:28 PM
Oct 2, 2013 9:13 AM

Nov 2012
K Project, am I looking at you from a different angle?

Why I ask this? Its because it has a similar animation style to K, not to mention the ED was sung by angela, the one who also sung the OP in K.

Damn post-apocalyptic scenery porn! Ahh, hopefully they'll maintain this throughout 13 episodes.

Hehehe, wonderful voice acting there, we've got Haruka Tomatsu (Ibara Naruse) with a boyish voice! Aaaand Kana freaking Hanazawa!! Alright, that's a solid lineup if any.

I'm liking this anime.

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Oct 2, 2013 9:18 AM

Sep 2012
Jaeger07 said:
K Project, am I looking at you from a different angle?
Why I ask this? Its because it has a similar animation style to K, not to mention the ED was sung by angela, the one who also sung the OP in K.
Same director; same character design, and I think a few staff also overlap.. Actually the same person Suzuki Shingo took on both directing and character design in both cases, and "K" is also the first anime he directed (as well as did character design) and this is the second anime he directs.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Oct 2, 2013 9:20 AM

Feb 2013
The artwork was great, great built up in the plot, a very good cast. will be looking forward to this.
Oct 2, 2013 9:39 AM

Dec 2007
If you were to genetically engineer a group of young girls to search for the last remains of humanity in a heavily contaminated mess why in the world would you make one of them like Aoi, who is completely afraid of even a little blood and is nothing but a nuisance who complains and bickers constantly during the mission? HanaKana had never annoyed me as much as she just did in that first episode.
Oct 2, 2013 9:43 AM
Jan 2013
Meddigo said:
If you were to genetically engineer a group of young girls to search for the last remains of humanity in a heavily contaminated mess why in the world would you make one of them like Aoi, who is completely afraid of even a little blood and constantly is nothing but a nuisance who complains and bickers constantly during the mission?
Who says they can genetically engineer their personalities? They can't even make suits strong enough to roam around for a long time. This is only 20 years in the future. The only difference between them and a human is probably just the immunity to radiation. A better question would be why don't they just use robots?
Oct 2, 2013 9:51 AM

Dec 2007
egoplantt said:
Meddigo said:
If you were to genetically engineer a group of young girls to search for the last remains of humanity in a heavily contaminated mess why in the world would you make one of them like Aoi, who is completely afraid of even a little blood and constantly is nothing but a nuisance who complains and bickers constantly during the mission?
Who says they can genetically engineer their personalities?

It was in the show itself. Taeko's love of animals comes from her heightened senses and was written directly into her genetic code. These girls have also (according to synopsis I have read) been trained since they were little. I saw no sign that they only just started these rescue missions, so certainly Aoi has seen suicides before (this is Japan after all). So really, her reaction makes zero sense. And she completely brings down the show itself. The other two are fine.

Also, I saw no stated year from our calendar in the first episode. Why do you think this is only 20 years or so into the future?
Oct 2, 2013 9:56 AM

Jun 2013
Thank you animax!

I really liked it. Great visuals & animation. Good start!
Imagine a berserk anime by Yoshiaki kawajiri at Madhouse.

Now take a look at Berserk (2016).

Oct 2, 2013 9:57 AM

Sep 2013
The animation of the girls looked out of place compared to the scenery, its like they were in bold. Actually it reminds me of Persona 4 the Animation accept the scenery in Persona was post-apoc.

I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Oct 2, 2013 10:03 AM

Aug 2008
Backgrounds are gorgeous, but both character design and characters animation are just awful. 12 minutes in and girls were already getting on my nerves. Premise is quite interesting but show itself is so off-putting it might be hard to get past the first episode.

Really, why the hell are they girls wearing school uniforms with not enough equipment or training. And why are they so annoying.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 2, 2013 10:03 AM

Oct 2011
I was positively surprised. Didn't really have any expections for this series.
Oct 2, 2013 10:05 AM
Jan 2013
Meddigo said:
egoplantt said:
Meddigo said:
If you were to genetically engineer a group of young girls to search for the last remains of humanity in a heavily contaminated mess why in the world would you make one of them like Aoi, who is completely afraid of even a little blood and constantly is nothing but a nuisance who complains and bickers constantly during the mission?
Who says they can genetically engineer their personalities?

It was in the show itself. Taeko's love of animals comes from her heightened senses and was written directly into her genetic code. These girls have also (according to synopsis I have read) been trained since they were little. I saw no sign that they only just started these rescue missions, so certainly Aoi has seen suicides before (this is Japan after all). So really, her reaction makes zero sense. And she completely brings down the show itself. The other two are fine.

Also, I saw no stated year from our calendar in the first episode. Why do you think this is only 20 years or so into the future?
The accident happened in 2016, the story takes place 20 years after the accident. I don't remember if it's said in the anime, but it's in the manga. As far as why the girls are like that, the obvious answer would probably be sacrificing realism to make it more interesting and engaging.
Oct 2, 2013 10:08 AM

Dec 2012
From the first episode I can see myself getting hooked on this show, love post-apocalyptic shows like Sunday without god and this. The art was amazing, the music seems pretty decent, the story definitely looks intriguing, Can't wait for the next one :]
Oct 2, 2013 10:32 AM

May 2010
still watching..just wanted to say one of the girls annoys me greatly already.

loving the backgrounds alot. also they are all white as chalk...not a fan of that.
Oct 2, 2013 10:33 AM

Jul 2013
This was an alright first episode, the animation/art was pretty good, except for the way that the characters are outlined compared to the environment, and the way they walk is very awkward. So far, it seems like things are moving kind of quick, I can't wait for some action to uproar later on.
45RavagerOct 2, 2013 10:49 AM
Oct 2, 2013 10:38 AM

Mar 2013
Very good overall. Great drama, artwork, and a good ED song though there wasn't really much other music. The only issue is that when the characters are "close-up" they look a little awkward due to the large outlines and the fact that they are designed so differently from the backgrounds.
Oct 2, 2013 10:42 AM

Oct 2012
It was alright but for the most part I found it boring. The art is beautiful like K's, I like the thick lines they used to outline the characters.

I haven't taken a liking to any of the 3 main girls, the two followers seemed like suck ups to the main girl and kept on praising their senpai. The girl with the short hair at the end seemed too over emotional and useless compared to the main girl. Weren't their personalities genetically engineered like how the other girl loves animals, so it seems pointlless making that girl so weak willed.

The main girl is ok, she seems like that cool type of character.
Oct 2, 2013 10:46 AM

May 2013
Interesting so far.

I found the animation a little awkward at times, but it was still pretty nice overall.

I like the characters so far although I can see how Aoi may be an annoying character to some.

Taeko's situation doesn't look too hopeful so interested to see what happens next.
Oct 2, 2013 10:46 AM

May 2010
Vodkas said:
It was alright but for the most part I found it boring. The art is beautiful like K's, I like the thick lines they used to outline the characters.

I haven't taken a liking to any of the 3 main girls, the two followers seemed like suck ups to the main girl and kept on praising their senpai. The girl with the short hair at the end seemed too over emotional and useless compared to the main girl. Weren't their personalities genetically engineered like how the other girl loves animals, so it seems pointlless making that girl so weak willed.

The main girl is ok, she seems like that cool type of character.

exactly how i felt. they should have genetically engineered them to be less annoying!!!

i hope one of the bites the dust soon..
Oct 2, 2013 10:54 AM

Apr 2013
I like the idea of the show, but some of the characters seem like they'd get annoying(a particular one is already annoying), and I can't say I'm a fan of the character designs or the outlines around the characters. The background animation was okay. Hopefully they'll speed up the pacing. I'll stick around for a couple more episodes, but my expectations are pretty low.
Oct 2, 2013 11:04 AM
Jul 2018
Its scary to think something like this might happen in the future where we have children that are borned that can live in high redaction area's
Oct 2, 2013 11:07 AM

Sep 2012
If you find the girls annoying, prepare to be more annoyed as the show goes on.

Mikenzb said:
Its scary to think something like this might happen in the future where we have children that are borned that can live in high redaction area's
At least they look like normal human instead of looking like Incredible Hulk or Green Goblin LOL
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Oct 2, 2013 11:09 AM

Mar 2008
The scenery is great but the animatiion was it just my computer being slow or did it look kind of jerky? It seemed like it was semi intentional sort of not but I dont particularly like that. Also I am not a fan of the thick line work on the characters when they are in closer view. It does make t hem pop out but it just is hard to get used to seeing it with those nice backdrops then you have this graphicaly designed characters in the foreground.
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Oct 2, 2013 11:10 AM

Jun 2012
Like K, pretty backgrounds and interesting camera shots

Decent start, looking forward to next week

HybridMBLOct 2, 2013 1:27 PM
Oct 2, 2013 11:15 AM

Nov 2010
Definitely interesting, I like the color palette. It still keeps some cliches, school uniform, bossy kansai girl(though now I wonder if they were raised in the same place), the slightly timid glasses character, etc. But I'm enjoying it, liking this post apocalyptic feel. And I really want to learn what is that white coffin. Liked that mirror scene, very cool.
Thought that guy was going to die earlier by the vice principal, it can still happen though but then I don't know why he would tell him about the girls.
Oct 2, 2013 11:19 AM

Oct 2012
If anyone has seen the preview and read the manga, I was a male student with a grenade. Does he appear much in the show.
Oct 2, 2013 11:24 AM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
First episode out, and already a cliff hanger. I like the story it's very interesting and fast paced. The wolf from earlier seemed to mysterious for it to be wondering around, and I think Taeko knew why. That wolf Taeko went to meet didn't seem aggressive at all because it didn't growl but looking at the radio set with blood I think something else happened.

Oct 2, 2013 11:28 AM

Aug 2011
I always did like K's scenery porn though in this case it's more sepia toned here but still good.

Kerozinn said:
still watching..just wanted to say one of the girls annoys me greatly already.

Let me guess, it was the one voiced by Hanazawa Kana?
She did start off quite uhhmmm grating.
Oct 2, 2013 11:30 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
symbv said:
Gorgeous background. The outline of the characters may need some getting used to though.

Agreed, the outline caugh my eye several times throughout the episode because they didn't use it all the time. And as others mentioned, the movements felt kind of jerky and awkward, reminded me of Nerawareta Gakuen except less dramatic. I still don't like how Gohands likes to make their characters so pale looking, and the blushes are kind of ugly. But anyways, nice intro. I like the way they handled the atmosphere, how quiet it was, reflective of the ghost city they are in. Poor Taeko, I wonder what happened to her?

edit: ugh how did I mix up Taeko and Aoi's name...
tingyOct 2, 2013 1:44 PM
Oct 2, 2013 11:30 AM
Jan 2013
Man, this anime could sure use some fanservice.
Oct 2, 2013 11:32 AM

Jun 2013
i tought i was the one who saw this anime very slow-paced....
Oct 2, 2013 11:39 AM

Dec 2012
Didn't think I'd like this as much as I did. The thick, black character outlines were actually pretty cool although the perma-blush is just weird. Digging the atmosphere.

Oh yeah, what's up with the counters? The fact that they don't sense the girls is a pretty fat plot hole (unless it's intentional...).

tingy said:
Poor Aoi, I wonder what happened to her?

Pretty sure Aoi says her own name instead of "I" like Sengoku from the Monogatari series.
davidfreshOct 2, 2013 11:45 AM
Oct 2, 2013 11:57 AM

Mar 2012
I also found the juxtaposition of the backgrounds and the character designs more than a little jarring. I am curious about the setting though. Also, I like how the girl speaking Kansai dialect is the most competent of the three, and, judging by the fact that she preferred a nutrient injection to an onigiri, doesn't seem to be much of a foodie. Defying stereotypes FTW :) Oh, and leaving the animal lover girl alone with the canine was a pretty damn obvious flag.
Oct 2, 2013 12:00 PM

Apr 2013
It seems pretty promising. It's one anime I'm really excited about.
The first episode was good, I love the chara design, the plot is interesting, and the ED is great.
I'm looking forward to the next ep.
Oct 2, 2013 12:12 PM

May 2013
I was scared of the doll its like 4:00am here and im alone in my room in the dark
I thought this was horror

So there enemies are wolves and dogs?
Oct 2, 2013 12:35 PM

Aug 2011
Pretty much liked it. I'm excited to see what kind of enemies or nuisances they'll encounter in later episodes.
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