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Jul 16, 2013 12:49 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
symbv said:
Well, unless I can see what that "leeching" really is and what harm it does I would find it difficult to buy what the guy said, simply because we have seen zero evidence of the bad effect of living with the dead so far. If there is any leeching the dead were doing to Ai we are not shown any of it in the anime.

Except those 20k dead people going crazy, mentioned in the 1st chapter.

AsherFischell said:
I really don't buy the whole, "You just slaughtered every friend I've ever had, but I'm not even slightly mad at you." thing.

Missed the 1st chapter?

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Jul 16, 2013 4:48 AM

Apr 2009
Even better than the first episode. The story is very interesting in this one.
Jul 16, 2013 5:52 AM

May 2013
i dont like how the main female character treat the main male char

she is being too nice to him like she had forgotten what he had done to her village
(feel kind of stupid)
feel like there is no plot at all

6/10 i think this score is fair enough
Jul 16, 2013 6:20 AM

Jun 2013
Op and Ed for this show are awesome.
Half dead sydnrome huh? Interesting.
And so the plot thickens.

I won't be dropping any of this season's series that I've started except for one that shall remain unnamed.
This one I'll definitely keep.

olboyfloats said:
So because he's an albino he thinks he can just go around beating up lolis?

Hahaha :]
Jul 16, 2013 8:25 AM

Oct 2011
This show continues to be interesting, although there are some aberrations in Julie's [and, to an extent, Hambart's] actions. One moment he saves Ai from Hambart, then next thing you know, he takes her hostage and threatens the same guy who tried to kill her moments prior. Also, Hambart's personality feels kind of whimsical to me; one second he's about to kill Ai, then he suddenly has a change of heart and decides to be a courteous guy. Though that being said, I look forward to seeing how their relationship [Ai and Hambart] will progress from here on out.

Jul 16, 2013 10:27 AM

Oct 2012
Well, I guess it's a little bit better than last episode (though first half was kinda dull and second part felt like speed-up).

I still haven't found magic of this show though. If this is a "road-movie" series there should be at least some of chemistry working between main characters but I don't see it here. Either it is main heroine who is pretty annoying to watch (cause she is plainly clueless) or it is main hero who likes to kick small girls.

And I really don't get it why she is following him when her slaughtered all of her village.
Jul 16, 2013 11:35 AM

Mar 2011
Mich666 said:

I still haven't found magic of this show though. If this is a "road-movie" series there should be at least some of chemistry working between main characters but I don't see it here.

And I really don't get it why she is following him when her slaughtered all of her village.

It's still the second episode....

What else was she going to do. She has no one else, but an empty village filled with her past. Who would want to stay in a town like that? Highly doubtful she could survive on her own, and so far we haven't seen Hambart "kill" anyone who was not previously dead ( Still situational since we don't 100% know if the village was dead, but it's heavily implied that the village was dead)
Jul 16, 2013 12:37 PM

Jan 2013
a lot better ep than first ^^ Scar is very interesting I want more scenes with her ^^
Jul 16, 2013 1:12 PM

Dec 2009
tingy said:
Ai: Does it hurt?
Hambart: Of course it does, my left lung got pierced!

this scene killed me ( pun absolutely intended i do not feel sorry at all)

also, is hambert really her dad?
ROLLCAKEJul 16, 2013 1:17 PM

code geass s2 : darker than black : free! es :
haikyuu!! : inaire : kurobas 2 : mikagura : znt

Jul 16, 2013 3:32 PM

Jun 2010
I don't get why Ai isn't mad at Hambert. Why did she follow him? Why did she not try to kill him or do whatever she can to have revenge? Why is she being nice to him? Also why did Hambert tried to kill Ai and then now he is helping her? What the fuck?

Other than that, I pretty much understand what's going on.

Really awesome ed song.
Jul 16, 2013 3:42 PM

Jan 2013
Frontalbrise said:
Mhm, I am missing some of my favourite scenes that happened in the manga, where Humbert would regulary stab himself to instant heal himself from any kind exhaustion, much to Ai's annoyance.

That would of been a good scene
Jul 16, 2013 3:45 PM

Jan 2013
Little more explaining of Hambart and his Immortalness but i need more GUNS! Loved when he was like Damn my outfit!
Jul 16, 2013 4:28 PM

Sep 2012
Another great episode.
Jul 16, 2013 6:01 PM

Nov 2009
SharifEbeefE said:
Estherella said:
AsherFischell said:
I really don't buy the whole, "You just slaughtered every friend I've ever had, but I'm not even slightly mad at you." thing.

Yeah, it's pretty unrealistic but who i am kidding, this is an anime~! >_>; Oh well, i have to a blind eye to this sort of thinking ==;

The way I look at it is that Ai is not human, nor gravekeeper; she may be a mix of the two which is along the lines of what Humbert said. Gravekeepers (look at Scar) don't carry any emotions, and since Ai is part? gravekeeper I believe that her emotional level isn't that of a human. So even though she was at first upset that Humbert killed everyone in the village, she is a gravekeeper which aren't supposed to have any emotion.

To be frank I believe that since she is some sort of gravekeeper/human hybrid that she was sad by her villages deaths at first (human part of her) but is now, for the most part, over it (gravekeeper part of her), allowing her to seemingly forgive Humbert

This, I also agree. She IS some sort of hybrid, so her attachment is abnormally lower than what a normal human would feel. She still questions Humbert about why he killed off Ai's village, yet her attachment is on a gravekeeper's level now (even if she is possibly a defective).
Jul 16, 2013 6:05 PM

Oct 2007
This show is doing so many world building things right that unfortunately a lot of series this season are doing miserably at. Right now 2 episodes in it has adequately established the difference between it's universe and ours, the laws that govern and in some cases don't govern it and fleshing out the role of the grave keeper bit by bit. It isn't giving up absolutely everything, yet it isn't keeping the viewer so in the dark that it's hard to be invested. Both leads are more interesting than they first let on and very deceiving in terms of what we assume them to be and what they actually are. Ai is quite sharp for being kind of naive and there's a sort of duality to everything that I really like about these first couple of episodes. One thing I couldn't help but notice is that there's never really a scene that takes place entirely in the dark or in the light no matter what time of day it is. The visual style of this world seems permanently stuck in a sort of twilight that seems to be symbolic of the nature of the world as neither being entirely alive nor dead as there is simply no clear distinction like that in this universe where there is a 3rd state of half-death.

I'm getting ever so slight Casshern vibes from this series. It's not as obviously a ruined world, but you get the sense that it's been forsaken to some degree even though supposedly the powers that be think they are giving humanity the world it desires. I'm really curious to see where this goes, it's been pretty fascinating so far and manages so much that again others shows this season are just failing miserably at in being largely dialogue driven yet focused and interesting at the same time. It's a good example of just because a show is largely fleshed out via dialogue doesn't mean it has to be dull, opaque and seemingly aimless.
PeacingOutJul 16, 2013 6:11 PM
Jul 16, 2013 6:12 PM

Mar 2012
I agree that she following him seem totally unreasonable, especially in the manga, where Hambart beat her so badly that her whole face is bleeding. I appreciate the Anime staff making that beating much more bearable.

The whole reason the author trying to push is that she is following him because she really believe that he is her father. In the manga, she refer him as her father every couples pages. The anime avoid that for some reason.

Regardless, that is still a pretty bad reason for her to follow him. Maybe someone here can explain her mindset better or something I missed.
Jul 16, 2013 6:24 PM

Oct 2007
leeo268 said:
I agree that she following him seem totally unreasonable, especially in the manga, where Hambart beat her so badly that her whole face is bleeding. I appreciate the Anime staff making that beating much more bearable.

The whole reason the author trying to push is that she is following him because she really believe that he is her father. In the manga, she refer him as her father every couples pages. The anime avoid that for some reason.

Regardless, that is still a pretty bad reason for her to follow him. Maybe someone here can explain her mindset better or something I missed.

I'm pretty sure she just wants to travel the world for enlightenment and with somebody that can teach her the way of things even if it's via tough love and basically forcing her to confront situations as they turn up. There's a sort of intriguing duality between the characters, both don't see eye to eye clearly and can probably teach each other some things if they travel together since their perspectives are so different. This is just personal experience but some of the most enlightening conversations and experiences I've had in my life have been with people I don't necessarily find myself on the same page with in terms of values and beliefs.
Jul 16, 2013 7:37 PM

Jun 2013
I liked this episode much better than the first. It's so pretty to look at and the music is wonderful. The story has gotten more interesting, too. Ai and Hampnie have an... interesting relationship. Actually, it's kind of cute.

softcandy said:

also, is hambert really her dad?

I also wonder about this.

I mean, Ai's mom did tell her her father's name is Hampnie Hambert and that she would meet him one day. Even if he says it's a bogus name, there's just something fishy about the whole situation.

Apparently Ai also calls him "father" and he doesn't have a problem with it. Not that that necessarily means anything.

And hey, Ai is a gravekeeper/human hybrid and her mom is a gravekeeper and Hambert is a human, so...

My biggest question is who this "Hana" person is that he's looking for and her relation to him. His description of her seems to fit Ai's mom. And if they are really the same person, then... uh, well.

I actually really hope he's her father. I just have a thing for daddy/daughter relationships (not in a romantic, incestuous way though).
Jul 16, 2013 8:34 PM

Sep 2011
Hambart is a real asshole.
Jul 16, 2013 9:24 PM

Jun 2013
*Hambert gets shot*"My outfit!" XD that was hilarious. Love how this series manages to incorporate comedy from time to time even though most of it is serious.

I really like the OST, all the instrumental music, I'm loving it.

Also, I think the reason that Ai is following him is because she really doesn't have anywhere to go now that the town in dead. Also, she's still pretty young, so I'm ok with her still following Hambert after he hit her... several times.

This series is shaping up to be my favorite for the season so far.
Jul 16, 2013 9:26 PM

Apr 2013
Another interesting episode
It would be safe to assume that Humpbert did all the killing not without reasons
Probably it linked to his past and his mean behaviour
Looking forward to more
Jul 16, 2013 11:25 PM
Jun 2013
Is it just me or does the character art of sunday without a god resemble the character art of coe geass...expecially the Hambert guy....

also I wish that Ai was older, so I could ship Hambert and her together...who am I kidding, I already do :D
Jul 16, 2013 11:36 PM

Dec 2010
Hilarious scene when Hambert gets shot, and of course the VA for sven vollfield and a bunch of other awesome characters would be in this anime too.

I lost some respect for the anime the moment she tripped and twisted her ankle though
PknoctisJul 17, 2013 12:26 AM
Jul 17, 2013 1:58 AM
Jan 2013
After watching the first two episodes, I have to say that the series is definitely shaping up pretty well. However, like some of you guys, I felt some disconnect with Julie's and Hambert's actions. Hambert I assume will be adequately fleshed out, but Julie... that felt like it wasn't done well. Protection -> threatening to kill is jarring to say the least.

I also had a huge deal of trouble understanding why Ai doesn't seem to give a flying flicker about the fate of her village and is just blindly following Hambert like a duckling following its mama. I figured 3 reasons would explain it; two of them being bad and already discussed.

1. She holds hope that Hambert is her dad and is willing to trust him despite him slaughtering everyone she has ever known and cared about... ugh, I hope the writers have more sense than to do this.
2. She is part gravekeeper (I took this from someone in the thread)... this is a little better and fits with the lore, but kinda trivializes her entire backstory with the village.

Andddd... 3. She knew all along that everyone was dead, consciously or more likely, subconsciously.

I think #3 would be fitting. It would help explain why she was willing to forgive Hambert so easily. She knew in her heart she was living an undead life from the start.

The only reason I'm hesitant to throw all my support behind #3 is that the writers seem to be trying to make the truth about the village a major mystery. If the reveal becomes a major emotional revelation for Ai then I'll lose a lot of faith in the series since they'll have never bothered to cover up the huge plot hole of why she forgave Hambert so easily in the beginning.

Of course, they can still make the reveal a major revelation and at the same time make it known that Ai had an inkling of the village's true nature, e.g.

"Everyone in the village... was already dead," said Hambert, throwing away his cigarette.
"I knew it," Ai whispered, breaking into tears. "That's why... that's why you were there."

As long as it's not...
"Everyone in the village... was already dead," said Hambert, throwing away his cigarette.
"OMG NOOOoOo you're lying!!!!" Ai shouted, running away into the forest.

Bish, if you didn't know, why'd you follow that fool?
Jul 17, 2013 2:07 AM

Jun 2008
Kaioshin_Sama said:
This show is doing so many world building things right that unfortunately a lot of series this season are doing miserably at. Right now 2 episodes in it has adequately established the difference between it's universe and ours, the laws that govern and in some cases don't govern it and fleshing out the role of the grave keeper bit by bit. It isn't giving up absolutely everything, yet it isn't keeping the viewer so in the dark that it's hard to be invested. Both leads are more interesting than they first let on and very deceiving in terms of what we assume them to be and what they actually are. Ai is quite sharp for being kind of naive and there's a sort of duality to everything that I really like about these first couple of episodes. One thing I couldn't help but notice is that there's never really a scene that takes place entirely in the dark or in the light no matter what time of day it is. The visual style of this world seems permanently stuck in a sort of twilight that seems to be symbolic of the nature of the world as neither being entirely alive nor dead as there is simply no clear distinction like that in this universe where there is a 3rd state of half-death.

I'm getting ever so slight Casshern vibes from this series. It's not as obviously a ruined world, but you get the sense that it's been forsaken to some degree even though supposedly the powers that be think they are giving humanity the world it desires. I'm really curious to see where this goes, it's been pretty fascinating so far and manages so much that again others shows this season are just failing miserably at in being largely dialogue driven yet focused and interesting at the same time. It's a good example of just because a show is largely fleshed out via dialogue doesn't mean it has to be dull, opaque and seemingly aimless.

I definitely agree with this. After watching ep 2, i came to understand more about their world. I wasn't expecting much after watching the first ep because i initially assumed it was going to turn out like other series which have lot of potential at first but became trash in the end. So i am definitely glad to see that it is developing and progressing the story properly without killing the pacing of the story. Lot of series's world building this season sucks so bad that i have to turn off my brain to watch it.
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Jul 17, 2013 2:09 AM

Jun 2008
SharifEbeefE said:
Estherella said:
AsherFischell said:
I really don't buy the whole, "You just slaughtered every friend I've ever had, but I'm not even slightly mad at you." thing.

Yeah, it's pretty unrealistic but who i am kidding, this is an anime~! >_>; Oh well, i have to a blind eye to this sort of thinking ==;

The way I look at it is that Ai is not human, nor gravekeeper; she may be a mix of the two which is along the lines of what Humbert said. Gravekeepers (look at Scar) don't carry any emotions, and since Ai is part? gravekeeper I believe that her emotional level isn't that of a human. So even though she was at first upset that Humbert killed everyone in the village, she is a gravekeeper which aren't supposed to have any emotion.

To be frank I believe that since she is some sort of gravekeeper/human hybrid that she was sad by her villages deaths at first (human part of her) but is now, for the most part, over it (gravekeeper part of her), allowing her to seemingly forgive Humbert

Looking forward to the next episode!

This is a really reasonable response. I'll go with this explanation for now until the story reveal what exactly or who is Ai :)
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Jul 17, 2013 4:55 AM

Oct 2012
Oh god, I hate Hamphnie and love him at the same time.

He is such an ass towards Ai slapping her, teasing her and almost killing her but he became such a sweetie not leaving her behind and trying to refuse her offer. ;o; Please be nice forever and you can be mine.

I'm still not getting the point of this anime but it was a refreshing episode.
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Jul 17, 2013 5:24 AM

Oct 2009
i like this. i'm down with the world building and i think everything's coming forth at a pretty nice pace. some questions are answered, more questions are presented. i saw lots of people criticize the first episode and i definitely got that. it was a lot of information crammed into one episode. i feel like this one was a vast improvement.

regarding ai... i really do hope they explore her reasoning behind feeling drawn to hampnie and choosing to stick with him. she is a young girl who has lost essentially everything she has even known and this guy hasn't killed her yet and he's pretty clearly had the chance to do it, so i feel like she is not only latching to whatever she possibly can, but is also legitimately trusting him on some weird level. like at this point, if he wanted her dead he could have killed her, but he hasn't. regardless of how dickish he's been. that's how i see it. can't say i necessarily like it but i guess it makes sense.

SharifEbeefE said:
To be frank I believe that since she is some sort of gravekeeper/human hybrid that she was sad by her villages deaths at first (human part of her) but is now, for the most part, over it (gravekeeper part of her), allowing her to seemingly forgive Humbert

Looking forward to the next episode!

i agree with this! there are some great opportunities for interesting character exploration/development in this series. i really hope it doesn't end up being a disappointment.
Jul 17, 2013 6:44 AM

Nov 2010
This is getting better and better imo.
Jul 17, 2013 7:29 AM

Feb 2012
so, an eleven year kid doomed the world, how very interesting!
if you disagree with what i say, feel free to comment on my profile. in all likelihood, i won't come back to this thread.

Jul 17, 2013 8:04 AM

Oct 2009
Kousoku11 said:
hasyly said:
Make friends with a killer of your entire village is a really good idea...

Let's look it this way:

Ai is only 12, meaning that she doesn't know much about living on her own. There are two people she could rely on.

Both of these people have pointed a gun at her, so they're both rather dodgy. Hampunie does have the disadvantage of killing everyone she knew.

...which is a rather large disadvantage.

On the other hand, she has her suspicions on him being her father. Which is a large plus on him.

She has also seen evidence of him not being as cold and cruel as he initially seems.

So yeah. It could be worse.

It's like you'd hang out with Breivik just becasue he seems to be a nice guy.
Jul 17, 2013 9:21 AM

Sep 2009
Wait, whaat? Did I just saw Ai's mother in the picture frame that was holding by Julie in the church? o.o
I'm pretty sure that it was her mother.

And the "secret" that Hampnie is talking.. maybe it was all about Ai and her mother..
maybe, her mother falls in love with a human? o.o

Ai was so cute..
Jul 17, 2013 10:02 AM

Sep 2010
This is bullshit..... That Hambart's character is infuriating....


Jul 17, 2013 10:09 AM

Feb 2012
wow interesting anime is so interesting! Can't wait to see more... hmm Ai's village dark secret .... it may be that they where all already dead but Ai didn't knew so she thinks that Hambart killed them. (sorry if this is already stated but I haven't read all the previous comments and also haven't read the manga ^^ )

Anyway I love this .... many interesting anime this season (just ignore all the damn annoying ''moe'' ones)
Jul 17, 2013 10:45 AM

Jul 2010
This wasn't bad, but I still can't figure out how Ai can talk compassionately to the man who just killed her whole village...

But like some other people said, I think that maybe her village was already half-dead, but like they could still be normal or something. So that's why Hambart killed them all. Just speculation though.

And is he Ai's father? o.o
fishergirl16Jul 17, 2013 10:50 AM
Jul 17, 2013 5:12 PM

Dec 2009
I don't get this series. It was just bad at the start of the episode, but once they left the hunter it got better. Sunday Without God has fantastic ideas, but the rest leaves much to be desired...
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Jul 17, 2013 5:59 PM

Feb 2009
Is she stupid? Why would you follow a guy who killed everyone in your village, beat the crap out of you and was going to kill you? I hate it when the author just ignores how real people would act in the real life.
Jul 17, 2013 6:58 PM

Apr 2009
MaxCrazy7 said:
Is she stupid? Why would you follow a guy who killed everyone in your village, beat the crap out of you and was going to kill you? I hate it when the author just ignores how real people would act in the real life.


Also, tha Hambart's character appears completely uninteresting and the world/setting feels just meh.

Whenever you correct someone's grammar just remember that nobody likes you.
Jul 18, 2013 12:27 AM

Aug 2012
Every time I see a scene transition I feel like they're cutting out material...
MaxCrazy7 said:
Is she stupid? Why would you follow a guy who killed everyone in your village, beat the crap out of you and was going to kill you? I hate it when the author just ignores how real people would act in the real life.
Exactly. I was confused when it jumped to them being cozy together. I mean... what?
Jul 18, 2013 4:47 AM

Jun 2012
Finally, a good character in this series, Julie Sakuma Dmitriyevich. Hopefully he finds a reason to live on.

Wow... I guess that's how you pick up cute underage chicks, kill their entire village and families.
I'd understand her following Julie because he's a nice family man... But what the fuck.
Hopefully Allis and Kiriko are pretty cool guys because the girls in this show are extremely shallow, Scar included.
Jul 18, 2013 9:11 AM
Oct 2011
When will it be my turn to abuse the loli, for no reason whatsoever? :(
Jul 18, 2013 11:56 AM

Jul 2010
Not sure I like the characters that much, thought the plot seems interesting.
Jul 18, 2013 12:55 PM
Mar 2009
Interesting, looking forwards to the backstory in the next episode,
but this is a very interesting anime so far, better than I expected.
Jul 18, 2013 1:59 PM

Jul 2011
I found this episode even more boring than the first. 2/5
Jul 18, 2013 7:33 PM

Nov 2007
Better than episode 1 at least.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jul 18, 2013 8:57 PM
Apr 2011
This was a lot better than the first episodes, my ratings for it went up another number, I like the tone of the show and the pacing of it is good too. These episodes has made very easy to look forward to the next ones, I really wasn't expecting much of this last week but now this could easily be the show that I look forward too the most each and every week ( apart from SNK of course)
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
-Albert Camus

Jul 19, 2013 11:38 AM

Apr 2012
Fucking bastard hampnie
I always hate adult beating up or abusing kid, even with only a slap. Moreover if they doing it for no good reason at all. Adult's body already far superior than kid's, there's no need for showing off anymore with such an act. I'd say that a coward. And his attitude towards Ai really confusing so far.

"The world is filled with violence."
Lolwtf with this sentence? The only one who was full of violence till now is him.
Jul 19, 2013 1:23 PM

Jun 2009
Well, that was better than first episode. Op was amazing, I like it very much.
Hampnie - my fav character.... Damn, now I think I shouldn't searched for spoilers. Now I know what will happen T_T
Jul 19, 2013 10:26 PM

Sep 2012
tingy said:
Ai: Does it hurt?
Hambart: Of course it does, my left lung got pierced!

Haha I lol'd at that too. XD
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