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Jul 7, 2013 8:07 AM
Mar 2013
ssjokg said:
belatkuro said:
ssjokg said:
Tensho said:
ssjokg said:
I like that 90% of your post is like you never read the original source(s).XD

As for the lyrics.Not the ED but the tv size of OP fits really well with

As for the wind turbines as I said before it was a nice easter egg for the manga/LN readers although they shouldnt be moving now.

Major spoilers for the big fight:
Uh, that's what he said though. You just repeated what he said.
The correct answer should be:

Why do I ALWAYS forget their AIM field's effect?
Well his post and the ep seem way more accurate to me now.

The one part of my post I am somewhat proud of for noticing was the Synesthesia mention about the OST for that Mikoto skitzophrenia scene. The reason I liked that part was because I learned about it in season 1 of railgun with the level upper arc (not Index). This makes it more impressive. It's kind of like using an idea from the anime in the production of the next season of the anime. It's pretty impressive of J.C. staff if you ask me lol.
Jul 7, 2013 8:18 AM

Jul 2010
So now Touma is beginning to learn about the experiment as well. Can't wait for the next episode!

Jul 7, 2013 9:10 AM

Mar 2012
JeffreyZin said:
Who is that mysterious doctor with Gold Tooth in a middle?! THAT FUCKING EVIL SMILE!! HE JUST CREEPY AS HELL!!

You mean this guy?

Jul 7, 2013 9:30 AM

Mar 2012
Sairyuu69 said:
CreationBreaker said:

Overreacting? Really? This is far from overreacting.

Yeah. Really.

Exactly how is it overreacting? Tell me what action one could take in this situation considering all of the psychological pressures, etc. that could be considered a normal reaction.

@ dniv
That post was extremely long and had a lot of points I want to address as well. You need to calm down with these super long posts. :P
Since you had a lot to say, I will address everything via section instead of quoting. So, '0' will be before the first point at which you said MO, 1 will be after the first MO, and so forth. Now let's begin.
There is a sense of despair here. Remember that the second part that Mikoto's attitude was "I love Academy City and I won't let you alter this city I love" while here, her attitude is more along the lines of "I will do whatever it takes to end this project even if I have to destroy the foundations of the city. This is her first exposure to the darkness of the city and as a result of inexperience and naivette, she is now mired within it.

About Accelerator, he had been knee-deep in the darkness of the city ever since his power was developed. Don't forget who was behind developing his ESPer ability.
Again, nice catch. The thing about Railgun S at this point is that we are beginning to see the story at more than just Mikoto's angle. We have seen that the separation of civilians and the Dark Side has been a huge part of his character development. After all, that was essential to his definition of a Good Villain.
Accelolita. Nuff said.
Accelerator's reflect is still passive. That means he puts no effort into using it and it is mainly determined by his AIM Field. As such, if he completely uses active vector manipulation to its limits, his barrier will drop because he is redirecting his AIM Field. In a way, his barrier is similar in principle to Mikoto's passive EM field.

The one thing that pissed me off in Index was the fact that 'heat' was called a vector. It is a scalar! Anytime the unit is Joules, the quantity is always a scalar! I am so glad that they changed it to 'heat flux' which is actually a vector quantity.

The one thing we can say about Accelerator's reflection limit is that it is greater than Mikoto's maximum output since she did go at full power when she fought Accelerator and still had every bit of her powers reflected. Remember his limits were reached when he

AN: I would say that the experiment has been going on for a couple of years as of this point. Given that 50 clones died within 5 days, that means 10 clones died within 1 day alone meaning that the experiment has been going on for about 1000 days at least. It's still more logical that it is the second given how he acts after the experiments.

Beautiful analysis with the schizophrenia angle there. However, I think it's more of a grim self-reminder of her own guilt rather than schizophrenia.
Extreme Synesthesia seems like a better diagnosis of what's going on with Mikoto's mental state.

That point about Touma reminds me of Aiwass's short monologue about the three types of heroes from Volume 19.

Like I said, he was already knee-deep in the darkness to begin with. It was easy for him to begin to slip in gradually and the Level 6 Shift Project was what allowed that.

Come to think of it

This was all the main reason why Accelerator is so willing to participate in the experiments at this point. He sees the clones as nothing more than puppets made of proteins and fats because the researchers influence him into thinking that way. This brings us back to the point about Accelerator not wanting to kill humans. This why he taunted the clones before the experiments--to attempt to force out some sort of emotional reaction.

Like I said before, he wants to be able to think about them as humans. Otherwise, he wouldn't have taunted them from the beginning.

This is part of the distinction between Touma and Mikoto here. Again we can go back to the three heroes monologue.

When I saw this scene in Index for the first time, I was like "Man, everyone think that the poor guy is crazy..."
BTW: You hit the nail on the head. It was either that or she assumed that she already got all of the info sans the experimental data itself when she first hacked in with the passcode.

Actually, I think they always had emotions from the very beginning as shown by when Misaka 00001 said "Is this...death...?"
It's just that they have problems expressing them. This is part of the difference between

Another nice analysis about the idea of the [One Way Road].
-------'re being pretty enthusiastic....heh...
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
Jul 7, 2013 2:28 PM

Feb 2008
Seeing Misaka break down like that was rather sad indeed, as was MISAKA's fate. I was hoping Touma would make it in time, And the moment of MISAKA's first death, the BGM, the feel and atmosphere of it - really depressing.
Jul 8, 2013 4:11 AM

Mar 2010
Great episode!
Loved the first Misaka-Imouto.
And I think seeing the first one is really important, because of that incident all the others knew beforehand how it feels to die.... kind of cruel thing O_o

Also made a small gif :D
Jul 8, 2013 7:19 AM

Apr 2009
Mikoto, at the end of her ropes, snaps and lets loose on yet another facility. Her reaction was pretty well done, I'd say. She comes to the conclusion that the impossible task of defeating Accelerator (or dying in the attempt) is the only way to stop the madness once and for all... as Touma stumbles upon the horrifying experiment results. Nice setup for the events that were in Index S1 as well, looks like we're getting the full treatment of the Sisters Arc with coverage of the project's final night.
Jul 8, 2013 8:22 PM
Jan 2013
Poor Touma. He's not used to death and destruction.
Poor Misaka. Poor Mikoto.
And even with the flashbacks, I have no sympathy for Accel. I don't see evidence yet that he wasn't a psycho before the experiment began. It seems like he always got pleasure from causing pain to others. It would have been possible to give a character the exact same power and have his attitude be more like Touma's. So, yeah, if I wanted to hate Accel, I could.
Nor do I think the scientists involved in this train wreck of an experiment deserve much sympathy, either.

Looking forward to the next episode, with Touma and Kuroko.
Your mean should be an even bell curve only if you watch every show that comes out. Having a high-slung mean doesn't mean you're rating improperly. It can also mean you're selecting shows well to watch mostly things you enjoy.
Jul 9, 2013 1:57 AM
Mar 2013
skreyola said:
Poor Touma. He's not used to death and destruction.
Poor Misaka. Poor Mikoto.
And even with the flashbacks, I have no sympathy for Accel. I don't see evidence yet that he wasn't a psycho before the experiment began. It seems like he always got pleasure from causing pain to others. It would have been possible to give a character the exact same power and have his attitude be more like Touma's. So, yeah, if I wanted to hate Accel, I could.
Nor do I think the scientists involved in this train wreck of an experiment deserve much sympathy, either.

Looking forward to the next episode, with Touma and Kuroko.

I mean... he was polite to MISAKA 1. Also, he almost said he was looking forward to fight MISAKA 1 (the clone of a level 5)... But yeah: Touma isn't used to death and destruction (lol)...

BTW: the reason Accelerator has his personality has not been explained yet... It might be explained soon... so you should wait for that...

Anyway, I can't wait for the bridge. It will be my second favorite episode all season :D
Jul 9, 2013 3:16 AM

Aug 2010
So much rehash...understandable, given the circumstances, but I hope this will be over soon and Touma can return into his own show. One of the reasons I prefer Railgun over Index is that Biribiri makes a better protagonist.

Anyway, more Accelerator is always nice. 3/5.
Jul 10, 2013 2:50 PM
Mar 2013
i enjoyed this episode( much better then the index version) touma for some reasons seems much more likable then before to me i mean he sounds more mature/less whiny as well as i am enjoying his design upgrade including the bonus scene with mikoto going all yandere as well as learning more about accelerator past.5/5 for me.
Jul 10, 2013 9:02 PM

Aug 2011

Mikoto nendo at last? About time.
Jul 11, 2013 7:32 PM

Jun 2007
Another good episode, though having to see Biribiri just go deeper and deeper through awful shit is getting difficult. I don't know how many more episodes this might go (and don't want to know any guesses), but I hope it doesn't go on too much longer. As much as I'm enjoying the arc with how incredibly handled and directed it is, it's just so goddamn heavy that I can't help but want some refreshing episodes soon. I'm just glad to know the whole season won't end on such a depressingly heavy note at least.

They did her breaking down really well (as usual with this season, everything is just done so perfectly and top notch) and it actually got to me pretty powerfully, which goes back to what I was saying; I really need her to have some rest soon. It's really tough watching week after week of things just getting more and more awful for her. I thought it was bad way back when this season first was getting into the arc and now it's way later and it's only gotten worse than I ever imagined Railgun would. And it's thanks to how well developed and handled Mikoto is that it's got such an impact, at least for me, the fact this is happening after a full season of not-this is also good because it's just so unexpectedly dark and unbearably heavy. If it were any other show or a first season, it wouldn't be such a drastic change, but here you go from mostly slice of life with a little sprinkled bit of serious and some action to some horribly dark shit all of a sudden once S came out. It gave it a really good impact that's still having an affect on making the show feel that much better because of it.

I was happy to know that the sister from the previous episode was the one that survived even though it doesn't really matter, but it was still one positive thing to take out of just otherwise horrible shit. It was also nice seeing the first sister that Accel fault, especially seeing how cute and full of character she was even though the clones are supposed to be so lifeless.

Speaking of Accel, I've mentioned it in prior threads that I hear her does eventually get developed, but I feel like he was clearly a sack of shit even at that first experiment. Yeah, he didn't want to KILL her, but he had a lot of fun beating the shit out of a young girl. I assume this is from prior-to-the-experiment stuff, but I wonder if that'll ever get touched on within Railgun S or not.

Last episode covered Touma's scenes that aren't all that relevant a little too much, but this week felt better about it. He was around but, like I mentioned before - I'm fine with him being around, just not with us seeing material that's fully straight out of Index and not all that relevant. This time felt like every scene of his was necessary, and like I've also mentioned before, he's fine in this kind of role. It's almost refreshing seeing him not be an awful protagonist and instead being a secondary role. The focus on him and the sisters this time also helped make the impact of Biribiri's breakdown much more powerful and the feeling of isolation and suffering she's having much more 'there' than it would be if we saw the entire episode from her point of view - so I'm grateful for it this time around.

Looking forward to this coming episode, and as usual I did write a bit more on my blog for this episode.
Jul 14, 2013 5:42 AM
May 2012
Fucking Accelerator fingering Misaka Sister till it blows it up into pieces!!

Jul 17, 2013 2:01 PM

Jan 2011
We need more episodes like this one, I like it when stuff actually happens!
Touma needs to turn into Mr. Badass and quick.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 5, 2013 12:39 PM

Jun 2012
That blood splash and first clone's death. Shocking and tearing.

Railgun S for best raildex season. No other season of index and railgun made me care as much than this one.

It seems they made Touma's interraction with the sisters longer. Which is not a bad thing. It rounds the whole arc a little bit more than it was in the manga. It also recalls the scenes from the first index season and is also better for the people who didn't saw the index series at all.

So far it's a great adaptation and it didn't disappoint me at all.
XyprenAug 5, 2013 12:52 PM
Aug 23, 2013 6:10 AM

May 2013
I feel like im watching toaru majutsu no index all over again
Sep 27, 2013 9:08 PM

Sep 2011
God dammit Accelerator!
Sep 30, 2013 12:40 PM

May 2012
Quite some development, like where this is going! And I really love how Touma is getting some screen time as well, lets see what's next!
Oct 21, 2013 4:34 AM

Sep 2011
I don't know why Misaka couldn't able to figure out the solution which is by beating up Accelerator... or maybe she finally figured it out.

Oct 21, 2013 4:44 AM

Aug 2009
Tennouji_ said:
I don't know why Misaka couldn't able to figure out the solution which is by beating up Accelerator... or maybe she finally figured it out.
And how would she do that?
Oct 21, 2013 5:02 AM

Sep 2011
ssjokg said:
Tennouji_ said:
I don't know why Misaka couldn't able to figure out the solution which is by beating up Accelerator... or maybe she finally figured it out.
And how would she do that?

She's in desperation mode so she's the only one who could figure out by herself and it doesn't matter for her on how.

Anyway, I recently watched episode 14

Oct 21, 2013 5:05 AM

Aug 2009
Tennouji_ said:
ssjokg said:
Tennouji_ said:
I don't know why Misaka couldn't able to figure out the solution which is by beating up Accelerator... or maybe she finally figured it out.
And how would she do that?

She's in desperation mode so she's the only one who could figure out by herself and it doesn't matter for her on how.

Anyway, I recently watched episode 14
Oct 21, 2013 5:51 AM

Sep 2011
ssjokg said:
Tennouji_ said:
ssjokg said:
Tennouji_ said:
I don't know why Misaka couldn't able to figure out the solution which is by beating up Accelerator... or maybe she finally figured it out.
And how would she do that?

She's in desperation mode so she's the only one who could figure out by herself and it doesn't matter for her on how.

Anyway, I recently watched episode 14

Oct 21, 2013 9:14 PM

Aug 2009
Tennouji_ said:
ssjokg said:
Tennouji_ said:
ssjokg said:
Tennouji_ said:
I don't know why Misaka couldn't able to figure out the solution which is by beating up Accelerator... or maybe she finally figured it out.
And how would she do that?

She's in desperation mode so she's the only one who could figure out by herself and it doesn't matter for her on how.

Anyway, I recently watched episode 14

But she cant defeat him.Even if All level 5+all the remaining Sisters were to attack him now he wouldnt even have to move.
Oct 23, 2013 5:57 PM

Oct 2011
The dying MISAKA (probably 00001) was really sad. :( And MISAKA 10031's death was quite brutal.. and Mikoto saw that live. Fuck that must be so hard. D:
Nov 4, 2013 11:07 PM

Dec 2010
Joseito1875 said:
This was such a great episode.
This. I really didn't care much about the Sisters when I was watching TMNI, but this expansion on the arc turns out to have been needed, because it developed greatly the Sisters and of course, Misaka herself.

Touma's role is great as well.
Nov 8, 2013 8:36 AM

Nov 2011

Story that strode takes us to the bridge of lovers, finally! * _ *
I want to see the after! : D
Narrative is well done, the episode has been able to recreate the pathos that made ​​that while reviewing almost the same scenes, I felt sadness and sympathy for the sisters!
Fabulous! :)
Animations and still very good.
I forgot that the real stinker is not Accelerator, but the bastard from the gold tooth! * pissed *
Maximum grade for much wonder!
I almost increased already by now the final grade, from 6/10 to 8/10! While not pleasing me for some petty things! ^ _ ^
Jan 7, 2014 12:20 AM

Nov 2012
damn accelerator.. that moment when he controlling the blood and misaka looking right at it :'' it must be tough to misaka.. :(
damn accelerator.. I wonder what will happen if guy like him exist in this world :o

and touma.. this is it.. he came to hostel :3
Feb 22, 2014 9:52 PM

Jan 2011
this is the first time that Misaka looked so menacing
i dont get this experiment, after 10000 tries the sisters are still weak, i doubt Accelerator thinks this is gonna work
Feb 23, 2014 2:28 AM

Aug 2009
silversaint said:
this is the first time that Misaka looked so menacing
i dont get this experiment, after 10000 tries the sisters are still weak, i doubt Accelerator thinks this is gonna work
May 16, 2014 9:07 PM

Aug 2012
It was nice seeing Misaka 00001, if only for like 5 minutes.
May 18, 2014 6:02 PM

Jan 2013
Misaka went again destroy everything that stays in front of her.
I can't believe another Misaka died :/ the way she died was so cruel :( omg that Accelarator is such a retard and Touma saw all that omg :/ And now he knows about the clones.I feel so bad about him because he liked Misaka "sister" so much....
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Aug 29, 2014 12:55 PM

May 2014
Accelerator is awesome. He felt romrse and hesitation for finishing that clone xD. But I think he sees them as synthesized protein, which they really are, so he's not in the wrong!

"These experiments are nothing out of the ordinary." Misaka Clone 10032.
Yup, pretty much sums up what goes on in this city pretty well.
Sep 9, 2014 5:05 PM
Sep 2013
Misaka clone death is affecting Misaka mentally draining her. Accelerator pwns Misaka clone. Felt sad for her.
Sep 23, 2014 9:00 AM

Dec 2013
Jan 5, 2015 2:47 PM

Aug 2013
Will the clones wild ride ever ends?!! Goddamnit, reversing the blood flow, that's some twisted shit. She literally imploded...

Misaka lost it. She just got her hopes crushed into little piece, what's left to do except going mad? How low can she fall into despair? I guess she have two choice now : kill Accelerator or get killed by him. In the first case, everything end there and in the second, the experiments advance a little bit. That's a crual fate, isn't it? You either become a murderer or die.

Am I the only one who is wondering what happened to Nunotaba? That poor girl got captured! Is she enslaved or something like that? The ITEM girl did said that she would have a miserable life from now on :/
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Nov 6, 2015 11:01 PM
Apr 2015
dniv said:
I have seen it now 8 times and I have a lot of things I missed the first 6 times that I didn't see at all. Here is the entire episode commented on ...

The start scene with Accelerator was good. The opening was great. I like how they intermesh Touma, Accelerator, MISAKAK 10032, MISAKA 10031, and Mikoto's scenes. This is making it clear that they are all main characters here.

@Mikoto attacking the robots in the laboratory... she has changed and has positively become ruthless here. I understand that she is doing it in order to stop the project and save lives. But she is doing this through fear and violent displays and mainly destruction towards the scientists, their equipment, their hopes and ambitions. It's somewhat sick. She's dishing out to them what Accelerator is dishing out to her. This isn't right. It's twisted. It's like having the bullied turn into a bully. I am not criticizing her for making this choice... all I am saying is that it is clearly wrong. She isn't even hiding her face anymore. Before she was worried that making herself as an enemy public would make her friends in trouble... well she's beyond that now. Obviously she thinks the lives of the sisters are more important than her friends' safety. Otherwise, she would at least disguise herself.

Yeah right, it's "clearly wrong" to be violent toward these scientists, their equipment, their hopes and ambitions. As if these scientists are just automatons without knowledge about moral codes following some opaque orders.

When someone's ambitions are built on other's sufferings, don't be surprised if karma comes calling, and not a moment too soon.
Feb 29, 2016 7:23 AM

Mar 2015
Shaking that pretty little butt -Accelo-

When Accelo was doing first experiment, his hair was gray??

Little bit disappointed with this episode because I had seen that one and I know where this is going.

Mar 30, 2016 6:32 PM

Mar 2015
I'm really loving the similarities with Index series.

So we got a confirmation where Misaka 10032 really is the one who spends time with Touma, making her falling in love emotion real because of that weird english kidnapped lady.

Misaka 10032 really is awesome. I'm hoping she could get along with Misaka and share Touma. That'd be super awesome!

It's sad though that Misaka 1-10031 have to died over and over with their memories being shared. This means Misaka 10032 have felt death over 10031 times. Shit man, Touma you gotta make Misaka 10032 happy man. Since Misaka 10032 is the only sisters who loves you.

Feb 13, 2017 7:55 PM

Dec 2013
That was an insane amount of blood splatter.

The way the first Misaka clone died was depressing.
Mar 26, 2017 1:55 AM

Aug 2013
I hate the fact I had to see #10031 died twice damn it. Poor misaka.
Aug 2, 2017 10:17 AM

Mar 2013
Great episode.

Misaka falling into the depths of despair was a nice scene. I feel for the poor girl :(

As if getting rejected from Misaka wasn't enough, Misaka #10031 had to die in a brutal way dammit! :(
But what actually happened to her body? And was that a bone we saw lying on the floor?

Yup, definitely want to see Accelerator getting his ass kicked by Touma once again.
Jan 23, 2018 11:10 AM

Apr 2013
It sucks that they're using so much scenes that already were shown in Index :<
Apr 5, 2018 6:36 AM

Nov 2016
This episode had some moments which were tough to watch, but cool to see that even Accelerator showed some signs of hesitation at first.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 19, 2018 7:44 AM

Sep 2017

I just can't resist how good Accelerator looks. I am happy they improved the animation and the sequences are done in a original manner. They at least put some nice touches to the original Index episode.

And we see more of the impact behind that scene. Misaka saw Accelerator killing MISAKA in front of her. That's gotta hurt. What will be her next step of action? Your guess is as good as mine.

Accelerator shows off his abilities with more objects this time. Waiting for another Accelerator x Railgun fight.

Poor MISAKA 00001 .She was doomed from the start. Her bullet death was sad.

Also accelerator is kinda messed up himself. He couldn't see them as humans and just got used to it. I hope that mad scientist gets punished.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Feb 11, 2019 6:09 PM

Aug 2017
Amazing episode.

I feel bad for Misaka. Not only she reached the point of despair, also she had to watch Misaka 10031's death.

I just watch the episode 11 of Index and I think that Touma's reaction and Misaka 10031's death is much better here. And who is the clone killed was more clear in Railgun.

It's good to see another flashback of Accelerator and how he fights against Misaka 1.
NurguburuFeb 11, 2019 6:13 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 14, 2019 11:01 AM

Dec 2014
12532 is so detailed... I hope I had seen this with the first season
Jan 4, 2020 10:45 AM

Oct 2019
Yes I know badass Accelerator is being cruel and all but I can't stop fanboying over him.
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