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Jun 9, 2013 4:23 AM

Oct 2012
symbv said:
Where did you get the "sales are almost nonexistent" ?? Another gross exaggeration from you??

Judging from actual number of pre-orders this show doesn't have many loyal fans (latest total figure is 1240 BDs+550 DVDs which is far from profitable). Worst than this are only Dansai Bunri, Aiura, Leviathan, Majestic Prince and Yuyushiki. Almost every other spring anime has better numbers.
Just for the record - Shingeki no Kyojin is leading with total 24806 BDs + 8895 DVDs pre-orders, followed by Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S and Susei no Gargantia.
Jun 9, 2013 4:28 AM
Mar 2013
the dog part was so funny XD
also this episode had cute scene when they hugged and the last one on chair ♥
Jun 9, 2013 4:42 AM

Apr 2011
Nice episode.

I think the goddess and Izumiko became one then?

It's a good series, even though the series is a bit confusing and didn't explain
itself well.
Jun 9, 2013 4:44 AM

Sep 2012
Mich666 said:
symbv said:
Where did you get the "sales are almost nonexistent" ?? Another gross exaggeration from you??

Judging from actual number of pre-orders this show doesn't have many loyal fans (latest total figure is 1240 BDs+550 DVDs which is far from profitable). Worst than this are only Dansai Bunri, Aiura, Leviathan, Majestic Prince and Yuyushiki. Almost every other spring anime has better numbers.
Just for the record - Shingeki no Kyojin is leading with total 24806 BDs + 8895 DVDs pre-orders, followed by Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S and Susei no Gargantia.
That does not make it "ALMOST NONEXISTENT", right?? Yuyushiki sold almost 2.5k BD/DVD and if RDG is going to do better than Yuyushiki, how did you get "sales are almost nonexistent"???

If you want people to take your criticism seriously as proper criticism, please don't make gross exaggeration and absolute language like "nonexistent" or "literally none". Those language are suited for blind ranting which I think is not what you are aiming at.

Also, you are incorrect to say "actual number of preorders" because there is no such data. If the number you quoted here came from the Amazon Stalker, then that is just estimation made by the fan-made Stalker program (which has no connection with Amazon itself).

BTW, for the ranking of the Stalker estimate for sales of v1 of anime in this season, I write about it in News Board from time to time. Anyone who feel interested can check:

symbvJun 9, 2013 4:52 AM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Jun 9, 2013 5:50 AM
Jan 2012
I really don't know what to think of this anime now that it's finished...
I liked the characters and the romance, but for some reason, the story seemed rushed and it was also very confusing. I still don't understand what everything was about, I'm serious.
But still... I don't think of it as bad. And I don't know why.
I just hope there will be a second season or an OVA, so things will make more sense.
Jun 9, 2013 10:22 AM

Jun 2010
What a disappointing series.
Jun 9, 2013 10:28 AM

Sep 2011
Mich666 said:
You know, there is a saying that when you experience bad things you will learn to enjoy those good ones.
Which is why I've gladly paid taxes every year for over thirty years now. Makes me appreciate how lucky I am when I find a coin laying on the ground.
Jun 9, 2013 1:27 PM

Jan 2013
The last 30 seconds was the best part of this anime. That isn't saying much though.
Jun 9, 2013 1:58 PM

Apr 2010
Hmm. i think that this anime wasn't that bad and looked forward to it every week. I have not read the novel, but I can imagine that they could have executed the story better. The two first epoisode were really bad. i was actually about to drop it. At times it was rather confusing. I personally think that the whole concept of maumi and things revolving around him was a bit weird.

6/10 (I hope for a sequel)
Jun 9, 2013 2:33 PM

Feb 2012
Good final episode. For me the series had a decent start but around the halfway it lost me. I feel eventually I may have to rewatch it to get a better understanding of the story.
Jun 9, 2013 6:54 PM

Mar 2012
Aw, that last scene was incredibly cute.

The concluding episode was pleasant but not nearly good enough to be redeeming for all of the stumbles in this series. This show had some scenes and moments that were amazing to watch, but everything felt so incredibly incoherent and disjointed sometimes that those flashes of brilliance went to waste. It was like a whole smorgasbord of ideas were thrown out in the open throughout the series, but a lot of them were abandoned or truncated. I adored the initial setup, concept, and Shinto elements, but it's unfortunate that the execution made it fall flat. Plus, something that really bothered me throughout the series was the ambiguity of some of the characters' goals and how some character swung around inconsistently. I definitely don't think this series was bad, but it was just disappointing and a massive waste of potential. I started out eagerly awaiting episodes but quickly became unenthusiastic about methodically watching it every week, though I never really considered dropping it.

Anyways, so I was teetering between a 5/10 and a 6/10, but I'm going with a 6 because I still adore the general concept, despite the poor execution.
Jun 9, 2013 6:59 PM

Aug 2012
I'm glad I picked this one up. I think it accomplished what it set out to, even though some of the character relationships were understandably rushed. There was just too much story material, concept development, and interaction between different characters to fit in 12 episodes.

What I enjoyed the most would be the interesting concepts the story delved into, my favorite being the structure within the triplets' relationship, Mayura and Manatsu both having to perceive Masumi the same way for him to be able to stay with them in his familiar form. The resolution was a bit underwhelming for that one, probably due to the story not being over yet.

The same can be said for the main story, but I still feel Suzuhara's conflict was handled well. Especially with how her demons resurfaced in such a sudden way to remind her how complacent she'd gotten that she allowed herself to begin losing control and awakening to the goddess. I expected some good development from her after episode one, and considering how terribly meek she was then, I'm impressed with her 'coming of age' as symbv said. And just because Miyuki came for her at the end, that doesn't mean all of her development came from him. It's important that he was a strong form of support for her all along. That helped her really develop the resolve to be normal, but that was what she wanted all along. She did her part by learning and trying to fit in and normalize herself, her problem was she just hadn't learned how to be normal without growing complacent, which leads back to her needing him(I think she should have admitted that much to him though) His seriousness and sense of urgency to her situation was the balance she needed to be normal and still keep a low profile to keep the goddess under wraps.

Of course I'd really like to see how the whole thing with the goddess plays out, so hopeful we get some form of adaptation of Vol.7

Overall a very solid 7/10
Jun 9, 2013 11:35 PM

May 2013
This was an alright episode.

Lol at Takayanagi being a dog! (So, the OP did some foreshadowing.)

The fight scenes were pretty cool. But it sucks how Masumi (the villain, sort of) just gave up.

Aw, that hug was sweet. As well as that entire scene. And also last scene.

It isn't the ending I expected, but it's still an alright ending.
But for some reason, I feel empty inside.
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Jun 9, 2013 11:42 PM

Mar 2012
Okay.. Can somebody explain why is it titled as Red Data Girl???
Jun 10, 2013 1:02 AM

Sep 2012
shiizumi said:
Okay.. Can somebody explain why is it titled as Red Data Girl???
I think it is explained in every episode when the OP starts to play. Perhaps you always skip OP when you watch anime?
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Jun 10, 2013 2:31 AM

Dec 2007
Not sure what to feel about this anime. -_- On one hand every week interesting enough to make me watch all the way through the finale, and me being very picky that is saying much.

On another, I'm not any smarter after watching the entire thing. I guess I watched for the Izumiko x Miyuki romance, and though it wasn't satisfying or even believable it was there at the end.

The visuals, colors, and music are great anyway.
Jun 10, 2013 3:21 AM

May 2013
I think the 'second season' is out of the question. They only have just one volume of the novel left to be covered and that's too short to create a whole season out of it. So, I would say some extra episodes in the form of OVAs are more likely.

4kicks said:

I wonder who that guy on the phone was, talking about Mayura being a World Heritage candidate?

You forgot Murakami Hodaka, the shadow student council president? He first appeared in ep 5 in which he's got longer hair (a wig) and no glasses, remember now?
And Mayura is not chosen as a top student/the World Heritage Candidate. Hodaka is referring to Izumiko not Mayura.

Keep in mind that the title of this episode (ep 12) is 'Girl of World Heritage'. It doesn't make sense if the title's referring to Mayura where she's got only a minor role in this episode. Furthermore, Mayura already gave up aiming to be a top student as is shown in the episode when she's talking with Manatsu and when she saw Izumiko's dance.

ArcanaTrace said:
So did they explain why people are fighting to be the top student?

To gain the World Heritage status. This is why Takayanagi tried to be at the top/best in every possible ways. I think the anime already gave you this information ^^;

ArcanaTrace said:

When Izumiko said that she's the goddess, does, it mean that the goddess is her future self or does it mean that because the goddess possessed her so she is the goddess.

In this episode, Izumiko's not possessed by Himegami (and she won't be possessed anymore 'til the end of the novel). Instead she acquires the power of Himegami.

ArcanaTrace said:


This is too much to type. I suggest you better rewatch the whole series or read through the reviews of this anime in this forums or other websites to get the idea of what it is about :)

Mich666 said:

Then there was this horrible rural horse arc and at that time I almost droped it.

I saw people complaining so much about the Togakushi arc. Let me assure you one thing: There is no filler in this anime series.
The anime version already cut LOTS of details from the novels. All you had seen in the anime version are the real highlights of each volume which contain information that is important to the plot. What if they skipped Togakushi arc? Do you think this story still makes sense to you? Think about things that you discoverred from watching that arc: people in this school are completing for the World Heritage status, Manatsu's heart condition that might probably causing him die young, Mayura's attempt to get the World Heritage status for the sake of his (sick) brother, Masumi (shinrei)'s true identity, Wamiya's cooperation with Miyuki and etc...

If you think RDG anime is slow-paced, its novel version is even worse 'coz it's contains more details and conversations.

Lieila said:

I guess it must be the budget and faithfulness to the novel that withheld the needed execution.

Yeah. Perhaps this explains why the anime script is not good enough: Faithfulness to the novel.

Actually, I don't mind if they put some 'creativities' into the anime but to what extent should they add them into...?
Jun 10, 2013 8:00 AM

Nov 2011

I was already resigned to a final like that and my predictions have not been denied, too bad! I hope we can have a second season, because little has been said, although some merits have been most evident during the series. Met in the middle!
Jun 10, 2013 8:37 AM

Apr 2010
Meh, this show kind of lost me halfways through.

Jun 10, 2013 9:02 AM

Jul 2012
It could have been executed a lot better and it wasted a lot of potential for a strong story. But it's still a 6+/10. I'm not sure if it's a 7 at the moment but I'll keep it there right now.

Miyuki and Izumiko definitely get a spot in my top 20 OTP list. They are absolutely adorable and I wish to see more of them in the OVA. (hopefully if there is one!)

What I expected out of this show...I expected more technology being broken by Izumiko. Like episode 1 material. That stuff was cool. More trips like episode 2. More cute moments between Izumiko and Miyuki. Less confusing.

But overall, I don't regret watching this.

EDIT - Final score 6/10. It was not much better than Hyouka but wasn't better than Tari Tari so it's a 7 for me.
MayukaJun 10, 2013 9:29 AM
Jun 10, 2013 10:57 AM

Apr 2011
The show wasn't bad but it wasn't so good either. I believe they could develop it more and it had potential.

The characters were likeable and the pace was good.

I wouldn't mind a S2 or an OVA.

Overall an enjoyable series.
Jun 10, 2013 12:05 PM
Jan 2013
No matter what those reviewers were trying to say, I still love this series and I love the growth of the relationship between Izumiko and Miyuki. This is one my year's fave. Regardless of the lack of episodes (I wish they made it to two cours, though) I think PA Works did a good job, artistically speaking, with their adaptation. The only flaw of course is the limited number episodes as I've said earlier, but other than that I love RDG.
Jun 10, 2013 1:56 PM

Feb 2012
Okay, this last episode was pretty good. I liked the action and the Miyuki x Suzuhara moment was quite cute too. But overall, the anime was extremely boring, confusing and the plot was really messy and inconsistent. There were just too many insignificant characters whose role and story wasn't explained at all...
The anime had some good moments too, the first episodes were nice and the animation was good all the way through, but I just can't rate it any higher than 5/10.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Jun 10, 2013 7:22 PM
Manga Moderator

Sep 2012
cheesyfantasy said:
That was such a beautiful episode!! Miyuki was so epic!!

That scene was so cuute! <3
This is probably a series where you either, like it or hate it.
The ending was nice, but it took a while to recognize characters I hadn't seen in weeks. ;-;
Overall 7/10 ^^
DanchoJun 10, 2013 7:27 PM

thanks to my lovely Secret Elf Santa
for the forum set~
Jun 10, 2013 9:30 PM

Aug 2009
Did not like this... at all. My least favorite of the season 4/10 only good thing was animation and the ed.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Jun 10, 2013 10:22 PM

Jan 2008
minuetto said:
Lieila said:

I guess it must be the budget and faithfulness to the novel that withheld the needed execution.

Yeah. Perhaps this explains why the anime script is not good enough: Faithfulness to the novel.

Actually, I don't mind if they put some 'creativities' into the anime but to what extent should they add them into...?

Let me say this first, I am not that articulate to explain my thoughts and ideas, so please excuse if my explanation may lack the finer details it require. Also, I am not technically well versed but I've read about storyboard design in the past and a little bit about anime production. Furthermore, I did not read the novel (as I can't understand Japanese texts yet) but reading the reviews/explanations/comments of those who watched this show (whenever I find some confusing parts during its airing) and especially from who read the novel like you that I was able to have a better understanding of the plot of this show and then I was able to appreciate more what this anime is trying to deliver. Before, I got the feeling that the novel was slow paced, lots of explanation and conversation and I confirmed it when I read your comments in the previous discussions/threads.

Now about the execution. In this 1-cour show, there were times when I watched a certain episode that it's better if that part was animated than through explanation via dialogue after the event took place e.g. in ep 8, it might have been cool if they animated how Miyuki broke through layer(s) of barrier through the help of Wamiya (and cut a bit the screentime when Miyuki and Mayura run toward Izumiko and Manatsu). It doesn't need a dialogue to show the transition. A silent, I mean no-dialogue animation might be good enough. Showing this after the event happened is also okay too. I've seen a good execution of this no-dialogue animation in Death Billiards where the backstories of the young man and the old man were executed in that way. It doesn't take that long. Let me go ahead, in 25 minutes Death Billliards was able to deliver so many details in that short time frame.

I understand that the focus of this show is Izumiko, the Girl of World Heritage, in the end but we have seen a lots of characters and elements that contributed to the richness of this show, and at the same time got the audience confused in some ways or another (especially if one didn't bother even reading reviews). It would have been good also if there's some background info about them. I am sure others got intrigued about their roles or rather more info about them. The only one or group who was explored much were the twins. I understand that there's the need to buildup the character of Masumi because he will be the one to encourage Izumiko to stay in the other layer as seen in ep 12. When I reached ep 3 (and so on), I had this questions, what's with the school and the thing about the world heritage? What is a judge in that school? Who are the judges? What's the story with Takayanagi Ichijou? Or, maybe a fair bit of info about his side. The interests for bg info about the council president and such.
I think a little info for each of these characters that were introduced, and info on events and things might again, have been good. The little info disclosed in the middle of each episode in Shingeki no Kyojin is one way to giveaway these bits in numbers of seconds or in a minute without extending into 2-cour. What do you think? ^_^ Oh well, maybe additional 3-ep ova is desirable, considering that the ending had me wanting for more.
Jun 10, 2013 10:29 PM

Jun 2012
This was one of the most boring anime I've ever watched, yet it was still enjoyable; 6/10
Jun 11, 2013 2:20 AM

May 2013
Oh, I'm sorry if I sound aggressive/arrogant to you. I didn't mean you to answer me that question. I know full well that most of us here including me have no knowledge in doing anime nor doing a screenwriting. That's why I didn't finish my last sentence but instead added a question mark to it.
I hope you know that I even actually agree with your earlier post regarding the screenwriting part.

Lieila said:

Let me say this first, I am not that articulate to explain my thoughts and ideas, so please excuse if my explanation may lack the finer details it require.

this applies to me as well ^^;

Thanks anyway for your comprehensive explanation.

But for this,
Lieila said:
e.g. in ep 8, it might have been cool if they animated how Miyuki broke through layer(s) of barrier through the help of Wamiya.

They couldn't do this scene and the novel doesn't give much detail about this scene as well because the author wants to surprise us with the 'Miyuki-Wamiya collaboration'.

If they had to animate this scene, it must be after we saw Miyuki's black wings which means it had to be animated when the incident at Togakushi was over. But at that time, the audience wouldn't find this scene exciting anymore, right? :)

I guess we all agree that this anime is not good at making things clear. 12-episode is indeed too short for this series but I also have a feeling that 24-episode would be too long for it.

Lieila said:

When I reached ep 3 (and so on), I had this questions.

Since you use past tense with the above sentence, I assume you already got an answer for each for these questions. Actually, some of them were already explained in the anime but might not be clear.

Anyway, in case someone else find it useful. I will try to answer them.

Lieila said:

what's with the school and the thing about the world heritage?

Houjou Gakuen is a newly established school for people with special abilities not only for the Japanese but also people from other countries to gather.
The school can select its 'top student' to be a candidate for the World Heritage.

Do I need to explain what the World Heritage is? It is similar to the World Heritage site in our real life. By gaining the status, a person will receive many benefits such as a special protection from the government/the international community.

Lieila said:

What is a judge in that school? Who are the judges?

The student council committee (in which Murakami Hodaka is the true leader) is one of the judges.
This the reason why the student committee has to be neutral. Remember when the girl at the committee told Mayura that 'whatever you're planning to do, don't ever think that you can influence us'

It reveals in vol 6 that Angelica is a witness from IUCN (her father is working in IUCN), so she's KINDA like one of the judges.
(Now you know why Takayanagi befriends her)

Lieila said:

What's the story with Takayanagi Ichijou? Or, maybe a fair bit of info about his side.

The anime really skipped many details about Takayanagi. For me, he is my favourite character from the series and we really see much of his development from vol 2 to vol 6.

Takayanagi Ichijou is from a family of Onmyouji in Kyoto. If you don't know what onmyouji is, please consult Wikipedia.
In vol 4, there are pages of explanation of what onmyouji is.

Takayanagi is very proud of his family heritage as a powerful Onmyouji. He's trying to get the World Heritage status as a result of this pride.
He thought that being a top student in academic would be one of the ways to gain the title. So he creates many Shikigamis to act as students and even instructors.
This is the reason why Mayura couldn't beat Takayanagi in grades and she needed Izumiko who can see through Shikigamis to help her.

Later in vol 6, when Takayanagi promises Izumiko that he won't use any shikigami any more. Mayura becomes the top student (academically) follows by Miyuki as the second and Takayanagi as the third.

Lieila said:

The interests for bg info about the council president and such.

If you mean Kisaragi Jean Honoka (not the shadow one). Not much bg info about her is given in the novel either.
We know that she's a half and quite beauty. There are flirt scenes btw Honoka and Miyuki in vol 4 (the most skipped volume) and these make Izumiko a bit of jealous.

Lieila said:

The little info disclosed in the middle of each episode in Shingeki no Kyojin is one way to giveaway these bits in numbers of seconds or in a minute without extending into 2-cour. What do you think? ^_^

Yes, I agree that more info about characters, places and so on should be more disclosed in the anime. But with only 12 episodes, it would be very difficult. As you said, few more episodes are needed to better execute the show. By the way, I don't watch nor read Shingeki no Kyojin. I know the show is great but I personally distaste too many graphic violence in that show. The more I'm getting older, the less I could tolerate it. Kinda opposite to other people -_-;

minuettoJun 11, 2013 5:07 AM
Jun 11, 2013 4:32 AM

Mar 2013
i like the art , plot but ... there are parts i didn't get to understand .. its just too confusing and .. i expected a lot to the characters..that kinda disappoint me in the end and the romance is okay.. i wish they kissed..
i feel that there's a season 2 for this.
7/10 ~ ^^
Jun 11, 2013 7:11 AM

Jan 2008
minuetto said:
Oh, I'm sorry if I sound aggressive/arrogant to you. I didn't mean you to answer me that question. I know full well that most of us here including me have no knowledge in doing anime nor doing a screenwriting. That's why I didn't finish my last sentence but instead added a question mark to it.
I hope you know that I even actually agree with your earlier post regarding the screenwriting part.

No worries. ^_^ Thanks for clarifying. I was debating whether to answer it because of the question mark in the last sentence as well. Anyway as you see I went to answer it. ^_^

minuetto said:

But at that time, the audience wouldn't find this scene exciting anymore, right? :)

Indeed. The last part was a serene scene between Miyuki and Izumiko so it wouldn’t fit in well.

I still think that animating it would have been cool. ^_^ I can imagine myself to be in awed if animated in the right way with the right atmosphere, even it was not detailed in the novel. I mentioned in the previous page about creativity in storyboard, well that is for more interesting execution and about engaging audience in visual. I do understand in keeping it a mystery though.

minuetto said:

I guess we all agree that this anime is not good at making things clear.

Yep yep. ^_^ But, one thing that keeps this show interesting was because of the mysteries, not disclosing everything…throwing in info but at the same time, leaving some to let the audience hang on for more. So again, it’s about the faithfulness to the novel. ^_^

minuetto said:

Since you use past tense with the above sentence, I assume you already got an answer for each for these questions.

Yes, some of those questions were answered through the course of the show, from ep 4 and up. For some of which were not clear, if no one yet asked the question on the confusing part, I posted the question myself. Others were through reading comments/reviews or with the better explanation like yours in the episode discussions.

minuetto said:

Do I need to explain what the World Heritage is? It is similar to the World Heritage site in our real life.

I know about the World Heritage site and the equivalence in this show. ^_^ That’s why the battle for gaining the status would have been more exciting if they establish the importance of being the world heritage in clearer way by introducing effectively the contenders – the side for the onmyouji and the ninja(s), or even the deities – not just through dialogues (which sometimes lack to provide good explanation, however, a long conversation would be boring too).

Mayura talked about this with Izumiko but I think it’s not that really effective in its delivery for the audience to have a clear grasp of the importance of the status, otherwise, some MAL viewers wouldn’t commented about what was going on in every episode discussion, right? ^_^

minuetto said:

By the way, I don't watch nor read Shingeki no Kyojin. I know the show is great but I personally distaste too many graphic violence in that show. The more I'm getting older, the less I could tolerate it. Kinda opposite to other people -_-;

Ah, I see. How info was disclosed in SnK anime was effective without going through lengthy dialogues. I didn’t need to read the manga nor read reviews to have a better understanding of the plot nor what just happened in each episode. That still infographic in the middle of each episode was one creative way for giving the audience bits of pieces such as the architecture (names of walls and their distance), heights of the titans, gear illustrations and functions, etc.

Similar execution like that here in RDG might be good to fill in those info about RDG world heritage, Takayanagi and the onmyouji clan, qualities or origin if discussed in the novel; Mayura and ninja clan; the student council committee – probably the current line up; the judges line-up; etc.

BTW, I don’t know about age thing can greatly affect view or taste on graphic violence. ^_^ As for me, the longer I watched anime, I became less choosy in genre. I used to avoid slice of life in year 2008-2009 but was able to appreciate it then on after.

minuetto said:

There are flirt scenes btw Honoka and Miyuki in vol 4 (the most skipped volume) and these make Izumiko a bit of jealous.

Oh I love to see that scenes. The jealous Izumiko must be cute. It’s a pity not to see them animated. The twins’ arc was a bit long for my taste so they should probably cut it down and instead, animated some of these flirt scenes between Honoka and Miyuki.

I’m banging the table right now with my hands upon knowing this. :D Gah, I’d really love to see them.
LieilaJun 11, 2013 7:21 AM
Jun 11, 2013 2:48 PM
Jan 2013
Mich666 said:
This was horrible! It was so painful to watch that I wanted to drop it many times yet I was hoping that maybe.. it gets better. But my hopes were in vain.

And that conclusion? Saved by mobile phone! Nothing was resolved, noone was punished, everyone was happy now and ghosts went home.. yay! There was no sense of continuity, things "just happened" on behalf of no logic. Literally nothing made sense in RDG!

There was promising start but after that we only got this incoherent, really bad story that left us with so much plot holes and unexplained things I can't even count them. But those dialogues were the worst and this anime was so badly written I almost wanted to scream sometimes.

Only thing that was done good was animation. But that alone isn't enough to save it.

In the end I am left with bitter aftertaste of needless series. It was total waste of my time.

No doubt the worst anime I have seen this year, 3/10.

I am really glad this is over now and I hope there would be no sequel to this.

Agreed, well somewhat. I was really into it at the beginning, but when everyone started acting butt hurt or jealous I was like *Face palm* "WHY?!?!" Then to top it off, in the subs, Souda was like "Oh I cheated on you for a bit." then she was like "Oh I can see why, you're fine." It's cool..... No when the hell, *table flip*. So was the bother and sister going out? Why would.... maybe bad translation. But there was more crying, whose is me BS then anything. I was hoping that the goddess would take over and kill everything, that would have been better. The goddess at least had a spine.
Jun 12, 2013 10:02 AM
Jul 2018
no kiss? 7/10 only because the artist/character designer is one of my favorites
Jun 12, 2013 3:12 PM
Jun 2013
Guess I would still like to know how the novel wraps up the whole Himegami part. Minuetto, would you be so kind and write about it?
Jun 12, 2013 3:17 PM

Aug 2012
T'was a weak ending really.
Jun 12, 2013 4:28 PM

Jan 2013
Aww, I loved this anime, and now it's come to an end. What a powerful ending episode too. As I watched it I felt it lasted much longer than the 24 minutes, but that was a good thing. So much was packed into this episode. I moved my mouse to check how long was left as I didn't want it to end, and was so happy to see that I was only halfway through it.

I do hope there will at least be an OVA to follow up on this, as the end was very abrupt, which I suppose couldn't be helped what with having to put so much in only 12 episodes, unfortunately.

Also, I absolutely adore the ending song, Yokan by Masumi Itou. I just had to download the 4-track single, and it's fast becoming one of my top favourite songs. Could also be another reason why I loved this anime so much, as I tend to associate things with music.
Jun 12, 2013 8:21 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Nice ending :D The action scenes with Miyuki was exciting to watch, to see him struggle to get through the layers. Although I disliked Takayanagi, with his dog form I just couldn't help but smile. He also seemed apologetic towards Izumiko. It was fun seeing Miyuki and Takayanagi's interactions. I really liked this series, despite not being the most exciting thing ever and being somewhat confusing. Of course what attracted my attention to RDG was because of the Shinto/Buddhism theme, but I ended up liking it for Izumiko and Miyuki's character growth (and for them too XD). They've come a long way since the first episode. Plus, I highly enjoyed watching their scenes <3 That hug and the part after the credits was too adorable. I love how he tells her, "tell me you need me" (or something like that). Overall, I'm going to miss this, and I wish it was at least a few episodes longer because I found it a little hard to follow at times.
Jun 12, 2013 9:26 PM

Nov 2007
Very nice atmosphere and good reference to Shinto but the story felt very incomplete. A lot of plot points were barely touched and glanced over. Seemed to have skipped over a lot of details from the novels... which could be a good thing because imho the novels seemed a bit less focused.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jun 12, 2013 10:16 PM

Jun 2012
Was that actually the end?
Jun 13, 2013 3:18 AM

May 2013
cra_cra said:
Guess I would still like to know how the novel wraps up the whole Himegami part. Minuetto, would you be so kind and write about it?

minuettoJun 13, 2013 3:23 AM
Jun 13, 2013 6:08 PM

Aug 2007
Wow well... that was the most disappointing show I've watched in a while.
Jun 14, 2013 12:10 AM

Apr 2011
pffft..., its amusing how peple rage over something they didn't understand
Jun 14, 2013 7:00 PM

Sep 2011
Got a bit boring at times, eh maybe 3/4 the time, but it was still an okay series. Ending was okay.

Jun 14, 2013 9:53 PM

Jul 2012
Oh well, maybe additional 3-ep ova is desirable, considering that the ending had me wanting for more.

Jun 18, 2013 3:27 PM

Jul 2009
5/10 here coz the art was the only good thing about it, it didn't get to a closure in the whole goodness thing and the school competition was silly.
Jun 18, 2013 4:16 PM

Nov 2008
That was rather enjoyable.
Jun 18, 2013 4:16 PM
Oct 2012
allflying said:
pffft..., its amusing how peple rage over something they didn't understand

Well, in that the whole point of telling a story is to, well, tell a story, it is only natural that people would rage at having wasted 6 hours of their time watching a story that was not satisfying.

Now some of the things that westerners do not understand about this show was cultural, particularly the relationship between ghosts and gods (more to the point Kami), so one cannot fault a Japanese show for not explaining such things to their Japanese audience. This may be true, but at the same time this show was not the best at telling a concise story without assuming that the audience has read the books, which is one of the great problems with adaptation. Deciding how much to stick with the original work.

In the case of RDG, I think it would have helped to think of the animation more independently, and in thinking of this cut certain things to focus on strengthening the plot and world view of the story. This would have had its own tradeoff - purists would have been mad at making changes to the novels, but overall given that they were trying to cover 6 novels (and not light novels) in 12 episodes, I think condensing was both necessary and justified. Doing this would have forced the writer and director to think of ways making it easier on the viewer to understand what was going on instead of reminding me of that great episode of Zetsubou Sensei where they made fun of the "but I was only following the original story" excuse.
Jun 19, 2013 7:59 AM

May 2013
Lieila said:

Oh I love to see that scenes. The jealous Izumiko must be cute. It’s a pity not to see them animated. The twins’ arc was a bit long for my taste so they should probably cut it down and instead, animated some of these flirt scenes between Honoka and Miyuki.

I’m banging the table right now with my hands upon knowing this. :D Gah, I’d really love to see them.

The official website announces today that they're adapting one of these scenes into a 2-part drama cd which will be bundled with RDG BD/DVD vol 4 and 5 XD It's a scene from volume 4 of the novel where student council committee went to Hachiouji Ruins for a test of courage survey.

I wish that if P.A.Works doesn't plan to do an ova for the last volume adaptation, at least they should release more drama cds like these ones.

EDIT: Today's end card of ep 12 is very cute :)
minuettoJun 19, 2013 9:51 AM
Jun 19, 2013 1:32 PM

Sep 2012
Well, it got better as it went but was way too short to do the novels justice. After they blew through 200 pages for each of episodes 9 and 11 I wondered, "can they do the last 110 pages of book 5 and all 356 pages (all hard cover numbers) of book 6 in one episode? Can they skip even more than before?" But then they didn't do book 6 at all... Somehow the pace often felt nice and slow even though they were blasting through the books as fast as they could. It really could have used two cours like Hanasaku Iroha. Ah well.

They have enough material there for 2-4 OVAs or Drama CDs if they wanted to do that or perhaps they hope people will just buy the last novel? Book 6 starts just after the festival.

Anyways, it was a cute ending the way they did it. The music was nice and it looked nice. Too bad it was so fast and yet they tried to keep all the characters and subplots in it.

7/10 for me which is too bad as I had very high hopes for it before the season started.
Jun 19, 2013 4:28 PM
Jun 2012
Huh? Wait... That was the last ep? WTF? I can't remember ever watching the last ep of a show and after finishing it, having absolutely NO idea that it was the last ep...
Jun 19, 2013 6:37 PM

Sep 2012
Darkmatterx76 said:
Huh? Wait... That was the last ep? WTF? I can't remember ever watching the last ep of a show and after finishing it, having absolutely NO idea that it was the last ep...
Perhaps because it isn't really the end of the story... they say she will probably be the World Heritage Girl and it seems they may confess but... they don't. Not yet anyways...
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