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Mar 2, 2013 11:16 PM
Jan 2011
symbv said:
Well, it is in fact meant to be a weapon of mass destruction, something that the owner would deploy it only in a desperate situation, just like nuclear weapon. The idea is to stress the desperate situation those non-EPSers are facing, which finds its parallel in the ESPers now facing a fiend. The reason why nuclear weapon is not used here is because nuclear weapon, based on physics, is easier to be countered by ESPers than agents working inside their bodies to destroy them.

ESPs not gods and they have their threshold of cantus usage, that was shown numerous times (in fact one of the strategies of winning against fiend is to exhaust him), I don't believe really, that anybody in the world (even strongest cantus users) can withstand thermonuclear/nuclear explosion in vicinity. So in such case nukes are more precise weapon with less consequences than some kind of biological weapon. Anyway even if this weapon is the last resort, it is not correct to call it "specific weapon against cantus users"
And yes I could agree with previous comment regarding foolproof solutions. I was trying to say the same thing. Given society is logical enough, not emotional in any way and preferring foolproof and logical solutions for any kind of threat (and understands that prevention not 100% effective in all cases) , but for some reason in the face of real danger this logic disappears, all going emotional and starting to wait for some miracle to happen.
sptorMar 2, 2013 11:43 PM
Mar 3, 2013 1:33 AM

Jun 2010
I hope Kiroumaru won't betray them. He strikes me more like the type of character that will die while saving them.

I wonder if indeed this 'Psychobuster' weapon will save them.
Mar 3, 2013 3:18 AM

Sep 2012
katsucats said:
I just disagree. Obviously the weapon exists in Shinsekai Yori universe, but the proper, ideal, solution should come from within the village, with proper strategy out of the abilities of the villagers themselves that the series tried so hard to build up. A previously unmentioned weapon of mass destruction is an implicit acknowledgement of defeat.
Actually I would at least agree with you that the weapon is a desperate measure and so you can argue it is an implicit acknowledgement of defeat (of a sort). But then back to my example, I do not see much difference between finding the weapon in Tokyo or finding it in some hidden vault within the village. It is still something that is beyond the current technology and ability of the villagers but yet we know existed from history. The details may have been previously unmentioned but not the existence of the kind of weapon itself.

katsucats said:
]No, what I mean is this weapon is an all-or-nothing, it's not sound strategy. It's not foolproof. Our protagonists have one opportunity to get this right, otherwise we are to believe it would spell doom for mankind. You might as well bet your future throwing a dice.
Indeed, and this is how desperate those people have become. I think the story has successfully conveyed the sense of desperation when they face a fiend.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Mar 3, 2013 3:24 AM

Sep 2012
sptor said:
ESPs not gods and they have their threshold of cantus usage, that was shown numerous times (in fact one of the strategies of winning against fiend is to exhaust him), I don't believe really, that anybody in the world (even strongest cantus users) can withstand thermonuclear/nuclear explosion in vicinity. So in such case nukes are more precise weapon with less consequences than some kind of biological weapon. Anyway even if this weapon is the last resort, it is not correct to call it "specific weapon against cantus users"
Nukes are not precise because it just create a huge area of destruction. In terms of pinpointing small area of attack, biological weapon would be easier than nukes. We have seen anthrax delivered to targeted individuals as a terrorist attack, I doubt you can target individuals (instead of groups of individuals not all of them you want to kill) with a nuke, no matter how small it is. Besides you need technology like planes or missiles to deliver nukes if you don't want to be killed as well (there is a threshold of cantus range after all so you cannot deliver it from many kilometers away). Biological weapon is simpler.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Mar 3, 2013 8:25 AM

Jan 2012
They should really show the world more, and show us where the other human settled after the war! Like should of told us more stories on how the first human with cantus get its powers!
Mar 3, 2013 12:34 PM

Nov 2012
Question: how are they capable of erasing specific memories of other humans? (kids)
Mar 3, 2013 12:39 PM

Sep 2012
This one was more of a build up episode for an epic finale. Not seeing Kiomaru is gonna betray them like some guys since I think he really despises Yakomaru and would never want to be in the same ranks as him. But who knows? Also hoping they can explain the whole "how a child becomes a fiend" thing, and the whole transition into a fiend in general better. I wish I had a pet false minoshiro.
A match made in heaven set the fires in hell
Mar 3, 2013 12:43 PM
Feb 2013
Decent episode. Maybe a wee bit less compelling than 19-20, but still very good. And a lot of things have been confirmed by now. They even doubt if the fiend is a real fiend (though it seems obvious to me he isn't in the classical sense, so why only Saki sees this, is a bit puzzling).

One point I have trouble with, however, is their eagerness to find that weapon, especially since we now know what it is: a weapon of mass destruction, highly infectious. I mean: is that REALLY the weapon they should search for? I'm not understanding why they don't see the inherent danger of that. It's specifically made to combat and destroy cantus-users and it's contagious. Ermm...hello? You want to kill ONE human cantus-user with such a weapon, who might as well kill ALL other cantus-users??

I know they're desperate, and maybe they're lucky in a way, for the fiend to have come to such a desolated place, far removed from others... but what if he didn't? What if he went to other villages? Would they really risk such a thing? Risk genocide of their own people just to kill that one fiend?

In fact...I'm wondering if that's not one of the reasons squeeler is there too. Maybe he knows something of that weapon (he probably has some form of info (minoshiro), seen their rapid progress and the hints we have gotten). This would be, after all, the ultimate and ideal weapon to use against humans; once successfully infected, it could wipe out a whole village without having to do anything else.

So maybe Saki & co are guiding them towards their own demise, as a human race.
AnimageNebyMar 3, 2013 12:47 PM
Mar 3, 2013 1:08 PM

Jun 2012
Amazing episode again, although it had to be cut off at the end of the episode, I really wanted it to never end. Looks like the tunnels may be where things are settled.

Mar 3, 2013 1:36 PM

Feb 2012
If it turns out the fiend has death feedback just for queerats I'm going to call BS.

The fiend wiped out lots of other queerats (e.g. Kiroumaru's batallion).
Kellhus said:

GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Mar 3, 2013 1:48 PM
Mar 2013
It’s a bit suspicious Yakomaru run after Saki but I think it’s not the Kuroumaru who gave the information to the Queerats.

Queerats without the Fiend (?) are no threat for Cantus users (especially now, when the ambush effect is gone). So the real problem is the Fiend and paradoxically the weapon which could eliminate the Fiend and… all the people in the district. So why not to get rid of those two problems by activating a mass destruction weapon somewhere far away from the village? But how to make the Fiend going to such a place? Well…

If I’m correct I wonder what will be Saki’s answer. I believe she can survive the psychobuster pandemonium because of her ability to fix broken pottery ( „The image you need to have in mind when restoring the telomer is similar to the one you need when fixing the pottery”).

I just don’t want Kuromaru to be a traitor ☺
zulli2Mar 3, 2013 3:40 PM
Mar 3, 2013 3:05 PM

Mar 2012
Am I the only one with the bad feeling that wasn't Mamoru's child? What if it was the child of Maria and a bakenezumi, even if it does make me feel sick to even mention that, this anime DOES seem to like toying with me.

Also, am I the only one that doesn't like Shun? He just got everything in life without doing anything. He wasn't even good at the end, saving Saki's life was no big deal because he knew he was going to die a more painful way anyway.

Also, I'd like you all to realise that using this biological weapon didn't work 1000 years ago, so with the help of their false minoshiro, Yakomaru probably has a way to counteract it.
Mar 3, 2013 3:57 PM
Feb 2013
XartaX said:
If it turns out the fiend has death feedback just for queerats I'm going to call BS.

The fiend wiped out lots of other queerats (e.g. Kiroumaru's batallion).

Actually, that would make perfectly sense.

I've already explained this when episode 19 and 20 came around, and the only thing that could have been a valid counterargument would be, indeed, if Kiroummarous' battallion had been wiped out by the fiend.

As I said earlier, however, it was never said those rats themselves were killed by a cantus-user. If you look and rewatch that scene where they are discussing it, they only say the fact that no weapons were damaged or used was a sign of a cantus user. They also said the rats were mutilated, but they DID NOT say that was due to cantus. Therefore, my theory was that while the fiend had immobilised them, and got rid of all their weapons, he didn't directly killed them; the other rats did.

Which is, precisely, what they now confirm in this episode. I mean, you did watch it, right? Kiroummarou literally says that that is what has happened.

Ergo: the 'fiend' (which isn't a real fiend, as even Saki now begins to realise) has an imprint on rats, just as I have predicted all along. The death feedback works similar to that of a duckling to his 'mother', thus. In which case, instead of being BS, it would be the contrary: it would make perfectly sense he gets a death feedback when directly killing rats.
Mar 3, 2013 4:09 PM

Apr 2012
Since different groups of queerats are very physically dissimilar, it would also make sense for the child to only have death feedback for Yakomaru's tribe.
Mar 3, 2013 4:24 PM

Feb 2011
XartaX said:
If it turns out the fiend has death feedback just for queerats I'm going to call BS.

The fiend wiped out lots of other queerats (e.g. Kiroumaru's batallion).

No, not exactly. Kiroumaru explained to them what happened. The "fiend" disarmed them and repelled their arrows, nothing else. Then the other armed queerrats had a walk-over and only Kiroumaru could get away, because his soldiers loyally threw themselves into close combat so he could flee.
Mar 3, 2013 5:18 PM

Feb 2012
feretto said:
XartaX said:
If it turns out the fiend has death feedback just for queerats I'm going to call BS.

The fiend wiped out lots of other queerats (e.g. Kiroumaru's batallion).

No, not exactly. Kiroumaru explained to them what happened. The "fiend" disarmed them and repelled their arrows, nothing else. Then the other armed queerrats had a walk-over and only Kiroumaru could get away, because his soldiers loyally threw themselves into close combat so he could flee.

He literally says "A single child caused the destruction of most of my elite troops". He would definitely not phrase it like this if he was backed up by rats to do the actual killing. And Saki later responds that they will "avenge his soldiers" as if the fiend did the killing.
Kellhus said:

GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Mar 3, 2013 5:58 PM

Dec 2012
Another interesting episode. Kiroumaru has always been suspicious ever since they kept zooming in on his smirk during the meeting.
I will be surprised if Kiroumaru is loyal to the humans because there really isn't any reason for Kiroumaru to be on the human's side aside from the fact that his troops were slaughtered by their 'opponents'. Kiroumaru's army provided a false sense of security and allowed the queerats to take the humans by surprise. It is too convenient that Kiroumaru happens to be in the same time and place where the humans will be able to get the weapon to defeat the fiend.
Apologies if this post was too obvious or if someone already posted this.
Mar 3, 2013 6:04 PM
Jan 2013
Very very good episode.
Mar 3, 2013 7:21 PM

Jan 2011
XartaX said:
feretto said:
XartaX said:
If it turns out the fiend has death feedback just for queerats I'm going to call BS.

The fiend wiped out lots of other queerats (e.g. Kiroumaru's batallion).

No, not exactly. Kiroumaru explained to them what happened. The "fiend" disarmed them and repelled their arrows, nothing else. Then the other armed queerrats had a walk-over and only Kiroumaru could get away, because his soldiers loyally threw themselves into close combat so he could flee.

He literally says "A single child caused the destruction of most of my elite troops". He would definitely not phrase it like this if he was backed up by rats to do the actual killing. And Saki later responds that they will "avenge his soldiers" as if the fiend did the killing.

Let me make another suggestion. The genetic component of death feedback seems a little fishy to me. I can accept that you could genetically create the mechanism by which such a self-destruct could occur, but I suspect that the trigger is psychological--perception that you have directly killed a being defined as "human"/people. Note that ordering a cat or a queerat to kill a human doesn't trigger this, however accidentally killing a human does. All this leads me to believe that a great deal of the conditioning of the children is to reinforce this psychological trigger and also to ensure that the child's definition of people includes all human beings (but not queerats). The rats on the other hand are primarily focused on the hive and have no inhibitions about killing the members and queen of other hives (in fact since they are competitors there is probably some pressure to do so). In the same way that some (if not most) pre-literate human societies have one word ("people") to refer to members of the tribe, and another word ("stranger"/"other") to refer to non-members, Ria (for lack of a better name) has imprinted on the Robber Fly hive as being the one group he belongs to. That's why he can kill humans and other queerats--he doesn't see them as "human" in his particular definition.

As a side note this is why propaganda during a war always dehumanizes the opposition--always easier to firebomb their cities and kill their women and children if you consider them to be a (insert derogatory racial or religious epithet here) and not a good upstanding human like you, your family, and neighbours.

And as to what happened to the normal humans? Remember that it was the fourth group, the scientific observers, who stepped in to end the conflicts of the slave empire revolt. I think the Education Committee and the Reapers reflect that kind of "objective" attitude on how to solve such a problem.

Note that I'm typing with a broken wrist in a cast so there may be some typos here, please disregard them.
rodacMar 3, 2013 7:28 PM
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Mar 3, 2013 8:32 PM

Feb 2012

Note that I'm typing with a broken wrist in a cast so there may be some typos here, please disregard them.

rodac said:
XartaX said:
feretto said:
XartaX said:
If it turns out the fiend has death feedback just for queerats I'm going to call BS.

The fiend wiped out lots of other queerats (e.g. Kiroumaru's batallion).

No, not exactly. Kiroumaru explained to them what happened. The "fiend" disarmed them and repelled their arrows, nothing else. Then the other armed queerrats had a walk-over and only Kiroumaru could get away, because his soldiers loyally threw themselves into close combat so he could flee.

He literally says "A single child caused the destruction of most of my elite troops". He would definitely not phrase it like this if he was backed up by rats to do the actual killing. And Saki later responds that they will "avenge his soldiers" as if the fiend did the killing.

Let me make another suggestion. The genetic component of death feedback seems a little fishy to me. I can accept that you could genetically create the mechanism by which such a self-destruct could occur, but I suspect that the trigger is psychological--perception that you have directly killed a being defined as "human"/people. Note that ordering a cat or a queerat to kill a human doesn't trigger this, however accidentally killing a human does. All this leads me to believe that a great deal of the conditioning of the children is to reinforce this psychological trigger and also to ensure that the child's definition of people includes all human beings (but not queerats). The rats on the other hand are primarily focused on the hive and have no inhibitions about killing the members and queen of other hives (in fact since they are competitors there is probably some pressure to do so). In the same way that some (if not most) pre-literate human societies have one word ("people") to refer to members of the tribe, and another word ("stranger"/"other") to refer to non-members, Ria (for lack of a better name) has imprinted on the Robber Fly hive as being the one group he belongs to. That's why he can kill humans and other queerats--he doesn't see them as "human" in his particular definition.

As a side note this is why propaganda during a war always dehumanizes the opposition--always easier to firebomb their cities and kill their women and children if you consider them to be a (insert derogatory racial or religious epithet here) and not a good upstanding human like you, your family, and neighbours.

And as to what happened to the normal humans? Remember that it was the fourth group, the scientific observers, who stepped in to end the conflicts of the slave empire revolt. I think the Education Committee and the Reapers reflect that kind of "objective" attitude on how to solve such a problem.

Welp, that's the best explanation I've heard so far. If it's adequately explained in the anime itself, then a'ight. But if they just leave it up to us to explain it for them, I'll still call bs (this is all assuming death feedback will take out the fiend when he kills a rat).

Also, yay pyramids!
Kellhus said:

GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Mar 3, 2013 8:55 PM
Aug 2010
A journey into the unknown, exciting. Also, Saki is moe.

Is that Shun in the preview? When he died I predicted that his role was probably not over yet but I seriously hope its not just due to the fact that the anime staff loves Shun and hates Satoru again.
BobjonesMar 3, 2013 9:01 PM
Mar 3, 2013 9:15 PM

Feb 2013
So cantus user can't use cantus if they on painkiller. I wonder why @.@
Mar 4, 2013 2:34 AM
Feb 2013
XartaX said:
feretto said:
XartaX said:
If it turns out the fiend has death feedback just for queerats I'm going to call BS.

The fiend wiped out lots of other queerats (e.g. Kiroumaru's batallion).

No, not exactly. Kiroumaru explained to them what happened. The "fiend" disarmed them and repelled their arrows, nothing else. Then the other armed queerrats had a walk-over and only Kiroumaru could get away, because his soldiers loyally threw themselves into close combat so he could flee.

He literally says "A single child caused the destruction of most of my elite troops". He would definitely not phrase it like this if he was backed up by rats to do the actual killing. And Saki later responds that they will "avenge his soldiers" as if the fiend did the killing.

And that single child was, indeed, the cause of the demise of his elite troops: without him, the other rats wouldn't have had a chance to kill them off.

So I don't see what your problem is. Besides, in the same scene he explains what happened, and he clearly says that the fiend disarmed them, and the other rats killed them off. So why are you still disputing and saying that the fiend DID kill all those other rats, if the one who was present says he didn't?

Whether you like that particular thought or not, within the story, if the fiend didn't kill those rats, he wouldn't have suffered death feedback, even if he had an imprint on rats. Thus, logic dictates that, even if the fiend would now have a death feedback if he killed a rat, it wouldn't be BS, but, on the contrary, make perfect sense, in as far as the death imprint is genetic - and there have been given hints enough that it is. The conditioning may reinforce it, but clearly the death feedback's origin is similar to that of the imprinting mechanism of ducklings, who follow and consider the first thing they see move as their mother.
Mar 4, 2013 3:13 AM

Aug 2012
Great episode, the level of suspense just went up from the previous episode, I can't wait to watch the next episode.

I expected Tokyo to be a multitude of collapsed buildings, but it's a desert?

And I expected Psychobuster to be a nuclear weapon or some other powerful explosive, but it an anthrax biological weapon?
tripmodeMar 4, 2013 3:16 AM

My Youtube page: link
Mar 4, 2013 3:32 AM
Feb 2013
tripmode1992 said:
Great episode, the level of suspense just went up from the previous episode, I can't wait to watch the next episode.

I expected Tokyo to be a multitude of collapsed buildings, but it's a desert?

And I expected Psychobuster to be a nuclear weapon or some other powerful explosive, but it an anthrax biological weapon?

Can't be a simple ordinary anthrax-based weapon, however, or it would work on all humans (and mammals). The fact it's specifically against cantus-users (and the name 'psychobuster' is also a hint for that) indicates that it are genetically modified anthrax-like bacteria, specifically targeting the gene-sequence of cantus-users. This would mean cantus-user do differ a little bit genetically from 'normal' humans, but that isn't a farfetched assumption, seen the fact that any mutation causes a change in our genes.

As said; if it's that contagious, though, aren't they risking MORE when they want to use it on one individual fiend? If it goes out of hand, they could inadvertently cause the annihilation of their own species with such a weapon. (Certainly if Squeeler get his hands on it). It makes as much sense as wanting to use an a-bom to kill a spider in your house.

Well, ok, a spider can't kill you all off, but if that's the kind of desperation they're feeling, it doesn't bode well. If they mess this up, and Squeeler gets it, there is no way in hell they can still win. Didn't that thought ever cross their mind?

As we've seen, the death feedback only kicks in as a direct result of (realising that) one has killed a human. When that's not the case, it doesn't kick in, or only to a moderate (non-lethal) level. Couldn't hey just try to indirectly kill that fiend?

Or is he at the level of Shisei, and is such a formidable cantus-users, the others just can't kill him in an indirect manner?
Mar 4, 2013 6:17 AM

Feb 2012
Someone didn't actually listen to the dialogue, I see. What part about words and their meaning is hard to get, I wonder sometimes.
Kellhus said:

GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Mar 4, 2013 11:52 AM

Oct 2011
I'm under the impression Kiromaru is hiding something big. He's likely collaborating with Yakomaru and misleading the humans into trusting him. My basis for this theory is his uncanny smirk, and that he miraculously survived that battle [I highly doubt that was luck, it's more reasonable to assume that entire battle was a set-up to trick the humans].

Mar 4, 2013 1:51 PM
Aug 2012
Dashiawia said:
I'm under the impression Kiromaru is hiding something big. He's likely collaborating with Yakomaru and misleading the humans into trusting him. My basis for this theory is his uncanny smirk, and that he miraculously survived that battle [I highly doubt that was luck, it's more reasonable to assume that entire battle was a set-up to trick the humans].

He pretty much hated Yakomaru when they both got summoned before the council.
Mar 4, 2013 2:14 PM
Jan 2013
tripmode1992 said:

I expected Tokyo to be a multitude of collapsed buildings, but it's a desert?

And I expected Psychobuster to be a nuclear weapon or some other powerful explosive, but it an anthrax biological weapon?

I imagined Tokyo as it is in a world Syaoran's group goes to in Tsubasa Chronicles, which was yeah, pretty much collapsed buildings and stuff because of acid rain....I wonder what happened to this Tokyo? (so many unanswered questions in everything >.<)

I expected the Psychobuster to be something mind-related. Which, it I barely remember what it does now. D:
Mar 4, 2013 8:23 PM

Sep 2012
Chibiyori said:
tripmode1992 said:

I expected Tokyo to be a multitude of collapsed buildings, but it's a desert?

And I expected Psychobuster to be a nuclear weapon or some other powerful explosive, but it an anthrax biological weapon?

I imagined Tokyo as it is in a world Syaoran's group goes to in Tsubasa Chronicles, which was yeah, pretty much collapsed buildings and stuff because of acid rain....I wonder what happened to this Tokyo? (so many unanswered questions in everything >.<)

I expected the Psychobuster to be something mind-related. Which, it I barely remember what it does now. D:

A thousand years has passed. I'm not very surprised.
"whats so special about bonzai trees?"
"They are the loli of the tree world."

Inganock of the Brightest Flame
Mar 5, 2013 8:36 AM

Oct 2012
PhoenixIce said:
Am I the only one who thinks kiomaru is going to betray them based on this episode?

Yes, I also got that impression. Kiroumaru is definitely plotting something.
Shame cause he's pretty much the only bakenezumi I liked u.u

It was interesting when Saki suggested if the kid was a fiend. Is he really a fiend, or is he just doing what he was taught to do? As far as he knows, he's a bakenezumi.

How will they deal with him....

It's a shame about Saki's parents too u.u

Overall great episode!!!
"We should be more proud of NEETs! Love the country that strives to produce NEETs, for world peace, we must stand up! We must find more non NEET-in-waiting elites, learn from each other , form a new Japanese Party, and bravely challenge the evil! Grow, NEETs! Grow like blazing fire! NEETs!”
Mar 5, 2013 4:41 PM
Sep 2011
It was 12 year old Shun's voice in the preview, so obviously he's not coming back to life.

He'll just be an illusion in Saki's mind...
Mar 5, 2013 7:55 PM

Oct 2012
I don't really think Shun is going to actually be "back". He'll probably be remembered by Saki and Satoru. After all, I'm pretty sure he died back in like ep --teen something.

Mar 6, 2013 12:22 AM

Sep 2012
Takei_Hisa said:
I don't really think Shun is going to actually be "back". He'll probably be remembered by Saki and Satoru. After all, I'm pretty sure he died back in like ep --teen something.

Mar 6, 2013 5:40 AM
Sep 2012
Whew, while this episode wasn’t having people burnt and killed left and right, it still was exciting. The letter scene was so sad. At that point Saki had to realize there is little to no chance of seeing her parents again. Even if she is the chosen one, finding the weapon is going to be difficult. A few times Kiroumaru had this odd smile on his face. I couldn’t tell if it was hinting at him betraying the group or unintentional. Tokyo is also way different than were used to seeing it. In Shin Sekai Yori, it’s a desert with caves. The weapon having a type of anthrax in it was interesting to me due to how it’s been used in the last decade or so. In the end I was very pleased with this episode. Too bad the show is almost over!
Mar 6, 2013 1:43 PM

Jul 2010
....What? That was 20 minutes?! It literally felt like 5 minutes... wow. Great episode... such anticipation and amazing pacing. Whenever I saw the boat, I was filled with fear... but I feel so bad that Saki can't even accept that her friends' child became an ogre :(

Oh, and I see that everyone things Kiroumaru is plotting something... But I honestly don't know. I feel like there have been so many betrayals in this hopeless situation that it couldn't possibly be made worse. I really hope not though...I like Kiroumaru. For now, he has my trust. ^_^

I need the next episode! Nao!! And what was that about Shun in the preview..? o_O Haha xD But it is hell!!

It made me giggle a little whenever Saki found something horrific, Kiroumaru would just be like "This is just the beginning." or "This is heaven compared to what's ahead." XD lolz

5/5 - Episodes like these really make my day. They fly by in minutes and every second is filled with suspense. :)

Dashiawia said:
I'm under the impression Kiromaru is hiding something big. He's likely collaborating with Yakomaru and misleading the humans into trusting him. My basis for this theory is his uncanny smirk, and that he miraculously survived that battle [I highly doubt that was luck, it's more reasonable to assume that entire battle was a set-up to trick the humans].

Nice theory... I could really see this happening. But everything is just so sad and hopeless, I can't take anymore letdowns and betrayals... xD So for now, I am trusting Kiroumaru.
fishergirl16Mar 6, 2013 1:48 PM
Mar 6, 2013 10:20 PM

Dec 2011
Ooh. The future relying on the past technology??? It sure reflects the real world.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 9, 2013 4:36 AM

Oct 2012
Good ep.

But that anthrax/psychobuster seems like final way for queerats to destroy cantus users. They are walking with devil when they want to use it to destroy fiend.

Betrayal of Kiroumarou is possible but it would mean they (queerats and Yakomaru) had the knowledge of Psychobuster and that they needed cantus user to somehow activate it (last Kiroumarou visit to Tokyo could be pretty to discover this knowledge). Well, let's see.
Mar 10, 2013 9:21 PM

Feb 2012
This series-- holy crap. I'm pumped for the next episode now.
Mar 21, 2013 5:56 PM

Jul 2012
I've got nothing to say really, it was a great episode like the rest^^ Preview seems like the next episode will be interesting, Shun will be mentioned is what I'm assuming.

Though I'm not all trusting Kiroumaro no matter how helpful and cool he is..
Mar 27, 2013 9:26 PM
Jan 2012
I am not trusting Kiroumaro either, I hope I am wrong, because I like him quite a bit.

The episode was amazing, by the way.
Apr 1, 2013 12:53 PM

Sep 2012
Shit just got real
Apr 3, 2013 6:00 PM

May 2012
Damn that ending... quite nice story development I like where this is going! Nice buildup so far lets hope it doesn't get fucked up now!
Apr 21, 2013 3:59 PM

Sep 2011
"Now I know why this was called hell."
"No, we are still in heaven."

Apr 24, 2013 4:19 PM
Jun 2012
I keep having this awful feeling that Satoru will disappear or die every moment. I don't want him to disappear! He and Saki has always been together - and I love his character.
With just Saki .. Something would be missing.
The suspense is driving me crazy! ><
Apr 29, 2013 4:58 AM

Jun 2008
PhoenixIce said:
Am I the only one who thinks kiomaru is going to betray them based on this episode?

Yeah he also has been suspicious since some time now. I remember that sneaky laugh after that battle. His definitely not with Yakomaru though.
What i think he wants to achieve is use that old biological weapon to make all human normal. Don't forget that his quality is power. He lost his army because of cantus. He will be happy in world without it and he will have the upper hand.
In a world with no Cantus he has a very good chance of rebuilding an army and win battle after battle conquering lands etc. Humans would be too weak to stop him since they have lived all this years relying too much on their cantus power and Yakomaru can't beat him in a straight battle.

Posse said:
maulcux said:
even saki and satoru dont know how the child becomes a fiend, it's actually not a plot hole. i hope there will be an explanation for that later.

In fact they gave a hint that the child isn't really a fiend when Saki asks Satoru about that, it's quite likely that he/she just doesn't recognize them as humans so death feedback doesnt work just because of that reason

In the end this seems to be the reason. The kid just thinks it's a different species than them. It does recognize them as humans, it's just that it doesn't think itself as a human.
The DNA death feedback seems to be a mechanism that makes you suffer when you subconsciously realize you killed one of your own kind and not simply killed a human.
MonadApr 29, 2013 5:03 AM
Apr 30, 2013 4:09 PM

Sep 2011
I'm still a bit sceptical about Kiroumaru. I can't fully trust him that he won't turn around the tide when they get to the weapon so he could be the leader of the queerats.

Saki's mother having the means to destroy the fiend seemed like a bit too convenient.

I like the idea of that weapon, though I thought they were gonna use their Cantus in some way to destroy the fiend.

I liked the design of that submarine thing. And I also liked the post-apocalyptic Tokyo.
May 17, 2013 3:21 AM

Jan 2013
Another nice episode, damn this series is actually good.

And one of my favorite line/lines, "Now I know what hell is." "No. This is still Heaven."
CabronMay 17, 2013 3:25 AM
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Jul 4, 2013 3:39 AM

Apr 2013
The Rats and the Fiend are very persistent.
Sep 21, 2013 10:42 AM

Nov 2012
oh we are in "new" tokyo now :3
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