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Oct 4, 2008 6:24 AM

Jun 2008
So there's the end of our beloved little series. It's been a while since I've shed this many tears at the end of an anime.
I had to watch the raw since anon speed subs appears to have disbanded, hopefully another fansub will pick at least the last episode.
EDIT: Well, subs just came out, that's good.

Accompanying 2 main characters and their love interests throughout 2 generations was fun, the music fitting and the art great.

I'm very conflicted on rating Allison & Lillia definitively since there are so many good aspects and so many bad aspects. Anyway I've gotta update my review, probably with a full rewrite, praising it more.

For those who've followed this anime from the beginning, and also had the patience to wait for the subs and everything, thanks for watching and let's wait and see if there's anything similar this fall season, I'm betting on To Aru Majutsu or maybe Hakushaku no Yousei, see you there.
RandomOugiOct 4, 2008 8:00 AM
Oct 4, 2008 9:59 AM

Feb 2008
i would say the first part was better than the second. i dont really have much to say about this was meh.
Oct 4, 2008 2:40 PM
Oct 2007
there should be a ova or somthing, ending was total unsatisfactory
Oct 4, 2008 3:14 PM

Mar 2008
I am glad Treize made it through.

The flying biplane ladder kick was truly epic. How did Prisoner No. 42 get up after that?

This show was great. I agree that there needs to be more to the story. Allison's arc spread across 10 years almost, whereas Lillia's was only a couple years. I'd like to see the romance between Treize and Lillia, Travas and Allison getting married, and Travas revealing to Lillia that he's her father.

This attack gets 10/10 for creativity
SheepdudeOct 4, 2008 3:17 PM
Oct 4, 2008 4:08 PM

Jul 2008
Oh wow epic ending, at least the Biplane sequence was the best among others before in the series..I find.

Why the hell would Treize blush at revealing that he is the prince when he should be proud. To me that is just shame and being ashamed of royalty in his case should not be for the whole Ikstova family was persecuted and they did nothing for that. It was all greed.

I am happy Treize and Lillia finally dance in the end.

We finally know that Allison knew about Wil being Travas......ABOUT TIME. I knew it but was just not sure about her other than the expression and hints here and there.

The train part was cool and SCREW THE CABINET MINISTER WHO IS SHIT. What kind of name is HOMME???? Means man....him being a man? MORE LIKE BEING A BIG BLOB OF SHIT WHO USES PEOPLE! Corrupted scum ass of a politician to top it off. Good thing he will rot now instead of #42.


That was a nice flash back!

Treize most flashing moment!


Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Oct 4, 2008 4:30 PM

Apr 2008
The transfer ended the light novels :s

I liked the ending.

They didn't do th extra bit when Meg faints at the photo with Lillia and the princess. Aww.
Oct 4, 2008 8:08 PM

Jan 2008
Ending was a bit of a disappointment for me. For one thing, couldn't they find killing Treize easier if they used a gun? The villain went through this long complicated process to kill him using a train. And then what? He gets hit by a kid on a plane. I mean he dodged him so easily in the cabin. And what was the motive to kill Treize in the first place??? Why did the villain have to die with him? HOW DID TREIZE LIVE??? Confusing stuff.

Also, I wish they told Lillia that her dad was alive. I was hoping for a wedding finale...
Oct 4, 2008 8:59 PM

Jun 2007
The two things I was looking forward to the most, Treize revealing he's a prince and Travas revealing he's Lillia's dad, where either done poorly or not done at all. I felt totally let down by the ending of this show. I'll still give it an 8/10 overall but I really wish there was more or at least a better ending.

I agree, the first half was way better then the second. Not only because we got to see Wil and Allison grow up and evolve but also because the story felt more complete.
Oct 5, 2008 3:08 AM

Oct 2007
well that 's the end... i feel like the ending was okay... sucks that Lillia never got to know who her real father was even though he was right in front of her... i thought they were going to get to that in the end, but never did... overall a happy ending, so i guess that's okay... i'm glad i gave this series a chance because i really enjoyed it... the characters were really likable and grew on me as the series went on...
Oct 5, 2008 4:09 AM

Jan 2008
Ehh, the whole series was meh to me. But it was still a good watch. 7/10
Oct 5, 2008 9:49 AM

Jun 2007
Even though I'm normally prepared for things like that, it quite got me this time when Treize jumped back on the train.

The ending wasn't a bad one at all there were lots of things missing, yes - maybe that could have been better if they had divided this episode into two.
But I loved this show nevertheless with all it's ups and downs and the characters that grow on you quite much during the series.
Therefore I'll give Allison to Lillia a 8/10.
Oct 5, 2008 3:14 PM

Jun 2008
I never showed the train falling on Treize so maybe he could have gotten away in time. I loved this anime, surprisingly. I never thought I would. I ignored it for such a long time but I'm glad I finally watched it. it gets a 7/10 from me
Oct 6, 2008 5:34 PM
Dec 2007
I was hoping for more of an explanation/motive as to why Treize was the target... And I was also hoping Wil would come out and say he was Lillia's father. *cries in corner*
Oct 7, 2008 7:23 PM

Feb 2008
Plot Holes were everywhere.

Example : The mastermind was practically asking to be punished for the lousy kidnapping attempt.

Ending was extremely unsatisfying. I actually starting to to think that Criminal 42. is actually a good guy in disguise.

Oct 8, 2008 12:54 PM

Aug 2008
So the first half of the ending was good, but the writers just clearly didn't know how to end it, so they just said "screw it, we'll skip it, fake kill Treize and then bring him back a minute and a half later!" Very odd choice and poorly executed. I still want to give the whole show an 8, but it will probably go down after time.
Oct 11, 2008 9:12 AM

Jan 2008
i enjoyed the ending with many tears ^^
Oct 23, 2008 10:30 PM

Feb 2008
this series was garbage, the only thing that made it watchable was allison. i honestly don't know how i forced myself to finish the second half, it had no redeeming qualities other than the occasional appearance of Fi and Benidict.
Nov 7, 2008 11:35 AM

Jun 2008
I was personally a little disappointing by the ending, it felt rushed to me. We never even found out how Trieze survived the train wreck...or what happened to the villain. Not to mention he still never confessed his feelings to Lillia in words. I think it should have had one more episode to conclude things. Over all it was a descent ending to a great series....sad to see it end.
Dec 20, 2008 11:31 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I was gonna be nice and give it a 7 but since a lot of things were just left unexplained, I'll give it a 6. Wasn't too bad. though.




[H+] ³  
Dec 20, 2008 3:11 PM
Dec 2007
The ending was bad. Plain and simply bad, we feel as if the development wasn't finished, and the train incident was just... what the fuck happenned? The last arc was redundant and rushed too, so honestly, it was a very dissapointing series, starting so well and finishing (or not finishing) so bad... On top of that, the first half with Allison and Will was twice as good as the second part, where the animation and chara design failed totally. Maybe there are budget and staff issues, but it doesn't explain everything.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 20, 2008 5:26 PM

Jul 2007
The ending wasn't bad... but damn them.
I was also really let down by this, I'm going to have a hard time justifying a 7 for this now. Overall it was a nice ride, but it left a lot to be desired. A lot of things I just plain wanted to see were cut out (between the time jump and the ending). And some were rather anti-climactic (though I realise that's not what this show has ever been about...)

I just want at least some climactic stuff or some proper ogling of the couples. :(
Dec 21, 2008 9:03 AM

Sep 2008
That ending thudded to the ground like a train going over a cliff at 70 MPH into a ravine with a rocky whitewater river below.

Treize survived? Yeah, right! And then Lillia woke up.

I'd reccomend people only watch the first half of the series and pass on the Lillia arc alltogether.

Dec 21, 2008 10:04 AM

Aug 2007
The problem with the whole Lillia-part of this anime is that I didn't feel that all those episodes and arcs actually felt like more parts together, but they were more on themselves... It's also a pity that they didn't do the same thing as with the Allison arc: they're letting us guess what's going to happen. Well, perhaps that's thanks to the writer, or just because of a budget. Anyhow, I liked this series. Treize~ Oh yeah, the part in the hangar made me laugh: exactly as in the beginning...
DragonsWhipJul 13, 2010 3:00 PM
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Dec 21, 2008 3:01 PM

Nov 2007
I thought the ending was perfectly in line with what the series was as a whole, ridiculously corny action and story, but still enjoyable to watch. Prisoner 42 dodging punches while holding on to his tea was damn badass. Super happy ending and plot holes is what happened throughout the series, so I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised at the outcome or dissatisfied with it if they bothered to keep watching to this point.
Dec 26, 2008 9:53 PM

Apr 2008
I loved the anime, still it's not the best anime ever, not even close =/
The first arc was wonderful, this second... Bah, could have been so much better... Especially this ending... I though they would give the ending part an whole episode to explain everything and show the 'happily ever after' like they did on the first part, so having this was disappointing... Oh and I don't know why the hell did I ever thought they would make the right choice and just kill Treize.. True this is 'Allison to Lillia', everything that's impossible happens here, but still... This was too much..
Oh well, if it was only the first half this would be a really great anime, with this second part.... I still loved Lillia and Treize, but Allison and Will were so much better... =/
Jan 17, 2009 7:58 AM
Jul 2008
Whoa, this was really bad. I saw the first ~4 eps last spring and thought it was great, 9/10. Then I watched the rest of it the last couple of days. From 9/10 to a meager
5/10. This really went down the drain. I liked the animation, music and surroundings and I'm a sucker for adventure especially pre ~1930. But man, the plotholes and silly
explanations and the lack of them destroyed it. The only character I truly liked was Allison and that's why I somehow managed to finish it. And that was a horrible ending too.
Jan 19, 2009 1:20 PM

Nov 2007
i don't know what happened. like it seemed like the writer/editor got dumb for the second half of the series. every single time someone looked like they were going to die, they only fainted. i was like wtf.

and then the ending was dumb as well. going 70 into a cliff and then survivng. at least let them profess the love or let lillia know that travis is her real father.
Jan 30, 2009 11:16 AM
Aug 2008
Oh wow, finally, my utterly ridiculous waste of time is over! Yeay ! I can now waste my precious life by studying and watching anime that are actually interesting.

I have no idea why i agonized all these 26 excruciatingly long episodes.. i should do something about my habit of 'oh well, since i watched some of it - i have to finish it all'.

4/10, and even that is mostly for seiyū (voice actors) of Fiona (Noto Mamiko) and Allison (the one after episode ~12 Kuwashima Houko).
Oh, and P.S. who the hell switches seiyu's afther in the middle of an anime ? And all of that just to act out the friggin' same character (a.k.a. Riria).
GeForceJan 31, 2009 12:44 AM
Feb 7, 2009 2:08 PM

Jan 2008
Yeah, I have to agree with most of the other comments.

I was quite surprised when Treize fell off the ladder and back onto the train - I actually thought for a moment they make this a ridiculously depressing ending.

However, as soon as it showed Lillia+the families just chilling with some tea, hardly even grieving, I knew something was up; but just HOW could they resolve so many plot aspects in the remaining four minutes?!

Oh, they don't...

I wouldn't have a problem with the ending at all if more stuff was explained - Treize showing up at school was completely expected, and fit in perfectly with the series. However, it definitely should have been explained, and I'm pretty sure Lillia would be more surprised than just 'Oh, I was pretty worried I guess, let's go dance!'.

In the end - I did like the show. I liked it quite a lot. The first half was a little better, yeah, but the second half was no different to be honest - it's just that by this time, the pace and style of the show wasn't as interesting, so it probably seemed more boring. The everything-works-out-in-the-end mentality simply allowed you to chill and relax when watching, and not have a particular ammount of stress at all - you know it's going to work out (whereas with some series you are genuinely lost).

It just really needs more explaining, haha...

Ah well.

7/10. Glad to have finished it, at least, even if the ending left some to be desired - it's taken me nearly a year =P
Feb 7, 2009 4:44 PM

Oct 2008
the ending was ok but i want it in more detail how did treize(did i write it good =]) get off the train alive, i liked the first part of the story the most but it's still a good anime and i watched it with a smile xD
SkunkApr 17, 2011 12:15 PM
May 17, 2009 11:24 AM
Feb 2009
Sheepdude said:

This attack gets 10/10 for creativity

Agreed. >_<

I must say I didn't expect this kind of ending. I the end, it turned out fine, so I'm OK with this ending.
May 26, 2009 8:06 AM

Jan 2009
Muhaha, who bragged about perfect plans? XDDDDD It was only perfect if the plan was suicide, lol.
Jun 5, 2009 1:39 AM

Apr 2008
The ending should tell us more ><

Wil's case as a father was hung up. Treize and Lillia should advance a little more. They ended it without having their feelings relayed.

But oh well..the series was very good so I'll give it an 8/10.

Jun 18, 2009 7:43 AM
Dec 2008
I felt that the ending was a little disappointing. Why Trieze let go of the ladder and how he survived the fall is a big question. I mean, the ropes of the ladder ain't even snapping! He could have just held on and let #42 grab on to his leg all the way. If only they could have given an explanation, like how they were overweight or something...

However, the rest of the episodes are very well done. Overall I still enjoyed the series a lot. 8/10.
qseftJun 18, 2009 7:59 AM
Jul 3, 2009 11:31 PM

Nov 2007
Sylpheed said:
The ending should tell us more ><

Wil's case as a father was hung up. Treize and Lillia should advance a little more. They ended it without having their feelings relayed.

But oh well..the series was very good so I'll give it an 8/10.
Yes that! These were the two things that I was really looking forward to.

A few other things weren't executed right, but didn't matter to me like those two above. Pretty nice overall.
Jul 5, 2009 1:08 AM

May 2007
Kanon-kun said:
Ending was a bit of a disappointment for me. For one thing, couldn't they find killing Treize easier if they used a gun? The villain went through this long complicated process to kill him using a train. And then what? He gets hit by a kid on a plane. I mean he dodged him so easily in the cabin. And what was the motive to kill Treize in the first place??? Why did the villain have to die with him? HOW DID TREIZE LIVE??? Confusing stuff.

Also, I wish they told Lillia that her dad was alive. I was hoping for a wedding finale...

I was dumbfolded on how the villain was stupid enough to create such plan just to take out treize when he could do it sniping it from far away.
specially with Will's sloppy protection.

I mean, letting people on a train just because you feel bad for them is a Major('s) weakness. How can he be a Major like that? Thats a Major Failure. (Pun intended)

Quality was dropping more and more through the series...
Seriously. Did anyone notice those eyes?
It felt like it was inspired on akikan. -__-"

I really found the whole, lets catch lillia so we get to Treize so goddamn stupid!
I mean, if he managed to kidnap Peach Lilla, he would easily capture Treize as well.
They were alone, on the same wagon.

Lillia was reduced to another "Rescue me! I'm a cretin who gets kidnappped easily" character. Thats so godamn stupid and sad, that kills this series chance to be an masterpiece.

Well, not only this.

Anyway. i gave an 8 despite all downs from this series.
I mean, just because the second part was a literal trainwreak doesn't mean it should be a reason to lower that much the score.
Jul 9, 2009 9:03 PM

Dec 2007
RaitoTheReaper said:
I was hoping for more of an explanation/motive as to why Treize was the target... And I was also hoping Wil would come out and say he was Lillia's father. *cries in corner*

Trieze has an arranged marriage with the Queen of Sous-Beil (he's meant to marry her if he can't get with Lillia). The person who wants Treize dead has a son who has a high chance in marrying the Queen too. See the connection? I thought it was very cheesy cause this whole ending happened because Treize is an idiot who can't confess his feelings. Sigh.

Like many have mentioned. Too many plot holes and Lillia still doesn't know the whole truth about a lot of things. Prisoner 42 is an idiot.
Aug 2, 2009 3:38 PM
Feb 2009
yer >.> lol was expecting a beter ending.
Aug 29, 2009 7:36 AM
Aug 2008
GeForce said:
Oh wow, finally, my utterly ridiculous waste of time is over! ...
I have no idea why i agonized all these 26 excruciatingly long episodes..

This was a bad series overall, but it had a lot of small redeeming points.

The use of flashbacks was artsy, but the characters in the second arc (like Axe) were clumsy.

The designs and costumes were nifty, but the plot holes were groan-inducing.

The unrepentant anti-realism and melodrama stirred my morbid curiosity. I kept wondering, "How much cheesier could this get," and the answer was always, "Sooooo much cheesier."

I think writers and aspiring writers should watch this show. It's interesting, like watching an autopsy, but not something one should show to the general public.
Sep 24, 2009 8:30 PM

Sep 2008
Treize's comeback killed it for me.
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Sep 28, 2009 12:48 PM

Oct 2008
ending was total unsatisfactory and I was also hoping Wil would come out and say he was Lillia's father but NO they did not do it what a waste....
Nov 7, 2009 5:42 PM

Mar 2007
This show was good but i m disappointed by the end. Lilia doesn't know his is dad still alive and Treize doesn't confess his feeling well.......
And the first part with Allison and Wil was more more better. But i enjoyed the show that why i give 7/10.

Apr 8, 2010 5:45 PM

Jun 2009
It's unbelieveable how the anime went from very good to very bad in the end. The first part has good stories and we end liking every new character who is introduced. But the second part is a total disaster, their kids just dont have the same appeal and theres no real goal on the story they are just traveling arround.

I watched until the last episode because i had a great expectative that lillia was going to know that Will, her father was alive... never happened.
Jul 1, 2010 1:07 AM

Jan 2008
The last "adventure" was horrendous and completely absurd. The whole reason for wanting to kill Treize was retarded, the method of accomplishing that stupid goal was ridiculous. Treize coming back to life was virtually impossible. The characters in the final 5 minutes were acting completely irrational (Fi and Benedict didn't seem sad at all about their SON 'DYING'). AND so much was left unsaid between Allison, Lillia, Treize, and most importantly Wil (I refuse to call him by his other name)!

UGH I could go on and on... Basically the final episode/final (3) series of episodes would get a 3/10 from me.

The Allison arc would get an 8/10 from me, but the Lillia arc was mediocre and poorly planned (6/10) and the abhorred ending (3/10) bring it to a final score of 5.666666 rounded up to a 6/10.

So dissatisfied...
Jul 9, 2010 7:39 AM
Jul 2008
Too bad it's really good at Allison's story but went down overtime at Lillia's story, from a 'brave' girl story to (always)'captured' girl story.

They should have ended it at episode 12 where they show Lillia as grown up..

I also noticed that the girls get more screentime at the ED animation..
Sep 1, 2010 5:21 PM
Mar 2010
i found it ironic that Allison and Lillia were basicly in the same situations with not knowing that their father is standing right in front of them so in a way, i don't mind it. They really should have ended the series with at least a confession from Treize if not a wedding. Second half was terrible compared to first. I gave it an 8/10 overall though
Jan 24, 2011 7:54 PM

Nov 2010
I'm probably one of the few who gave it a 9/10. I'm just more of a character kind of guy I don't care much for plot, so the "cheesy" no good person dies and we always win outcome didn't phase me at all. although i do have a question: is this how the light novel ended or did the anime simply not have enough time to adapt all of the material?
You are null and void!
Jun 22, 2011 4:44 PM

May 2009
Gave it a 8/10. Allison arc was awesome, I would've easily given that a 9 or 10, but Lillia arc was really bad compared to that. Too bad.
Jul 16, 2011 4:48 PM
Apr 2011
I am probably the only person that wanted Treize to end up with the other girl (The princes forgot the name) she was smart really smart good looking and was really nice girl compared to Lillia which was at least to me really irritating most of the times.The second arc was disappointing.If the whole 26 ep were only about Allison and Wil.Something like they marry in ep 14 after the wedding their adventure begun again and happy ending in the 26 ep when their baby girl is born.(it would be the best ending at least for me)
Jul 23, 2011 8:55 AM

Oct 2009
DeathfireD said:
The two things I was looking forward to the most, Treize revealing he's a prince and Travas revealing he's Lillia's dad, where either done poorly or not done at all. I felt totally let down by the ending of this show. I'll still give it an 8/10 overall but I really wish there was more or at least a better ending.

I agree, the first half was way better then the second. Not only because we got to see Wil and Allison grow up and evolve but also because the story felt more complete.

This, this and this!

What the fuck was this? Wow. You serious? I'm speechless because of how angry I'm right now.
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