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Jan 29, 2012 6:35 AM

Oct 2010
A powerful episode that deals with hardships of life this time such as the whole divorce dilemma. Things are rather progressing nicely and Minenne being there sure kept things entertaining. With her face and the fact she was sitting on Yuki to make him do pushups. Rehab they call it. While I did love Minenne’s blushed face here. The best part is in the spoiler
while Yuki’s father was hilarious in his exciting, he was far more with the fact Minenne agreed to do some rehab with him. Whom I ROFL as he got kicked by her. While I find the next best thing to be Yuki’s father being all over Minenne in the spoiler
that was by far more hilarious than the manga itself. While Minenne kept being entertaining with the contest One of rich things between her and Yuki is when he gets angry at her for taking his father’s rule breaking OK but it ensues that she flinged him while he got a blush. What is key of that part is that she reminded Yuki of not seeing her father in a while, however Yuki does not know how much Minenne lost her parents so that is important I find as a scene.

To me in thee end the most important part of Minenne is in the spoiler
that part really will play a huge role later on for Yuki. You shall see.

About Yuki’s father, his faces in the spoiler
were great. Amazingly well adapted TBH. Most impressive. Yuki’s father was always though by me as a big wimp but strong one since he did something that does make all the family involve but goes away to not have them involve. I still consider him a wimp due to his ways of handling things. Well at least now we know the motto of like father like son. He was pretty funny as he cheats in the monkey bars by pretending to be the Flash, fancieshimself rather well here, cheats again with a analog version here, spangles his back while doing to see the pull force and in thee end never finished the race but still leaves something for Yuki here. The best well adapted part is in the spoiler
when he goes insane while searching for Yuki's dairy to cancel his debt by breaking it.
Now Yuno here heard it all naturally and of course he does suspect here someone was around while we do see Yuno hiding. So that was well done.

Yuki’s father is so lucky in the spoiler
he could had his head chopped off or be poisoned to die if Yuki did not stop Yuno. While in thee end I still WTF at him really breaking the cell phone and even more so when he breaks it until I do find out ti was a trick. The diaries were fake ones. So all in all the father is a wimp.

Whereas 7th couple just got better. My first wish of them came true in the following,

Their marriage is splendid! The dress is gorgeous and more so than the manga one.

About the 7th couple, Marco and Ai’s extra part in the spoiler
was never in the manga. It was a bliss to see! Mainly due to Ai jumping on Marco and crying. It was a MOE cry not really sad. She was great there! Not to mention Marco himself has an amazing face! It is to prepare for a more emotional response if ever anything happens to them and to be more attached to them whom worked for me. I hope they don’t die TBH. I loved Ai and Marco in the spoiler
Marco’s face was win when he spoke to Yuno and Ai’s face was great there. Marco punching hard Yuki’s father here and that face he makes after hitting him was crazy! He sure had an amazing convincing face here. Can’t deny my favourite of Marco is in the spoiler
Yuki was pathetic there and Marco showed. Good fight and amazing faces of Marco.
Still Ai in wedding dress here looks amazing. So nice.

Up from this point it’s total chaos that awaits as myself found out of Yuno in the following,

That scared for the 2nd time the shit out of me. OMG Yuno stop staring me with that death eye!

About Yuno, she was great to see from the start in stalking Yuki and she sure looked happy to see him having fun. Yuki just kept getting cuter at her stalking such as here in the window but sadly she was still insane in the spoiler
the knife there is obvious apart from almost killing the father. I liked Yuno’s expression here while she spied with binoculars Yuki. Yuno’s facial expression here when warns of Yuki about his father was well done along with her facial expression when she was on the phone with Marco. Yuno’s facial expression here towards Yuki’s father along with her death eye here freaked the living crap out of me. I did a GIF to commemorate that. While I do admit that Yuno’s serious expression before Marco goes all out was nice. The best of Yuno still cannot be beat in the spoiler
that observation and attack on Ai to get the real diaries was brilliant!

About Yukiteru, at first he has a great face here. Really well done. Loved it how they show the star part in the spoiler
that was lovely. I ROFL so hard at the face he has
here while doing the monkey bars. While I do admit had a nice blush while doing to pullup force gauge. He sure showed good spirit in trying to reach the top here. While his father cheated. The pull force part here was good too. One of the good things of Yuki is his expression here at what Yuno is telling him about his father that was well done.

About Miscellaneous stuff, I liked the gun design in the spoiler
looks to me like a blank gun but it looks nice and kind of like a Beretta. Was nice to see 8th here with her assistant.

Manga VS anime

Sadly this will prove the ending of this episode could have been better IMO. Still there were somethings improved in this episode over the manga version. I will just say what was missing and some good stuff in the list:
  • The beginning is in the following spoiler
    that is why I said they did it better in the anime. The manga is not good at this part IMO.

  • They reduced the pathetic state of Yuki in the spoiler
    it would have been better to keep it like that. It looked more pathetic and better with those fists spinning.

  • Failure of putting the father’s expression of the spoiler
    into this episode.
    Apart from the first time they did good. They should have done it like it was of the manga in that part. It would have been more EPIC.

  • Blood is taken out in the spoiler
    no worries I checked the BDs. It might be changed since the gore is uncensored and rather well done despite the fan service being crappy or inconsistent.

So I shall see if changes will be made and this is kind of a reference to it. It did help in reviewing episodes 3, 4 and 5 in regards to the BDs Whom you can find out of in my BLOG.

About thee end, in thee end Yuki is in shit in the spoiler
8th minions most likely blow it up. Plan B came too early IMO. That is what screws up all. The timer was too fast for Marco/Ai’s Plan A. So Yuki has to decide whose hand he takes in the next episode less he wants to fall to his death.

About the special, personally I loved every single thing of it in the spoiler
Murmur was great as a Nurse in chibi format. Quite the philosophy she pulls out.

The emotions and actions were heighten again this time around due to the animation. That being said I liked this episode.

BTW GIFs are done in the club:
Some really good ones of 7th and Yuno.

Image Stitches are done in the spoiler
Some of Yuno, 7th choking Yuki and Minenne.
Yumekichi11Jan 29, 2012 10:42 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 29, 2012 8:51 AM

Apr 2010
Oh god, what happened to some of their faces?

In the tower - Yuki is thrown by Marco and you can see Yuno behind him, next shot Yuno is gone. Marco immediately placing phones on the table which was quite far from him looked wierd. There was something off about the final scene of the episode too.

Yukiteru's father looks somewhat different in the anime, not that it's a bad thing.

Highlights: additional scene between 7ths, Yuno being Yuno.

heiismyhusbandoJan 30, 2012 2:46 AM
Jan 29, 2012 1:47 PM
Jan 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
A powerful episode that deals with hardships of life this time. Things are rather progressing nicely and Minenne being there sure kept things entertaining. Yuki’s father was always though by me as a big wimp but strong one since he did something that does make all the family involve. I still consider him a wimp due to his ways of handling things. Well at least now we know the motto of like father like son.

Whereas 7th couple just got better. Up from this point it’s total chaos that awaits as myself found out. The emotions and actions were heighten again this time around due to the animation.

That being said I liked this episode. May edit later.

I heart Minene <3
Yuno was being Yuno, alright LOL It was scary, but in a good way XD
5/5 looking forward to the next episode.

Jan 29, 2012 4:30 PM

Aug 2008
Yuki's father was just pathetic, that's all I can say. I really hope he didn't know that destroying the phone will kill Yuki in the process.

Another cliffhanger! Yuki should definitely know by now to trust Yuno over anyone else.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Jan 29, 2012 4:55 PM

Jul 2010
Minene is just awesome this episode.

Nothing surprises me anymore with Yuno. She'll do whatever she feels like doing.
Jan 29, 2012 5:43 PM

Sep 2009
30-31st chapters of manga. someone would bother about anme pace but it's perfect for me causу last arcs are quite long-winded in manga so they could adapt them without real loses.

As for thi episode: I like it but nex few would beb much better. Waiting for chapter 36(18-19th ep probably) and Yukki's "change"
Jan 30, 2012 12:22 AM

Oct 2008
This show is becoming laughably bad.
Jan 30, 2012 1:09 AM

Jun 2011
I actually liked this ep. lol.

I was thinking how despicable Yuki's dad is, until the end when I realized his dad doesn't know about the diaries xD I was like D'OH!

Uryuu has become my fave character :D


I frkn love this face

Jan 30, 2012 1:24 AM

Feb 2010
That yuno part wasnt in the manga and it was amazing (the image the guy above me posted) you should add it to manga-anime comparison yumekichi :P

The scene of 7ths at the start was funny.

i agree with the ending being weaker but the rest of the episode was ok.

PD: wow they are so greedy about the BDs, not making it seems that ai was wounded by yuno -.-
VanisherJan 30, 2012 1:42 AM
Jan 30, 2012 1:56 AM

Oct 2010
Vanisher said:
That yuno part wasnt in the manga and it was amazing (the image the guy above me posted) you should add it to manga-anime comparison yumekichi :P
Yeah but it's just a pose change. The scene itself was still of the father. However they really did a fear number on me. Worst of all the technique is the 2nd time that it works on me. Watch out! Future animes might use this too.
Vanisher said:
PD: wow they are so greedy about the BDs, not making it seems that ai was wounded by yuno -.-
If you go look in the forum of this series the uncensored gore of Tsubaki I would have to say you are right about it considering how crazy and well done it was. The best is still the ax to head and blood gushing out on those BDs. It's really well done TBH.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 30, 2012 2:03 AM

Sep 2011
Good episode,The first half(training) was well adapted and even was funnier that the manga,Minene being awesome and Yukki Dad was funny also....even that i hate him specially what he does will see.

The extra scene with Marco and Ai was great seeing Ai cry like that and Marco reaction was funny.Yuno being great again this episode,that killing eye is amazing gives the creeps.

The last scene the adaptation was great even as Yume said they should have keep the scen when he rush to Marco the same way.

Again MumMur special was good chibi nurse was cute.

Cant wait next episode waiting for one scene specially...cant wait!
raxius1230Jan 30, 2012 2:13 AM
Jan 30, 2012 2:07 AM

Jul 2009
More Minene, yay! ♥

The episode was quite alright so far.

Murmur's Auf Wiedersehen cracked me up for some reason xD
[.center] [./center]
Jan 30, 2012 2:10 AM

Dec 2009
The episode wasn't as good as it should be. But the last scene was intense. Yuno or his dad? Yuki was such a wimp in this episode. I usually don't care if the MC's are wimps, But in this episode Yuki went overboard with his childish thoughts about his parents remarrying -_-' "I want to see the stars" pfft.

3/5 The worst I've given to a Mirai Nikki episode.

Oh and Yuno <3
Jan 30, 2012 2:24 AM

Jan 2011
9th please sit on me too~ lol but man that cliffhanger was a tough one

only thing that bugged me was how much of a child yuki was acting this episode,and yuno's Death stare not that it was bad is that it gives me chills everytime i see it!
Jan 30, 2012 3:31 AM

Aug 2010
As much as I hate Yukiteru's father, who can blame him? At least as far as flirting with Minene goes.

It's Yuno trust time! 4/5.
Jan 30, 2012 4:14 AM

Dec 2009
shadowtsunami said:
Trust in the crazy psycho or trust in the pathetic father choices choices lol. Yuno sure likes the kill thiings can't wait til the next ep.

Well Yuno hasn't tried to kill him. His father has. Yes I know he didn't know Yuki would die, but still.
Jan 30, 2012 4:25 AM

Feb 2009
Sir_Lexa said:

Well Yuno hasn't tried to kill him.

A ''yet'' would be necessary.
Urufuzu_reinJan 30, 2012 4:31 AM
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Jan 30, 2012 4:43 AM

Jan 2010
Not very good episode imo, but I guess that's just because I didn't like this part in the manga very much. Oh but of course loved Yuno's crazy faces and when she tried to kill Yuki's annoying dad <3
Jan 30, 2012 4:55 AM
Apr 2010
Next episode: Family Discount

Having finished the manga, I can say that
Jan 30, 2012 4:56 AM

Aug 2010
onedaysnotice said:

I loved that eye.
Jan 30, 2012 4:56 AM

Nov 2010
Almost all the characters of the show are likable for me. At least, they have some understandable justice for their own acts. However Yukiteru's father is not a such kind; just a selfish man deserved to death.
Jan 30, 2012 5:10 AM

May 2010
Knave said:
This show is becoming laughably bad.

and this comes from someone who likes to torture himself with 533 episodes of One Piece.

u amuse me!
Jan 30, 2012 6:09 AM
Jun 2008
This Anime has nothing to do with One piece and don't insult it .

I wonder who will Yuki choose, his father or Yuno ? 0.0;
Jan 30, 2012 6:42 AM

Dec 2010
I really hope Yuno kills Yuki, his whining gets on my nerves.
Jan 30, 2012 7:04 AM

Jun 2010
I hope that Yuki will choose Yuno over his pathetic father. I honestly don't like his father a bit.
Jan 30, 2012 7:36 AM

Dec 2011
As always, I love Mirai Nikki.

The only thing that I didn't want is that they got their phones back so fast. Well, that is how the story goes... so I'll stop ranting about it.

Now we know why Yuki is such a wimp. As they say, "Like Father, Like Son".

I can't help but love Ninth more! I used to hate her from the start, but she changed my mind.

I think her inspirational line to Yuki will play a big role in Yuki's future.

And of course, Yuno. That death eye. My God! This is the "Nth" time she freaked me out!

Now they are back on the game! And looks like Eleventh is joining too.

Can't wait for more Mirai Nikki!
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Jan 30, 2012 8:09 AM

Oct 2010
i thought yukki was actually going to die then, and he might be brought back to life in a few episodes or some thing
Jan 30, 2012 8:13 AM

Apr 2009
Watch him trust his father over Yuno. Watch Yuno go apeshit. Maybe not, but that's what I expect to happen.
Jan 30, 2012 8:41 AM
Dec 2007
Direction and animation are still among the worst of all the series currently broadcasted in Japan but the quality of the script and characters make up for that.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jan 30, 2012 8:50 AM

May 2011
lol amano kuns dad getting beaten up by a nurse and asks for more? people have that kind of fetish i suppose.

but i think his dad has made this episode funny

but on the second part he was cheap-.-
please make my breakfast every morning for me sweet cheeks! *bowling position"
Jan 30, 2012 9:13 AM

Oct 2011
Great episode but the cliffhanger has left me craving episode 17.
Jan 30, 2012 10:28 AM

Oct 2009
Yuki father is so adorable ^.^ but I feel bad that he is in debt and try to not get his family involve. As always, Yuno is a badass and has good eyes XD I would taken the duplicates thinking it was the real deal.
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Jan 30, 2012 10:52 AM

Oct 2011
I don't really get why people here are hating on Yuki's dad. It's very likely he doesn't know about the future diaries (Yuki pretty much confirmed this), so he thinks that it's just another cell phone to Yuki. I just don't see him as a bad person, despite being a wimp (like father, like son right?). Guess it'll be confirmed soon, one way or the other.

Good episode 5/5

Jan 30, 2012 11:19 AM

Jul 2009
Yuki's dad was a much needed new character, a fun character and the competition element bought some change.

The set-up of Yuno putting Yuki in a 'me or your dad' position was absolutely ridiculous.
The mother fosters a murderous child, Yuno accidentally hits her in the head and now the dad's a sell-out - it's as if the writer tries to solidify Yuno as the nutter and Yuki being an unfortunate wuss - just as he began to adapt a little.

I quite liked the young couple too - as pointless as this is, I was rooting for them; they're a refreshing change.
Plus, despite the blokes ridiculous hair, both looked lovely in their wedding gear.

Was the mobile breaking suppose to be susspenceful???

Does Yuno have 60 - 60 vision with perfect clarity?
As who would notice two mobiles sat in the distance didn't have scuff marks?

OK ep' on a whole.

Jacut said:
Direction and animation are still among the worst of all the series currently broadcasted in Japan but the quality of the script and characters make up for that.

Almost vice-versa for me personally.
I think the animation is actually of great quality.

Nichibotsu-kaeru said:
i thought yukki was actually going to die then, and he might be brought back to life in a few episodes or some thing

Really? :o

Jan 30, 2012 12:27 PM

May 2011
So his dad is a moron, but he did make this episode more funny. He doesn't know anything about the diaries so you can't blame him for that as he's just trying to clear his debt. But he is pathetic for trying to search for it behind Yukki's back and I don't like him anyway.

Ffs it comes down to Yukki picking between his dad and Yuno. Cmon man pick Yuno! Its a no brainer, she's always the right choice. Ugh sadly I have no hope in this guy and I expect he's probably going to pick his dad. Cliffhanger is killing meh.

Yuno's eye I just <3 it.
ZeroZxJan 30, 2012 12:30 PM
Jan 30, 2012 12:36 PM

Jul 2010
His father is a weakling as well. Granted, he doesn't know about the future diaries, but his debt is blinding him. So, I wonder what'll happen next. Something's telling me his father won't survive this ordeal.

Jan 30, 2012 12:45 PM
Jul 2011
It's not like Yuki's dad knows about the whole Cell phone game. Hell, if I didn't know about it, and it was my best friends phone which I had to break for 3million off dept, I'd do it. It's a god damn flip phone Lol.

+ I may be the only person who's wanted Yuno to die from the start. I don't like crazy people, psycho killers who have no care for anyone else but herself. She clearly doesn't care about Yuki, she just wants him there.
Yuno = Yagami Yuu /because of both personality and looks.
deadeaddeadJan 30, 2012 12:51 PM
Jan 30, 2012 12:50 PM

Sep 2011
ZeroZx said:
So his dad is a moron, but he did make this episode more funny. He doesn't know anything about the diaries so you can't blame him for that as he's just trying to clear his debt. But he is pathetic for trying to search for it behind Yukki's back and I don't like him anyway.

Ffs it comes down to Yukki picking between his dad and Yuno. Cmon man pick Yuno! Its a no brainer, she's always the right choice. Ugh sadly I have no hope in this guy and I expect he's probably going to pick his dad. Cliffhanger is killing meh.

So yeah for us it's pretty obvious that Yuno would be a better choice in this situation, but are you trying to say that you'd believe a crazy psychopathic stalker who's overly obsessed with you, who's tried to kill your friends and considered killing your family and who most likely killed her own family over your own dad whom you've lived the majority of your life with and with whom you probably have a good relationship and he doesn't seem to be a bad father to me either. I think it's pretty obvious which one of the two your average human would choose.
Jan 30, 2012 12:55 PM
Jul 2011
Yes that eye is so scary. Totally. Mhmm I got so damn scared just by looking at a pink coloured eye. Yosh.

"BOO!" I bet that scared you too.
Jan 30, 2012 1:23 PM
Nov 2010
That was a good episode, I liked it...
justinas said:

Having finished the manga, I can say that

Jan 30, 2012 1:30 PM

Aug 2009
Awesome episode! :)
Jan 30, 2012 2:40 PM

Nov 2011
Who wouldn't break a cell phone for $3 million? Where's the logic in you people?
Jan 30, 2012 2:49 PM
Oct 2011
Ughhh, Yuki is pathetic as always... I hope he chooses his dad next episode, only so he'll break his phone and get rid of him already.

Good episode overall, 4/5
Jan 30, 2012 3:00 PM

Oct 2008
Kerozinn said:
Knave said:
This show is becoming laughably bad.

and this comes from someone who likes to torture himself with 533 episodes of One Piece.

u amuse me!

Waah, waah, don't insult my Mirai Nikki or else i'll insult your show too, WAAH, WAAH.
Jan 30, 2012 3:05 PM

Jan 2011
Another fine episode here. Even if Yuki picks his dad, Yuno will still forgive him and rationalize his decision--however at that point I'm sure his dad will betray him once again. The other issue is who do you trust to pull you out of the hole? Crazy girl with insane adrenaline enhanced strength, or wimpy father who you just demolished in every athletic contest imaginable (and it's not like Yuki had to be that impressive to beat him...).
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jan 30, 2012 4:17 PM

May 2008
great episode can't wait for next 1!
Jan 30, 2012 4:23 PM

Aug 2011
Meh, didn't like this episode too much. Yuno's eye peeking out was awesome. I had a feeling Yukiteru's dad was secretly bad...
Jan 30, 2012 4:30 PM

Jul 2008
Good gawd, that eye. Pierced through my soul and now I can't sleep tonight.
Jan 30, 2012 4:53 PM

Dec 2011
Love this show...And I'm hoping to see some change in Yuki himself, and I hope he picks Yuno over his dad...
Jan 30, 2012 5:15 PM

Jan 2012
SO wat have we learned from this anime series so far???
Sometimes a stalker can protect you xD lol

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