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May 5, 2011 4:13 PM
Apr 2011
That was a really nice episode, Mikuni fights.
I like how Mikuni doesn't fight for money.
May 5, 2011 4:35 PM

Jul 2010
All of a sudden this show seems a bit darker. That guy's family just went and disappeared on him. I'm surprised he's not at least a little bit bitter at Yoga. Sure, it's not Yoga's fault, but considering all he just lost I wouldn't be surprised if he acted a bit irrationally.

I wonder what Yoga's father lost that caused him to commit suicide.

Was Mikuni using other assets besides Q? I didn't know you could have more than one of those.
May 5, 2011 4:45 PM

Apr 2008
I'm starting to hate the main character again, it's like Shinji 2.0

Iilia said:

Was Mikuni using other assets besides Q? I didn't know you could have more than one of those.

He probably bought them, as he did partly with Yoga.
May 5, 2011 4:49 PM

Feb 2010
Expected the teacher to go psycho and try to kill the MC, was heartily surprised when he turned out to be a cool dude. Still hate the MC though. At least there was a badass Mikuni fight.
May 5, 2011 4:53 PM

Feb 2009
It seems the "future" being used as collateral is taking what the individual values most.

However, what can we say about the MC? What does he actually value? What would he lose?

Moreover, what did the MC's father lose?

Many questions...
Arcane587May 5, 2011 4:59 PM
May 5, 2011 5:23 PM

Nov 2006
looks like masyu is slowly warming up to kimi.
the teacher being understanding of kimi's situation was really nice but so sad. :(
May 5, 2011 6:44 PM

Sep 2009
The teacher's loss was very very sad. Like Iilia said, the entire concept does seem quiet dark indeed~ liking it.
Hate Yoga.
So Mikuni's plays only to maintain equilibrium.
May 5, 2011 7:04 PM

Sep 2007
I was expecting the teacher to try and kill Yoga or commit suicide. This episode added a bit more to the workings of the district. At first I thought Mikuni was shady but it seems like he has a good goal in mind. Awesome to see him get in the action too.
May 5, 2011 7:28 PM
Jul 2018
Thought the episode was great, the battles are really intriguing now. So many factors play into whether you win or lose, it's exciting. And winning in there could mean as much as gaining profit or just not going bankrupt. I wonder if Yoga will join the guild?
May 5, 2011 7:53 PM

Nov 2008
I pegged this to go darker, its not meant to be light or comical. This episode partially answered a question... But then it created many more questions. How did that family get erased for example, how can they make her suddenly 'not pregnant' because it seemed like Yoga could see the children. I do wonder if well get a system breaker type of a protagonist after all. I wonder what role Ikuta will play

Wasabi said:
I was expecting the teacher to try and kill Yoga or commit suicide. This episode added a bit more to the workings of the district. At first I thought Mikuni was shady but it seems like he has a good goal in mind. Awesome to see him get in the action too.

I think hes as shady as ever
sirwenceMay 5, 2011 8:07 PM
May 5, 2011 8:11 PM

Nov 2008
I really did feel bad for the teacher, but when I think about it was either him or Yoga, so it had to be done. However, losing all your children all of a sudden must be really hard, so I was expecting him to go crazy or something. Well, I guess people can surprise you sometimes.
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

May 5, 2011 8:19 PM
Feb 2011
Scorching Earth is over power. Just saying. lol

Which leads me to wonder just how strong will Yoga's Macroflation be.

Edit: So why is Yoga fighting Mikuni in the OP?
SoundlessSkyMay 5, 2011 8:32 PM
May 5, 2011 8:27 PM

Jul 2010
Mikuni is awesome, he has a good goal, but I can't completely trust him o.O
And at the end, it feels like eventually Yoga is going to be like Mikuni.

The loss at the kids was so sudden it was scary. I wonder what Yoga's father had to pay for...Yoga didn't disappear, so that means that his dad cared more for something else.
You may read this quote , "However, by that point you'll have been torn to pieces."
May 5, 2011 9:18 PM

Jan 2009
Things are going to get interesting now...
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
May 5, 2011 9:39 PM

Jul 2010
Great episode, things are starting to get interesting indeed.
May 5, 2011 9:45 PM

Aug 2010
I love this show it gets better and better hands down my favorit of the season awesome show awesome episode
May 5, 2011 10:30 PM

Feb 2008
Arcane587 said:
It seems the "future" being used as collateral is taking what the individual values most.
I'm not sure that that's right, after all his children were his future in some sense. For someone else it might be a buisness, an invention, their own mind, it could be anything that could secure them a place in history, regardless of whether or not they liked whatever it was. Which would explain why forcing the mirror guy into bankruptcy would be a bad idea, since his (probably huge) company would be the most likely thing to disappear.

Wasabi said:
I was expecting the teacher to try and kill Yoga or commit suicide.
Half expected this myself, but I think he blames himself more than anyone else. I'm assuming he didn't commit suicide because he didn't want to leave his wife alone, or allow one of the only people in the world that remembers his children to disappear.

I wonder if the teacher can still have children? or if he'd even want to after what happened to his first 3

I can't really trust Mikuni, after all, he didn't hold back at all against the loser in the first episode. If he really believed in minimal gains/losses then he could have spared the guy without much difficulty. I'm just curious about his real objective and what will happen to turn the MC against him.
May 5, 2011 10:43 PM

May 2010
I totally didn't expect that if you lost you would loose so much, such as your kids removed from existence.
May 5, 2011 10:56 PM

Jul 2009
I'm guessing Mikuni's asset Q is insanely powerful and won't allow him to lose. Also I'm assuming he wanted Sleeping Beauty to hurry before time ran out or else Q would have killed the old guy in however many seconds was left.
May 5, 2011 11:02 PM

Sep 2008
The Mikuni fight was pretty awesome.
I thought that teacher guy was going to jump in front of the train during that one scene though...

I like where this series is going.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 5, 2011 11:43 PM

Apr 2009
The old guy reminded me of a tengu.
May 5, 2011 11:58 PM

May 2010
Mikuni's fight was awesome.

So the future as a collateral has actually much darker meaning.

A father loosing his 3 children is just painful yet he accepted it. What a great guy.
May 6, 2011 12:05 AM

Jan 2009
All these sudden asspull supermoves are kind of enjoyable by now.
Oh well, not much more to say on this, really.
Edit: I totally forgot mentioning the absolutely horrendous CGI since Masakaki is kind of cool, despite looking awful.
OosranMay 6, 2011 12:42 AM
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
May 6, 2011 12:49 AM
Feb 2011
I think when you go bankrupt, everything you've done that's influenced by the Black Money simply revert (the teacher do Deals to raise his kids iirc).
May 6, 2011 1:04 AM

May 2010
SoundlessSky said:
I think when you go bankrupt, everything you've done that's influenced by the Black Money simply revert (the teacher do Deals to raise his kids iirc).

That theory actually seems really plausible.
May 6, 2011 1:13 AM

Nov 2007
Mikuni seems pretty cool and straightforward ... but there's something about him that's not right and I'm still thinking he's going to be an enemy. sucks for that teacher.... seeing his kids just disappear but at least he still has his wife right?
May 6, 2011 1:34 AM

Feb 2010
SoundlessSky said:
I think when you go bankrupt, everything you've done that's influenced by the Black Money simply revert (the teacher do Deals to raise his kids iirc).

this have sense
May 6, 2011 1:44 AM
Nov 2010
А cool episode, I expected the teacher to try something, as well, him being that calm made it cooler, though...:)
May 6, 2011 2:02 AM

Jun 2009
Oh boy! I hope this doesn't get annoying with the saving-the-enemy bs. He could be like Mikuni though but he has a long way to go.

I thought the consequence when his teacher got bankrupt would be more severe than that, like the person would be on a brink of death or something. But It's still painful though, losing his children.
May 6, 2011 2:17 AM

Jan 2008
This is not a Noitamina show!

That's just Yu-gi-oh again.

You just play a silly game with summoned creatures to win or lose. Oh wow. And the rules of course make no sense and have no actual connection to the main point of the show...

which i though it was MONEY.

Money and not some silly pokemon battles with english technobabble about going bankrupt and "you have gain" etc.

What a cheat! This show was supposed to be MUCH MORE than a fighting anime.

Why is it even Noitamina i wonder?
May 6, 2011 2:31 AM
Apr 2008
Absolutely loved how quickly Masakaki banned the teacher from the district after he went bankrupt.
May 6, 2011 2:32 AM

Jan 2009
SoundlessSky said:
I think when you go bankrupt, everything you've done that's influenced by the Black Money simply revert (the teacher do Deals to raise his kids iirc).

looks like you hit the jackpot
May 6, 2011 2:37 AM

Feb 2011
no money no future
borrow a money no future

i really enjoyed this episode.
May 6, 2011 3:21 AM

Apr 2010
Mezzoflation. Scorched Earth. You have gain.
VandesdelcaMay 6, 2011 3:59 AM
May 6, 2011 4:15 AM

Jun 2010
Good thing the teacher didn't get angry to Kimimaro, if he did, I moght get mad..

and also, I am confused about the buying of stocks and how minimizing the loss in the real world.. how does it happen? I am confused of how the deal works..O.o
May 6, 2011 4:45 AM

Jul 2010
Very interesting episode. The talk between the teacher and Kimimaro cleared up a lot. Only thing he has to do is just not lose right? Sounds simple enough! =P

Hopefully Mashu will warm up to Kimimaro some more and understand more about how he feels and what he wants to do. Looking forward to some of his fights!

jix said:
SoundlessSky said:
I think when you go bankrupt, everything you've done that's influenced by the Black Money simply revert (the teacher do Deals to raise his kids iirc).

looks like you hit the jackpot
Yes this is exactly what I thought too.

May 6, 2011 6:25 AM

Apr 2011
The opening sequence with the random love interest (I don't even know her name, she's so poorly fleshed out) fawning over the pregnant lady was boring, and if they had to run it they shouldn't have broken up the initial fight with her boring-ass oohing and aahing. The teacher's family disappearing doesn't seem like that bad of a thing to me, since they couldn't afford to have all those damn kids anyway. Because of his stupid wife's baby rabies he had to gamble his soul in the Financial District and he lost. Better that they never had their family to begin with than he kills himself like the main character's dad and leaves a bunch of orphans and a widow that can't manage money.

I thought it seemed a bit odd, in the convenience store, that he knows so little about his coworker that he never even realized the dude wasn't married. Do they talk at all when they're on duty or do they just stare at the far wall?

The fights are pretty killer, though I can't pretend I understand the rules of these matchups. So the guys battling are trying to steal one another's money, and this takes the form of summoned monsters like Dog-Mask and Q? But every Entre seems to have only one main 'Asset' that talks to him, we never see Dog-Mask's comments on things like we do Q and Msyu.

Some annoying bits, and I wish the rules of the fights were better explained, but we at least found out some new things ('Bankruptcies' change reality, the bad guy's organization, etc) and there was some sweet action with Mikune v Old Guy. 4/5
Blind_GuardianMay 6, 2011 6:28 AM
May 6, 2011 6:25 AM

Jul 2009
This series reminds me a lot of the manga 'Popcorn Avatar' for some reason?

The story revolving the teacher was quite sad; the only plus is the fact that his wife is unaware of what occured.

May 6, 2011 6:45 AM

Mar 2010
It really turned out to be very dark and mysterious.I would never expect the District to have that much power and to be able to change the future.How is it even possible to make his kids disappear,erase any memories of them but let the father know the terrible truth.It must be awful to know that you can cause such tragedy just by losing a fight..

Mikuni's fight was fu***ng awesome.The series is great so far.I really enjoy watching it!!
May 6, 2011 7:23 AM

May 2010
yellowbuds said:
Good thing the teacher didn't get angry to Kimimaro, if he did, I moght get mad..

and also, I am confused about the buying of stocks and how minimizing the loss in the real world.. how does it happen? I am confused of how the deal works..O.o

Here's a thread to those who want to know about this deal and the rules in the financial district.
May 6, 2011 7:42 AM

Dec 2009
SoundlessSky said:
I think when you go bankrupt, everything you've done that's influenced by the Black Money simply revert (the teacher do Deals to raise his kids iirc).

That's what I figured. You invest the Midas Money into your future (in the teacher's case, his children) so it's your 'investment' that's taken away when you go bankrupt. A very dark take indeed, which really helps make this show a lot more interesting.
Ara ara.
May 6, 2011 8:12 AM

Apr 2011
Pretty good episode, Kimimaro one-shotting everyone in sight still makes me cringe though.

SoundlessSky's theory seems true - I wonder what Kimimaro's father spent black money on...
May 6, 2011 9:29 AM

Dec 2009
nice episode, really loved it.

The fight scene was great, it reminded me of Haku's mirror technique (From naruto) veruses a some what Garaa's defense (as he stood around geting protection) was truly epic =)
May 6, 2011 9:43 AM

Feb 2011
I didn't expect the teacher's kids to disappear just like that.

Nice fight by Mikuni but I don't really get Q's power. Is she controlling the other girl?
May 6, 2011 9:58 AM

Jul 2009
DoctorDoom said:
SoundlessSky said:
I think when you go bankrupt, everything you've done that's influenced by the Black Money simply revert (the teacher do Deals to raise his kids iirc).

That's what I figured. You invest the Midas Money into your future (in the teacher's case, his children) so it's your 'investment' that's taken away when you go bankrupt. A very dark take indeed, which really helps make this show a lot more interesting.

This actually makes a lot of sense...
It seems as though the wife really liked children, more so then her husband; childless and moneyless, she seems quite content too, therefore it's possible, with the cash injection, they may have went threw fertility treatment; something that costs a fortune.

May 6, 2011 10:27 AM
Dec 2007
OK. After 4/5 episodes into this new season, it seems absolutely clear that C is the best new anime of this spring. This episode was fantastic once again, especially in terms of character and themes development, plus the production value is probably the highest out of all the shows released lately. Nakamura outdid himself once again.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 6, 2011 10:50 AM

Oct 2010
Finally caught on to comment a little. 2 best parts of this episode and one fucked up part is worth mentioning. Of the 2 best parts the first fight Kimimaro VS Ebara was terrific with the following,

Scorch Earth, which is a military term found here I can never get enough of how insane it is and the fight in the spoiler
was not so bad with blow exchanges although I hope it becomes more fluid in the BD/DVD versions. That poison pill attack was rather nasty and painful on Kimimaro. What got interesting is how Mashu transforms when being sold as a stock and thank God Mikuni offered to buy it for 50 000 000! Then of course there is burn baby burn! You got scorched Ebara and also bankrupt!

Second best part is Mikuni's fight with Kikuchi. Hurste is quite the insane asset with the ability it gives out to Kikuchi that of PACMAN defense. However the last move in the following,

was kick ass. Beautiful slash! This is also where we get confirmed that Mikuni has 3 assets: White Knight whom from the looks of this has some absorption power, Kakazuzu and Q who is the first asset of Mikuni. This means that it is possible to buy out completely the asset of someone thus all 10 stocks of that asset. Interesting enough! :D Another interesting thing about Q in the spoiler
is that from the face she makes she wants to be more than a asset to Mikuni, maybe be loved or close family? Anyone else get the impression how she changes faces. Another interesting thing is that assets have maintenance fee.

About fucked up part, well not really considering you are in the devil's realm. With the way the kids and the wife pregnant and not pregnant shown in the spoiler
notice the kids are in a dark shadow. To me it means they were sacrificed as a compensation to the Devil and that my friends is called IRL a human sacrificial ceremony when you study the occult you might know more. It really is more sick than it appears. It is even possible that his wife is sterile. The devil is a sick monster and this shows it more than before. Suicide is probably the only other way if you do not want to have your family harmed but IMO I think the price to pay is what you fight for when doing deals. The highest value gets taken away whatever it may be as collateral for future.

I do hope Hanabi's boyfriend gets defeated by Kimimaro because I have some gut feeling he is also part of the district. I was thinking it was him in the beginning of this episode. Anyone know that web site to see the previews can PM me. Thanks. OP is kick ass! Makes me want to make money! Stocks baby!

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
May 6, 2011 11:52 AM

Jun 2009
Was it me, or animation was better than ever in this episode? Or maybe i got used to crappy one. One way or another, this was a good episode. i
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
May 6, 2011 11:56 AM

Apr 2011
Orca said:

Nice fight by Mikuni but I don't really get Q's power. Is she controlling the other girl?

When Mikuni uses White Knight, both the pink demon girl and Q are summoned
Apparently Q starts going berserk the second she is summoned and only the pink girl can restrain her, which is why Mikuni asks pink girl to hurry up
May 6, 2011 12:04 PM

Dec 2008
So, the Financial District is so powerful that it can alter a person's life in real time? Wow! That poor teacher. It's like his children were ghosts in his home.

Masakaki's screen time is always awesome!!
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