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A Certain Magical Index (light novel)
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Feb 19, 2011 10:44 AM

May 2009
Yumekichi11 said:
I can only guess but he found the true way of blending magic with tech. welcome to FF3 where magic/tech is evolved enough to use machinery capable of far more devastation.

Lol, more like FFVI, you know magitech technology w/ added espers too! >:D

and *sigh* looks like there's still some people who doesn't get the situation up until now..
desolatoFeb 20, 2011 1:57 PM

-- I'm looking for "The One" and I'll find her more quickly if I audition two at a time. Think you can do better? --
-- The World God Only Knows -- Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai --
Feb 19, 2011 10:47 AM
Jan 2011
ZetaZeta said:
The explanation for the battle here is questionable at best. Just because you know how Accel's vector alterations work doesn't mean you can train yourself to react at the precise moment you think Accel will alter the vector. He could arbitrarily alter it at any point. 1 inch from face? 2 inch from face?

Unless science guy could somehow feel the vector being altered, and therefore react to it himself (by pulling back at that moment), just pulling back when he *thinks* accelerator will alter the vector makes no sense.

Let's not even get into the fact that if he touched accelerator, accelerator could reverse the bloodflow in the asshole's body explode his vital organs on the spot, etc. The man took a effing bullet to the head and maintained bloodflow in another person's broken arteries while he was unconscious. don't tell me this wasn't remotely outside of some of these scientists expectations. and why are accelerator's powers exactly the same despite being connected to the Misaka network?

The explanation for this fight is the stupidest thing I ever heard, and made me stop watching the episode, which I had to resume later. I'd accept if there was Magic involved that somehow interfered or something, but such a simple explanation ("Just think of it as stopping right before impact") specifically noting he wasn't a guinea pig for any tech or modifications (so it's all him 100% normal human doing this through physical analysis and motion) is stupid.

tl;dr: stupid, and lazy writing imo just to get a character other than touma who can touch accelerator.
1)accelerator cant extend his reflector wall.It revolves around him when he turns his powers on. Remember season 1 when a MISAKA clone shot at him? It redirected by itself. As for training himself, yes he can. As u can see the guy is accelerators teacher that actually improved his powers.

2) your second comment is the same. He has to touch accelerator but he didn't so accelerator tried to touched him(but failed)
belatkuro said:
from the novel, basically what happened in the anime but with a bit more detail

edit: merged posts.
desolatoFeb 20, 2011 1:57 PM
Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Feb 19, 2011 11:48 AM

Jun 2008
HawthorneKitty said:
I'm glad that Misaka did not appear in the episode, but where is my Index action?


I literally Face Palmed when I saw her, I was thinking Touma would show up or Mikoto, or for that matter ANYONE ELSE.....but who shows up...index???


I will DEEPLY consider dropping this SHIT if index saves Accelerator.

I will not accept that kind of HAX bullshit!!!
Feb 19, 2011 11:48 AM

Jan 2009
Great episode. Until Index showed up.
I mean, seriously, finally stuff started happening.
If all episodes were like this, I bet I'd rate it like 9-10.

Let's see... was there anything else... Oh yeah, for once I'm actually looking forward to the next episode :3
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Feb 19, 2011 12:14 PM

Dec 2009
Damn, I hope Accelerator kicks Kihara's ass next episode :O

Best Index 2 episode until now ^^

Ths suspense is killing me ._.
Feb 19, 2011 12:22 PM

Jul 2010
very interesting developments. can't wait for the next episode. index be useful in this arc and beat the hell out of that hound dog somehow.

i just hope, this ultimate final boss girl won't be defeated with three touma super punches. a team effort needed in this arc to beat hound dogs and vento of the front.

i guess its time for aleister to show his true nature and motives.
Feb 19, 2011 1:13 PM
Jul 2008
I hate how this series always ends on cliff hangers.....
Feb 19, 2011 2:07 PM
Jul 2018
LASSSST ORDEER the way he says it is so entertaining.
Feb 19, 2011 2:29 PM

Jul 2009
ZetaZeta said:
The explanation for the battle here is questionable at best. Just because you know how Accel's vector alterations work doesn't mean you can train yourself to react at the precise moment you think Accel will alter the vector. He could arbitrarily alter it at any point. 1 inch from face? 2 inch from face?

Unless science guy could somehow feel the vector being altered, and therefore react to it himself (by pulling back at that moment), just pulling back when he *thinks* accelerator will alter the vector makes no sense.

Let's not even get into the fact that if he touched accelerator, accelerator could reverse the bloodflow in the asshole's body explode his vital organs on the spot, etc. The man took a effing bullet to the head and maintained bloodflow in another person's broken arteries while he was unconscious. don't tell me this wasn't remotely outside of some of these scientists expectations. and why are accelerator's powers exactly the same despite being connected to the Misaka network?

The explanation for this fight is the stupidest thing I ever heard, and made me stop watching the episode, which I had to resume later. I'd accept if there was Magic involved that somehow interfered or something, but such a simple explanation ("Just think of it as stopping right before impact") specifically noting he wasn't a guinea pig for any tech or modifications (so it's all him 100% normal human doing this through physical analysis and motion) is stupid.

tl;dr: stupid, and lazy writing imo just to get a character other than touma who can touch accelerator.

You seem to forget that Accelerator's Redirection is completely automatic, and therefore, has static properties. Accelerator has no way of controlling it, and so Kihara can safely punch away. Accelerator reversing blood flow isn't instantaneous, as well. There's no time for Accelerator to do so, since Kihara's fist is only in contact with his body for a fraction of a second before it's pulled back.

A better complaint would be "Oh, but how can someone be so skilled in reversing their force vectors?" It would require insane amounts of skill, yes, but force can and often does work that way.
Feb 19, 2011 3:11 PM
Dec 2007
belatkuro said:
I agree with ZetaZeta. The concept Kihara does to counter Accelerator is a bit unacceptable.
It seems fairly possible to me. Accelerator doesn't reflect conciously, he does it subconciously as a learned reflex. He said it once before that his powers reflext by default, he's not manipulating the barrier conciously unlike all the other tricks he pulls off. Yes, it is a very VERY specific trick and all but basically he's exploiting a weak spot in Accelerator's power, sort off how Touma can't cancel magic coming from different directions at the same time.

Feb 19, 2011 3:25 PM

Sep 2008
ARXLaevatein said:
ZetaZeta said:
The explanation for the battle here is questionable at best. Just because you know how Accel's vector alterations work doesn't mean you can train yourself to react at the precise moment you think Accel will alter the vector. He could arbitrarily alter it at any point. 1 inch from face? 2 inch from face?

Unless science guy could somehow feel the vector being altered, and therefore react to it himself (by pulling back at that moment), just pulling back when he *thinks* accelerator will alter the vector makes no sense.

Let's not even get into the fact that if he touched accelerator, accelerator could reverse the bloodflow in the asshole's body explode his vital organs on the spot, etc. The man took a effing bullet to the head and maintained bloodflow in another person's broken arteries while he was unconscious. don't tell me this wasn't remotely outside of some of these scientists expectations. and why are accelerator's powers exactly the same despite being connected to the Misaka network?

The explanation for this fight is the stupidest thing I ever heard, and made me stop watching the episode, which I had to resume later. I'd accept if there was Magic involved that somehow interfered or something, but such a simple explanation ("Just think of it as stopping right before impact") specifically noting he wasn't a guinea pig for any tech or modifications (so it's all him 100% normal human doing this through physical analysis and motion) is stupid.

tl;dr: stupid, and lazy writing imo just to get a character other than touma who can touch accelerator.

You seem to forget that Accelerator's Redirection is completely automatic, and therefore, has static properties. Accelerator has no way of controlling it, and so Kihara can safely punch away. Accelerator reversing blood flow isn't instantaneous, as well. There's no time for Accelerator to do so, since Kihara's fist is only in contact with his body for a fraction of a second before it's pulled back.

A better complaint would be "Oh, but how can someone be so skilled in reversing their force vectors?" It would require insane amounts of skill, yes, but force can and often does work that way.

quote from the LN

It's not exactly easy. Kihara is just that badass.

Anyway, this was a great episode. I was disappointed by how they animated Kihara attacking Accelerator. With the method he's using you shouldn't actually see his fist driving itself to Accelerator's face. The entire point is that he's pulling away directly before contact. These are quick jabs not Touma style face punches. It seemed to needlessly confuse the issue.

This being said overall it didn't really detract from the scene. I'm gonna have to look into the novel later, because I could have sworn the doohicky he used to stop the air vector manipulations was a cell phone, and it would have been nice if he'd properly explained how it worked. This being said I haven't seen any posts confused about the device so I guess they pulled it off in a manner that wasn't confusing. That's really the goal right there so mission accomplished.

It's hilarious that we ended the episode where we did. When reading the novels sometimes I'll stop at places where it seems like it would be appropriate for a commercial break just so I can contemplate what's happened and try and guess at where it's going and such. The moment Index walks in on the scene was one of the moments I chose. Spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out what the hell Index was going to do. There are no mages here, and she has no defenses against any manner of firearm. After eliminating all the impossibilities I concluded that there was only one thing that could happen here. I guessed wrong.

I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen more speculation about that. I was hoping to walk in and see a bunch of my reaction to it which was pretty much shock and just all around "WTF! Index to the Rescue? What Does This Mean??!!!!!"

Regarding the coincidental nature of the meetings. It's already been addressed how Index isn't coincidental. Last order has maybe five people she knows. It's after curfew so most people are inside. Touma is really about the only person in the city she would have asked for help, and considering that, since they were both leaving the mall, we'd established that he was within a few blocks of the scene, and that Accellerator deliberately sent her to the nearby river (Kihara mentions this) it doesn't seem coincidental at all to me. He's one of a handful of people she'd ask for help, and we've established he's in the area. What else could have possibly happened?
Feb 19, 2011 3:27 PM

Apr 2008
Iisan-kun said:
It has to do with timing.
Also, how is flinging Last Order out randomly into the city and having her randomly meet Touma not mere coincidence?
She could have run around looking for someone she knew. Touma happens to be the person she knew had the possibility to help. Imagine if she met Mikoto or Yomikawa first.

Yumekichi11 said:
I see so that's it. Again great info as Yumekichi11 is enlighten very much. Who knew Aleister is eavesdropping instead of using hsi magic to see around. I assume he uses magic to eavesdrop too.
The city is his idea. Even with today's technology, and even more as in science fiction stories, watching everyone when he want to without magic is possible. Don't see why he should bother, especially with magics that other sorcerer might be able to trace back to him instead of using electronic signals that filled the whole city.
Feb 19, 2011 4:35 PM
Jul 2018
Aleister, you sneaky ass....what are you up to? :o
Feb 19, 2011 6:10 PM

Nov 2007
wow this is way way way better than the first half of the season. Accelerator even getting his ass kicked is great. the less Index the better too. seemed obvious Touma would have to help Accelerator. it's great seeing all the old characters reappear, can't wait to see what happens next compared to the last 2 boring story arcs.
Feb 19, 2011 6:22 PM

Mar 2010
Oh, this arc is so much more interesting than the two previous ones. It was little bit painful to watch Accelerator getting beaten up, but I did like the new antagonist(s). :)

Feb 19, 2011 6:35 PM

Jul 2010
ZetaZeta said:
The explanation for the battle here is questionable at best. Just because you know how Accel's vector alterations work doesn't mean you can train yourself to react at the precise moment you think Accel will alter the vector. He could arbitrarily alter it at any point. 1 inch from face? 2 inch from face?

Unless science guy could somehow feel the vector being altered, and therefore react to it himself (by pulling back at that moment), just pulling back when he *thinks* accelerator will alter the vector makes no sense.

Let's not even get into the fact that if he touched accelerator, accelerator could reverse the bloodflow in the asshole's body explode his vital organs on the spot, etc. The man took a effing bullet to the head and maintained bloodflow in another person's broken arteries while he was unconscious. don't tell me this wasn't remotely outside of some of these scientists expectations. and why are accelerator's powers exactly the same despite being connected to the Misaka network?

The explanation for this fight is the stupidest thing I ever heard, and made me stop watching the episode, which I had to resume later. I'd accept if there was Magic involved that somehow interfered or something, but such a simple explanation ("Just think of it as stopping right before impact") specifically noting he wasn't a guinea pig for any tech or modifications (so it's all him 100% normal human doing this through physical analysis and motion) is stupid.

tl;dr: stupid, and lazy writing imo just to get a character other than touma who can touch accelerator.

He was Accelerator's power developer, if you read the novel. (I think this was mentioned during the ep too..). Thus, he knows the exact range of Accelerator's shield, and hence can pull back in precise timing
I'm not an otaku.
Feb 19, 2011 7:56 PM
Nov 2010
Accelerator got owned. this makes this episode awesome.
Feb 19, 2011 8:16 PM
Jan 2011
Basically everybody before u ask.

Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Feb 19, 2011 8:41 PM
Dec 2007
nseika said:
The city is his idea. Even with today's technology, and even more as in science fiction stories, watching everyone when he want to without magic is possible. Don't see why he should bother, especially with magics that other sorcerer might be able to trace back to him instead of using electronic signals that filled the whole city.
It's also good to mention that he IS a mage, but yes he's just using Academy City's advanced technology to monitor everything. I can't believe it took this show almost two full seasons for the magical and scientific worlds to finally clash together. And how majestically awesome it's looking to be. A third season of this doesn't sounds half bad.

Feb 19, 2011 10:05 PM
Jun 2010
Oosran said:
Great episode when Index showed up.


Accelerator cackles like a little girl, get your shit together man. Episode was carried by Last Order.
Feb 20, 2011 1:10 AM

Oct 2009
Shit just got real.

Shit just got fucking real.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 20, 2011 2:24 AM
Dec 2009
people have their complaints about this show, but i've loved every bit of it. but this is definitely shaping up to be one hell of an amazing arc
Feb 20, 2011 2:55 AM

Jun 2008
That was a really entertaining and intense episode. They really cut it just about things where getting really good. Can't wait for the next one. That girl from the church that is full of piercings must be some really powerful existence from the way she talked. Don't tell me his gonna lose from another stupid punch from Touma.

Aleister seems to have gave an order for someone to fight against that bitch but i didn't get his instructions very well. Why is he enjoying himself? And what is he anyway? I don't remember the first season so good so i don't remember if their was an explanation.
Feb 20, 2011 4:23 AM

Jul 2009
Polarity said:
LASSSST ORDEER the way he says it is so entertaining.
Indeed and the way he giggles like a granny who have smoked too much xD

That Kihara was just great as well, gave Accelerator a good proper beating without any outdrawn self righteous speeches.
Touma should learn a thing or two from him^^
Feb 20, 2011 4:45 AM
Dec 2007
Monad said:
That was a really entertaining and intense episode. They really cut it just about things where getting really good. Can't wait for the next one. That girl from the church that is full of piercings must be some really powerful existence from the way she talked. Don't tell me his gonna lose from another stupid punch from Touma.

Aleister seems to have gave an order for someone to fight against that bitch but i didn't get his instructions very well. Why is he enjoying himself? And what is he anyway? I don't remember the first season so good so i don't remember if their was an explanation.
Vento of the Front is there to try to kill Touma so it's inevitable Touma will battle her, and yes it is a she, but Vento will not go down without a lot of fighting and some heavy assistance. You already saw that Aleister ordered Kazakiri Hyouka to be awakened (didn't you wonder why Houka showed up for a few seconds during the start of this arc, that was why) and sent both her and Kihara after Vento. Oh, in case you forgot who Hyouka is, she's the imaginary realm girl from the last arc of season 1.

If the one you refer to when you say "why does he find it fun" is Aleister, then it's because he can finally stop all pretenses of status quo. The church's magicians have for all intents and purposes brazenly breached Academy City so yeah, he can finally stop pretending too. Plus, I bet he finds it fine entertainment to see his precious pets fight.

Feb 20, 2011 6:40 AM
Jan 2011
Monad said:
That was a really entertaining and intense episode. They really cut it just about things where getting really good. Can't wait for the next one. That girl from the church that is full of piercings must be some really powerful existence from the way she talked. Don't tell me his gonna lose from another stupid punch from Touma.

Aleister seems to have gave an order for someone to fight against that bitch but i didn't get his instructions very well. Why is he enjoying himself? And what is he anyway? I don't remember the first season so good so i don't remember if their was an explanation.

Aleister is the man behind EVERYTHING
Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Feb 20, 2011 7:34 AM

Apr 2010
Accelerator turned to his old ways when he killed those guys in the vans tho he was soon stopped by that scientist.
Who used a rather cowardly way to attack Accelerator and who also happened to be pretty sadistic going to such lengths to hurt Accelerator
I wonder what Index will do to help out Accelerator and how will she react to that scientist.

Vento attacking on the same time as the attack on Accelerator might suggest that these attacks are linked, and that Vento probably knew they where attacking him at that time.
Tho she didn't mention anything about Accelerator and i am not sure if she does know about him.
She also mentioned only Index and Imagine Breaker suggesting that that they are seen as the city's best defense and that she doesn't see any of the other students as a threat.

It also became clear that Little Misaka has more roles then just controlling the network of the Misaka clones.
The question is what and why is she so importuned to Aleister.
And what is Aleister planning on doing it seems like he doesn't consider Vento a threat at all even tho she might cause considerable damage to the city.
Feb 20, 2011 8:04 AM

Aug 2008
I'm not used to seeing Accelerator get pwned like that. Oh well I'm sure he'll kill that guy eventually.
Feb 20, 2011 9:24 AM
Jan 2011
Aversa said:
Accelerator turned to his old ways when he killed those guys in the vans tho he was soon stopped by that scientist.
Who used a rather cowardly way to attack Accelerator and who also happened to be pretty sadistic going to such lengths to hurt Accelerator
I wonder what Index will do to help out Accelerator and how will she react to that scientist.

Vento attacking on the same time as the attack on Accelerator might suggest that these attacks are linked, and that Vento probably knew they where attacking him at that time.
Tho she didn't mention anything about Accelerator and i am not sure if she does know about him.
She also mentioned only Index and Imagine Breaker suggesting that that they are seen as the city's best defense and that she doesn't see any of the other students as a threat.

It also became clear that Little Misaka has more roles then just controlling the network of the Misaka clones.
The question is what and why is she so importuned to Aleister.
And what is Aleister planning on doing it seems like he doesn't consider Vento a threat at all even tho she might cause considerable damage to the city.

Kihara was definitely not fightin like a coward.One mistake and he's done for and he's fighting mano y mano. The reason why he's attacking accelerator is because vento invaded
Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Feb 20, 2011 12:13 PM

Sep 2008
Yeah, if you're gonna fight Accelerator you walk in with a plan. Finding someone's weakness and manipulating it, striking the weak spot in the armor, isn't cowardice, it's merely the lack of stupidity. I wouldn't even call it smart. Accelerator, Dragons, Demigods, Liches, Superman, any manner of telekenetic or telepath, these are all fights that just aren't meant for the Leroy Jenkins approach. You've always got to bring a blade capable of cutting through dragon scales, Get dragon's unprotected underbelly, Strike the Demigod's human component, find the lich's phylactory, bring some kryptonite, Get the telekenetic before it sees you, attack the telepath when it's sleeping or too distracted by other matters to notice your thoughts.

There's a time and a place for the noble barbarian code. This isn't it. There's a reason a genius combat scientist was put in charge of this operation and not some gang leader or some manner of noble and chaste warrior. If he'd started the fight shouting "Come at me Bro" and proceeded to put his trust in the old fisticuffs he would have died so quickly you'd miss it if you blinked.

Heck, if you want to be technical all he's doing is evening the playing field. Accelerator has an impenetrable shield and an infinity plus one sword. He just spotted the hole in the shield and neutralized the sword, turning it into a fight between two mere mortals. It's really no different from if Accelerator hadn't had any powers to start with and Kihara laid the beat down to him.
Feb 20, 2011 1:41 PM

Aug 2009
best episode in a while.
Feb 20, 2011 1:57 PM

Nov 2009
The last spoken words of the episode summed up what it felt like:
"Let the fun begin!" (Paraphrased XD )

Well, at last it has! This was one of the first enjoyable fight animations in a while, so i was excited. Not to mention there is actually an event relevant to Academy City's imaginary section it seems, or in general shit gets serious.

IT seems safe to assume accelerator is more of a main and interesting character than any of the ones from the other arcs.
Feb 20, 2011 4:02 PM

Apr 2010
I gotta agree with some - the Kihara fight was awkward. I have trouble believing Accel wouldn't have encountered the failing of his reflection in years' worth of insignificant physical interactions. If anything the fight is (in my mind) a message to Accel to get off his high horse and yearn for more power. He could've kicked a rock or something and instantly killed Kihara unless they pulled some other deux ex machina. Or Accel could know from his last fight with Misaka clone that you can attack indirectly.

If I understood Aleister right, he said he wanted to merge Last Order and Hyoka? Would that basically plug Accel into the city's AIM fields and give him control over the AIM fields? Or something more like the multiple abilities of the host node of Level Upper?

Re: Index, it'd be cool if she used some powers like John's Pen mode, but I think we've given up on that.
Feb 20, 2011 4:25 PM

Sep 2008
Papajan said:
I gotta agree with some - the Kihara fight was awkward. I have trouble believing Accel wouldn't have encountered the failing of his reflection in years' worth of insignificant physical interactions. If anything the fight is (in my mind) a message to Accel to get off his high horse and yearn for more power. He could've kicked a rock or something and instantly killed Kihara unless they pulled some other deux ex machina. Or Accel could know from his last fight with Misaka clone that you can attack indirectly.

If I understood Aleister right, he said he wanted to merge Last Order and Hyoka? Would that basically plug Accel into the city's AIM fields and give him control over the AIM fields? Or something more like the multiple abilities of the host node of Level Upper?

Re: Index, it'd be cool if she used some powers like John's Pen mode, but I think we've given up on that.


...Every time someone touches him they break bones or die. How often exactly do you think he gets touched? Let alone how incredibly abnormal the movement would have to be in order to trigger this response. Even if it did happen once he'd probably just think the shield was on the fritz. Some quirk of the subconscious caused a malfunction.

Index actually just doesn't have Johns Pen mode anymore. It got busted when touma broke the rest of the magical shit the english puritans had done to her. So... yeah. Not gonna happen.

This in addition to the fact that none of her techniques or knowledge is/are at all useful against firearms makes me wonder exactly how useful she's gonna be here. Last Order sending Touma in after her also sounds a bit dodgey...
Feb 20, 2011 4:33 PM
Jan 2011
Papajan said:
He couldn't have failed in his reflection since it was turned on all the time so when he was "jumped" he wouldn't have to worry but since Kihara knows everything about him kihara knew exactly how to beat him since he's the only one who really understands his powers. As for kicking rocks or whatever doing something like that would make the story and fight short and boring and ruin any and all anime series with fights.
Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Feb 20, 2011 5:43 PM

Apr 2010
IndexFanboy214 said:

Kihara was definitely not fightin like a coward.One mistake and he's done for and he's fighting mano y mano. The reason why he's attacking accelerator is because vento invaded
Gangler said:
I take back that the attack was cowardly any experienced fighter uses his opponents weaknesses to there advantage.
And something any tactician would use on the battlefield.
Kicking your opponent on the head when he is down on the ground and unable to fight is cowardly however.

What is surprising how ever is that Accelerator didn't know about this weakness.
Or at least didn't know how to defend himself against it, i would have expected him to have a back up plan at least.
Feb 20, 2011 6:27 PM
Dec 2007
Aversa said:

What is surprising how ever is that Accelerator didn't know about this weakness.
Or at least didn't know how to defend himself against it, i would have expected him to have a back up plan at least.
It's not so surprising since his reaction was the same when he fought Touma and back then he actually had his full powers. Right now he can barely keep his powers active for a short amount of time and several of his techniques are gone for good. I think his previous fight with Touma might be what made him believe Kihara was nullifying his power just like Touma did. Of course this led him to think he was using the gloves to go through the reflective barrier like Touma used his right fist so it's not like he didn't try to fight back. He just had the wrong idea.
Leon-GunFeb 20, 2011 6:31 PM

Feb 20, 2011 6:57 PM

Sep 2008
Aversa said:
I take back that the attack was cowardly any experienced fighter uses his opponents weaknesses to there advantage.
And something any tactician would use on the battlefield.
Kicking your opponent on the head when he is down on the ground and unable to fight is cowardly however.

What is surprising how ever is that Accelerator didn't know about this weakness.
Or at least didn't know how to defend himself against it, i would have expected him to have a back up plan at least.

Hm... I still don't know I've I'd call that cowardly. I tend to think of cowardice as the notable lack of courage, and I'm not entirely sure how courage would cause someone to not attack their opponent when he's weak and helpless. I suspect we've just been using the word to mean different things.

Definitely a sadist though. Cruel, harsh, merciless. God I love him.

Regarding accelerator's weakness, I get the impression he's had a remarkably flawless track record with his power. The first guy to get past it was Touma, and that was when Accelerator figured out he could manipulate air vectors. So after that he had a contingency plan, except that Kihara's just that good so he had a counter to that as well. He personally designed Accelerator's personal reality. He has a flawless knowledge of how it works, all it's possibilities, and as a whole he knows accelerator inside out from having shaped his mind that way. Having a backup plan is only so helpful when the man pretty much knows what you'll think before you think it.

This being said it was still definitely surprising in a lot of ways. We were all kind of prepared for accelerator to kick some ass. An evenly matched fight would have been surprising, but this savage beatdown was jaw dropping.

Just for the fun of it, a quote from that scene in the novel. The moment directly before Kihara walks in.

For obvious reasons I was not at all prepared for someone to walk in on this scene start beating him down like he was some manner of helpless puppy. Poor guy's just so weak and frail without his powers.
Feb 20, 2011 7:19 PM
Jan 2010
I wonder how long until Kihara dies even if he is weak eventually Accel will kill him.

Index would probably be hated less if she could use John's Pen mode but instead all we get is maigc interceping which is useless here. Well its not like Touma could do anything against guys with guns

Fuze Kazikiri vs Vento of the front next episode, does this mean Kazikiri got an upgrade?
Feb 20, 2011 7:56 PM
Dec 2007
Dan777 said:
I wonder how long until Kihara dies even if he is weak eventually Accel will kill him.

Index would probably be hated less if she could use John's Pen mode but instead all we get is maigc interceping which is useless here. Well its not like Touma could do anything against guys with guns

Fuze Kazikiri vs Vento of the front next episode, does this mean Kazikiri got an upgrade?
Yes and no. But you will see soon enough. You will also see why they need Last Order.

Feb 20, 2011 9:27 PM

Apr 2008
The main reason why Aleister deployed the Hound Dogs and Kihara is to get a friggin small child... =3 Why...?:
Feb 20, 2011 9:41 PM
Dec 2007
Hahaha, I knew someone wouldn't resist writing a bait spoiler. Look at your own risk folks. xD That said, it's gonna be a long five days of waiting.

Feb 20, 2011 11:12 PM

Jun 2009
So that very last image of the preview.... definitely a Michael Jackson smile...
Feb 20, 2011 11:45 PM

May 2009
To those people who read the novel:

PLEASE! Resist from saying anything that will spoil other people, just give them a hint or a clue, you know who you are (>_>)

-- I'm looking for "The One" and I'll find her more quickly if I audition two at a time. Think you can do better? --
-- The World God Only Knows -- Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai --
Feb 21, 2011 3:00 AM

Sep 2009
Great episode. I have really been enjoying the last few episodes. I hope this keeps up.
Feb 21, 2011 10:13 AM

Nov 2010
Poor Accelerator its not everyday you see him get beat to a pulp, also this Vento person sure looks interesting but i got a feeling she is underestimating Touma Image Breaker...Also i really wanted to Sasha in that costume, rather then her wearing her usual clothing.
Feb 21, 2011 6:52 PM

Nov 2007
LordRandus said:

^This! Totally made my day.
Finally! Finally the real war starts. For a while I thought they'd drag it out till the 3d season. Great animation as well, except for Last Order crying. She was barely recognisable.
I don't mind Index stepping in. 95% of the time I hate her and her stupid jokes, but I do like her when she gets serious.
Long time since I've sat on the edge of my seat to see what happens next...
Feb 21, 2011 6:56 PM
Sep 2009
It took 18 episodes for things to heat up. I actually can't wait till next week.

Poor Accelerator...damn what a beating.
Feb 21, 2011 11:04 PM

Nov 2009
Finally the story is getting interesting, accelerator was getting pounded to a pulp @_@
Feb 22, 2011 12:39 PM

Apr 2010
Gangler said:

...Every time someone touches him they break bones or die. How often exactly do you think he gets touched? Let alone how incredibly abnormal the movement would have to be in order to trigger this response. Even if it did happen once he'd probably just think the shield was on the fritz. Some quirk of the subconscious caused a malfunction.

Index actually just doesn't have Johns Pen mode anymore. It got busted when touma broke the rest of the magical shit the english puritans had done to her. So... yeah. Not gonna happen.

This in addition to the fact that none of her techniques or knowledge is/are at all useful against firearms makes me wonder exactly how useful she's gonna be here. Last Order sending Touma in after her also sounds a bit dodgey...

It just seems like Accel would "accidentally" feel a rush of wind now and then or bump his hand on something in a weird way now and then. If he's always reflecting, it'd seem extremely unusual to him. I find it hard to believe that the "science" world would explain something as an unexplainable accident. I'm willing to accept it for now, but it seems like the way things are often presented in the anime are a little unbelievable compared to the parts of LN I've seen.

I realize Index doesn't have John's Pen mode, but I interpret that mode as analogous to software. Under that interpretation I assume Index has mana and the ability to use the knowledge of the books even though she says she doesn't have any mana. I can't fathom the idea of software having mana.
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