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Feb 27, 2012 10:56 PM

May 2011
Andy is great lol. Poor guy still haven't been able to gattai yet tho.

Hmmm so thats what Mikono's power is, nice. Great to see Zessica's feel slowly developing even though I am going for Mikono just a bit over Zessica.

Jin is joining in as transfer student it seems. Yeah I think Jin is going to join one of the spots in the ED too. I love the way the ED works, looks and sounds great too.
Feb 27, 2012 11:16 PM

Feb 2012
Glad everybody sympathize Zessica. The girl just wanted to show herself. It's not like she's the one who want to shows off her body. It's just being her...

When I'm already like Mikono character, Zessica turns out to give some spices. Lol. Can't wait.

"If you don't want him, I'll take him." This line win.

Yeah, we shouldn't worry about Andy. The guy has got his adored Big Bang.
Feb 27, 2012 11:39 PM
May 2009
No Kagura :(
Feb 28, 2012 2:18 AM

May 2011
queenSwild said:
choyos said:
rofl... BIG BANG Union
Poor andy... he got so close. So Mikono is like a catalyst to improve the union?
Funny ep... just wondering, they haven't said which is Zessica power yet right?

That's a very good way to describe her element. I guess they were right about her element being a Aquarion power amplifier. :P

Hmm. I just assumed that her power was the hand blast from episode one since Aquarion hasn't done it since. :/ She's only piloted like what.. three times? So she hasn't really gotten the chance to show it...

Well, I think you're right, she was rarely piloted as far I saw until know.
Anyway, have to agree on 'BIG BANG union' thing. LOL makes me want to laugh at that. And it's nice episode nonetheless.
Looks like Jin is going to enter the academy (high chance). Can't wait to see.
Feb 28, 2012 8:03 AM

May 2008
i wonder if Zessica will join Kagura side and somehow help him get Mikono so that Zessica and Amata can be together lool
Feb 28, 2012 8:08 AM

Feb 2012
Ahmer said:
i wonder if Zessica will join Kagura side and somehow help him get Mikono so that Zessica and Amata can be together lool

That's kinda dark, mate. I don't ever think in million Zessica would do something dirty like that. She might switches side, but it hardly happen to me. That would make a good angst though.
Feb 28, 2012 9:30 AM

Apr 2011
Zessica's sudden gloomy mood surprises me. I wonder how why she become like that. I was expecting her to be a bit more agressive with Amato, but instead stares on him from a dark corner.
Feb 28, 2012 12:27 PM
Apr 2011
There are a lot of 'hole' references--not that I mind. Lol! XD Even the word 'hole' made me laugh.

I'm glad that Mix is one step of getting her fear over boys, but overcoming that fear is still a long road. Hopefully she will overcome it entirely by the end of this anime.

And yes, I approve Mix x Andy as a couple. ^^v
Feb 28, 2012 1:44 PM

Jan 2012
TsukiumiFanboy said:
hahaha "bros before holes" i lost it right there
Feb 28, 2012 6:49 PM

Feb 2012
TsukiumiFanboy said:
hahaha "bros before holes" i lost it right there

Donar & Suomi: "Oi, oi..."

I wonder if something also happen between Donar and Suomi. Maybe they will piloted the Aquarion in the future. Beats me..
Feb 28, 2012 10:21 PM
Feb 2011
this episode is a real killer if you have a dirty mind and it just so happens that i do,
couldnt help but laugh at the sexual references succh as "let me fill your hole with the dirty from mine" this is disturbing and funny
Feb 29, 2012 5:13 AM
Nov 2008
BWHAHAHAHAHAHA....This hole episode was about holes LMAO..........And donut philosophies lmfao Poor Andy ...he didn't union again xD
Mar 1, 2012 7:30 PM

Oct 2011
wow! best episode yet!
Mar 3, 2012 12:03 AM

Feb 2012
This episode did wonders for Mikono and Amata's relationship since Zessuca wasn't in the way at all this time around.
Mar 3, 2012 6:33 AM

Apr 2011
Oh Amata. Why you no like Zessica-chan?
Mar 3, 2012 10:35 AM
Jan 2011
Oh dear the school is gonna be infiltrated.
Mar 3, 2012 12:08 PM

Jan 2012
Excuse me while I spew out my thoughts on the series..:)
My predictions for Zessica's Element:

1. It's gonna be something related to fire. Explaining the reason why she hardly wears any clothes (since she's so hot :P) and that fiery hand blast she did in episode 1/2.

2. It's gonna be something sad and depressing, dark, maybe even villainous. In one of the episode previews she implies that she's more just a pair of boobs and some nice legs. I believe that the happy-go-lucky exterior she has hides something really dark, deep within.

I also believe that Zessica will change sides sooner or later because it would make my prediction about her being the reincarnation of Sirius correct since he also changes sides.. but I hope, HOPE it won't be because of petty feelings of jealousy. I'm not saying that she can't be jealous. Mikono gets jealous all the time, but it's entirely played for laughs and for cuteness. Zessica changing sides and turning evil because of jealousy would not be cute or funny. It would just be sad.:/

Mikono changing sides?..I can't see that happening. Even if she feels jealous sometimes, she still has her brother that she wants to fight with, NOT against. I can't see her going to such extremes like betraying her family over a guy she likes. Being taken against her will by either Kagura or Jin? I can see that happening. With Kagura's growing yandere-ness because of Mykage's influence it's only a matter of time before he lets that beast boy free.

Now that I think about it, if either Mikono or Zessica change sides I can see it happening because of Mykage and his trolling tendencies. >.> As seen from this episode he can mind rape people into doing whatever he pleases. :/
queenSwildMar 4, 2012 11:18 AM
Mar 3, 2012 2:28 PM
Jan 2012
zessica is the card of diamond. every thing about her card is actually positive. so while all these theories about how she is going to turn to the dark side is imo going to be false atleast at the moment.

also her card diamond(or ace of pentacle) the element associated with it is earth. which explians why she can shoot missile that turn to trees and flowers. also the promotion poster of zessica is that of the green pastures of the school imo, she represent vega or earth.

amata's card is that of jack of clubs or paige of wands which is a card associated with fire which makes sense cause he is apollo/apollonius. the reason why zessica's element came out like that of a flaming slap in first episode is because her element power(which is force or power) combined with amata's element power. just like in the previous series when apollo could do flaming mugen punch.

i will reseve any judgement of zessica being the bad person in the triangle until mikono and kagura's encounter comes to pass.
juvememaMar 3, 2012 2:36 PM
Mar 3, 2012 2:36 PM

Jan 2012
juvemema said:
zessica is the card of diamond. every thing about her card is actually positive. so while all these theories about how she is going to turn to the dark side is imo going to be false atleast at the moment.

also her card diamond(or ace of pentacle) the element associated with it is earth. which explians why she can shoot missile that turn to trees and flowers. also the promotion poster of zessica is that of the green pastures of the school imo, she represent vega or earth.

amata's card is that of jack of clubs or paige of wands which is a card associated with fire which makes sense cause he is apollo/apollonius. the reason why zessica's element came out like that of a flaming slap in first episode is because her element power combined with amata's element power. just like in the previous series when apollo could do flaming mugen punch.

i will reseve any judgement of zessica being the bad person in the triangle until mikono and kagura's encounter comes to pass.

o.o. That's so cool!:D And the fiery hand attack actually makes sense. Where did you find all of that information about the cards?

After researching about cards, I found that it's very unlikely that Mikono will betray everyone since her card means love and happiness.:/ If we keep going by card meanings it's highly possible that Zessica's element has something to do with money. If you look at the series picture you see Amata holding a feather representing his element of flight. While Zessica is holding something green which possibly represents money. Either that or money plays a huge part in her backstory.:/ Zessica actually does represent earth.I found that..

Hearts(Mikono) - Water

Clubs (Amata)- Fire

Diamonds(Zessica) - Earth

Spades(Shrade) - Air

And Mikono is exactly like her card! Since it also means a "That communion between two souls, with a beauty that can never be forgotten or ignored." :'D
queenSwildMar 3, 2012 3:45 PM
Mar 4, 2012 3:53 PM

Jun 2008

LOL. Holycrap a Japanese pun that's just as hilarious in English.

So much holes in this episode it's crazy. It's probably said over 50 times.
Love the metaphors in this episode, so wacky.

No scenes from me this time, but worthy wordplays need to be screencapped:


Mar 5, 2012 7:52 PM

Apr 2008
ana yori dango. My milk went from my mouth to all over my table. This epsidoe finally put the show on my radar. Glad to see some of the old aquarion charm finally being used. Now I'm waiting for Mix to get a whole punched in her big bang by Andy, lulz.

Also, the leader of the bad guys could win a Vandesdelca cosplay competition just by getting up in the morning, seriously.
Mar 8, 2012 7:28 PM

Jan 2011

That's all this episode is for, and still rocks.
Mar 14, 2012 9:41 AM

Jan 2012
Yo, am lookin all over internet googling it and youtubing.. anyone knows what is the name of composer or song that Shrade plays all the time....?
Cant find it beside this one
on yt x.x
its pretty annoying.
i want to learn it damn it!
Mar 16, 2012 9:16 AM

Nov 2007
ChokeBee said:
Yo, am lookin all over internet googling it and youtubing.. anyone knows what is the name of composer or song that Shrade plays all the time....?
Cant find it beside this one
on yt x.x
its pretty annoying.
i want to learn it damn it!

Most likely Yoko Kanno, one of the goddess of anime music.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Mar 20, 2012 2:04 PM

Jan 2011
Okay maybe this show is pretty fucking good in it's own way Lol my Boy Andy was so close still he ending up getting a bit in the end!.
Apr 6, 2012 12:45 AM

Nov 2007
random union, Mikono with Mix and Andy?

should have replaced Mikono with Amata. WTF Andy got swapped out? he didn't get his union :( Poor Andy. I guess they kinda get along better. Andy always gets jewed :(

needed more Zessica. kinda tired of Mikono.
May 7, 2012 11:34 PM

Aug 2010
Poor Andy. Didn't get to GATTAI
Jun 27, 2012 5:18 PM

Nov 2011
Oct 16, 2012 12:25 AM
Dec 2011
LOL!! Loved it

Mix and Andy <33 Andy is a babe.

Andy is very happy though.. Lol blushing hard core when he's passed out in the chair.

Wanna talk more message me
Feb 18, 2013 2:09 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
belatkuro said:
"Humans are born from holes, and to holes they return."
Freaking epic line there from Fudo.

And at least Andy's present in spirit. Right? Right?
Ah who am I kidding, the guy always get cockblocked. Poor guy.
Dem Mix cannons though.

Lol seriously, all those talks about holes...XD So serious, yet not.

KaitoDash said:
Explicitz said:
Wait wait, you guys actually tolerate Mix? shes annoying as fuck! She takes out her anger on guys because her dad fell in love with a woman through a glory hole just makes her downright the stupidest person in the entire show. i cant even stand a sentence from her and this chapter pissed me off more than usual even though Andy is literally the only funny dude in the show.

I hate MIX. That's why it kinda satisfied me seeing MIX gets pwned by Andy.

Yeah I don't like her either. Her reason for hating men is just stupid. It's a logical fallacy, but I can't remember the name. Oversimplification maybe? Just because her father fell in love/had affairs or something through a secret hole (I can't remember what exactly it was because it's so stupid) doesn't mean all guys are bad. =_= She irritates me to no end. But on the bright side, I loved Andy this episode. He's definitely the jester of the show.
Feb 18, 2013 2:09 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
belatkuro said:
"Humans are born from holes, and to holes they return."
Freaking epic line there from Fudo.

And at least Andy's present in spirit. Right? Right?
Ah who am I kidding, the guy always get cockblocked. Poor guy.
Dem Mix cannons though.

Lol seriously, all those talks about holes...XD So serious, yet not.

KaitoDash said:
Explicitz said:
Wait wait, you guys actually tolerate Mix? shes annoying as fuck! She takes out her anger on guys because her dad fell in love with a woman through a glory hole just makes her downright the stupidest person in the entire show. i cant even stand a sentence from her and this chapter pissed me off more than usual even though Andy is literally the only funny dude in the show.

I hate MIX. That's why it kinda satisfied me seeing MIX gets pwned by Andy.

Yeah I don't like her either. Her reason for hating men is just stupid. It's a logical fallacy, but I can't remember the name. Oversimplification maybe? Just because her father fell in love/had affairs or something through a secret hole (I can't remember what exactly it was because it's so stupid) doesn't mean all guys are bad. =_= She irritates me to no end. But on the bright side, I loved Andy this episode. He's definitely the jester of the show.
Mar 19, 2013 8:23 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The hole references are absolutely ridiculous, but that's the standard for this show. I don't get all the Mix hate, she's just your classic tsundere character.

Actual development on the Amata Mikono front. Impressive.
FarabeufMar 19, 2013 8:34 AM
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 30, 2013 3:29 PM

Dec 2008
Bros before holes? Hahaha!

Sent with Mal Updater
Jan 4, 2014 5:02 AM

Oct 2009
So many holes being filled ahh...
Mar 9, 2014 10:45 PM
Dec 2012
This is anime is the most moe thing I've ever seen...
May 9, 2014 1:11 PM

Aug 2012
"Ana Yori Dango" Hahahah

Loved all those Andy x Mix moments ^o^
And damn, why didn't Andy get his Union?!!!
Jul 7, 2015 3:21 AM

May 2015
If you ask me glasses girl just wants a hole plugged
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Nov 18, 2015 3:25 AM

Jul 2008
Well finally the chastity belt got told off this episode. Andy never gets a break, lol.
Mar 2, 2017 2:05 PM

Jul 2013
Man, I haven't watched this in months, I barely remember what was happening.

That was so deep lol. A girl shouldn't say a guy fills her hole LOL!!

Mix and Andy, the perfect example of opposites attracting, he makes holes and she fills them LOL!!!

If she's such a prude though why does she show her boobs so much through that top? lol. Surely she should wear something more reserved that at least covers that part of herself a bit more.

Mikono's power is to connect people and Mix's to fill holes - those are some odd powers lol.

Shrade and Toma were sexy and mysterious this episode <3

Jin's gonna infiltrate next episode lol.
Jun 17, 2024 1:25 AM

Dec 2022
The innuendo in this episode was out of control.

Also, constant symbolism and metaphors about holes. Very unpredictable series.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

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