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Jan 24, 2022 7:11 PM

Jan 2016
azerdarkblade said:
This anime is amazing, but so devastating. Time to rewatch Aria to heal myself...

haha, it's funny you say that as Aria and this are my top 2 anime
Feb 3, 2022 12:50 AM

Dec 2018
another show that's way too far up it's own ass
pretty bad until the last few episodes
Apr 7, 2022 6:44 PM
Sep 2019
it was alright, would've liked it more if it wasn't so boring at times
May 16, 2022 8:21 PM

Dec 2021
such a good show, lots to dissect from this. from how each major character symbolizes a sort of principle we all should live by to the idea of how theres not really any god, at least the way i see it. yoshii and kano are the ones that pull the strings but ultimately meet their demise, possibly to prove that they are nothing more than human. closes its themes perfectly. also a well written narrative & characters. would've been a 10 but i found about half of the episodes (mainly the first 6 episodes and some of the episodes around 11-16) to be boring. good thing the ending was just incredible and strong enough to reach my favorites. i also should've paid more attention to these episodes cuz they may have spilled their motivations (unless the motivation itself to do something about their lifeless city)

i really do wanna recommend this but i feel like people would just find it boring :(

good opinions on anything, block = I own you
Sep 17, 2022 6:20 PM
Mar 2022
Fav ep of all time.
Oct 1, 2022 7:32 AM

Jul 2020
It was good overall but felt so dragged out sometimes.. I think I'll have to rewatch it later cuz honestly I began losing focus at the end
Nov 1, 2022 6:10 PM

Dec 2019
Probably the best anime I've ever watched. You can literally read any dialogue from this show and say that it's a masterpiece.
Nov 8, 2022 4:04 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Went into this for a change of pace, not really expecting to enjoy it, but having a faint glimmer of hope that it'd be something special for me. For lack of a better term, I will almost never pick up one of these more 'elitist' titles, other than Lain and Ergo Proxy which I plan to watch next since those are like the two big ones. So anyway, I really was not expecting to like this very much. Throughout the course of the runtime, I was thinking it was alright. I wasn't bored, I was at least mildly intrigued. And despite the dark and heavy tones, the depressing atmosphere, the muted colour palettes with even a noise filter overlaying it on multiple occasions, it actually felt like a breath of fresh air to have something so raw and visceral as compared to the moe moe kyun shounen power of friendship stuff that we get now in mainstream anime. Now I rate pretty much entirely based on my own enjoyment of the show, and I was feeling a 5/10 or a 6/10 throughout. But finishing this last episode... gave me one of those rare feelings, the kind of feeling where you kind of just sit and stare at the credits, and continue to stare at your blank black screen even after they finish. Is this what a masterpiece is? It's dark, it's depressing, there's like no hope whatsoever to be found here, yet it's somehow so beautiful. Maybe there's peace in knowing that nothing matters.

Anyway, I don't know really how to feel about this score-wise, it's a very rare occurrence for me to not know what number to put on said anime after finishing it. It's like it not only deserves, but needs something else other than a number. Last time I felt this way from an anime probably had to be clannad after story. For now, I think I'll leave it at a 7/10, I believe it deserves no less than that.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Nov 9, 2022 2:13 PM

Aug 2020
Still a great story... Gotta rewatch this.

Nov 9, 2022 2:15 PM

Aug 2020
NickWolffr09 said:
Probably the best anime I've ever watched. You can literally read any dialogue from this show and say that it's a masterpiece.

What's nice about it is that this is not a show that wastes time with unnecessary conversations. It just wants to show a rabbithole story, nothing more than that.

Jan 17, 2023 4:50 PM

Dec 2010
Some of the theories posted by people were really interesting, but I think that I like the most one that I saw on YouTube - while maybe everything was bound to go down in chaos, Ichise is at fault for never making the best of the chance at life he was given. Just because the world around him sucks big time, it doesn't mean that he can't make bonds with people and look to build some positive relationships, instead of walking around listlessly for most of the show's duration. If one thinks about it, Oonishi was holding up this "inferno" under control with his sole strength of character for the longest time. If more people down there tried to work towards a better future, who knows what the outcome could have been?

One thing I don't like about the idea of humanity being split in two radical opposites is that it seemingly doesn't allow for the existence of benevolent or truly good people. Oonishi, Ran and eventually Ichise come the closest from the underworld and the "best" we saw from the Surface world was someone who at least cared for his friend (despite the latter being a deranged psychopath). The Class is even worse, with Doc doing her best deed solely on a whim.  
Mar 7, 2023 4:13 AM

Dec 2022
Great anime. I didn't really care about any of the characters, but neither did they, so I don't mind. The aesthetic, music and plot were all expertly crafted. It didn't mess around with irrelevant subplots, and everything tied neatly together at the end. Texhnolyze aspires to be as overwhelmingly pessimistic about its universe as it can be, and never fails at doing so. Consistency in intent is valued when writing anime, and Texhnolyze does not forget its purpose for even a second.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Apr 14, 2023 10:14 PM

Mar 2021
The ones above who have everything... waiting for death; those below who are struggling for life... are dead. The world has ended for the people in Texhnolyze.

I really wasn't sure about this series when I first started it, and even considered dropping it after the first few episodes. I'm glad to say that I saw it through to completion. While roughly the first half of the series isn't very good in my opinion (although it does set the tone which is important), the second half was absolutely amazing and carries the whole series for me. The ending tied everything together and was satisfying. Texhnolyze explored a wide variety of topics and did a good job with them; it did not shy away from taboo ideas.

I'm not sure why, but I always end up loving shows that devolve into insanity and everyone dies.
Jun 11, 2023 12:57 PM

Oct 2019
I really felt nothing from this end, tbh. Its cool seeing all these interpretations about these characters and how depressing it all is but I just felt emotionless about the end. Only character i really cared for was prolly Onishii.
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

Jun 11, 2023 6:03 PM

Feb 2016
i'll leave a few thoughts i had about the last episode since most "plot points" were there

1. the things about myths is that they don't abide by reality; the time of myth is a time out of time
2. one thing that never gets mentioned is that Doc's 'ghost' comes back to help Ichise: we get a shot of her painted in that strange light that sorrounds the above ground people (their ghosts) while sitting naked in her chair
3. when it comes to anime, there're only a few things to me that comes close to the image of the shapes taking roots, eternally condemned to that state of inertia, being mirrored by dragon-flys. the fact that this new form of life, born from Texhnolyze, literally takes "root" in the city gives a physical form to the idea that all the Texhnolyze were connected as a neuronal chain by the city through the obelisk
4. speaking of images that mirror each other, Rafia's flowers are life being evoked by death. it's precisely why Ichise throws Ran's remainings there, and why the flower appears in the very last scene
5. Kano's words - that there isn't anything wrong about their genes, that this is all a delusion, and that the whole city is a product of his mind - gives room to people interpreting the show as 'everything is a dream'. doesn't really sits well with me, i prefer to take Kano as a deluded mind. whatever it may be, Ichise's answer to Kano's is essentially the same one he gives to things like 'fate': he punches it as hard as he can
6. by the end of the story, Ichise has grown to have something as a sense of place, of duty. that's why he never gives in to fate and chooses to return from the upper world, despite all odds. it turns out that Ran was right about the future she foresaw, Ichise destroyed everything and ended up alone, but the most important thing is that Ichise denied it, that he was able to change himself, even if the outcome is the same (death). this work in the literal sense (of the story) and in bigger sense (like a moral)
7. all things considered, a crushing finale, again. I don't really like the simplistic take of "it's a life affirming show because Ichise finds meaning in humanity's fall"; it's not that this notion is necessarily wrong, but the images of the end of this myth are really hard to take lightly

i would love, love, love if we could ever get more material about this show translated, or if Konaka suddenly decided to talk about it before he's dead. it's highly unlikely that this will ever happen, though...

till the next time, Texhnolyze
Jul 5, 2023 4:17 AM

Oct 2021
i cried. such a beautiful ending, the start of this show might not have been great but the ending is masterpiece and gave me a depression that i was literally on verge of crying. i really liked ran's character and our protag, ichise finally found peace as the last man standing and eventually passes away..
Jul 19, 2023 9:13 AM
Aug 2020
Once there was an ugly barnacle
He was so ugly that everyone died
The end.
Aug 2, 2023 12:49 PM

Apr 2019
Worst anime ever made
Aug 16, 2023 8:38 PM
Jun 2023
Im still waiting an explanation why Ran was following this random dude(ichise) everywhere. Why Kano is not resisting at the end to be killed its weird. 
 To me was this mistery in the first 7 episodes(i think) that made this show interesting, damn it changed to a gang war with lots of boring dialogue and it finished with this weird city and the returnal to lukkus. Well thats Chiaki J. Konaka for you, hes good to create weird concepts but bad at wraping it up. 
i give this show a 6/10 because im not happy with this conclusion. Its like he dont know how to finish a show and kills everyone to never make a sequel or a movie. 
its crazy how theres not a explanation to what the hell happened in the surface. 
Aug 23, 2023 10:36 AM

Oct 2015
There will never be something like this ever again.
Sep 15, 2023 7:57 PM
Aug 2023
a very melancholic ending. i would expect no less from Texhnolyze. its really the ending, of everything. the Shapes are truly in hell as the last beings alive.
Jan 4, 2024 9:50 AM
Jan 2022
Ótimo anime

Não esperava gostar tanto, 10/10
Apr 24, 2024 11:40 AM
Mar 2022
So good, takes time to watch and some patience, but definitely worth it
Jun 8, 2024 5:09 PM
Nov 2018
lack of logic defined this whole story and there were a lot things that simply happened and never got any kind of explanation

the back and forth of "conflict" between factions that never result in anything, nobody ever killed or made an attempt to kill the leader of an enemy faction despite being enemies

what was yoshi end goal? to free the city of the class? of the people of the surface?
and even if that was indeed his goal, how starting a gang war was going to accomplish that?

doctor and onishi deciding they were going to watch over ichise because yes, the plot demands it, even after his attempt to hurt doctor or after killing organo members

shapes simply stopped working

and kano end goal, to evolve humanity by turning them into disgusting abominations that become fix to spot for the rest of their lifes
how stupid, but yet one could make the case that he was simply insane so i dont see this lacking so much sense as the rest of the series

and kano, who previously show to have a device to render people with artificial limbs unable to move, never uses it again despite sending his troops to kill onishi

why did ran believe herself to be responsible for the city going to shit?
and if she wanted to avoid such outcome, why didnt she told anyone about kano?, whom she personally knew, why did she leave gabe to return to the city?
the people of gabe never did anything, even after the attempt to kill onishi, they simply remain irrelevant to the plot

why was onishi wife crazy?

what was the ultimate goal of the salvation union? if they were to ever take control of the city then what?
the same could be asked for rakkan

kimata and shinji felt pointless, you could remove them from the plot without any major losses

and ichise all of the sudden, ichise limbs start to work again, but only after all the goons fail to deliver a fatal blow or wait patiently while he is on the floor talking to himself

onishi remained but didnt try to confront kano, despite he knowing he was on the theather
shinji going to the class's city instead of confronting kano in the theater

people of the surface being "dead" or "slowly dying", what was killing them? apathy? how did they end up like that? why did they believe that "evolving" was the solution to such situation?

vague and nonsensical, that is texnolyze

and with the exception of the last 5 or 6 episodes the animation is very lacking, dialogues happening out of frame to avoid having to animate lip movement, the action often being still frames of the character before and after dealing a blow to an opponent, the cars being static and simply sliding across the fucking screen during car chases, the texno vision constanly showing a still frame of whatever the character has in front of him.

in short, no, i didnt like it, i give a 5 out of 10.

Jun 8, 2024 5:11 PM
Nov 2018
Reply to Beatnik
Ergo Proxy cares more about how it looks with its stupid mascara-ridden goth character and bunny-suit moe girl than exploring any worthwhile ideas, and when it tries it just waffles on with exposition and shit.

TeXhnolyze is real cyberpunk done good.

Just my wee little opinion.
@Beatnik if this is "good" cyberpunk i cant imagine how awful bad cyberpunk must be
Jun 18, 2024 1:13 PM
Jul 2018
This episode is a true piece of art. It conveys emotion in a way I've never witnessed in any other piece of media.
Aug 1, 2024 8:59 AM

Jan 2020
Well....Ichise is at a better shape than he was at the beginning....he's also alone from the start.....but somehow he lost that will to survive....
Sep 15, 2024 10:58 PM
Jul 2022
Really good anime this anime can be really boring and would be if you are not a fan of just pure story but without cliche hook since this anime has none of that even a singular comedic relief which us basically essential in all of anime this is the only one ive seen and people claim to be the only one that doesn't have them.

This would be hard to watch but I was able to finish it because I only watched them when I was feeling down because I like watching peolle suffer worse than me so I can realize what im suffering from isnt that big of a deal, I wish ichise the best.
Sep 16, 2024 9:36 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to KanthorFehga
Really good anime this anime can be really boring and would be if you are not a fan of just pure story but without cliche hook since this anime has none of that even a singular comedic relief which us basically essential in all of anime this is the only one ive seen and people claim to be the only one that doesn't have them.

This would be hard to watch but I was able to finish it because I only watched them when I was feeling down because I like watching peolle suffer worse than me so I can realize what im suffering from isnt that big of a deal, I wish ichise the best.

Serial Experiments Lain does not have a comedic relief either and bunch of other serious anime.
Oct 10, 2024 6:04 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to rodmanii
lack of logic defined this whole story and there were a lot things that simply happened and never got any kind of explanation

the back and forth of "conflict" between factions that never result in anything, nobody ever killed or made an attempt to kill the leader of an enemy faction despite being enemies

what was yoshi end goal? to free the city of the class? of the people of the surface?
and even if that was indeed his goal, how starting a gang war was going to accomplish that?

doctor and onishi deciding they were going to watch over ichise because yes, the plot demands it, even after his attempt to hurt doctor or after killing organo members

shapes simply stopped working

and kano end goal, to evolve humanity by turning them into disgusting abominations that become fix to spot for the rest of their lifes
how stupid, but yet one could make the case that he was simply insane so i dont see this lacking so much sense as the rest of the series

and kano, who previously show to have a device to render people with artificial limbs unable to move, never uses it again despite sending his troops to kill onishi

why did ran believe herself to be responsible for the city going to shit?
and if she wanted to avoid such outcome, why didnt she told anyone about kano?, whom she personally knew, why did she leave gabe to return to the city?
the people of gabe never did anything, even after the attempt to kill onishi, they simply remain irrelevant to the plot

why was onishi wife crazy?

what was the ultimate goal of the salvation union? if they were to ever take control of the city then what?
the same could be asked for rakkan

kimata and shinji felt pointless, you could remove them from the plot without any major losses

and ichise all of the sudden, ichise limbs start to work again, but only after all the goons fail to deliver a fatal blow or wait patiently while he is on the floor talking to himself

onishi remained but didnt try to confront kano, despite he knowing he was on the theather
shinji going to the class's city instead of confronting kano in the theater

people of the surface being "dead" or "slowly dying", what was killing them? apathy? how did they end up like that? why did they believe that "evolving" was the solution to such situation?

vague and nonsensical, that is texnolyze

and with the exception of the last 5 or 6 episodes the animation is very lacking, dialogues happening out of frame to avoid having to animate lip movement, the action often being still frames of the character before and after dealing a blow to an opponent, the cars being static and simply sliding across the fucking screen during car chases, the texno vision constanly showing a still frame of whatever the character has in front of him.

in short, no, i didnt like it, i give a 5 out of 10.


Bro you dropped your brain. Everyone can have an opinion and I get that some points are vague, but many of the things you listed are literally explained in the show.

the back and forth of "conflict" between factions that never result in anything, nobody ever killed or made an attempt to kill the leader of an enemy faction despite being enemies

Been a while since I watched it but Oonishi gets shot at, pretty sure Shinji gets shot at too. Also this is normal in shit cities (like in less developed countries), the government (ie, Oonishi) will often not want to kill gang leaders because it can damage them too.

what was yoshi end goal? to free the city of the class? of the people of the surface?
and even if that was indeed his goal, how starting a gang war was going to accomplish that?

He was a "Joker" like character. His motive is not 100% explained but his back story in the incredibly boring above world shows he wanted to feel alive. Another possible motive is he saw Texhnolyzation happening in the bottom world, saw what it would lead to in the above world, so wanted to cause chaos to stop or delay it.

doctor and onishi deciding they were going to watch over ichise because yes, the plot demands it, even after his attempt to hurt doctor or after killing organo members
Because he was the perfect lab rat for experimentation. Homeless, nobody who cares about him, and most importantly missing limbs. Then after he tried to hurt her, Oonishi had already invested a great deal of money on him and Doc wanted to see the data from her experiment. 5 brain cells should be able to work this out.

shapes simply stopped working
One villain literally says it's gangrene to the brain. He says it IN THE SHOW. Likely from pushing experimental technology that the best doctor in the show hadn't tested yet,

and kano end goal, to evolve humanity by turning them into disgusting abominations that become fix to spot for the rest of their lifes
how stupid, but yet one could make the case that he was simply insane so i dont see this lacking so much sense as the rest of the series

Yes he was crazy. Again, IN THE SHOW one character says he's the result of incest... which affects the brain. Also IIRC he was Texhnolyzed at a young age and in the show they say Texhnolyzation affects the brain too...

and kano, who previously show to have a device to render people with artificial limbs unable to move, never uses it again despite sending his troops to kill onishi
Honestly I can't remember but was there ever a reason he would have needed to use it? IIRC he lets Ichise punch his head off without defending himself. Could be wrong on this one.

why did ran believe herself to be responsible for the city going to shit?

She saw a future > a very terrible future > she told her followers what would happen in that future > her followers did everything they could to make the future happen as she said it > she realises and feels bad

and if she wanted to avoid such outcome, why didnt she told anyone about kano?, whom she personally knew, why did she leave gabe to return to the city?

Because she was a child and just did what Gabe told her, she was also not allowed to play with other kids, she was basically a glorified slave and didn't know what to do. She probably didn't realise what they were doing until it was too late, in which case she disobeyed them and went to the city. Also the only time we see her vision is in the first episode where Ichise saves that guy from dying, hinting that Ichise is one or maybe the only character that can change the future. She went to the city to see him.

the people of gabe never did anything, even after the attempt to kill onishi, they simply remain irrelevant to the plot

Again... IN THE SHOW they literally say they don't need the city and are self sustainable. Their motive / religion is to make the seer's predictions come true which it did. Maybe they didn't try to kill him again because at that point Ran had already told them about his death?

why was onishi wife crazy?

Because she knew her husband was cheating... come on bro....

what was the ultimate goal of the salvation union? if they were to ever take control of the city then what?

Ultimate goal was to stop Texhnolyzation... Anti-technology cult that is common in many scifi shows, idk how this is hard to understand.

the same could be asked for rakkan

They were just a gang that ended up way over their head. Do most gangs have ultimate goals?

kimata and shinji felt pointless, you could remove them from the plot without any major losses

Kimata maybe but Shinji goes through huge character development. This is my opinion I guess.

and ichise all of the sudden, ichise limbs start to work again, but only after all the goons fail to deliver a fatal blow or wait patiently while he is on the floor talking to himself
This is explained with a small scene / flashback with doc. Emergency power supply (IIRC hinted that it's the rafia given to him by Ichise's dead mum)

onishi remained but didnt try to confront kano, despite he knowing he was on the theather

Honestly can't remember, but maybe he was trying to help the city not collapse. Oonishi was a character that mostly acted rationally not emotionally.

shinji going to the class's city instead of confronting kano in the theater

The world had basically ended... he just wanted to do whatever he liked in his last few days alive, which was visit the supposed promised land where all the rich people lived. Also did he know Kano was in the theatre?

people of the surface being "dead" or "slowly dying", what was killing them? apathy? how did they end up like that? why did they believe that "evolving" was the solution to such situation?

Obvious metaphor for what the writer thinks humanity will become when we become over reliant on technology.

I know it's a confusing show but bro...... some of these are literally said in the show, some can be worked out with 5 brain cells, and others are vague and probably require a rewatch so fair enough, but don't watch shows while scrolling Tiktok and then complain on an anime forum...
fieldsgrow2Oct 10, 2024 6:10 AM
Oct 10, 2024 12:04 PM
Nov 2018
Reply to fieldsgrow2

Bro you dropped your brain. Everyone can have an opinion and I get that some points are vague, but many of the things you listed are literally explained in the show.

the back and forth of "conflict" between factions that never result in anything, nobody ever killed or made an attempt to kill the leader of an enemy faction despite being enemies

Been a while since I watched it but Oonishi gets shot at, pretty sure Shinji gets shot at too. Also this is normal in shit cities (like in less developed countries), the government (ie, Oonishi) will often not want to kill gang leaders because it can damage them too.

what was yoshi end goal? to free the city of the class? of the people of the surface?
and even if that was indeed his goal, how starting a gang war was going to accomplish that?

He was a "Joker" like character. His motive is not 100% explained but his back story in the incredibly boring above world shows he wanted to feel alive. Another possible motive is he saw Texhnolyzation happening in the bottom world, saw what it would lead to in the above world, so wanted to cause chaos to stop or delay it.

doctor and onishi deciding they were going to watch over ichise because yes, the plot demands it, even after his attempt to hurt doctor or after killing organo members
Because he was the perfect lab rat for experimentation. Homeless, nobody who cares about him, and most importantly missing limbs. Then after he tried to hurt her, Oonishi had already invested a great deal of money on him and Doc wanted to see the data from her experiment. 5 brain cells should be able to work this out.

shapes simply stopped working
One villain literally says it's gangrene to the brain. He says it IN THE SHOW. Likely from pushing experimental technology that the best doctor in the show hadn't tested yet,

and kano end goal, to evolve humanity by turning them into disgusting abominations that become fix to spot for the rest of their lifes
how stupid, but yet one could make the case that he was simply insane so i dont see this lacking so much sense as the rest of the series

Yes he was crazy. Again, IN THE SHOW one character says he's the result of incest... which affects the brain. Also IIRC he was Texhnolyzed at a young age and in the show they say Texhnolyzation affects the brain too...

and kano, who previously show to have a device to render people with artificial limbs unable to move, never uses it again despite sending his troops to kill onishi
Honestly I can't remember but was there ever a reason he would have needed to use it? IIRC he lets Ichise punch his head off without defending himself. Could be wrong on this one.

why did ran believe herself to be responsible for the city going to shit?

She saw a future > a very terrible future > she told her followers what would happen in that future > her followers did everything they could to make the future happen as she said it > she realises and feels bad

and if she wanted to avoid such outcome, why didnt she told anyone about kano?, whom she personally knew, why did she leave gabe to return to the city?

Because she was a child and just did what Gabe told her, she was also not allowed to play with other kids, she was basically a glorified slave and didn't know what to do. She probably didn't realise what they were doing until it was too late, in which case she disobeyed them and went to the city. Also the only time we see her vision is in the first episode where Ichise saves that guy from dying, hinting that Ichise is one or maybe the only character that can change the future. She went to the city to see him.

the people of gabe never did anything, even after the attempt to kill onishi, they simply remain irrelevant to the plot

Again... IN THE SHOW they literally say they don't need the city and are self sustainable. Their motive / religion is to make the seer's predictions come true which it did. Maybe they didn't try to kill him again because at that point Ran had already told them about his death?

why was onishi wife crazy?

Because she knew her husband was cheating... come on bro....

what was the ultimate goal of the salvation union? if they were to ever take control of the city then what?

Ultimate goal was to stop Texhnolyzation... Anti-technology cult that is common in many scifi shows, idk how this is hard to understand.

the same could be asked for rakkan

They were just a gang that ended up way over their head. Do most gangs have ultimate goals?

kimata and shinji felt pointless, you could remove them from the plot without any major losses

Kimata maybe but Shinji goes through huge character development. This is my opinion I guess.

and ichise all of the sudden, ichise limbs start to work again, but only after all the goons fail to deliver a fatal blow or wait patiently while he is on the floor talking to himself
This is explained with a small scene / flashback with doc. Emergency power supply (IIRC hinted that it's the rafia given to him by Ichise's dead mum)

onishi remained but didnt try to confront kano, despite he knowing he was on the theather

Honestly can't remember, but maybe he was trying to help the city not collapse. Oonishi was a character that mostly acted rationally not emotionally.

shinji going to the class's city instead of confronting kano in the theater

The world had basically ended... he just wanted to do whatever he liked in his last few days alive, which was visit the supposed promised land where all the rich people lived. Also did he know Kano was in the theatre?

people of the surface being "dead" or "slowly dying", what was killing them? apathy? how did they end up like that? why did they believe that "evolving" was the solution to such situation?

Obvious metaphor for what the writer thinks humanity will become when we become over reliant on technology.

I know it's a confusing show but bro...... some of these are literally said in the show, some can be worked out with 5 brain cells, and others are vague and probably require a rewatch so fair enough, but don't watch shows while scrolling Tiktok and then complain on an anime forum...
@fieldsgrow2 wow, its been a while since i encountered someone this fucking stupid:
"Been a while since I watched it but Oonishi gets shot at, pretty sure Shinji gets shot at too. Also this is normal in shit cities (like in less developed countries), the government (ie, Oonishi) will often not want to kill gang leaders because it can damage them too."
are you retarded? onishi, organo, wasnt the governtment just a mafia, in your mind, in shit cities gangs just fight for fun and not for the purpose of expanding their territory or influence? no, they just fight for fun, trade blows and then go home, nobody wants the other gang to disband so they can rule without opposition, thats how it works in your mind? imbecile, and even if at somepoint onishi gets shot we also got him exchanging pleasentries with both shinji and the other fucker of the salvation, like they were pals and not enemies.

"He was a "Joker" like character. His motive is not 100% explained but his back story in the incredibly boring above world shows he wanted to feel alive. Another possible motive is he saw Texhnolyzation happening in the bottom world, saw what it would lead to in the above world, so wanted to cause chaos to stop or delay it."
lol, so he wanted to save the above world, that everyone keeps saying was already dying, and save it from what exactly? artificial limbs?, get real

"Because he was the perfect lab rat for experimentation. Homeless, nobody who cares about him, and most importantly missing limbs. Then after he tried to hurt her, Oonishi had already invested a great deal of money on him and Doc wanted to see the data from her experiment. 5 brain cells should be able to work this out."
yeah, you are right, "Homeless, nobody who cares about him, and most importantly missing limbs" people with such characteristics were available in such low numbers in the fucking city, right? i mean, obviously, they needed to pick the one with the most erratic behavior, and then just let him go so he may do as he fucking pleased, wow, such a great experiment.

"One villain literally says it's gangrene to the brain. He says it IN THE SHOW. Likely from pushing experimental technology that the best doctor in the show hadn't tested yet,"
oh really? tell me the name of this "villain", and in what episode does he says that? i guess you must be talking of Kohakura, who was also a shape, so he had a rotting brain yet was still capable of coherent speech?

"Honestly I can't remember but was there ever a reason he would have needed to use it? IIRC he lets Ichise punch his head off without defending himself. Could be wrong on this one."
yeah, he just sended his shapes to hunt down onishi for mere fun of it, it was just a joke, he didnt actually meant to hurt him, am i right?

"She saw a future > a very terrible future > she told her followers what would happen in that future > her followers did everything they could to make the future happen as she said it > she realises and feels bad
no, no, who the fuck are this "followers", the people of gabe? the ones that didnt do shit in the gang war and just remain in their fucking town till the end? you are saying those people irrelevant to the plot, are the ones reponsible for kano's doing?, true, at some point they kind of wanted to kill onishi, but they failed and then didnt do anything else for the remainder of the fucking series and yet here you are telling me how they are the true masterminds behind kano's actions?

"Because she was a child and just did what Gabe told her", so, she was just a child that did was she was told and at the sametime her followers did as she commanded? you are such genius pal, imbecile

"Again... IN THE SHOW they literally say they don't need the city and are self sustainable. Their motive / religion is to make the seer's predictions come true which it did. Maybe they didn't try to kill him again because at that point Ran had already told them about his death?" yes, and in the show they also fuck your mom, right?, they didnt needed the city yet they bothered to try to kill onishi because something something, reasons? and

"Because she knew her husband was cheating... come on bro...." yeah, right, if you try really hard maybe you could also do some mental gymanistics about why onishi liked white suits.

"Ultimate goal was to stop Texhnolyzation... Anti-technology cult that is common in many scifi shows, idk how this is hard to understand." i know their basic slogan mister, the point is how this "stop texhnolyzation" would have worked, was the plan to round and kill all the people with artificial limbs? to attack the ruling class? to kill all the doctors? to stop the mining of the fucking mineral?, vague and superficial, thats was the salvation army

"They were just a gang that ended up way over their head. Do most gangs have ultimate goals?" yes, like expanding their fucking territory, gaining monopoly and the production of drugs, gaining policital power to allow their activities to continue without defiance, or in your mind gangs are like after school clubs were people just hang around and kill the time?

"Kimata maybe but Shinji goes through huge character development. This is my opinion I guess." ah yes, he goes from stoic man to stoic man dying in a stupid pointless assault to a suspiciously undefended city.

"This is explained with a small scene / flashback with doc. Emergency power supply (IIRC hinted that it's the rafia given to him by Ichise's dead mum)"
ah yes, the emergency power supply that didnt kick in when the fucking limbs stopped working a while ago, no, it only started working when the conveniently useless goons failed to land a single bullet

"Honestly can't remember, but maybe he was trying to help the city not collapse. Oonishi was a character that mostly acted rationally not emotionally." are you fucking retarded? onishi last moments was him shouting and attacking a fucking obelisk while sorrounded by goons that shoot him to pieces, he didnt try to flee or attack the goons, no he was too busy confronting the wall, in your mind that is the mark of rational man?

"The world had basically ended... he just wanted to do whatever he liked in his last few days alive, which was visit the supposed promised land where all the rich people lived. Also did he know Kano was in the theatre?"
could he fucking try and find out? you see that this man, shinji, does nothing in regards to the man tried to kill using his best friend as a proxy, i mean, the man responsible for condeming his gang and the city, but no, shinji just wanted to fuck around for fun, right?

"Obvious metaphor for what the writer thinks humanity will become when we become over reliant on technology.", lol, the characters were fucking walking metaphors, let me guess, yoshi was a metaphour for nihilism, am i right?, by that retarded logic, everything can be explained as some metaphour the author was trying to convey by having plotlines without explantion or reason.

no pal, liking a shitty "cult" anime full of plotholes doesnt make you smart, this anime is full of plotholes and nonsenses, and no amount of mental gymanistics is going to change that
Dec 21, 2024 8:52 PM

May 2024
A fairly dark and bleak psychological journey, maintaining its tone constant throughout the episodes, giving us an excellent setting, frankly the last 4 chapters were simply beautiful in the most depressing sense of the word, it is a dense series and not suitable for anyone at all. be a certainly unique experience, in general it is an excellent series if you want to see something different. 9/10
Karkov05Jan 20, 5:09 PM
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