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Blue Lock
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Nov 27, 2022 3:34 PM
May 2022
No... Please don't suggest this ever again.
Nov 27, 2022 3:59 PM

Apr 2020
no. Just no. I'm sure Blue lock wouldn't gain that many fans from it being a BL. As a girl, I must say I would much rather prefer to watch a sports anime. Just look at Haikyuu, it isn't a BL and look how loved it is by girls
Nov 27, 2022 4:07 PM
Aug 2021
… what??? The wierd eat thing I read all day
Nov 27, 2022 4:12 PM

Apr 2018
Katsudon-kun said:
elany said:

Speaking as a manga reader, the series does have BL potential but of the, how to put this, doujinshi variety. What we've seen in the anime so far doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of how absolutely insane these guys are. Yes, they remain pretty one note throughout, but they do it in the most intensely unhinged way possible, which combined with the setup makes for a much better doujinshi premise, where the characters are much more likely to just ehm get it out of their system and move on.

Realistically speaking, unlike something like Yuri on ice, which as an anime original was able to be a mostly sports anime with a queer love story at its core, Blue lock is based on a manga and doesn't have that freedom and never could've. If there were to be BL elements since its inception, then no matter the overarching story, the manga would've been published in a different magazine, aimed at different audience, received different marketing etc. and i don't think those two elements together would've been approved by just about any editor to begin with.

Doujinshi on the other hand, well, anything fucking goes with those, doesn't it lmao

[Edit: just saw your name and wow hey friend lmaooo]

Even with all that tension and spicy possibilities of “letting out steam in the locker room,” I’d still think this series wouldn’t make for a good BL franchise. Good BL, at least to me, is about those cute in-between moments - the small but many reasons why one would think two certain boys will make for a great match.

Another problem I see is that even if the author decided to incorporate queer themes from the start in the manga, it would bring up scenarios - due to Blue Lock’s story structure - such as what happens if a certain team or character leaves? Is the guy admiring them or dating them would call it quits and move on? Cheat? Try to continue with what they have even with them not around anymore? It could easily create all sorts of dilemmas and drama that sports fans don’t want in the first place.

I’m honesty wondering if those are deciding factors on why, even with the cast of very good looking sporty guys, there aren’t a lot of Blue Lock fanfics or doujins out there - despite the manga being out since 2018 or being one of the more watched shows this fall season.

That's actually part of why I said it might work better as a doujinshi - it would have to be restructured from ground up if the story was meant to either focus on or even meaningfully incorporate romance long term, and by that point we're dealing with a very different series already. Doujins often don't work like that to begin with and in many cases stay well under 10 chapters as well, so while it might not work well as a franchise, a shorter story could be a way to go. But, to be completely frank, I could also see it being a longer series, considering how some of the relationships progress in canon - which brings me to my next point; I could honestly answer some of those questions, but it's hard to do so without spoilers.
So in the most vague terms possible: blue lock does in fact have a core cast. It takes a bit to get there, but there is one and it hasn't really changed for much of the series. And second thing, a lot of what you brought up is in a way already happening in the manga, it's just presented as friendship, and people seem to be eating it up. I wouldn't necessarily say it's sports fans eating it up, considering this isn't a sports manga in the first place, but the readers seem to be down with the myriad of bromance break ups and make ups and whatnot. Not saying this would still be the case if any of these guys were actually romantically involved, but at that point that's not an issue of the story being badly suited for the narrative, but the audience.

That's a good question, because my first instinct was to say yes - i don't really expect blue lock to ever reach the popularity of hq or even free or kuroko, and the way it carries itself is certainly part of that. But on the other hand, there's plenty of good, well thought out sport series, with tons of grounded interpersonal conflict and plenty of interesting relatable characters - and yet most of those also don't have a big fanbase, beyond maybe being critical darlings.
Not that many series have a really big western following before getting an anime adaptation, so i'm predicting that the fandom will grow exponentially in the following months, but whether that results in more fan content of shipping variety ig remains to be seen.
Nov 27, 2022 4:50 PM

Jul 2017
If it was BL it would be homosexual, and being homosexual is gay.

Nov 27, 2022 5:26 PM
Dec 2021
What’s with all the disagreement towards this idea? I feel that Blue Lock not being Boys Love is a missed opportunity, as it could have made a wonderful virtual harem.

Some have commented on it being turned into a Boys Love would decrease the male fanbase. That’s actually a good thing, because the anime industry is pandering towards an male audience, which is why male-gaze fanservice is so common in anime. A larger female fanbase would mean more shoujo, and shoujo are generally better-made than shounen and seinen due to lacking fanservice.

Also, the acronyms for Blue Lock and Boys love are literally both BL.

Blue Lock is BL.
Nov 27, 2022 5:30 PM
Musubi pie

Mar 2013
TsutanaiFuun said:
Do you think this would be even better as a BL anime? They've at least got the characters for it. As a sports anime, mostly guys are watching this anime but if this was BL then girls would watch it too which would mean a boost of popualirty for this anime.

I wouldn't mind either way, but sports anime are usually popular with girls, hence the insane amount of doujinshi that surface from it. Sooooo, technically it doesn't need to be BL, since the fans will make it so, whether anyone wants it or not.

Nov 27, 2022 6:59 PM
Nov 2021
Girls watch this show (I'm a girl). It being BL would pretty much ruin the point of Blue Lock, what does love have to do with everyone fighting for the top, wanting to play for Japan. Everyone knowing they won't be able to even play if they lose in Blue Lock. There really isn't a place for romance
Nov 27, 2022 6:59 PM
Jan 2022
GreyStoneFlinger said:
What’s with all the disagreement towards this idea? I feel that Blue Lock not being Boys Love is a missed opportunity, as it could have made a wonderful virtual harem.

Some have commented on it being turned into a Boys Love would decrease the male fanbase. That’s actually a good thing, because the anime industry is pandering towards an male audience, which is why male-gaze fanservice is so common in anime. A larger female fanbase would mean more shoujo, and shoujo are generally better-made than shounen and seinen due to lacking fanservice.

Also, the acronyms for Blue Lock and Boys love are literally both BL.

Blue Lock is BL.

As much as Isagi suddenly getting a harem of hot football guys vying for his affections while competing in a Darwinian scouting process sounds super fun, let’s be real here; that idea would never fly.

It’ll most likely be due to the author having done some research on who will be his target audience, and even if he did want to make the story that way, publisher Kodansha would probably have a thing or two to say about it during his pitch to them. To top it all off, and just going by this thread alone, most folks who are into sports series are generally opposed to it.

It’s a shame though; I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of a harem where a guy gets a bunch of hot dudes to fawn over him. On the girls’ front, the closest thing I can think of is the golfing anime (which was bonkers in of itself).
Nov 27, 2022 7:01 PM
Dec 2021
Katsudon-kun said:
GreyStoneFlinger said:
What’s with all the disagreement towards this idea? I feel that Blue Lock not being Boys Love is a missed opportunity, as it could have made a wonderful virtual harem.

Some have commented on it being turned into a Boys Love would decrease the male fanbase. That’s actually a good thing, because the anime industry is pandering towards an male audience, which is why male-gaze fanservice is so common in anime. A larger female fanbase would mean more shoujo, and shoujo are generally better-made than shounen and seinen due to lacking fanservice.

Also, the acronyms for Blue Lock and Boys love are literally both BL.

Blue Lock is BL.

As much as Isagi suddenly getting a harem of hot football guys vying for his affections while competing in a Darwinian scouting process sounds super fun, let’s be real here; that idea would never fly.

It’ll most likely be due to the author having done some research on who will be his target audience, and even if he did want to make the story that way, publisher Kodansha would probably have a thing or two to say about it during his pitch to them. To top it all off, and just going by this thread alone, most folks who are into sports series are generally opposed to it.

It’s a shame though; I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of a harem where a guy gets a bunch of hot dudes to fawn over him. On the girls’ front, the closest thing I can think of is the golfing anime (which was bonkers in of itself).

That’s disappointing. Sports are generally pointless, so using one as an excuse for BL would make an exception for said sport.
Nov 27, 2022 7:41 PM
Feb 2021
Stupid question from a stupid person
Nov 27, 2022 11:15 PM

Jan 2013
How dare you, it's not gay if it's Chigiri.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Nov 27, 2022 11:27 PM

Oct 2022
as a bi dude that finds gay relationships in anime a good thing: wtf no. just let the focus be on the plot pls thx
Nov 28, 2022 6:12 AM

Oct 2014
Why are you guys like this in EVERY sport anime. It doesn't need to be BL because I'm sure the fandom already turned it Bl in their accounts.
Nov 28, 2022 6:20 AM

Dec 2008
not everything has to be about sex.
"Man fears the darkness, and so he scrapes away at the edges of it with fire."
Nov 28, 2022 6:28 AM

Dec 2021
No, absolutely not, as a hardcore sports anime/manga fan having it as a BL would just ruin the entire point of the anime😐
Respectfully please stop trying to turn every anime with 'hot guys' into BL. 🙂
Nov 28, 2022 7:55 AM
Apr 2021
Catch33 said:
not everything has to be about sex.

Not all but these ppl always have sex on their mind🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
Nov 28, 2022 7:56 AM

Jan 2019
Katsudon-kun said:
TsutanaiFuun said:
Do you think this would be even better as a BL anime? They've at least got the characters for it. As a sports anime, mostly guys are watching this anime but if this was BL then girls would watch it too which would mean a boost of popualirty for this anime.

I believe that if this franchise wants to rake in more female fans, the characters’ really need to have more distinct individual personalities - and not just “I want the one who’ll prevail in Blue Lock by being the best there is” type of mentality.

A huge part of Haikyuu’s appeal is that many of its characters didn’t just have great developments, but their personalities plus intra-personal relationships were also varied and fleshed out as well. Blue Lock’s concept and setting (while it can make the tension between two characters palpable since they’re stuck in a training facility with other handsome dudes after all) makes it rare to see them act out like teenage boys and have more wholesome moments together.

In other words, and speaking as a gay guy as well, despite the attractive characters in the cast (and there are a lot of them), the franchise’s lack of cute moments between two boys and its hyper competitive nature makes it a pretty terrible BL vessel.

With that said, Rei and Navi seem like good BL candidates since they do have history, wholesome moments and great chemistry together. (I would even vouch that they’re better than Isagi x Bachira or Isagi x Kunigami). Even without the BL lens, they’re genuinely entertaining to watch since they compliment each other’s abilities and personalities well.

why did u have to analyze this so hard lmaoooo

also, not that im in favor of blue lock being a bl, but don't u feel the best bl are found in series that have zero right to be a bl--like when it would be completely random to have the story go that way. bc not only does this ensures a more robust story, but also isn't it just kinda funny
Nov 28, 2022 9:19 AM

Jun 2021
We don't need another Free! Homossexual Gay Club so stop trying to brainwash people with your bad grammar and puntuaction.
ねえ、それはあなたです! あなたがカズマやトーマが好きなエッチ/ハーレムファンなら、女性を「平等に」扱うので、女性を殴る/軽蔑する2人のマッチョな男性か、Free!/YOIが好きだがフェアリーテイルの悪を話すTumblrファンガールです/ DxDとSAOは、ファンサービスがあり、アニメやマンガでBL / LGBTQ +ファンサービスが好きで、自分を「フェミニスト」と呼んでいるためです。自分は偽善者に過ぎず、価値観を再考し、これらの二重で停止する必要があることを知ってください。標準。 真剣に、それを止めてください😁。 #MenHaveTheRightToWorkInShortsInHotDays #MALMemberSince2010#Kirisuna Nico Nico no Hyouryuuken! (Music about God).

*Bill Clinton's voice* I did not have sexual relationships with that anime girl. *Hilary Clinton's voice* waifu's rights are human rights, and human rights are waifu's rights. *God Emperor Donald Trump's voice* Yaoi anime will soon be illegal. All fujos will be arrested.

Nov 28, 2022 9:22 AM

Apr 2018
TsutanaiFuun said:
Do you think this would be even better as a BL anime? They've at least got the characters for it. As a sports anime, mostly guys are watching this anime but if this was BL then girls would watch it too which would mean a boost of popualirty for this anime.
How will it boost popularity if almost all male watchers would drop it because of the bl tag?

Nov 28, 2022 3:03 PM

Jul 2019
Like all the other anime sports with guys right? Don't worry, there's quite a bunch of doujinshi of it already for you to read pal
                                                        "𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑖𝑚 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒..."
Nov 28, 2022 3:21 PM
Oct 2022
This guy must be a germany
Nov 28, 2022 4:12 PM

Jan 2018
Fuck off mate, no it won't lol
Nov 28, 2022 6:15 PM

Jan 2022
IDK about that bro.

Sounds kinda gay to me
-insert NGE meme here-
Nov 28, 2022 6:18 PM

Jul 2021
i dont like bl that much. blue lock as itself is fine as is.

Don't you see? This is what
your heart truly desires.

Violence should be
used strategically.
Nov 28, 2022 6:40 PM

Dec 2019
If it were done for the popularity it would just be more annoying yaoi bait

»»Delievers Here««

"Today might be the chance to grasp
the chance to let your talent bloom" -Tooru Oikawa

-Signature from Annie_Law

Nov 28, 2022 6:46 PM
Jun 2019
yes i lve boys kissing muahmuahmuah
Nov 28, 2022 7:32 PM

Aug 2020
No thanks. As a sports fan, I like Blue Lock for it's intensity and pure sports focus and despise the idea of adding romance to it in any way, shape or form. And I say that as someone who does like BL, so it's not out of a general distaste for the genre. I'd just prefer to keep romance out of my cool death game.

There's always fanworks for those who enjoy shipping, no need to add that kind of thing to canon. And no, this isn't a homophobic take, I feel the same about any straight romance too. In my opinion, it would only take away from what makes Blue Lock so good.
Nov 28, 2022 9:23 PM
Apr 2022
bro are you even sane? 💀
can't we just enjoy an anime without this BL shit?!
Nov 29, 2022 1:32 AM

Dec 2014
Blue Lock should be BL, they are locked in this space and can't go out, furthurmore there is no girls for them to release stress unless A, D, C, D, E group has such special treatment, otherwise they should seek BL way to release some stress.
Signature removed. Check your inbox
Nov 29, 2022 1:58 AM

Apr 2012
Now imagine it's an all-female show and OP is asking about yuri. How much would the answers change lol?
Nov 29, 2022 6:25 AM

Nov 2014
There's just something about sports anime that attracts raging horny BL degenerates, and hey I get that. You're allowed to be weird, we all are in certain ways. Just keep that relegated to BL fanfiction websites and properly label them.
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Nov 29, 2022 7:53 AM
Jan 2022
belka1213 said:
Katsudon-kun said:

I believe that if this franchise wants to rake in more female fans, the characters’ really need to have more distinct individual personalities - and not just “I want the one who’ll prevail in Blue Lock by being the best there is” type of mentality.

A huge part of Haikyuu’s appeal is that many of its characters didn’t just have great developments, but their personalities plus intra-personal relationships were also varied and fleshed out as well. Blue Lock’s concept and setting (while it can make the tension between two characters palpable since they’re stuck in a training facility with other handsome dudes after all) makes it rare to see them act out like teenage boys and have more wholesome moments together.

In other words, and speaking as a gay guy as well, despite the attractive characters in the cast (and there are a lot of them), the franchise’s lack of cute moments between two boys and its hyper competitive nature makes it a pretty terrible BL vessel.

With that said, Rei and Navi seem like good BL candidates since they do have history, wholesome moments and great chemistry together. (I would even vouch that they’re better than Isagi x Bachira or Isagi x Kunigami). Even without the BL lens, they’re genuinely entertaining to watch since they compliment each other’s abilities and personalities well.

why did u have to analyze this so hard lmaoooo

also, not that im in favor of blue lock being a bl, but don't u feel the best bl are found in series that have zero right to be a bl--like when it would be completely random to have the story go that way. bc not only does this ensures a more robust story, but also isn't it just kinda funny

Since my occupation deals with documents and client interaction, I can’t help but be analytical - so my apologies if my posts can get long as a novel.

As for the BL thing, even if I’m gay, I’m still leaning against Blue Lock being a BL mostly due to the über competitive nature of the series and how left of field it would be. Thing is, and idealistically, I think it’d be great to see a sports series that has the mainstream appeal like Blue Lock but happens to have some BL elements in it. I know Yuri on Ice exists, but its the only one that I can think of, and even then, it’s mostly women who’ll talk about it and not guys.

I’m not holding my breath for the one I’m idealizing appearing anytime soon though. Fans of sports series (like in this thread), much more often than not, don’t like BL. Even if some author was willing to create something I’m idealizing, I doubt a major Japanese publisher would take up their pitch on it if they think the appeal and sales potential will be low.
Nov 29, 2022 8:15 AM

Apr 2010
Thought it had all the makings of being a BL anime, characters certainly look and act the part.
<img src="" />
Nov 29, 2022 8:54 AM
Mar 2022
stupidest shit I've heard today
Nov 29, 2022 2:31 PM

Apr 2019
oh, no, lol. im a fudanshi and we dont need it being bl to like sports manga. i know its the same for fujos. lol. we will ship even without the bl tag.
literally just look at haikyuu, lol.
Nov 29, 2022 5:44 PM

Sep 2018
The creator knew what they were doing when making those character designs and their little idiosyncrasies that go with them, like that guy who's always seen getting carried around on his teammates back. It's neither BL nor does it have BL undertones, but there's just enough there to let the young female fanbase fantasies run wild. A big reason why this anime is so popular, it panders to both sexes in a lot of ways.
Mar 27, 2023 11:03 PM

Oct 2008
Hmm, as a member of the ♀️ portion of MAL, I agree with that sentiment.
Apr 6, 2023 6:55 AM
Apr 2022
Pls don't ever suggest this kind of shits again and let us just enjoy the show without any shipping shit i beg u y'all already ruined other sports animes pls don't Target this one 💀
Apr 6, 2023 8:54 AM

Jul 2021
Pyschochan said:
Pls don't ever suggest this kind of shits again and let us just enjoy the show without any shipping shit i beg u y'all already ruined other sports animes pls don't Target this one 💀
too bad it's already done👿👿👿

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Apr 6, 2023 12:16 PM

Feb 2008
F no. For one, you wouldn't boost popularity at all, as many female viewer they'd get, they would lose twice(+) as many male viewers. Also, it's actually refreshing that we don't have a dumb romance drama sub plot. We are here for adrenaline shots straight to our brains. No distractions needed.
Oct 17, 2023 2:07 PM

Apr 2020
Absolutely not. Any BL fan wanting BL stuff out of Blue Lock already has doujin/artwork/fanfics almost everything already- it does not need a BL rework or anything- it's perfect the way it is.

I like my BL as much as the next guy, but seriously, I can't help but get annoyed when some BL fans keep pushing BL into sports anime like this simply because there are tons of guys. If you want to ship the characters in the series together that's fine, no one is saying you can't do that, but even suggesting an idea like this is just stupid and insulting to the author.

Also, just let people who like the sports plot watch it for the fucking sport. Yes, there are people who genuinely like the sport aspect of a sports anime, if people find that part boring and seriously think BL is the only thing to make it good don't fucking watch sports anime at all. There are plenty of flat-out BL-tagged series out there to watch and or read.
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