All you need to know is my shit taste is unparalleled.
My Guilty Pleasure
These are the ones that make you say, why did I enjoy this shitshow. They make you look over your shoulder to make sure people aren't watching you.
My Waifus
I seem to like all hated female characters in anime but I'm not sorry for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A world without waifus isn't worth living in.
Top Anime for me
Usually are popular although it's hard for newer shows to take the crown.
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All Comments (49) Comments
Well Saiki Kusuo was one of them. I wasn't planning to watch it actually, but i got a challenge that required me to watch a show from last year and since I had already watched all the shows that interested me I decided to give it a try, especially for being a comedy with short episodes. I can't believe how quickly I finished it. Because it is very episodic and short, I didn't feel tired/bored from watching a lot of episodes. Even with shows I like, if there is too much information I get tired after a while.
Another show that I didn't expect to like as much as I did was Kami nomi zo shiru sekai. Again, to complete a challenge that required me to watch an anime tagged with a genre i dislike - which was harem. I had a lot of fun watching it and have been wanting to give the other seasons a try but havent had the chance yet
Yuri on Ice is the only thing that got hyped to the moon and back. You could watch it if you want, it's well paced and nicely animated. The mainstream appeal it got is pretty understandable. I just think it was a bit blase since it does nothing new and fetishized all the male cast with lots of manservice.
I'd say the 2nd season of Ajin coast at the same level of quality. It's almost like it continued on without a hitch. I was impressed. That usually doesn't happen, especially for edgy shounens.
Our last reply was Feb of 2016, you missed far more than just fall lol Fall was the weakest season for 2016 for me. I only enjoyed 2 shows, one of which I don't really suggest.
In Japan it's sadly the stereotype that's why there is so much negativity out of it in general, even though the otakus doesn't work socially they still contribute to the anime/manga etc. industry so it's not like they don't do anything illegal :3
I don't find Watamote cringe just because the MC is really different and weird as a character :3
The anime world tends to make the characters not relateable but Tomoko acts the way otakus is normally are :3
Q 1. How did you find me?
I used this page on this site to find you at random: http://myanimelist.net/users.php :3
Q 2. Is there any anime you find underrated? If so, what anime is it?
Yes. Watamote eventhough it's 134 on popularity it's ranked over 2000 in ranked anime eventhough it's a 12-episode anime only :3
Is it cool if a stranger like me could take some of your time to do a Q&A? :3
If so that will be great ^^
I'll answer your questions in return if you have any? :3
From Kara no Kyoukai
"She" btw.
Brain Power having a plot? Maybe if you're completely out of touch with reality. It's a glorified outline of a plot really. The only concrete thing I can say about it is that it's "if this space ship the size of the himalayas takes off, it somehow sucks the life force out of everyone on earth, so this group of people have to stop it- and they happen to be children". Anything else, and I'd say it's debatable whether it was in there or not. This wasn't a product of laziness or drugs... I really can't explain it.
Betrayal Knows My Name? That sounds like a really edgy post hardcore band name.
Take the Brain Powered challenge. It's great for the constitution.
Lord help, you want to talk about another original show that's just a mutilated corpse of a thing? It's called Brain Powered. A friend and I made a suicide pact, fulfilling it by watching this show. You should check out our reviews for it. It might be a bit cathartic for you, to relieve memories of "plastic crap"