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Jun 3, 2022 12:09 PM

Jul 2017
Luou literally has his world taken away from him: his estranged family, and now Miyako, which Playboy-senpai has matched her with Junpei. The only thing leading him forward is his ballet excellence, but even that goes back to his roots as a ballet dancer taught by his own mother (Mazuru Mori) that betrayed his living.

This, with the Russian symbolism of "prayers", Luou's pity doesn't stop there, and felt like his world has crashed into a million pieces, always believing that his grandmother's taught Russian ballet is far superior than Japanese ballet. For Junpei, the SS Scholarship is open to him from Ayako Oikawa as she has sensed what he has that Luou lacked, the same drive for foreigners coming in droves to the Oikawa ballet family, and Junpei will be that person to spearhead Ayako's ambition.

Junpei's decision now is to choose 1: Ayako Oikawa, or Chizuru's Godai Ballet School, Japanese, or Russia, and insisting on both IS NOT A CHOICE. Junpei is just like Humpty Dumpty sitting on the fence, and for the efforts that others drive him to, Misaki finally snapped to call out his BS, that now the decision to stay is based on the waifu of choice.

Sadly, Luou left without saying a word...and where could he be is anyone's guess.
Jun 3, 2022 12:28 PM
Sep 2015
Junpei's father in heaven shouldn't worry about his son losing manliness after training ballet when Junpei is almost a two-timer.
Jun 3, 2022 12:31 PM

Oct 2015
I think Miyako and Jumpei make a good couple, but it's still meh for me. The only one I am rooting for is Luou, the guy has been a through a lot, not to take anything away from Jumpei the guy loves Ballet and the girl or girls. But, things are going good for him right now, while Luou is having family problems and self-assurance or self-esteem issues. I'm hoping he'll break out of his she'll and dance far better than Jumpei.

Good episode.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jun 3, 2022 12:31 PM

Jul 2011
The worse is that all what Ayako said about Luo, was true. And I really respect what she wants to achieve.

Chizuru is another that is just clear, put every card on the table, and tell the experience, no hidden motives.

I laughed when the Plaboy-in-disguise got his karma returned.

Natsuki appeared for just a scene, but what a scene.
Jun 3, 2022 1:33 PM

Nov 2016
Oikawa has ambitious goals.

So Jumpei has two options. Either stick to his unconventional style while being taught by Godai or redo at Oikawa's. I think it will be the latter, the pair up with Natsuki has too much potenial and the decision to take ballet seriously will highlight his resolve.

Only two more episodes left πŸ˜‘

MyllerPhiem said:
Damn, I almost expected Luou's dead corpse to lie in his room when Junpei stormed in at the end >_>

I wouldn't have minded tbh. Good riddance.
FMmatronJun 3, 2022 4:07 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 3, 2022 3:34 PM

Apr 2012
Damn, I almost expected Luou's dead corpse to lie in his room when Junpei stormed in at the end >_>

With Junpei, while I like him mostly, we now see the same inconsequential behavior that we saw from him when Luou got bullied at school: Junpei just can't commit to anything and thinks he can somehow work out everything just like so. Wanting to go to both schools, wanting to make up with Luou, and he's even flirting with the other girl from last episode (that wasn't the stare of someone who appreciates another ballet dancer, he totally was fond of her ;>). He's non-commital.

Considering the anime only has 2 episodes left, what I hope for is:

- Luou gets chosen by Oikawa, can go to Russia, and find his mom
- Junpei remains with Chizuru to polish up his basics and enjoy being a couple with Miyako (wtf, if he went to Russia it'd be byebye)
- Junpei becomes the star at Godai and makes Oikawa acknowledge Chizuru
- flashback to the future: Luou returns to Japan as a star of the Russian ballet, Junpei has become a star within the Japanese ballet, and they star together in a special event in Japan, maybe even doing their special interpretation of Swan song again
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jun 3, 2022 4:16 PM
May 2021
Misaki is trash, he only annoys Luou, I mean, Luou did something to annoy you?? , and then when she didn't get her scholarship to SS, she starts telling lies that Luou didn't even tell, Luou deserved the scholarship. no junpei but anyway the power of the protagonist, I hope that Luou does well in life.
HanemiyaaaaJun 3, 2022 4:31 PM
Jun 3, 2022 4:24 PM
Sep 2019
Honestly, I kinda prefer Natsuki over Miyako. I really love her commitment to ballet and her similar vision of ballet as Jumpei. Their dancing together was probably one of the best scenes of the anime and the blushing and that sparkling eyes of him don't indicate simple admiration towards a fellow ballet dancer. It's more like fondness
Jun 3, 2022 5:46 PM

Jan 2017
And the Playboy in disguise finally show his true colors and his really just a trash guy as expected, he know Luou was the better there, and tried to put him down to get his chance in Oikawa.

I really hope something good start to happen in Luou's life, he only suffered in the past, and still suffering even now, he deserve to be happy.

I really like how Jumpei respect Luou and try to help him

And Natsuki, wow what a scene, she really know how to get our attetion even with a little screen time
Jun 3, 2022 7:11 PM

Mar 2016
Seeing from the fight in the locker room, Junpei's motivation is weaker than the other characters' already, which makes it hard to root for him compared to others. Misaki, who was being an absolute jerk, made me root for him immediately because of how desperate he was. Then, Junpei makes his motivation feel even weaker by deciding where he should study based on the daughters of his instructors instead of his love for ballet? If he loves ballet so much, I think it would be nice to see him act a bit more selfishly.
Jun 3, 2022 7:19 PM
Anime Cat

Aug 2017
lihle808 said:
I think Miyako and Jumpei make a good couple, but it's still meh for me. The only one I am rooting for is Luou, the guy has been a through a lot, not to take anything away from Jumpei the guy loves Ballet and the girl or girls. But, things are going good for him right now, while Luou is having family problems and self-assurance or self-esteem issues. I'm hoping he'll break out of his she'll and dance far better than Jumpei.

Good episode.

That's what gonna happen, anyway, based on the clues I've got. The scene where Natsuki standing on balcony, Junpei's dialogue on next episode's preview and the next episode's title, "Miyako.. Needs to be by His Side". Those clues should be enough of an implication for Luou x Miyako ship to sail forward.
Jun 3, 2022 8:13 PM
Apr 2022
Misaki seems like a sly fox to me after this episode. It turns out he was actually serious about getting a scholarship, so he probably thought he had to get Luou out of his way. He knew Luou relied on Miyako, so he tried to isolate him by making JunpeixMiyako ship. Too bad he can't beat a monkey at dancing even with his devious scheme. Play fair and just git gud lol
Jun 3, 2022 8:58 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
On the topic of two timing, can easily forsee that Jumpei doesn't even see Miyako the way that he sees little Oikawa. Like yes, she brought him back to ballet, but at the very least the spark he has for ballet isn't even a hair to performing with her.. so that's a yikes. Curious on if he'll keep the fling

Animeizreal said:
Misaki seems like a sly fox to me after this episode. It turns out he was actually serious about getting a scholarship, so he probably thought he had to get Luou out of his way. He knew Luou relied on Miyako, so he tried to isolate him by making JunpeixMiyako ship. Too bad he can't beat a monkey at dancing even with his devious scheme. Play fair and just git gud lol
He was threatened from the very beginning, but rather then practice he totally was like but my muscles :( lol not even a real contender tbh
Jun 3, 2022 9:32 PM
Jun 2019
Man, Miyako and Junpei are just too wholesome.

My reaction: No NTR please!
Graduated High School in May of 2022. Summer vacation has finally arrived. I have once again regained the power of a new anime fan, being able to watch multiple anime episodes in a day. Time to binge-watch every single anime I can into the night until college arrives. SADGE. SUPER SADGE... College has begun as of Monday, August 30, 2022, so you won't be seeing me much around these parks. See you on weekends, I guess... School me is back. Sigh! I'll at least try for one anime a day with all this course load.
Jun 3, 2022 10:55 PM

Jun 2021
Wow that last shot with Natsuki on the balcony and Junpei with sparkles in his eyes was MAGICAL.
Jun 4, 2022 12:08 AM

Jun 2019
Oh boy... Junpei still can't decide whether he wants to stay at Oikawa or go back to Godai but whatever he'll chooses, it'll be good. And, I just read the manga last week because I couldn't help myself. This show is just that good. And, oh no... it's coming. The next episode is gonna be a little sad, especially for Junpei.

Just two more episodes left. And, I think they're gonna end the first season just before the timeskip.
Jun 4, 2022 12:18 AM

Dec 2015
Good episode. Not that great as the previous one t hough. I can see that taking a direction where Junpei stays with Godai ... and Luou joining Oikawa - then them competing at some festivals/competitions.

With Miyako already training at Oikawa's ... this would fit - since I expect Natsuki and Junpei to pair up (+ maybe romantic relationship) while Miyako will act as support for Luou.

Would be fun if then Natsuki joined Junpei and both trained at Godai's.
I just want more ... and another season after this one.
Jun 4, 2022 12:36 AM

Apr 2012
Well, I guess I just hope Junpei doesn't go the pedo-route :|

*reminder: Natsuki is an elementary schooler*
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jun 4, 2022 1:16 AM

Jun 2007
Ruou's or anyone else's tough life is not Junpei's problem tbh. if you can walk in and take the best, you should do it!
MyllerPhiem said:
*reminder: Natsuki is an elementary schooler*

Natsuki is 11-12, Junpei is 14 though. And if they are going to date I'm sure it's gonna be only in the future.
see you, space cowperson . . .
Jun 4, 2022 1:18 AM
Sep 2019
MyllerPhiem said:
Well, I guess I just hope Junpei doesn't go the pedo-route :|

*reminder: Natsuki is an elementary schooler*

*reminder: They're only 1-2 years apart from each other
Natsuki is in sixth grade, while Jumpei is in eighth grade
Jun 4, 2022 1:30 AM

Apr 2012
Sorvarin said:
Ruou's or anyone else's tough life is not Junpei's problem tbh. if you can walk in and take the best, you should do it!
MyllerPhiem said:
*reminder: Natsuki is an elementary schooler*

Natsuki is 11-12, Junpei is 14 though. And if they are going to date I'm sure it's gonna be only in the future.

Then the anime is doing a bad job at portraying them, because Natuski looks like a toddler next to Junpei.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jun 4, 2022 1:32 AM
Dec 2020
i swear if junpei is seriously not talking the scholarship i'll be so mad!!! also that balcony shot was gorgeous wtf team natsuki
Jun 4, 2022 2:22 AM
Oct 2019
Hah! The way people tried to bring Luou down indicatew that Luou is in higher position than them. I don't have to be Junpei to understand he likes Natsuki more.. On ballet, which eventually will lead off ballet too, I assume. As Chiruzu said, Miyako has no charisma.. And as Junpei said, she is cute.. The cutest in the world. But that's just it. Nothing special from her.

On the other hand, Natsuki has more complex and layers personality. The moment she showed up, by sitting on the audience.. She gave off strong vibe. It's proven again on this episode. She just stood there, and blinking oh-not-so-innocently. Yet, she made huge impact on the whole episode.

I like Junpei, but he really is obnoxiously oblivious. I wish someone slap and knock some sense on him. I like Chizuru better, but it's obvious for the ballet Ayako is a better teacher. Not to mention the possibility of being pair with Natsuki.

Hah~ I'm rooting on Luou and happiness. I want to see that before the season end.
Jun 4, 2022 3:19 AM
May 2019
BlichoBoy said:
The worse is that all what Ayako said about Luo, was true. And I really respect what she wants to achieve.

I laughed when the Plaboy-in-disguise got his karma returned.

Natsuki appeared for just a scene, but what a scene.

Same. I feel the same about what Ayako said. Luou is unfortunately extremely scarred and backs down too easily to face the harsh world of ballet. He wouldn't be able to achieve his true level of greatness. His family screwed him up. Also, Misaki losing his sh-- was hilarious because I didn't feel bad for him at all. Jumpei has every right to get the scholarship despite having less formal years of training.

Also, YES to Natsuki appearing at the end. Those SPARK that Jumpei gets for her... I need to see development. Will it be Miyako or Natsuki (I'm rooting for Natsuki, tbh).

FMmatron said:
Oikawa has ambitious goals.

So Jumpei has two options. Either stick to his unconventional style while being taught by Godai or redo at Oikawa's. I think it will be the latter, the pair up with Natsuki has too much potenial and the decision to take ballet seriously will highlight his resolve.

Only two more episodes left πŸ˜‘

MyllerPhiem said:
Damn, I almost expected Luou's dead corpse to lie in his room when Junpei stormed in at the end >_>

I wouldn't have minded tbh. Good riddance.

I also feel like he will (aka BETTER) go for the latter choice. He dances too well with Natsuki, and he's wanted this ballet thing for too long to let it go now. Over a girl... I'll actually be pissed if it goes the other way.

Also, done with Luou, I see? πŸ˜‚
Jun 4, 2022 11:05 AM

Aug 2019
Misaki is a jerk. He's so desperate for the scholarship that he'll do anything to destroy his peers who are better than him. He finally showed his true colours.
Jun 4, 2022 12:18 PM
Jul 2015
Im hope Natsuki and Jumpei going to dance last dance. Lulu and myaki going to dance with each other. I also hope “karma is a bever” going to get hes toes stepped on.

Jumpei is young so I understand he wants both words. And I don’t think he understood the miss directly missing trust he gave wen he said it.

I hope it’s going to be more sessions of this. But we never know πŸ’•
Jun 4, 2022 6:50 PM

May 2021
Can't have both Jumpei. CHOOSE. I did like Ayako-san's motivations a lot in this episode. Sadly it doesn't seem like we will follow her.

MyllerPhiem said:
Then the anime is doing a bad job at portraying them, because Natuski looks like a toddler next to Junpei.

No, that's not what a toddler is nor how a toddler is portrayed. She is portrayed as a middle-schooler which she fucking is.

Jun 5, 2022 1:34 AM

Apr 2012
kenziem said:
i swear if junpei is seriously not talking the scholarship i'll be so mad!!!i

Thing is, I don't trust Oikawa one bit. She has gone from "you disgust me" to "here's a scholarship" without any scenes in-between. Feels to me like she's still waiting for Junpei to fail so she can rub it into him.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jun 5, 2022 1:39 AM

Dec 2015
She must have looked older actually - since Junpei acted surprised. Probably because of her personality and having different (more serious) facial expression.

Also had to ask about the age - which people here mentioned already in other posts now. Seems there is a system with grad 1-6 elementary school. Then junior high school and senior high school. (Sometimes the junir high school called "middle school".) We rarely have elementary school in anime or most of the time it is called middle school and high school only. That is why I had been confused and though tthe age gap would be bigger.

Thought there would be still a middle school in between and then high school and that split in junior/senior.

With 11-12 vs. 14 I can totally see it starting as some hinted childish-romance ... and then having time skips like 2-3 years or so. Then it would feel pretty normal (at least in my country not that uncommon to have 14 and 16 being in a relationship).

Generally I'm more a fan of the "hinted" (not too much main focus on it and kissing and stuff) love stories - feel much better. Less forced. With the "sports" (dancing) being the main theme of the anime - I can see this taking such a route. Well ... I hope for it at least.
Jun 5, 2022 8:53 AM

Oct 2016
I get that Misaki has a goal and wants to fight for it, but sabotage is pathetic. He's basically admitting that he's not good enough for the scholarship, and that the only way for him to get the scholarship is to sabotage his competition rather than improving his skills to be better than them.
Cheating/sabotaging is nothing more than a confirmation of a person's incompetence, and Misaki has proved his.

I'm concerned about Ruou, and how they intend to finish this anime (or at least this season, assuming that there will be more) with only 2 episodes left. I don't think the ending will have any affect on my final score though.
Jun 5, 2022 10:06 AM
Feb 2022
chizuru annoyed me in this one ngl. junpei is obviously very confused about his future (understandably, he's basically a child) and she should've tried to help him decide what would actually be best for him instead of getting mad because he wants the scholarship. felt like emotional blackmail and incredibly immature of her.

i did feel bad for misaki but like.. what is junpei gonna do, give up on great opportunities not to hurt other people's feelings? the guy's lucky, life sucks
Jun 5, 2022 10:16 AM
Mar 2015
he achieves everything he wants but he has to choose between schools between girls between his happiness and Luou's
Jun 5, 2022 10:40 PM
May 2018
MyllerPhiem said:
kenziem said:
i swear if junpei is seriously not talking the scholarship i'll be so mad!!!i

Thing is, I don't trust Oikawa one bit. She has gone from "you disgust me" to "here's a scholarship" without any scenes in-between. Feels to me like she's still waiting for Junpei to fail so she can rub it into him.

I kinda think that this was all Oikawa's plan. She saw Junpei's potential to lead on a new ballet style, different from classic russian style, so she provoked him to go to her school and then offer him the scholarship. Otherwise, I wouldn't even understand why she accepted him to begin with.
Jun 5, 2022 10:50 PM

May 2021
The offer of Ayako seems like an obvious double-edged sword, as Chizuru said. The inner conflict of Junpei is all over the place, as it should be, and to take such decision within days seems like a torture. Luou vs Him, Him vs The Rest, Chizuru vs Ayako, Russia vs Japan, Natsuki vs Miyako, seems to much of a burden.
I hope that the resolution is satisfactory, I don't really dig the way this anime portray the emotions but if they manage to create a serious dramatic release it would be certainly be moving.

Jun 6, 2022 12:04 AM

Apr 2012
Gween_Gween said:
The offer of Ayako seems like an obvious double-edged sword, as Chizuru said. The inner conflict of Junpei is all over the place, as it should be, and to take such decision within days seems like a torture. Luou vs Him, Him vs The Rest, Chizuru vs Ayako, Russia vs Japan, Natsuki vs Miyako, seems to much of a burden.
I hope that the resolution is satisfactory, I don't really dig the way this anime portray the emotions but if they manage to create a serious dramatic release it would be certainly be moving.

I just hope the resolution won't be a "ACTUALLY, let's have the girl become the gf of her cousin". Lol, that would feel so out of place, especially at this point.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jun 6, 2022 2:35 AM

Oct 2008
looks like Jumpei is still bothered and 50:50 about his dream because he wants to pay-back Chizuru-san...
oh man more problems with that stubborn Luou!

Jun 6, 2022 7:10 PM

Jul 2016
If Junpei quits Oikawa only because of his crush on Miyako, I swear I'm gonna flip a table or something. Good thing it seems that won't be the case, given next episode's preview.

Also LMAO at Misaki. All that scummy manipulation to get rid of Luou just to have "monkey" Junpei receiving the scholarship last minute. The pathetic breakdown at the lockers being the icing on the cake.

Balcony scene was simply amazing, btw.
Jun 6, 2022 8:45 PM
Dec 2020
MyllerPhiem said:
kenziem said:
i swear if junpei is seriously not talking the scholarship i'll be so mad!!!i

Thing is, I don't trust Oikawa one bit. She has gone from "you disgust me" to "here's a scholarship" without any scenes in-between. Feels to me like she's still waiting for Junpei to fail so she can rub it into him.

i didn't think of it that way :o u might be on to something there
Jun 8, 2022 2:47 AM

Mar 2017
Aw man I love how Natsuki sparkled in Junpei's eyes. Ever since Natsuki came in the picture, I prefer her and Junpei more than Miyako.
Jun 14, 2022 9:15 PM

Aug 2018
Junpei is in a mess about what to do, but also the thing is, where did Ruo go?
Good chapter.
Jun 28, 2022 1:38 PM

May 2017

what an incredible shot
Jul 1, 2022 2:20 PM

Apr 2018
The choice between the two schools is though, but well it depends on what he's really planning, anyway now it's worrying for Luou, why he disappeared? :o
Dec 23, 2022 11:30 PM

Apr 2016
It was he decission, although I think it´s not the final ot it!!! kekeke
Feb 2, 2023 8:10 AM

Feb 2019
euls said:
Aw man I love how Natsuki sparkled in Junpei's eyes. Ever since Natsuki came in the picture, I prefer her and Junpei more than Miyako.
I like both girls. Miyako is a sweet girl, but yeah, Natsuki is just on another level. It's her charisma that makes her stand out more than Miyako.

Jan 4, 2024 7:02 PM

Apr 2017

Miyako will NEVER be her... Natsuki is just outshining Miyako. I think Chizuru was a bit mean, but she was honest. Miyako has no charisma at all. She's a very pretty girl and she's sweet, but that's all she has going for her.
Feb 1, 2024 11:43 PM

Feb 2019
jumpei's too damn innocent and i can't blame playboy in disguise sempai for calling him out on being too self-centered and not really paying attention to everything else around him.

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