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The Executioner and Her Way of Life
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Apr 24, 2022 4:39 AM
Jul 2020
Lab_Rat_0978 said:
daft_mariner said:
I think this is a far-fetched assumption, though. 'Etheric Connection' should be rather common, no? I hardly believe Faust are far more advanced regarding this. Something as easy as saying words should easily spread everywhere.

welp, its explicitly stated the noblesses under princess ashuna's daddy (the king) had no idea how to summon the lost ones until the faust deliberately told em about it

then you tell me iF there's an anti-feat regarding this 'etheric connection'

iirc we've never seen anyone capable of such a feat except menou and flare, no?
its also been established that even menou is capable of invoking magic that couldn't be comprehended by nobles soldiers, no?
It's not the fact that they can't necessarily invoke the magic itself, but the words themselves should easily have been leaked. It's not a feat. Menou only had to tell Mitsuki to say those words and then he activated it. That's his own feat, not Menou's. Noblesse would certainly want to try find out about it.

Especially in a world that has these etheric powers; there will always be some who want to learn and know more. Overlord showed this perfectly. Just giving out a 'normal' potion to a person can have hugely unexpected results. As they realize those results, we learn more about the world. And that anime already skipped on some material from the light novel.

I don't know about the light novel, but the anime experience is definitely keeping a lot of these details hidden so far.
Apr 24, 2022 5:18 AM
Nov 2020
[quote=daft_mariner message=66227887][quote=Strykeryno message=66225378][quote=daft_mariner message=66223751][quote=Strykeryno message=66223133][quote=daft_mariner message=66222165][quote=Strykeryno message=66221984]
daft_mariner said:
The backstory, while not poor, still didn't really give much as to why the otherworlders apparently all turn into uncontrolled threats and why murdering them is the only option. They showed that the girls don't want to murder like that: which makes sense, and Menou is apparently twisted enough to nullify those emotions. However, I'm still waiting for way, way more information than just this. Faust are still a lunatic cult so far, and admitting that they're the 'villains' doesn't make their case any better. I think this backstory could've been saved for a more fitting moment, rather than just in-between the ride.

It depends on what would start the war, but if Noblesse want to overthrow Faust, as they implied, then either one faction could utilize the 'commoners' to get an upper hand. Executioners wouldn't be a thing. A lot of other things have to happen before a war a like that could happen, so that's why I'm calling it a last resort. Point is that Faust should've been trying to make not summoning otherworlders clear in a much harder scale.

Why would commonfolk go to the war against Faust? That's such a big conspiracy that i would be shocked if Faust wouldn't immediatelly found out and launched their counter-measures. And why would commonfolk believe Noblesse? It's religion, god vs king who would they believe more? The king would be easily marked as a heretic and sentenced. The existance of the executioners should be kept hidden from both Noblesse and commonfolk and maybe even some detail regarding the Lost ones.

No, Noblesse decided to take out Menou and Momo because they found out about Akari. ''You snuck your noses in too far.'' The scheme was implied to be this: Summon Mitsuki, throw him out and expect him to get killed, and then summon Akari in the mean time. But this is dumb. They didn't need to do that at all. They kept Akari so poorly safe that someone else could seriously just jump in there and take her: yet they expected Mitsuki to get assassinated. And, they followed Momo knowing that they realized about Akari; yet they didn't remember to increase defenses.

Rewatch the episode. How do you think that Menou found about about Akari? Mitsuki told her. They summoned Akari shortly after he got summoned. They wanted to get rid of the executioners in the town and then utilize Akari as their main asset against the Faust. Which is why Mituki was supposed to be the bait. It was clearly stated in that ep. But maybe there was more, there is still Ashuna that makes me believe that their plotting could go deeper. To early to judge. The only thing that you could say is dumb is that they should have waited a little bit with that 2nd summon until Mitsuki was out so he wouldn't know about Akari.

Faust can never be perfect in their work. However, the work shouldn't be like *this* to begin with. It should be a large-scale operation on the government level. If any otherworlders get summoned that's out of government control, arrest the perpetrators and silently 'save' (arrest) the otherworlder in a group setting, to make sure they don't destroy any homes like it did Menou's. Assuming there's no alternative, eliminate them safely. Noblesse would have to somehow ignore all of this. No person close to King Grisarika would have to not have tried to stop this; we're talking about unstable nuclear weapons, basically = they'd all have to be dumb as apes. This is my main issue if there is no alternative: because then there should be way harder measures taken to stop it in all forms possible, and it's unrealistic that any leader with supervisors agree to summon it. If someone on their side tried to stop it: show that. Add more layers to it.

That's still under an assumtion that there are no other ways or groups that summons them. They try to sabotage their rituals, but eventually someone slips their survailance.
If i remember correctly anyone that breaks the taboo is sentenced and executed. Locking the Lost one away is pointless, because once they find out about their powers no prison can hold them eventually you''ll be forced to kill them but since you locked them up now they are hostile towards the Faust. Making them harder and more dangerous tagets. The manipulation and instant death while they are still clueless feels like much more safer stategy here.
About why nobody tried to stop King Grisarika: Maybe they all shared the same idea that they don't want to be below the Faust and depite how dangerous it is they need that Lost one. So far we barely know anything about Noblesse, to early to judge.

Apr 24, 2022 3:08 PM
Jun 2019
Strykeryno said:
daft_mariner said:
The backstory, while not poor, still didn't really give much as to why the otherworlders apparently all turn into uncontrolled threats and why murdering them is the only option. They showed that the girls don't want to murder like that: which makes sense, and Menou is apparently twisted enough to nullify those emotions. However, I'm still waiting for way, way more information than just this. Faust are still a lunatic cult so far, and admitting that they're the 'villains' doesn't make their case any better. I think this backstory could've been saved for a more fitting moment, rather than just in-between the ride.

I think that literally 4 annihilated and turned into inhabitable continets are already a good excuse why the church doesn't want a potential walking nukes around. It was also stated that more the Lost ones use their powers more it will corrupt their minds or they can accidentely annihilate something like the girl from Menou's past. And since there is no way how to send them back home it's somewhat understandable that this is a ''necessary evil''

Yes, this. Going from there, we can infer that no matter how kind or innocent a lost one is, the more they use their power, the more they'll essentially lose themselves and either use their powers to kill since they have been corrupted or their power will activate without their will. The girl who killed Menou's whole village seemed to still be sane when she used her power since she felt guilty afterward. Depending on the number of times she had used her powers, I think that by corrupting, it means that their power will activate itself and they can't control it.
Graduated High School in May of 2022. Summer vacation has finally arrived. I have once again regained the power of a new anime fan, being able to watch multiple anime episodes in a day. Time to binge-watch every single anime I can into the night until college arrives. SADGE. SUPER SADGE... College has begun as of Monday, August 30, 2022, so you won't be seeing me much around these parks. See you on weekends, I guess... School me is back. Sigh! I'll at least try for one anime a day with all this course load.
Apr 24, 2022 8:12 PM

Feb 2019
My patience has pretty close to run out on this one. While Dawn of the Witch is also slow paced and certainly dumb, there is a certain charm to its haphazard flailing and awkward fanservice, and its excessively long flashbacks invariably feature mutilation. The only charm this episode had was observing how part of the training to be clandestine assassins is to teach children to run screaming and randomly waving knives to frantically stab at things. That's basically the whole episode; an extended version of the flashback we already saw. So you know how she was trained by the crazy red lady? Well, she was trained at a school, and had a bond with the red lady. This is certainly something that needed ten minutes taken away from events in progress to explain.

Nor does it help that "events in progress" are not, in any actual way, in progress. They get to their destination and… take a bath. That's it. That's all that happens in the present this week. And in addition to the story coming to a grinding halt so it could spend most of the episode doing a needless flashback, the animation also totally cratered. So many close-ups of faces, eyes, and faces reflected in eyes. And when not that, establishing distance shots. Anything and everything to keep from having to draw too much, and especially animate too much, and by too much, I mean anything at all. Even drawing arms and legs was a big ask this week, let alone anybody moving.
Apr 24, 2022 11:42 PM

Apr 2021
Yeah, that's the backstory that we need to better understand Menou. Fck off those who hated this series. But of course, Akari won't die yet on the next episode. I wonder what will happen then, I'm so curious.

Apr 25, 2022 12:04 AM
May 2020
RayReynolds said:
My patience has pretty close to run out on this one. While Dawn of the Witch is also slow paced and certainly dumb, there is a certain charm to its haphazard flailing and awkward fanservice, and its excessively long flashbacks invariably feature mutilation. The only charm this episode had was observing how part of the training to be clandestine assassins is to teach children to run screaming and randomly waving knives to frantically stab at things. That's basically the whole episode; an extended version of the flashback we already saw. So you know how she was trained by the crazy red lady? Well, she was trained at a school, and had a bond with the red lady. This is certainly something that needed ten minutes taken away from events in progress to explain.

Nor does it help that "events in progress" are not, in any actual way, in progress. They get to their destination and… take a bath. That's it. That's all that happens in the present this week. And in addition to the story coming to a grinding halt so it could spend most of the episode doing a needless flashback, the animation also totally cratered. So many close-ups of faces, eyes, and faces reflected in eyes. And when not that, establishing distance shots. Anything and everything to keep from having to draw too much, and especially animate too much, and by too much, I mean anything at all. Even drawing arms and legs was a big ask this week, let alone anybody moving.

Oh my god, this post is everything and more that I wanted to say. This episode was so boring. If I had to rate it on the site now, I'd give it a 4/10. This show only has one interesting character, the archbishop who actually looks to have a thought in her head as opposed to all the other brain-deads we're supposed to be watching..
Apr 25, 2022 10:11 AM

May 2021
Its more fun having a companion.

More hints of isolation.

Apr 25, 2022 11:48 AM

Nov 2013
I love everything in this show so far, apart from the time-travel thing. In previous episode and in this one we are given nearly 100% assumption that the train crashed and time was reset. If they fail to explain how Akari managed to change things after time-reset, this will be a major plot-hole. If we assume that Akari and everyone else lose memory of "rewinded timeline", shouldn't we find ourselves in infinite loop? Akari may have reversed time to avoid train-crash, but if she lost memories of said crash, she would NOT DO anything to prevent the crash or even act differently! Things make sense if we assume that Akari remembers but plays dumb; though this brings even more questions.
Apr 25, 2022 12:07 PM
Nov 2020
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
I love everything in this show so far, apart from the time-travel thing. In previous episode and in this one we are given nearly 100% assumption that the train crashed and time was reset. If they fail to explain how Akari managed to change things after time-reset, this will be a major plot-hole. If we assume that Akari and everyone else lose memory of "rewinded timeline", shouldn't we find ourselves in infinite loop? Akari may have reversed time to avoid train-crash, but if she lost memories of said crash, she would NOT DO anything to prevent the crash or even act differently! Things make sense if we assume that Akari remembers but plays dumb; though this brings even more questions.

I'am 90% sure that she's hiding something. Something tells me that in episode 3 train crashed because she stayed back in the wagon as Menou told her so. Then the train crashed she rewinded time and went after her.
So it's very likely that she remembers everything. Only one question remains: Did she notice/realized that Menou tried to kill her back in the castle?
Apr 25, 2022 12:38 PM

Nov 2013
Strykeryno said:
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
I love everything in this show so far, apart from the time-travel thing. In previous episode and in this one we are given nearly 100% assumption that the train crashed and time was reset. If they fail to explain how Akari managed to change things after time-reset, this will be a major plot-hole. If we assume that Akari and everyone else lose memory of "rewinded timeline", shouldn't we find ourselves in infinite loop? Akari may have reversed time to avoid train-crash, but if she lost memories of said crash, she would NOT DO anything to prevent the crash or even act differently! Things make sense if we assume that Akari remembers but plays dumb; though this brings even more questions.

I'am 90% sure that she's hiding something. Something tells me that in episode 3 train crashed because she stayed back in the wagon as Menou told her so. Then the train crashed she rewinded time and went after her.
So it's very likely that she remembers everything. Only one question remains: Did she notice/realized that Menou tried to kill her back in the castle?

Yeah. I think Akari may be forgetting past if SHE is the one who dies, but in train-crash scene it's assumed that she survived and others died.

I think I'm more convinced in a theory that Akari did a huge rewind already (in the OP we see dead MC and Akari bringing her back) so it's possible Akari knows who Menou really is (including her tragic past) and rewinded time after her dearth maybe, to try to take her on a different route. This would also explain why Menou kind-of remembers Akari. BUT, then this suggest that Akari is very very good at playing a role of clueless Isekai girl and is an expert manipulator and a liar. For some reasaon, I think she's too dumb to be THAT good. Some convenient plot-point may be in play, like her regaining memory for a very short time after rewind or something.
Apr 26, 2022 4:52 AM
Apr 2022
Imma tell you guys my theory about the Archbishop.

In the beginning of Menou's backstory, there's four person present there right? The otherworlder who turn Menou's town into white, Menou the only and lucky survivor, Flare the Executioner and lastly Archbishop Orwell. It's given that Flare would be there because of course there's an otherworlder that she need to kill but Archbishop Orwell? Why she's there? What's her reason to be there? Is she just passing by? Honestly that would be a lame reason and hard to believe. Just her appearance there is already suspicious. Also Flare asked her a question like it's not necessary for the Archbishop to butt in and do the job for finishing the otherworlder because that's Flare job and not the Archbishop but she didn't answer instead she said will look for survivors. Is she really gonna look for survivors or she's escaping? And why she's gonna look for survivors when EVERYTHING and EVERYONE turn to white? Aren't it obvious that no one aside from Menou survive? I want you to think about it.

Another one. When she told Menou about the ceremonial thing, Menou said she don't know about that. Is that real? Maybe it's real but can it really kill an otherworlder? Or it has another function? Maybe for summoning or manipulating an otherworlder? Who knows?

Maybe you're asking why Menou believe Archbishop Orwell so easily when she learn about ceremonial thing simply because she's desperate to find a way to kill Akari and she trust her so much that anything that come out at Archbishop mouth she will believe everything

And I also want to say something about the people behind the summoning of otherworlders. Everyone knows that the people behind this are the Noblesse right? But do they have enough knowledge to perform such thing as summoning? So how did they do it? How did they learn to do the summoning? Someone powerful probably provide them the materials and knowledge to perform the summoning. Think about it. Who has the access to such information like that?

And the 'Primary red stone' Menou suspected that the Noblesse are also behind that right? But if they have no enough knowledge about summoning, how can they have knowledge about the 'Primary red stone'? Think about it again. Who has the access and knowledge to such information like that?
Apr 26, 2022 9:45 AM
Jun 2015
The reason the Faust don't stop the summonings is that they're not omnipotent or omnescient. They moved in swiftly to arrest the king and place him on trial once they discovered the summoning, but that's not the same as being able to prevent every summoning ever, and once the Lost Ones arrive they must be dealt with somehow.
Apr 26, 2022 11:32 AM
Feb 2022
After binging 4 episodes, I'm not gonna lie, this show is fucking amazing. I've got sick of those self insert harem isekai Kirito clones already. For me, it's a solid 8.5/10
Apr 26, 2022 1:37 PM

Sep 2018
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
Strykeryno said:

I'am 90% sure that she's hiding something. Something tells me that in episode 3 train crashed because she stayed back in the wagon as Menou told her so. Then the train crashed she rewinded time and went after her.
So it's very likely that she remembers everything. Only one question remains: Did she notice/realized that Menou tried to kill her back in the castle?

Yeah. I think Akari may be forgetting past if SHE is the one who dies, but in train-crash scene it's assumed that she survived and others died.

I think I'm more convinced in a theory that Akari did a huge rewind already (in the OP we see dead MC and Akari bringing her back) so it's possible Akari knows who Menou really is (including her tragic past) and rewinded time after her dearth maybe, to try to take her on a different route. This would also explain why Menou kind-of remembers Akari. BUT, then this suggest that Akari is very very good at playing a role of clueless Isekai girl and is an expert manipulator and a liar. For some reasaon, I think she's too dumb to be THAT good. Some convenient plot-point may be in play, like her regaining memory for a very short time after rewind or something.

let's face it, this show will stand or fall on how they handle that.

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Apr 26, 2022 6:10 PM

Jan 2013
I still can't stop thinking that she will "kill" her after all of this, it's insane, even tho she helped her stop the train.
And that ending, i wonder what that meant...because something's fishy here.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Apr 26, 2022 10:48 PM

Feb 2017
daft_mariner said:
Lab_Rat_0978 said:

welp, its explicitly stated the noblesses under princess ashuna's daddy (the king) had no idea how to summon the lost ones until the faust deliberately told em about it

then you tell me iF there's an anti-feat regarding this 'etheric connection'

iirc we've never seen anyone capable of such a feat except menou and flare, no?
its also been established that even menou is capable of invoking magic that couldn't be comprehended by nobles soldiers, no?
It's not the fact that they can't necessarily invoke the magic itself, but the words themselves should easily have been leaked. It's not a feat. Menou only had to tell Mitsuki to say those words and then he activated it. That's his own feat, not Menou's. Noblesse would certainly want to try find out about it.

Especially in a world that has these etheric powers; there will always be some who want to learn and know more. Overlord showed this perfectly. Just giving out a 'normal' potion to a person can have hugely unexpected results. As they realize those results, we learn more about the world. And that anime already skipped on some material from the light novel.

I don't know about the light novel, but the anime experience is definitely keeping a lot of these details hidden so far.

it is considered as a feat bruh,
menou's feat

menou knows and understands how ether connection works (learned it from flare), she then simply told the 'null' boy how to use it
the 'null' boy was able to instantly utilize it on his first try,
with ease

first of all,

you need to understand how magic works in executioner verse bruh

menou more or less has explained it in episode 2,

unless you're the lost ones, the only people who can use magic without relying on crests, catalysts and without any training whatsoever...
people (including menou, momo, the princess and others) have to rely on crests/ pre-coded spells and then engrave em into catalyst, it could be anything (such as; thread, lance, sword, staff, scripture etc)

not only that,

people also have to train and understand how the magic works
so ofc they cant immediately use any magic just cuz they find and read some random pre-coded spells in some random books or scriptures somewhere

once again

only the lost ones who can do that,
its explicitly stated in episode 2 that training and crests/ pre-coded spells are unnecessary for em

do you know the thread magic that momo used against princess ashuna in episode 3?

only momo who has the crests and understands how they work,
she also invokes 2 types of magic at the same time
lol her technique reminds me a lot of misaka's (from to aru) dust release,
both of em relying on high-speed movements to create an extremely sharp blade

Im starting to feel,
you didnt even make an attempt to watch episode 2 bruh
I mean

how could you assume,
what the 'null' boy did (understanding, activating ether connection) as a common feat?

how could you assume,
anyone could use any magic by simply reading books or scriptures,
by simply reading some random information leaks somewhere?
things arent that simple bruh

its already been established even in episode 1 you know? iirc
the nobles soldiers were baffled witnessing how menou could invoke 2 and even 3 types of magic at the same time.
knowing doesn't necessarily mean understanding
Lab_Rat_0978Apr 27, 2022 2:26 AM
Apr 27, 2022 5:42 AM
Jul 2020
[quote=Strykeryno message=66229490][quote=daft_mariner message=66227887][quote=Strykeryno message=66225378][quote=daft_mariner message=66223751][quote=Strykeryno message=66223133][quote=daft_mariner message=66222165]
Strykeryno said:
daft_mariner said:
The backstory, while not poor, still didn't really give much as to why the otherworlders apparently all turn into uncontrolled threats and why murdering them is the only option. They showed that the girls don't want to murder like that: which makes sense, and Menou is apparently twisted enough to nullify those emotions. However, I'm still waiting for way, way more information than just this. Faust are still a lunatic cult so far, and admitting that they're the 'villains' doesn't make their case any better. I think this backstory could've been saved for a more fitting moment, rather than just in-between the ride.

It depends on what would start the war, but if Noblesse want to overthrow Faust, as they implied, then either one faction could utilize the 'commoners' to get an upper hand. Executioners wouldn't be a thing. A lot of other things have to happen before a war a like that could happen, so that's why I'm calling it a last resort. Point is that Faust should've been trying to make not summoning otherworlders clear in a much harder scale.

Why would commonfolk go to the war against Faust? That's such a big conspiracy that i would be shocked if Faust wouldn't immediatelly found out and launched their counter-measures. And why would commonfolk believe Noblesse? It's religion, god vs king who would they believe more? The king would be easily marked as a heretic and sentenced. The existance of the executioners should be kept hidden from both Noblesse and commonfolk and maybe even some detail regarding the Lost ones.

No, Noblesse decided to take out Menou and Momo because they found out about Akari. ''You snuck your noses in too far.'' The scheme was implied to be this: Summon Mitsuki, throw him out and expect him to get killed, and then summon Akari in the mean time. But this is dumb. They didn't need to do that at all. They kept Akari so poorly safe that someone else could seriously just jump in there and take her: yet they expected Mitsuki to get assassinated. And, they followed Momo knowing that they realized about Akari; yet they didn't remember to increase defenses.

Rewatch the episode. How do you think that Menou found about about Akari? Mitsuki told her. They summoned Akari shortly after he got summoned. They wanted to get rid of the executioners in the town and then utilize Akari as their main asset against the Faust. Which is why Mituki was supposed to be the bait. It was clearly stated in that ep. But maybe there was more, there is still Ashuna that makes me believe that their plotting could go deeper. To early to judge. The only thing that you could say is dumb is that they should have waited a little bit with that 2nd summon until Mitsuki was out so he wouldn't know about Akari.

Faust can never be perfect in their work. However, the work shouldn't be like *this* to begin with. It should be a large-scale operation on the government level. If any otherworlders get summoned that's out of government control, arrest the perpetrators and silently 'save' (arrest) the otherworlder in a group setting, to make sure they don't destroy any homes like it did Menou's. Assuming there's no alternative, eliminate them safely. Noblesse would have to somehow ignore all of this. No person close to King Grisarika would have to not have tried to stop this; we're talking about unstable nuclear weapons, basically = they'd all have to be dumb as apes. This is my main issue if there is no alternative: because then there should be way harder measures taken to stop it in all forms possible, and it's unrealistic that any leader with supervisors agree to summon it. If someone on their side tried to stop it: show that. Add more layers to it.

That's still under an assumtion that there are no other ways or groups that summons them. They try to sabotage their rituals, but eventually someone slips their survailance.
If i remember correctly anyone that breaks the taboo is sentenced and executed. Locking the Lost one away is pointless, because once they find out about their powers no prison can hold them eventually you''ll be forced to kill them but since you locked them up now they are hostile towards the Faust. Making them harder and more dangerous tagets. The manipulation and instant death while they are still clueless feels like much more safer stategy here.
About why nobody tried to stop King Grisarika: Maybe they all shared the same idea that they don't want to be below the Faust and depite how dangerous it is they need that Lost one. So far we barely know anything about Noblesse, to early to judge.

Like I said, the idea of these 'executioners' wouldn't have to exist to begin with. Also, commoners not only probably make the majority of their armies (numerically), they have the right to say no to things that endanger them: they absolutely have saying power in these kinds of matters. I don't know what gave you the idea that I implied conspiracy, when I explicitly talked about the governing factions have these commoners backing them. So far, it feels like Faust and Noblesse both think they're alone on this as the commoners are sidelined.

Yes, I even said that Mitsuki saw Akari. And he was thrown out. I even rewatched the episode for you. ''You should have been satisfied with the one you took out. Now you're going to die because you poked your noses in too far.'' This means they summoned two, expecting the other one to get killed: NOT that he was only a bait. In other words, they didn't expect them to deal with Akari at all. Momo said that he tortured a guard, and that alerted them to follow her. They figured out that the executioners know about Akari. But this is dumb, because if even Mitsuki could find out about it, they should have as well. They didn't of course, because they're not using even basic espionage capability when it matters, which they absolutely could. Even if this worked, the reasoning is still null. They didn't have to sacrifice Mitsuki at all, which was my main point.

I put single quotes on 'arrest' because I didn't mean literally lock them up. I meant that they'd secure them, ensure their safety and comfort and then assassinate them when they don't realize it. That allows most slip-ups to not happen, and it ensures the safety of civilians as well. They wouldn't be roaming in public places, potentially endangering themselves and forcing them to use their Pure Concepts. But the thing about Noblesse not wanting to be below Faust: realistically, Faust and Noblesse would've been molded together a long time ago, and the monarchs would be the ultimate judges, and maybe with a Pope-like figure that is *indirectly* above them. The danger of the Lost Ones would be part of that.

It's sort of allegorical of the historical power of the Catholic church over monarchy, but not like this. Catholicism unified, not acted as an overlord. Those that didn't follow, they 'were condemned.' Sure, this isn't the real world, but religion wouldn't have behaved like this; not when monarchy and nobles exist. Tyranny in this case can't just exist for the sake of it, not for very long at least.
daft_marinerApr 27, 2022 6:04 AM
Apr 27, 2022 10:52 AM
Nov 2020
[quote=daft_mariner message=66253028][quote=Strykeryno message=66229490][quote=daft_mariner message=66227887][quote=Strykeryno message=66225378][quote=daft_mariner message=66223751][quote=Strykeryno message=66223133][quote=daft_mariner message=66222165][quote=Strykeryno message=66221984]
daft_mariner said:

Like I said, the idea of these 'executioners' wouldn't have to exist to begin with. Also, commoners not only probably make the majority of their armies (numerically), they have the right to say no to things that endanger them: they absolutely have saying power in these kinds of matters. I don't know what gave you the idea that I implied conspiracy, when I explicitly talked about the governing factions have these commoners backing them. So far, it feels like Faust and Noblesse both think they're alone on this as the commoners are sidelined.

The faction governing Commonfolk are Noblesse and faction above Noblesse is Faust, it's literally a medival hiearchy. God > King > Commoners
Again you haven't answered anything i asked so i ask again.
Does Commonfolk know about the threat that Lost Ones represent? Does they know about systematic elimination aka executioners? Does they know that their govering faction conspires against Faust, breaking it's taboo, basically commiting herecy? Does they live in the tyranny to begin with? Cuz so far i haven't noticed. They seem to do well. So why war? And what it's supposed to be about? For 2nd time i'am asking you a question, yet you keep dancing around it. I mentioned conspiracy where could Noblesse are spread the rumour about Faust but as i said they would have easily find out.

Yes, I even said that Mitsuki saw Akari. And he was thrown out. I even rewatched the episode for you. ''You should have been satisfied with the one you took out. Now you're going to die because you poked your noses in too far.'' This means they summoned two, expecting the other one to get killed: NOT that he was only a bait. In other words, they didn't expect them to deal with Akari at all. Momo said that he tortured a guard, and that alerted them to follow her. They figured out that the executioners know about Akari. But this is dumb, because if even Mitsuki could find out about it, they should have as well. They didn't of course, because they're not using even basic espionage capability when it matters, which they absolutely could. Even if this worked, the reasoning is still null. They didn't have to sacrifice Mitsuki at all, which was my main point.

Never said their plan was perfect or the most ideal, but it was plan nonetheless, which would went well if it wasn't for one thing. Mitsuki noticing Akari being summoned. If Menou wouldn't find out about Akari, she would have simply offed Mitsuki and then left with Momo. Faust would then come next day to investigate but by that time the king and the ones behind the summoning would have already covered all tracks or something. But once Menou find out Akari she immediatelly gave Momo the echo to start investigating. Once soldier found out that they know about 2nd summon it was basically damage control for them. Taking out the executioners was their last chance. That's what their plan was about i believe.
''basic espionage'' King Grisarika's counterintelligence maybe? Kinda asspull on your part, but whatever.

I put single quotes on 'arrest' because I didn't mean literally lock them up. I meant that they'd secure them, ensure their safety and comfort and then assassinate them when they don't realize it. That allows most slip-ups to not happen, and it ensures the safety of civilians as well. They wouldn't be roaming in public places, potentially endangering themselves and forcing them to use their Pure Concepts.

Basically what the executioners do except wasting more time around them because you naively believe that maybe this time he won't become a threat. At the end of the day you still gonna have to kill them, which is why the executioners exist

But the thing about Noblesse not wanting to be below Faust: realistically, Faust and Noblesse would've been molded together a long time ago, and the monarchs would be the ultimate judges, and maybe with a Pope-like figure that is *indirectly* above them. The danger of the Lost Ones would be part of that.

So far we know a very little about what kind of relationship does the Faust and Noblesse have here. Why some Noblesse wants to be the top dog. Power hungry i guess? I dunno. Which is what i've meant by it's still to early to judge that.

It's sort of allegorical of the historical power of the Catholic church over monarchy, but not like this. Catholicism unified, not acted as an overlord. Those that didn't follow, they 'were condemned.' Sure, this isn't the real world, but religion wouldn't have behaved like this; not when monarchy and nobles exist. Tyranny in this case can't just exist for the sake of it, not for very long at least.

Pope had more influance then a king, meaning that even kings had to obey the church just like here. Tyranny? Who? Where? Only one soldier mentioned that so far before he was killed by Menou. But i haven't seen any single commonfolk looking down on Menou, it should be clear to everyone she's a priestess because of her attire. Quite the contrary, back in the ep.3 the train drivers were glad to see her.

StrykerynoApr 27, 2022 11:33 AM
Apr 27, 2022 11:18 AM
Jun 2015
The power of the Church in Europe is a very complex topic that changed a great deal over time, but by the high middle ages it did genuinely have the sort of dominating power that let a Pope force the Holy Roman Emperor to come in person to beg for forgiveness after doing something the Pope didn't like, and then the Pope had him wait outside in the snow for three days to make a point.
Apr 27, 2022 12:08 PM

Jan 2011
This show went from good to REALLY FUCKING GOOD! We are in great realm boys. The Four Great Human Errors is something I want to know more about. This episode does a good job of answering the question, "Why not take a Lost One and train them to control their powers?" They have good reasons not to do it. Also, I love Flare this episode and how she is like, "Nah we're villains. We are not heroes." It's so interesting to see her in away try to brainwash these girls into thinking this. You can also see that Flare is hurting when she is saying it like Menou. They feel bad they have to do this and don't wanna do it.

This episode was so good man. We also get some nice bits of Menou and Momo being worried if she is getting too attached to Akari or not. Menou is doing a good job acting but you know she cares about Akari. Let's see if she convinces Orwell and the others to back down. Because Akari could break the cycle of Lost Ones losing control, but she could also make things even worse as the ability to control all of time can be scary.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Apr 27, 2022 6:26 PM
Sep 2021
Well, this anime is becoming more and more exciting by the week comes. I'm really looking forward to the "ritual" that they would do so I'm looking forward to the next episode.
May 9, 2022 5:01 PM
Jul 2018
May 10, 2022 10:46 PM

Nov 2009
If Darth Vader had a Sith School to teach little kids.

He would be proud of this episode, KILL, KILL, KILL, Good, Good, Stab Them

Plus, the anime already got the "Master: apprentice" thing down.

___ ___ ___

Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
May 18, 2022 10:52 PM

May 2020
Please do something about her stupidity. She's there to be killed, and even then she doesn't have the slightest clue in the world.
Jun 22, 2022 2:46 PM

Apr 2018
Interesting for Menou's backstory with Flare and that assassin school but that's of course pretty f*cked up especially Menou's personality where she agreed to take all the burden to be Flare's successor for her job... while now in present time they finally arrived to the city and the ceremony will take place soon but of course they won't be able to kill her... now all she wants is a date with Menou in the city, lol.
Jun 24, 2022 4:22 PM

Jul 2015
Teaching kids to kill isekaied people for centuries certainly is an intriguing part of the plot. At least the executioners know what they do is evil as they consider themselves the villains.

Jun 25, 2022 7:09 AM

Feb 2021
The training to become an assassin :)
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Jul 8, 2022 7:35 AM
Jan 2020
I have no idea what Momo is on about. Not only is she smaller than Ashuna, I highly doubt she can actually defeat her. Momo truly is annoying.

It'd be interesting if this entire journey is being orchestrated in some way by Akari.

My favorite part of the backstory was when they showed a framed photo of the ancient civilization praising these Japanese students standing on a pedestal, lmao. It probably wasn't meant to be funny, but I found it highly amusing. Like a testament to weeb culture: Imagine thousands of years in the future, after the fall of everything we know, if some new society stumbles upon the remnants of stuff like Eromanga Sensei or Boku no Pico, frames it, and then hangs it up to be studied. Insanity.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Aug 27, 2022 10:19 AM
Jul 2018
I have a feeling that Flarette will betray and let Mayoibito escape. If so, it would be typical.
Sep 21, 2022 5:43 PM
Feb 2021
it's boring. there's really no plot, basically they talk a lot, and stuff just happens.
I thought Suburu was the worst isekei protagonist until i watched this.
Sep 26, 2022 3:40 PM
Jan 2022
Very average episode
Dec 17, 2022 11:07 PM
Dec 2021
To be honest, I'd be better off giving it a worse rating but I didn't dislike this episode nor did I hate it. It was really bad though, the dialogue and characters are so awful that it should be considered a war crime.

But at the same time, it's really funny. I recommend that if you made it this far without quitting that you watch this episode too. It's honestly worth it and for all the wrong reasons too which makes it funnier. However that hugging scene between Menou and Akari where the towel fell off and made Akari naked can (and I'm putting it nicely) go f**k itself cause it's extremely unfunny and annoyingly cringe.
Dec 16, 2023 6:41 PM
Jul 2018
This world really is a different one. Kids are being trained to combat
Apr 5, 2024 9:07 AM
Jun 2012
At the end there non-Subaru. Definitely returned from zero.
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