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Apr 15, 2018 7:54 PM

Aug 2017
Amazing episode. Ryou wants war. Akira wants peace. 4/5
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Apr 23, 2018 3:17 PM

May 2010
Whoa, things are getting more and more intense, that's exactly what I wanted from the first episode of this series, perfect :3

I don't wanna Miki's lil' brother to die, he's so scared ;_;
Aug 19, 2018 10:30 PM
Nov 2016
PureAgiMaxReborn said:
adios said:

Well, I don't know what source you got but mine had 9 to 10 humps after death clocking from 9:38 to 9:43. I've double checked that before this post. Not that it matters anyway, just for facts sake.

Facts? So you're technically saying I'm lying. Idk when did you started counting but after the head was blown off, there's like 1 and a half second before the scene was over and then a flower scene. That 1 and a half second, I clearly counted 2 "humps" that has noticeably different motion compared to the humps before the death. And there's no way the source I've watched had cut scenes coz I watched a completely uncensored source

I just finished watching this anime and Miko kept fucking the guy after she killed him for a couple of seconds. You probably saw a different version, probably a less "Uncensored" version? or the version you saw was edited to remove that part because in the version I saw she clearly kept fucking the dude after he died.

If you didn't saw that then the version you saw had that Necrophilia removed.

If you don't believe me I can upload that part to Mega so you can see that we are not lying either.
Aug 20, 2018 1:59 AM

May 2017
xZabuzax said:
PureAgiMaxReborn said:

Facts? So you're technically saying I'm lying. Idk when did you started counting but after the head was blown off, there's like 1 and a half second before the scene was over and then a flower scene. That 1 and a half second, I clearly counted 2 "humps" that has noticeably different motion compared to the humps before the death. And there's no way the source I've watched had cut scenes coz I watched a completely uncensored source

I just finished watching this anime and Miko kept fucking the guy after she killed him for a couple of seconds. You probably saw a different version, probably a less "Uncensored" version? or the version you saw was edited to remove that part because in the version I saw she clearly kept fucking the dude after he died.

If you didn't saw that then the version you saw had that Necrophilia removed.

If you don't believe me I can upload that part to Mega so you can see that we are not lying either.

See comment #47

And no, I watched uncensored, it's just really in poor quality
Nov 4, 2018 8:38 AM

Oct 2013
okay first of all, this show is giving me an appreciation for Japanese rap. Like, I feel like rap was made for this kind of syllabic language.


Jan 23, 2019 7:58 AM

Jan 2019
Miko wasnt raped, i refuse to believe that. Gun or no gun, she couldve killed him faster than he could react, shes a demon for gods sake. She wanted this shit, wasnt it her that had that rape fantasy near the beginning of the series when she was still human? lol, why would you think Demon Miko would be any better?
Feb 24, 2019 11:04 PM

May 2016
Even Taro was turned into a Devil, oof. There's a better way of dealing with his possession than going to a church because it'll practically turn into an all-you-can-eat buffet the moment the next episode begins. I don't really like how Koda managed to shake off the aftermath of his previous killing spree so easily but I guess that's what being more than human does to you.

Ryo had the humans turn against each other and hunt down the more sentient devils while the actual threatening devils quickly overran the military from behind the scenes. He toppled the very delicate coexistence the two species have and he was prepared for nuclear war but it looks like he never expected blasts of this magnitude. What in the world was that blast...
Kajo_Senpai69Feb 24, 2019 11:07 PM

Mar 10, 2019 6:59 AM

Dec 2016
This turned to a complete warzone real fast, I gotta give it to the humans for being swift and prepared, but man, who would have thought Ryo would get to such status?
The heck was that at the end? Some other rivaling force? It would be funny if Aliens have arrived at the worst possible time and see a greater conflict between the humans and the demons already on the work.
Mar 15, 2019 8:38 PM
Sep 2017
Dude this is insane. Now is that God? so we got Humans vs Devils and Devilmans, Devils vs Humans and Devilmans, Devilmans vs Devils, and God vs Devils
Apr 5, 2019 12:30 AM

Jun 2016
I must say, I see what they're doing with Ryou but I think this kind of thing works far better in the manga. In the anime it comes off as forced and contrived and melodramatic and weird. Crybaby Ryou is cunning, not awkward. So to exposite all of that stuff even if it makes sense end game is weird. To go into more detail,

Another thing, I never understood Miko and Kikun's situation. We can assume Miko either killed or saw Kikun die. She seems to wear his stuff in memory. We know she was taken over by a devil that night and she remembers his corpse. Like, all of that said I don't think she shows that she's struggling with dealing with that. Maybe because Kikun wanted to be Miyuta like she wanted to be Miki she wants to blossom into a butterfly who can identify as herself rather than what their peers identify them as for both of their sake. For example she wears his shades so maybe by becoming who she wants to be she can take him there that way too. It could explain her bloodlust to come out on top exploding more than it did in the past I suppose. Further, we have the dead Grandma and I presume, as she always had a distaste for her if I recall correctly, that perhaps she killed her or let her die as she became a devilman as it was what her personality under her nice facade wanted. Keep in mind her corpse isn't eaten so if it was an attack it wasn't for feeding. I feel her character moments here are too cryptic honestly but maybe as I continue this rewatch I will piece it together more.

A NICE PIECE OF SYMBOLISM I ONLY NOTICED THIS TIME IS WITH THE SNAPDRAGONS. Miko let them die. Snapdragon have a legend to make a person fascinating and it has a meaning of decept. She used to water them all the time to keep them alive and keep her real feelings to herself. She wanted to become like Miki. Now, I think it can either mean that she's no longer wishing to be like Miki passively but instead trying to actively or that she has stopping envying what Miki represents and is indulging in herself. She does go back to a modest shirt when running and she seems more calm even when killing a raper and raping his body. She's definitely not chasing after Miki so explosively anymore. Heh. It's something to think about..

More themes of fighting with love, violence will lead to more violence, and trying to reach out and understand each other. I do think another theme of Devilman is tragedy and war is inevitable and life is at times futile, but perhaps the deeper core is even in these times we have to try our hardest to fight with love to come together on a personal and broad scale.
Apr 29, 2019 6:47 PM

Jun 2016
I just wanted to update that I feel the Ryo scene may be awkward but I don't think it's bad anymore. Ryo doesn't even understand why he himself is acting this way, like with his tweet, his intuition to check the bible, I'd wager his monologue naturally came out, and finally the fear of seeing the light all leads to next episode perfectly. It feels out of character for us and I think it does for Ryo too, it's weird and abrupt and crazy because

That was my reading on it this time anyways.
May 11, 2019 6:17 PM

Jul 2016
I disliked this episode a lot. The worst episode up until now, and I am not looking forward to the rest.
May 11, 2019 6:18 PM

Jul 2016
Ryo has to be the stupidest villain ever written, what is his motivation? His ambition? I do not know what he wants to accomplish from this plan.
May 11, 2019 6:19 PM

Jul 2016
Also, the rapping shtick and sex shtick are becoming repetitive.
May 11, 2019 6:19 PM

Jul 2016
Also, the rapping shtick and sex shtick are becoming repetitive.
Jun 26, 2019 6:58 AM
May 2012
The confrontation between Ryo and Akira was so damn strange. Like the editing was so bizarre as if it there was a cut or something. Also the randomly yet conveniently placed bible haha.
Aug 2, 2019 9:51 PM

Feb 2013
Wow. Didn't know Miko was into necrophilia. Or maybe that was demon inside her.

Miki's brother is now a demon and his mom is taking him. Where exactly?

Ryo lost it. He's insane now if he wasn't before.

What the heck was that light? It looked like it turns demons into salt? Is it angels? I mean if demons exist that means Angel's exist too right?

Ryou freaking out about the light makes me think he was a demon the whole time.
Aug 14, 2019 9:51 PM

Mar 2015
Ryo's starting to lose it!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Aug 1, 2020 4:57 PM

Apr 2020
IS that supposed to be God's army? Seems like it to me.
Sep 6, 2020 8:32 PM

Oct 2019
It was alright, mostly just buildup for the big twist at the end. It was nice to see some characters like Ryo and Akira getting time to talk because it really fleshed them out a bit more. Also more twists in terms of Taro eating a dog— yep I wasn’t ready for that.
Dec 18, 2020 2:58 PM

Jul 2017
Such a good buildup episode, and I love how much of the additional details put into the anime that aren't in the source material due to the era it was made in, only made the experience a lot better as a whole. From the development of the freestyles content wise showcasing how much the world has changed, to the social media aspects of it too were all excellent. The world is truly in chaos and Ryo's a goddamn psychopath. The whole relationship with Akira and Ryo felt strained the entire time since it did feel like Akira knew the entire time that Ryo wasn't good for a while but was running away from it emotionally the entire time. Now though, the world is going insane with demons and people's families, kids, friends are all turning into demons like it's a plague (or like the corona virus situation now) and you can see how much it's changed some members of the cast like Miko and even Miki's brother. The music at the end was excellent too. The narrative isn't quite unique and even cliche/simple in ways, but the way its done and presented is invigorating and fucking crazy to watch too, something I haven't felt for a lot of anime the past couple years.

Excited to see the future episodes.
Jan 31, 2021 8:41 PM

Sep 2018
Ryo made a chaos :( I really don't know what he wants. I feel bad for Miko, and also what happened to the guy she's with in the party?

When eyes of Taro changed, I already know that he's a demon too. I feel sad for Miki's family :( This episode reminds me of COVID! From what I know, demon disease came from the drugs right??!! Why people got infected? I don't understand!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Apr 4, 2021 11:01 AM

Mar 2010
lmao at akira wondering why they are killing demons. Did he forget the bull killed a lot of people the previous episode. The kid brother is looking worse and worse... How did they not notice the black eye lol.Poor dog.
Apr 28, 2021 1:35 PM

Apr 2011
Miko hot as hell getting raped, especially when she could of prevent it, as she is a devilman. I love the part where she crush his skull and continue humping the dead body. Throughout the episode I notice fragments of Kukun body parts and near the end of the episode, Miko was wearing sunglasses, that looks like it belongs to Kukun. In her apartment, it looks like her grandma is dead. I wonder if Miko killed her or died due to being neglected by her granddaughter?

I am fearful for Taro future, I know the dog scene was disturbing, but the possibility of him eating his mom or himself getting killed by crazy anti-demon mob. I feel his mom picked a church for his safety was a bad idea, everyone there could potentially be a enemy.

The rappers are not one episode only side characters, I just they're not cannon fodder for the demon/human attack, but I they will probably meet up with Miko and find out about their friend, Kukun whereabouts.

Ryou went mad, when the pillar of light appeared on the globe. I wonder if angels are going to get involved now. I really want Akira to kill bad human goons wearing those white cloths, just like the bad demons.

Jun 5, 2021 10:56 AM

Jul 2011
Taro has been transformed, the demons have taken over the military and as if it wasn't enough, seems like the angels are also getting involved.
I wonder how many character will survive at the end.
Jun 26, 2021 9:13 AM
Jun 2021
Enjoyed the episode
Jun 30, 2021 2:01 AM

May 2020
Now Miki's brother a demon too,demons are overtaking the world now.
And that scene in the end,looks like now Ryo starting to loose it too
Jul 20, 2021 4:46 PM

Apr 2018
The rap scenes in the beginning of the episode are always bangers.
Akira is trying hard to find his comrades in order to fight the Demons.
And Ryo isn't cold blooded anymore, just a scaredy cat. What the heck was that nuclear attack.

The OST is amazing

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Nov 28, 2021 9:19 AM

Feb 2019
Devilman Miki 😳

Taro is possessed 😭

Miki is definitely an angel.

God has passed judgement on humans.
Anime is fun.
Jan 7, 2022 1:19 AM

Jan 2021
Ok wtf.
Direction was really weird this episode. Everything was just "happening" without any consequences or explanation.

Well, its a 10 episode anime. So I wouldn't be surprised if its rushed.
Jan 21, 2022 1:12 PM

Jun 2020
SRanabhat said:
Wow! This episode really ended with a bang. The beginning rap was righteous, the raps in this show have delivered time and time again.

Yep I totally agree. The rap sequences in this anme is reminiscent of Megalobox to me, even that had awesome rap sequences.
Mar 16, 2022 11:34 PM

May 2020
Damn, it getting more serious now. From Devil turn into a war. Thought it just remind me about pandemic right now, and war right at there. Glad I read bible, I know that story of Sodom and Gomorrah when Lot wife turning back and turn into a sculpture. This is getting more intenst. Taro is a Devilman too? Akira should know them soon and save them so Miki mom can back to the family, they are a good family. From Devil turn into Apocalypse story, that's why this is more interesting.
Aug 21, 2022 9:18 PM
Aug 2022
Lol koda is literally me
Sep 19, 2022 1:56 AM

May 2022
dude forgot about God 💀
Sep 25, 2022 9:51 PM
Feb 2021
It's good that things are starting to kick off. I'll be pretty disappointed if the light thing turns out to be the army of god or something. I don't really get why the devils want to kill all humans either, don't they eat them and fuck them and stuff?
Nov 9, 2022 4:08 AM

May 2017
cannot care part 3- revenge

"Fear and Doubt are signs of a strong heart" ~Jack Skellington, Kingdom Hearts 2
Feb 12, 2023 12:55 PM

Jun 2010
Akira getting indignent at Ryo is weird given how he already overlooked Ryo killing that photographer and didn't do anything to help the runners being massacred by Koda in the previous episode. "Devilman Crybaby" is supposed to shed tears out of kind-hearted sympathey but the events of the show don't support it. Really sloppy.

I also don't understand what's supposed to be happening to Taro. Is he supposed to be a "devilman"? But how did a child have the strength of will to defeat the demon trying to take over his body?
Oct 25, 2023 1:12 PM

Mar 2022
Alright it’s official Ryo is a fricking psychopath! I mean he’s using social media to have the populace be on his side without fearing the consequences of making planet earth itself paranoid of the demon threat I mean if this was his goal from the very start then mission accomplished you screwed the whole planet over. No wonder Akira was mad at him and just up and left him because even he’s getting tired of his shit right there and I honestly believe that their relationship was quite strained from the get-go but it’s just the fact that Akira didn’t want to believe that was the case. But then who can blame him? Ryo has done nothing but cause devastation, once again paranoia in the world about demons and essentially brought Japan itself to it’s knees.

And now poor Taro has become a demon himself, it’s really sad that the adoptive little brother that Akira has, up at this point, be obsessed with demons that he unfortunately got his wish granted and it’s very mortifying to say the least. I mean that poor dog, that poor dog, I really didn’t need to see that but it’s a way to show that practically anyone could be a demon in this universe. Plus what is the light at the end of the episode? God’s intervention? Heavenly forces? Whatever the case it’s sure got Ryo spooked out of his mind.
Oct 27, 2023 8:58 AM
Apr 2023
Very cool. Lot of new dangerous stakes and I’m all here for it. It’s keep getting more mysterious and I’m really curious where it’ll go.
Oct 31, 2023 6:23 PM
Apr 2019
god damn (literally)
Nov 29, 2023 11:00 PM

Aug 2018
Well Ryo, are you happy now?
Mar 6, 2024 2:54 PM

Feb 2012
Ryo riled up the humans, the more individuals killed for the suspicion of being demons, the more demons there will be from all the hatred and violence—a feedback loop.
All the hysteria and demons have infiltrated militaries, repeating the events of Sodom and Gomorrah...and some of us know why Ryo is behaving like he's seen it before.

Furthermore, the devilmen will have to awaken their powers if they feel vulnerable and need to defend themselves from the hate mobs—Akira/The Devilman weeps for his own kind is being hunted.

Once, Miki Kuroda had to be "Miko" because Miki Makimura was getting more attention, now there is a Devilman Miki, which puts human Miki at risk from hate mobs. I thought the guy Miko saw with a gun had it to kill her for being a demon but it seems it was to coerce her into sex and she played along, killing him when he was too focused on the sex to use the gun and continued to fuck his corpse. She completely reversed the positions they had.
Now Taro is a devil too (watching too much of the Devilman anime? kek)

Fortress_MaximusMar 6, 2024 2:57 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jul 25, 2024 11:00 PM
May 2019
Aug 14, 2024 10:55 PM

Dec 2021
And to no one's surprise, everything's gone to complete and utter chaos. I'll give it this, I'm at least glad they're going over the consequences and reciprocations of exposing to the world the existence of these devils.

And I been meaning to say something about Taro, but considering how the entire family is Christian, I never understood why his parents didn't try and stop him from being obsessed with devils and demons of the sorts... like are we even Christian at that point?

The mom's no better, bringing a devil into the church, risking and endangering more innocent people, as if a lot aren't already.

Oct 25, 2024 5:54 PM
Sep 2024
Reply to lolidk2
did they really have to draw the intestine of the dog? I mean like a LITTLE natrual censorship would be nice. they could have easily positioned the shot so the limbs of the dog arent shown. \
@lolidk2 Comments like this always makes me laughing. This show has hundreds of humans dying in the most brutal manner but a tiny dog's death should be censored?
Quick question: Is butterfly (that rapper that sang for Miko) dead?
Dec 13, 2024 3:35 AM
Dec 2019
Reply to T-PainBeDamned
@lolidk2 Comments like this always makes me laughing. This show has hundreds of humans dying in the most brutal manner but a tiny dog's death should be censored?
Quick question: Is butterfly (that rapper that sang for Miko) dead?
@T-PainBeDamned I think he died when he took Miko to the club. But honestly, for a while I thought he was the track guy, lol. How many light skinned dudes with dreads does one show really have to have?

Ryo basically made no sense this whole show but finally I realized that he is either trying to summon a huge demon (Satan) to take him as a host or he is secretly already a demon. I should've guessed earlier but his general lack of emotion sort of threw me off. I think his motivation being a little clearer might've made the earlier episodes a little less stupid but I still feel like this show is not particularly good and when it inevitably dumps a bunch of "maybe humans are actually the real demons" nonsense in the final few episodes people will feel the need to defend it as very deep with lots of heady themes and shit.
Mar 4, 12:51 AM

Oct 2013
That sphere of light in the final moments of this episode was spectacular and insanely powerful. Truly a divine punishment.
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