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୨୧ Basically give ratings based on enjoyment and personal preference, but still depends on certain aspects of judgement (like plot, characters, visual arts/animation, sounds, and emotions). ୨୧
୨୧ I also share my takes on some animanga in the notes if you're wondering ୨୧
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Days: 92.3
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- Total Entries158
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All Comments (397) Comments
Sequel yg banyak bagus anime tahun dpan, judul baru keknya banyak juga yg menarik
Musim ini kalo menurut gw, ga banyak yg menarik wkwk
bener banget, buatku yg paling penting narasi, storytelling, worldbuilding, character development sama pesan moral.
gasalah, Katanagatari menurutku bagus si. Karakter utamanya dinamis, dialognya menarik, visualnya unik, dan narasinya menggugah banyak emosi.
aku juga suka period drama atau historical, paling suka anime apa yg bertema historical?
oke, emang udah lama mau lanjutin paling setelah selesai nonton Slayers S1.
enak tapi jarang banget anime yg durasinya double/lebih panjang.. yg ku inget cuma Katanagatari yg semua episodenya gitu.
iya emang masih diawal banget, kayanya nanti aku harus nonton dari awal si kalo mau lanjutin. udh banyak lupa sama ceritanya.. iya lumayan sedih disitu.
Iya ni author pantang menyerah wkwk
Tahun depan banyak yg bagus kyknya, termasuk Maomao ini, musim ini ga banyak yg menarik haha
It is a pleasure to meet you ❤ I hope you are doing well (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)
How are things going?
iya, padahal banyak female lead yg menarik
kalo senpai nya creepy untuk alasan yg beda wkwk tapi setidaknya dia orang baik2 :v
sama-sama, semoga suka heheh
bener lebih enak durasinya begitu, tapi tetep berasa cepet banget nontonnya 😅
semuanya wkwk kayanya ada anak kecil lain selain dororo, yg sama kakak perempuannya.
iya jadi repot sendiri sementara yg ilegal nyediain semua di satu tempat :")
kalo game lebih berasa worth it beli legal karena dapet fitur & support dari platformnya yg gaada di illegal copy.
emang ikonik banget suaranya Kagura
bener karakternya ga digambarkan sebagai maiden in distress atau feminist kaya kebanyakan.
di makeine paling creepy guru uksnya si wkwk parah tuh orang, mancing muridnya berbuat seksual, rekam tanpa izin, stalking, dll.. bisa dipidana itu dia 😅
menurutku daya tarik utama dungeon meshi itu dinamika karakternya si, mereka saling melengkapi dan seru liat kelakuannya wkwk world buildingnya juga bagus, menarik biologi spekulatifnya.
sayangnya cuma sedikit episodenya kimi ni todoke s3, tapi aku suka durasinya dibikin lebih panjang. semoga lebih banyak anime yg pake durasi lebih panjang gini.
iya kelupaan juga mau lanjut dororo hehe yg aku inget waktu itu agak kurang suka sama karakter anak kecilnya tapi aku suka sama setting dan ceritanya.
kayanya yatagarasu ada di crunchyroll sama prime tapi gatau masuk Indo apa ngga.. aku dah nyerah nonton di tempat legal yg berbayar sekarang, kebanyakan eksklusif. keluar duit bukannya jadi mudah malah dipersulit 😭 tinggal video game yg masih aku usahain selalu legal.
masalahnya karakter yg diisi sama Kugimiya Rie disini kontras banget sama kagura jadinya lucu wkwk
frieren sama apoteker emang berpengaruh banget si, temenku aja yg biasanya ga nonton anime dengan female lead jadi pada nonton..
OnK, Kaijuu no8, sama makeine juga bagus, nice pick. terutama makeine, padahal anime harem dan karakternya banyak yg creepy tapi enjoy banget nontonnya wkwk enigma banget tu anime.
dungeon meshi harus nonton si apalagi udh ada konfirmasi season 2, aku rekomen ke semua orang anime ini wkwk
kimi ni todoke season 3 masih wholesome banget, kangen sama karakter2nya :3
Aku juga belum selesai tuh nonton Dororo, padahal nonton dari musim tayangnya. kayanya karena ditunda-tunda nontonnya tapi jadi keterusan 😅
iya Yatagarasu mirip2 apoteker drama kerajaannya, tapi lebih fokus ke intrik politik. pengisi suaranya Kagura agak berasa out of place disini wkwk aku ngebayangin dia ngomong pake aru aru mulu XD
btw tahun ini nonton anime apa aja yg paling berkesan?
kalo aku selain pastinya 2nd cour frieren sama apoteker, ada Dungeon Meshi dan beberapa sequel kaya euphonium, from me to you, sama natsume. selain itu ada juga Yatagarasu yg menurutku hidden gem tahun ini.
overall, walaupun ga begitu banyak anime yg standout tapi tetep lumayan bagus. setidaknya selalu ada yg menarik buat diikutin tiap season.
Might be because of his cheating, yes, but I think it’s more due to his music career. Look at Miyano Mamoru, he’s mostly a musician too, so he doesn’t do much voice acting either. And its not like every voice actor just voices anime characters, a lot of them also do dubbing for live-action movies. So who knows what other things Tatsuhisa does? xD I’d love to see him do more voice acting too!
Yep, I like Twisted Hearts too, especially the lyrics! ^^ The opening songs were definitely the highlights of Yuumori. xD With Kaminari's singing skills, he could've totally join Jiro at the Festival lol. I would’ve loved to see them perform a duet. xD Speaking of Hatanaka Tasuku, I noticed you finished SK8. :D What did you think of it?
Hehehe, yeah, exactly! xDDD They should create a parody of these events, a "What if" version of BNHA. xD
I recently watched an interesting analysis of Bakugo’s character on YouTube about the psychological reasons for his popularity. :DD It talks about how watching him blow things up serves as an emotional release for fans, and how, unlike many other characters, he is very aware of his faults and that self-awareness is why many fans are so into him. x))
Oh, Shoto is definitely very cool! Honestly, I wasn't a fan of him at first because he seemed really cold and arrogant at the beginning. But he’s changed a lot since then, and it’s really heartwarming to see him start to connect with others and make friends. I loved the scene when he read the letter to his mom, the voice acting was just amazing, his voice sounded so hesitant yet genuine. ^^ And its so cute how his hair keeps getting fluffier in the manga! :D
Oh, thanks for the warning lol. I’m not sure if I want to see a CGI bear. :D
I completely forgot he voices Levi as well lol. You’re right about his voice range. His voice still gives me the creeps though, since he usually plays those creepy, sadistic roles. It’s tough to trust anything he says, even when he’s voicing someone as nice as Natsume. xD
Actually, I never really got into the MCU films and wasn't a fan of superhero stuff, so I figured I wouldn't like BNHA either. But after giving BNHA a shot, I found it super exciting, which made me want to check out the MCU movies too. I was surprised to find that I really liked them! xD
Hehe, yeah, All Might finally had his time to shine, he was so cool! ^^ I’m looking forward to the next season too~ ^^
Arcane is done very beautifully and fluidly, so I think you’ll like it. :D
karena bakal berasa rushed banget kayanya, kalo lawan nekoma kan build up nya udh ada dari pas latih tanding.. sementara lawan pas finalnya kan pertama kali ketemu. karakter2nya juga belum banyak dikenalin. untuk kualitas animasi si ga ragu, udh pasti bagus.
oke2, thank u ^^
btw punya anilist juga ya ternyata.. aku follow disana hehe
bisa dibilang kekuatan utama dia bukan return by death tapi ikatan yg dia jalin di sana...
emang tengil banget kelakuannya wkwk
kenapa filmnya cuma 5 menit weh, ga berasa nontonnya 😅