All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 230.9
Mean Score:
- Watching27
- Completed648
- On-Hold138
- Dropped168
- Plan to Watch78
- Total Entries1,059
- Rewatched270
- Episodes13,206
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 84.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries114
- Reread20
- Chapters8,792
- Volumes638
All Comments (5) Comments
I'm resending it. I hope it works now >.<
At the club we mostly focus in our favourite male characters ^.^ Right now we're starting a new Best Boy Competition, where we choose our favourite among a selected group of very good boys :D
We also offer recommendations, games, a Discord chat, and more!
I'm sending you an invite to the club ^.^ just tell me if it doesn't send.
Hope to see you around!
Happy birthday! ^^ I hope every dream of yours come true. ^^
"People with Nov. B-days ROCK!!" , right? xD
Thx for the birthday wishes. ^^
Sorry for the late reply, I was too busy these days.. ^^'
Take care! =]