All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 331.4
Mean Score:
- Watching36
- Completed1,609
- On-Hold60
- Dropped193
- Plan to Watch244
- Total Entries2,142
- Rewatched51
- Episodes20,606
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 52.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries229
- Reread0
- Chapters6,800
- Volumes315
All Comments (4) Comments
But I do also like to interact with the people I'm looking to bring into the club.
The club consists of a lot of different seasonal activities from Power Rankings to OP/ED Comps to Seasonal Cards.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
I recently finished the second season of Gin no Saji, didn't like it as much as the first season but they both got 7s from me so I enjoyed my time with it.
It also has one of my favourite ships.