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There are many types of "MONSTERS" in the world.
MONSTERS who abduct children;
MONSTERS who suck blood and...
MONTERS who always tell lies...
Lying MONSTERS are real nuisance.
They are much more cunning than other MONSTERS.
They pose as HUMAN, even though they have no UNDERTANDING of the HUMAN HEART.
They EAT, even though they have never experienced HUNGER.
They STUDY, even though they have no interest in ACADEMICS.
They seek FRIENSHIP, even though they do not know how to LOVE.
If I wore to encounter such a MONSTER, I would likely to be EATEN by it...
Because in truth....

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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
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Touhai: Ura Rate Mahjong Touhairoku
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Kakyuu Tsuiraku 100-kaime
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0edoon Nov 2, 2024 12:36 AM
Hazbyn Jul 3, 2024 12:17 AM
When I first played Pokemon White I also had Krokodile on my time; I think my time was Samurott, Unfezant, Zebstrika, Darmanitan, Krokodile, and Pansage, and I added Zekrom because everyone else was a bit under-leveled hahaha.
I know you aren't playing this, but I just finished Danganronpa 2, and it was quite a journey. Most of the cast were utterly unlikeable, but still, they grew on you; Chapter 5 was so emotionally charged that I still feel bad for the outcome.
I still need to read May's chapter, though I think I will not pick it up until September since I read the match will end there.
Hazbyn Jun 9, 2024 3:59 PM
I must say I am surprised; like, I always heard how great Bollywood was in different spaces. I see their dancing sequences and how unique they dress, and for years, before watching scenes from their shows, I thought they produced good content. So far, I can say the special effects are ridiculous; sometimes, it seems like they used way too many PPT transitions.
Oshawott is my favorite Gen 5 starter; I choose him all the time I delete a playthrough. A very bold team, three of them are weak to fire, but Samurott is ready there to counter.
Since practical knowledge is, basically, learning by doing things yourself, I consider that period of theoretical knowledge, students should be allowed to practice what they should have learned; I understand tests are important, but by doing oneself is when we test if we already know.
I don´t want to sound disrespectful by saying this, but that quote you wrote —If the humans lose this match, it's game over— made me remember Danganronpa.
I just caught up on the latest chapter, and all the talks between the Shinsengumi make me remember Gintama hahaha. Still, while I am enjoying this match, and I must say that despite the Valkirye, I don´t care who wins. Though I am sure Okita will win.
Hazbyn Jun 3, 2024 5:32 PM
I am a bit aware of how India is a country that values their culture and tradition more than anything, even if it is at the cost of their own health. I want to ask something that may sound insensitive, but I am curious, are Indian TV shows so exaggerated as the clips that appear on social media made it seem? I remember a girl getting slapped just for her to spin and hang herself with a fabric of something, and also a scene of a guy falling off a balcony and giving several spins until a girl on a kite saves him.
Assassins Creed has always called my attention, so I may give it a chance. You made me remember when I bought a copy of Black 2, a cartridge with a copy of the game not the original, and I received something called Pokemon BlazeBlack 2 hahaha. Which starter did you choose on Pokemon Black? What is your team?
I never heard of Reborn before, what is it about?

I am not going to lie, having horrible classmates, lessons, schedules, and teachers are part of the experience; you can maybe control when to have your classes, and also who will be your teacher and subsequently how the lessons will be, but you cannot choose who your classmates will be. I remember having one of the worst teachers ever in college; an abusive and narcissistic piece of shit with no codes, and I was able to avoid him quite some times. I would recommend you to hang out with the nicest people, or with the ones you have things in common with.
With that being said, having 7 exams in a day sounds like the worst nightmare ever; I mean, in my country, there is a national policy that students cannot have more than 2 tests a day, even 2 is a lot. I am so sorry that you have to go through that; that is so antipedagogic in my opinion.
I saw some spoilers that Odin is planning something behind the scenes, something about reviving a god; to be honest, Leonidas and Geirolul's defeat soured the story for me. It would have been weird to see all the representatives from the Greek pantheon getting defeated, but I still hated to see that pair losing. To be honest, I am sure Okita will win this round, and I am also sure that whoever fights Anubis is going to lose; I heard the authors decided to make Shiva win his match against Raiden to avoid problems with India, so I am thinking the same with happen with Anubis and Egypt.
Another thing, it's weird that we haven't gotten the reveal of which Valkyrie sister paired with Okita.
Hazbyn May 12, 2024 9:49 PM
I don´t know much about India's geography, but it sucks to be living in the same country as one of the 7 Wonders and not being able to see it. Not judging at all, especially because I understand how long travel can be exhausting.
I get what you are talking about; I am the same, there are places I want to travel and visit, but I get extremely anxious. The last time I traveled I suffered some panic attacks the night before and the morning before I took the bus.
I looked up Nilgiri Hills out of curiosity, and while I am not a big fan of the countryside, it looks like quite a peaceful place to spend time and relax; perfect for tea indeed. Without a reason, I searched the weather, and it will be thunderous the entire week hahaha. When not on the road, mist has its mystic charm, especially in the mountains. I particularly love drinking tea, and while I cannot say I am an aficionado, it sounds like quite a wistful place.
I like Ed Sheeran, Perfect is one of my favorite songs; there is a Spanish version that a cousin played in his wedding as his first dance. Which religious monuments did you visit?
Really? Which games have you been playing? I recently finished playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder's main route, and I am currently completing the DLC of Pokemon Scarlet.
College can indeed be tiring; what's been bothering you the most, the classmates, the classes, the teachers, or the class schedule?
Really? How has it been? I am still stocking chapters to binge-read once the match is over; I am personally not a big fan of the current fighters, to be honest.
Hazbyn Apr 25, 2024 8:39 PM
I just looked at some pictures of Chicken Curry, and it looks delicious; I don't think I have tasted anything with curry before, and I was thinking of trying preparing it, but the amount of ingredients is bigger than I thought hahaha. By the way, have you been able to go sightseeing in India?
I mean, I get if it is an ongoing tradition for some more traditional households, but not to the level of being so against their kids dating.
Don't worry about it, I enjoy listening to your day-to-day stay in India; I personally dislike traveling a lot since I get too anxious, but I like listening, or in this case reading, stories from travelers while they are abroad. Have you been able to go to the Taj Mahal?
Hahaha, I live way too far away from India; plus, I am not trying to sound like complaining too much, but I don't particularly like hot weather.
Ink-ling Apr 25, 2024 7:58 PM
Afro Samurai, Another, Elfen Lied, Gon, and Hellsing. You?
Ink-ling Apr 25, 2024 7:24 PM
Aaaaand it's back on hiatus again...

Ink-ling Apr 25, 2024 3:46 PM
Nahhh, is it that obvious?
Ink-ling Apr 24, 2024 7:03 PM
You're welcome bro, and thanks to you as well!
Ink-ling Apr 24, 2024 6:39 PM
Nice Kira profile.
Hazbyn Apr 24, 2024 12:30 AM
I would like to try spicy food; I love seasoning my foods, but I am sure in other dishes from different countries and cultures things have to be a bit different. What is the best Indian dish you have tasted?
Really? I don't know what to think about that; where I live people don´t generally follow them hahaha.
It's not that weird for people to still receive their family support past their 20s; where I live people start forming their own families even while living at home. Some even construct a house for themselves on the same land. I mean, one thing is living in your parent's house while also providing income, paying for things, or helping with chores, another thing is to be a lazy bum. Sorry for rambling again hahaha.
Yeah, I have heard that; I have read and heard stories about Indian parents being extremely strict, entitled, or abusive towards their kids. Is arranged marriage still a thing? I thought they were out-fashioned; it sucks to hear people cannot fall in love without their parents complaining about it.
Studying in Japan has to be a very unique experience, especially with all the sightseeing you can do in your free time; I am not an outgoing person, but even I would be interested in living there. On another hand, the US has some appealing as well, especially in the culinary part and how big their portions are hahaha.
I hope your plans go well :)
I am sorry, I thought you were up to the newer chapters; I haven't caught up either, but maybe in the next few days I will read the newer chapters.
Hazbyn Mar 27, 2024 8:28 PM
Sorry for such a long paragraph, I blabber a lot when is about something I know and like hahaha.
India, that sounds very interesting. I know is country with a hot and sunny weather, something which I don´t like at all; on the contrary, I am very intrigued about the food. What are the people like? Are they nice? What are your plans after India?
I still need to catch up on the latest chapters after King Leonidas' defeat; I saw spoilers that Odin is plotting behind everyone's back, so I wonder what he will be doing.
Hazbyn Feb 24, 2024 10:18 PM
I am very sorry for replying so late again; I've been answering past messages that were a bit long, as well as being busy during the first weeks of the month.
I am doing great as well, thanks for asking :)

Thanks a lot for that, although I have been thinking about changing it because I liked another character from Hazbin Hotel a bit more hahaha; I haven´t watched the show at the moment, but it has been so popular that I have watched the entire show due to clips hahaha.

Ugh, those neonazis were just awful; I hated The Baby so much, he was extremely disturbing and plainly awful. I am glad of his outcome. I see, so a scene showing how Tenma was more of a badass was cut; very interesting, and I am glad to hear it wasn´t something like omitting full arcs. I finally finished Monster after quite some time, and I must say one of the things that appealed the most to me was the character development of Eva; I am simply shocked at how much she grew throughout the story. In another area, I disliked Karl quite a bit; I can understand how much he wanted to find out who his father was, but the way it was implied he ditched what seemed to be loving adoptive parents didn´t go well with me. Moreover, the fact he paid a stranger to be with Lotte, who was basically harassed and left heartbroken after wanting to go out with Karl, was not right at all. I have some complaints that may not be very popular, but overall it was a great anime; what other spoilers do you have? I would like to hear them.
I didn´t have that many problems with the pacing since I read 20th Century Boys by Urasawa and learned how he developed important moments in detail; hence, I knew what I was getting into in that area.

I agree, it was interesting to see how much the characters changed from their first until their last appearance, as well as how many layers some of them have; I didn´t expect Nina to strangle Rudy. A character for whom I have mixed feelings is Michael; I disliked him from the moment it was revealed he killed Nina's adoptive parents, but when he got his small arc with his family I felt a bit sad about his outcome, especially since he had a change of heart and helped Nina as much as possible. Still, he received his dose of Karma.
The episode following the detective and her adoptive sons was shocking; I swear I was left speechless. I enjoyed the episodes of Phandora and Johan, and I hope they appear again to aid Guideau and Ashaf. Majo to Yajuu gives me several Undead Girl Murder Farce vibes.

I liked that in the anime some Stern Ritters Vollstandig receive names, since in the manga most of them were left unnamed. I am eager to see what will happen in part 3 as well, and I hope more characters receive their time to shine. I knew Shinji's Bankai was going to appear, but I didn´t have Senjumaru on my card, and that was a more than pleasant surprise.

Really? Where are you residing? Sorry if that sounds intrusive though hahaha. I am sure there will be quite some months before the movie arrives in my country, but I will be the first one in line to buy tickets, especially now that I know the movie was a success.

I am so sad with the latest defeats; I know things will be head to head, but I swear I loved the last two representatives and is not nice to see the Valkiries dying.
I read somewhere that Shiva won his battle to avoid conflicts with India, and after seeing the design of Ra, I am sure he will win his fight as well to avoid problems with Egypt.
I honestly never felt bad for God's defeats, but when humanity lost it felt so wrong, especially since there were two lives leaving the arena when they lost. Remembering Tesla's defeat still hurts way too much.
With this match either Okita wins or there is a tie; I am sure the writers will favor the participants from their country, and I am even more sure that having to kill Raiden off hurts them internally.
Hazbyn Feb 7, 2024 10:41 PM
Hello, thanks for accepting my friend request; it is nice to meet you :)
How have you been?
I like your Light Yagami profile picture; it looks very cool!
Sorry for taking so much time to reply to your messages.

Honestly, this is the first I heard someone criticizing the anime of Monster; don´t be afraid of spoilers, where there are too many things omitted from the manga?
Majo to Yajuu took me by surprise; I watched the first episode out of curiosity, and now I am hooked every week. I love how dark the cases go as time goes by.

Let me just say, that I love your favorite sections a lot!
The second part of Bleach TYBW was a masterpiece, and I love the additions of Shinji and Senjumaru's Bankai; not to mention how wonderful the animation of Rukia's Bankai and the ending song were. I love Endroll a lot, especially the visuals showing Quincy being there from the beginning. Moreover, Haikyuu is also one of my favorite anime ever, and I am eager for the movie, though I only wish the movie arrived in my country.

Record of Ragnarok is a masterpiece of a manga, and the last two matches left me utterly sad, especially the outcome of the fight between Tesla vs Beelzebub.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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