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All Comments (40) Comments
Guess who kept her promise? Hahaha Happy birthday!! I know it may not be midnight for you sadly I can only tell you on midnight following my timezone TT but nevertheless I wish you the bestest birthday!! Tons of amazing things and delicious food! But most importantly, health, success and wealth. Health is good but without money what can you do? LOL
Have a great night and day, may you enjoy your birthday with your loved ones.
Wish you all the best and appreciate you dearly <3
I know I'm replying super late but how is it or how was it?? is this a student exchange? I'm so happy for you and I'm sure it must be an awesome adventure :)
No... Being delusional isn't the solution, cease the unlogical mindset.
Lol don't worry and honestly at times, I tell myself this, you're all good.
Honestly I'm sure it's not as bad as it sounds but since we're mostly used to basic sounds when it comes to alarms, it does make me feel a bit reluctant into using a geese alarm to be honest with you haha.
Ooo I've never heard of this game before but as long as you enjoyed!! And sorry again for replying so late!
That's amazing??? I'm so so proud and happy for you, chinese is so difficult to learn so you can definitely flex it, I'm 100% serious. And I sort of do it for both, I'm reaching one year in few days!! But yeah to repeat myself again, I'm genuinely impressed you can speak chinese that nicely, and happy for you.
Lol that made my heart flutter Hahaha, I love the classic, gorgeous english from LOTR, anyways... You shall and can bestow your own judgement on me, however you see fit. Though what you cannot do and what I'll never allow you to do is threaten me!! *Peace sign*
Yeah... After working in retail I can most definitely understand you.
Maybe I need to give him another outfit, would it be better if he had a little tie and a mustache? I think it's the scuba equipment that's making you feel threatened. Don't you worry I'll make it all better, you'll be okay ^^ I'll thoroughly inspect scuba cat in case he's ever done anything mean to make sure. I'll take yoour feelings greatly in consideration.
Please if that was kinda late, look at me. I'll definitely try my best to send a message at midnight for your birthday though!!
Just a bit yes, I've forgotten the plot a bit now, nor do I crave a rewatch but honestly I barely watch anime recently so...
I get you so well... Food can get you sick but oh god is it tasty??
Yes!! It's been better now though uh for how long. I hope it'll stay this way that's for sure.
Please take care of yourself and have a good day. Talk to you very soon <3
Right?? It's definitely hard when you're addicted to something, I can only hold empathy for such people except when, well, hopeless cases that'd rather stay hopeless.
Complete insanity but efficient insanity, you know this actually sounds like a good idea if I have to wake early for err, well idk what for yet but if I have to, I'll definitely try the goose alarm. For now, I just use the basic ios alarm, I don't need any err scary ones anyway, I pretty much wake with only one alarm, or without any at all (crazy I know). Are you still using it? xD
I HAVE ONE TOO!! The DsI XL? I think it's called, so good though the screen is a bit... well a bit damaged and it's dark in the corners but honestly, besides that it works perfectly. Childhood nostalgia when it hits us... What game did you play?? If you remember TT
Hehe ty!! Now hitting the 238 days of streak! Feels good to achieve this even though it might seem small, it makes me proud hehe. Talking about languages, how's college going??
Oh sorry, I just felt like 3 business days were already the minimum.. If you'd like I could shorten it by 10 hours? Just for you :) AND NO. Saruman would NEVER give me salvation, nor give me anything except A TERRIBLE DEATH.
Talk about a gentleman x3c
You know sometimes I wonder why you hate scuba cat that much.. when he's just.. pure silliness gooberism and CUTENESS AT THAT!! That is not a common combination that many witness to see. You shall be ashamed of your behavior! HOW COULD YOU. HOW DARE YOU!! Poor cat, just paying his respect to you and here you are, blaming him for loving you and missing you. I cannot understand.
Oh yes felt like changing my user bc I use this one everywhere so, it felt better y'know? Thanks so much for wishing me a happy birthday!! I truly feel grateful to have you here while I may take time to reply, and I'm genuinely sorry about this (all the war stuff and consequences got me busy), I cannot thank you enough for being such a kind friend. Thanks for the wishes!!
Yes!! Finished it a while ago, I liked it though the end felt a bit rushed. Or so I remember it, I wish the new season would be aired right now AAAAAAAAAA
Stay happy and healthy !! <3
Oh trust me, It's really... biased.
Alright mister god himself, stay deluded UGH!! (silliness)
Please this is so accurate or having to chew chewing gum the whole day and use a plastic straw as a fake cigarette, the more I think about this the more I'm thankful my dad stopped smoking good lord.
Thank you, I'm happy to hear you're proud of me for rightfully stuffing my stomach. And please, this definitely sounds like a torture I'd be terrified to hear any animal noise as my alarm, why do you do this to yourself man,,
Hey I did!! I have pokemon gold on my DS :3 But don't worry they'll definitely get you with their sea pokemon and then it's over for you, good luck..
Hehe you're so silly, but yeah now it's 163!! I'm proud of this genuinely hehe. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything !!
But he's so goober,,, I can't really blame scubacat, blame the society instead *not so seriously said* OK OK IF YOU LET ME MEET GANDALF THEN I WILL DOUBT..! Give me 3 good business days to think about I'll get back to you in the 360 hours or so.
Bwahahaha please
Of course not!! He did the dance during your burial, as a way of parting. He also brought flowers.
See you soon and take care ~
Yes it is!! Well not all the time honestly but with the coin flip you can get better items and with better items you can dodge death better. Basically if you have bad items you die.
Ermkayyy whatever you say man (lmfao aren't we all biased).
Exactly! I wonder why I'm not smoking until my lungs turn as black as coal!! Ugh!! (Honestly, I don't even know why man but I guess it's the genuine move y'know? Like just smoking in itself is sorta cringey and both of my parents used to smoke, one still does. It can literally kill you and people breahting next to you so might as well stop it).
I'm so much like Guts too (I always finish my plate when I've been asked to eat B) lmfao but why's the snooze so relatable and I've never heard of a goose alarm before, prolly not available for Iphones).
Lmfao wait till the Pokemon corp catches you, it's over.
No I use it for Indonesian! It's really one of my achievements, people don't realize keeping a long streak is actually so satisfying. It's not much of a torture more of a "Woah, I got this far" type of thing lol. I've got a streak of 146 days for now!
Oh don't worry don't worry! Take your time, it's no obligation anyway.
No, he came just to say hi and do a little dance >83 !!!
Thank you so so much, a lot of stuff happened honestly but I'm still standing. I hope you're good yeah!! Please take care and until next time :)
We haven't been impacted well yes we have, though we didn't get robbed nor have we encountered anyone on our property (god bless).
I'm so sorry again for replying late, I checked my account yesterday while I guarded the house but I didn't want to y'know, write you while all sleepy, in the darkness and all of that.
Please take care and I'm so so grateful for your worrying. You can't even imagine how happy I was yesterday reading this message. Thank you, please take care!
Yeah it very much is, I tried it for some time, It's beyong frustrating because once you lose for example your arm or your legs or half of your body you won't ever get them back. Well you could... but it requires you taking a huge risk and dying but remember you can save rarely because it goes forward in time and after three days you die, or you have close to almost no opportunity to save freely without any consequences.
LMFAO yeah it's mostly this that terrifies me y'know? She's got a dark side that I don't really, appreciate much.
THATS WHAT IM WONDERING TOO!! Bro what is Gandalf's daily life like?? What does he do, smoke the whole day away??
I'm so so jealous and envious of your imaginary Pokemon collection, please lend it to me sometime (no you don't have to).
It is pretty much his purpose, as much as Guts being the sole ideology of never giving up, pure determination. Have fun reading !! (Good luck...)
I've got currently 122 days of streak! I've never did this method before, maybe I should try honestly and I used to spend 10 minutes or so just learning but now, I don't . It's too exhausting and I feel like if I study more I end up forgetting what I've learned previously from all the new knowledge.
Oh yes I am, the lazy parent who'll never admit it's their fault not teaching their kid and then blaming them? Yessir.
ARE YOU THE IMPOSTOR?? YOU'VE LET DOWN YOUR NATION JUST TO GO WITH SCUBACAT??? IM!! I'm jealous, is there some space for me?
Oh please we could draw anything!! I just want you to have fun, draw your favorite character for example!! Don't force yourself to draw something you don't like. Take care too!
so adorable of bob... scubacat also wanted to say bleh 83 !!
Yeah I'm trying to but it's still a lot of noise lmfao, recently I just bought Fear and Hunger : Termina ! And I'm traumatized. I didn't even finish the game nor did I go too deep in town but I'm still very anxious and I play without any sound or else I can't play lmfao, I know sounds crazy.
Hehe thanks :3 I finished it too !! Honestly I feel the same, not bad but yk not AMAZING either. You're so right about the gooberism, I really loved how silly it was but again, Maomao feels really creepy to me idk. She's cool yeah but when she turns into a psycho, I don't see the appeal though I don't judge of course.
You're welcome, I sent the special edition cat veggie chips too x3c. DUDE LITERALLY!! Bro just decides to call for help from the eagles, saves Sam and Frodo like it's nothing, calls for the ULTIMATE horse just because it's his buddy like WTF?? He's too cool. (Np dwwww)
Scubacat as previously stated is just that powerful... He's a pure different breed of cats or even any Felidae, do fear its power knowing we have pretty much nothing about it.
PLEASE- Of course he's gorgeous, beautiful, splendid, breathtaking but hell nah. Honestly on a serious note, when I kept reading Berserk I just found Griffith becoming uglier and uglier the more I read. I guess the personality "outshined" his looks for me. A lot happens bro, a lot if you honestly liked the movie then maybe read? If you really want to though cause the manga is long.
Honestly keeping the Duolingo streak is difficult, especially when some questions are pure intuition so honestly I'd see why you'd only use it as a gaming system :3 (nuke it). There is !! We're a pretty tiny community. Well when you look in a crowd, there's going to be very least of us though during special events and such, we can be a looooot. Most of us know how to speak it, only the newer generations struggle, especially the 2000s because our parents thought 'Nah it's useless so." I know, it sucks.
Omg please... So sorry again for taking so much time, my exams have been piling and when they stopped I just needed a huge mental/ physical break. Some drama happened too so, I really needed this break oh god. I hope you're doing amazing though, please take care :)
Will do!! Stay healthy and take care x3c (Wavy glasses Bob is super cool!!)
>> Honestly just any game on my laptop is making it slowly rot and die, but it's began to work a bit better! I'm playing more games recently and it works (as surprising as it sounds).
The way I relate so much to this, honestly I feel like I procrastinate all the time whenever I look at everything I have to do (which isn't true, I TRY MY BEST >:3 I'm deluding myself). I want to watch some anime so baaad, the only thing I did recently was read some manga and that's it. I definitely NEED to watch some good, cute anime content or else my goober power will decrease and I'll die.
For my fellow goobers I'm willing to do anything, I'm sending cat food your way as I'm typing. Gandalf is too badass please, give him some credit (or I just love Gandalf).
Scubacat is indeed another BREED of our cat population. As you may have heard he does scubadive on a daily basis hoping to grow some gills and hunt fish easier. It has... made little progress. And for the diploma, of course I have it! Signed by the president of the galaxy too, MIND YOU.
You've forgotten the most obvious you good sir. Oh please don't tell me you're part of the "Griffith did nothing wrong cult", but I sorta agree you've gotta have huge badoonkers to keep being that evil. How can he not rot from this is still shocking to me.
I honestly speak less javanese since well, I don't live with my grandparents so I don't get to speak it often. Though I still practice indonesian daily (oh I love duolingo and my 79 day streak). And don't worry about it, honestly everyone feels this way at some point and it's because schools teach us how to understand it NOT TO SPEAK IT. It's honestly upsetting me why we don't practice more VOCALLY. But yk, gotta keep struggling I guess...
He definitely asked for it and honestly it's been weeks since I've seen him in our class, I guess he's either skipping or he's coming to just a few classes. Well good for us, at least we have one... case out. And obviously, I'm a licensed psychologist too so *nerd emoji*.
PLEASE this wasn't my intention lmfao but yeah it's a pain and yes only 16. We have bigger courses too but I chose japanese so, no one really chose it to be honest. But it's good for us since japanese is a struggle.
You definitely have swagger that's for sure.
Don't worry scubacat is currently still scubadiving and searching for some food, I'm sure he's alright (question answered :3)
Take care and until I hear from you again!!
Okay I see and yes NEVER GIVE UP!!
Lmfao nah but I get it tbh, kilts are genuinely peak and anyone not thinking so is uncultured (yes I meant what I said and I SAID WHAT I SAID).
Oh man you didn't have to hit me with the realness right here. School got me so drained that it's been at least a month I haven't watched anime at all, same for digital art too, it's kinda sad. Send me some free food btw, you'd see me happy. And ofc, I'm Gandalf what'd you even expect?
Don't drink too much tea though and I really loved Guts so that's why I simped so much of course.
WHAT??? Bro of course I teached scubacat the laws of diving. And as a matter of fact it can't die so... 83
Me too with japanese ! Honestly learning languages is so difficult (speaking it is easy but yk learning the laws behind a language is annoying), don't worry as a person who speaks three languages daily I forget too. I just noticed now YIP YIP YIPEEE!!
HAHAHA nah but don't worry I just told everyone what he was up to, what he's been saying and now he's a loner. You can't blame me, when the dude talks about people's (women's obviously) private parts in a seggsual pov. He should get behind bars, as he deserves. I don't have much drama except this guy I like in my class, and well... people crushing on me (I'm not flexing I'm genuinely surprised that they are).
Oh my main class has only 16 people or so and then when we get mixed classes group class we just are like... 35? or so.
HAHAHA Sorry but aye everyone got rizz cmon now!
See you soon!! Take care and until we text again :3c
Please... I'm sure you'll get through it! I'm also kinda surviving as well so to be fair I relate... WDYM SEIZURE???! PLEASE SOME KINDNESS!!
No but honestly guys wearing kilts (if I remember aren't they only worn by men..?) is so cute I love it, well not grandpas wearing it because it would be a bit weird if I found them cute... They just felt like being silly (weird silly tbh).
You definitely should!! We could draw together too sometime and have fun! So much things to do how about trying cooking? Yummy hobby :3 But puzzles sound so fun though kind of torturing. What?? This is the magic I use ! Especially when I just ha-
Okay but please take care of yourself, some people really get sick from too much caffeine. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
The beauty is in the eye of the beholder... kidding (nah not kidding). It's crazy how good Berserk is and yet people always fail to deliver. I hope one day someone will do it justice THOUGH I loved the second movie (maybe bc I simp a lot who knows).
WHAT!!! Please those are my CHILDREN!! I won't give them to anyone else... Now now I shall introduce you to the whole army : :3 silly cat, ;3 rizzing cat, B3 nerd cat, 83 scuba diving cat ! I know they're awesome.
LOL dw dw we all gotta do our best in learning I guess haha!! And survive until we finally break free. What's Santa? I don't know... never heard of the dude but if being excited makes you happy YIPPEEEE
I've had enough drama so spare me, there's this guy in my class who's such a creep and now here you are BEING DRAMATIC!!! Jk but yes the dude being a creep? It's real though.
Nah but honestly I tried my hardest to get hooked, I'd turn my phone off and focus only on it and stuff yet, I just didn't get hooked. ME TOO!! Sadly everything I got is too weak to play it, you're so relatable.
Finally got back to school btw ! It was super nice and I made friends with all of my class!! College life, tuff life but I'm having fun! Hope you are too! Please take care and until we text again !
(I reply late but you're always in my mind no rizz btw just yk, manners so... sorry again for being so slow! I'm a tiny bit busy hehe)
See you !
Just some randos... One who danced with me and was disgusting (crotch area) and the other was drunk tried to dance with me and pulled me by the wrists, he kept staring at me the whole night as well before doing his move.
I didn't want to watch it, only heard of it! But maybe yes you should give drawing a chance (if you are interested because it'd be useless if not lol). I can't drop my sources, it's just magic :3c
You do you! As I said it's your own body yk, I'm not your parent LOL.
Berserk is instant friend moment just like One piece, can't dislike a cultured human being smh.
Well sorry but you don't have the permission to use it so... yeah.
I think he genuinely learns the language since he can hold a conversation pretty easily when he talks to strangers. Knowing few sentences is better than knowing nothing as well. He does have an amazing mandarin :)
Listen... it may be hard to hear but Santa isn't-
What do you want? LOL make a choice.
Yeah, I don't mind watching a long anime but JoJo didn't hook me so, it was kinda... not as enjoyable as it could have been sadly. Good luck with completing the game!! Hope you have fun with the mini games. It genuinely is amazing!! I want to play it again hahaha so nothing too condescending.
Thanks!! You too and have a nice week !! :D
Sorry!! I was genuinely confused about what we were talking about sometimes when I have to read everything again I get lost in our messages and confusion builds up. Which leads me to my suggestion, would you mind making shorter messages? As in make them less than 500 words ? It's up to you!! I just don't like to leave you waiting or get confused and make mistakes (and also since we're both busy yk). These youngsters are done for  ̄へ ̄
I got errr friend drama, flirt drama, creep drama up to you!!
You got some JAIL worthy taste goodbye 👋 You can always pick up drawing again I'm sure!! I've once took a year off but I still draw nowadays (I'm currently on a break tho LOL Tysm btw!!). Of course I buy ever DVD of my favorite anime why would I not?? :3c
Yes it is!! If you drink a lot of it as in multiple cups a day which I wouldn't recommend same for coffee. But again it's your body and tea or coffee you could be unhealthy from anything nowadays tbh so... -_-
The rizzler :0c
Haha it happens to me too!! Not the worst ones though... I still have few memories here and there that I wish I could forget...
PLEASE!! I'm a goober I can't die anyways but guess you didn't know :3c (my friend made this emoticon btw it's a cute cat being like teehee I don't teehee but the emoticon is too adorable...)
Lmfao average day of learning a language, don't worry I relate though it's like this famous youtuber XiaomaNYC who learns every language possible. This man just destroys my brain and makes it recoil by itself LOL. I genuinely forgot if I believed or not in santa but I think I did, not till I was super old of course but yk (bro stop bringing yourself down please STAY POSITIVE!!!). Good to hear your new year's was good!! Can't say the exact same LOL
ME TOO !! :D
I see I see, well I can stop if it's better for you.
Definitely!! That's why making them shorter could help the both of us!! I watched the two first arcs of Jojo since everyone was talking about it and I couldn't get hooked so I just stopped argh... Good luck completing them!! I wish I could be here to witness it HAHAHA and I get you 100% completion feels just... too satisfying to not do. Terraria is so cool!! Genuinely as cool as Minecraft to me :3 ! (you're so cool for enjoying minecraft, fine taste)
Hope everything went well!!
Happy new year again :)