All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 226.8
Mean Score:
- Watching27
- Completed978
- On-Hold63
- Dropped395
- Plan to Watch1,037
- Total Entries2,500
- Rewatched82
- Episodes13,925
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 27.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries376
- Reread0
- Chapters4,613
- Volumes155
All Comments (117) Comments
Hard to succinctly say without it right in front of me, I just think it's generally quite sloppily put together and falls short on a lot of execution of its very grand ideas.
Weird to hear from a Zaregoto enjoyer!
I was pretty alienated when finding out how aclaimed the story was because yeah I played the whole thing and just wasn't impressed at all sadly even though I like most media I actually choose to go through.
I found just forcing myself to get into the rythmn of things and being online less helped me actually work my way through my backlog, especially in reading, also just scheduling out my days neatly so there's designated reading time. Takes some discipline but it's worth it tho if you're not that interested, don't force yourself. It is a hobby after all.
I keep stopping and starting again with it, dunno if I'll ever commit to learning it but ye it's Muramasa, the TL is pretty quality for the most part. I'd recommend it if you ever want a phenomenal VN.
I do know a lot of people from HB days stopped reading VNs, funnily enough I just started reading em more after HB.
I'm same ol, just sitting down after gym to read some 装甲悪鬼村正 which has been a nice end to my days lately.