A new anime film titled Suzume no Tojimari (Suzume's Locking-Up) by Makoto Shinkai was announced at the director's new work press conference at the Imperia...read more
Winners of the 2020 Tokyo Anime Awards were announced on Thursday. Judges selected the winners from a pool of 100 titles that either aired or screened between Octobe...read more
Makoto Shinkai's fantasy romance anime film Tenki no Ko (Weathering With You) won the prize for Animation of the Year award at the 43rd annual Japan Academy Pri...read more
An official website has launched and announced a new movie directed by Makoto Shinkai (Kimi no Na wa.). Titled Tenki no Ko (Weathering With You), the movie will prem...read more
Winners of the Tokyo Anime Awards have been announced for 2017. Animation of the Year Koe no Katachi (Film) Yuri!!! On Ice (Television) Fan Award Yuri!!! On Ice (Tel...read more
Winners of the 2016 Newtype Anime Awards were announced at the Machi Asobi event. The winners were selected by fans in magazine and online polls. The participants we...read more
The 26th Japan Movie Critics Awards winners have been announced on May 16. Best Picture Award Koe no Katachi Director Award Makoto Shinkai (Kimi no Na wa.) Seiyuu A...read more
It was announced at a conference that Makoto Shinkai will be directing a new movie titled Kimi no Na wa. (Your Name.) The movie will premiere in August 2016. In addi...read more
Makoto Shinkai's blog announced at the end of last year that he is working on a new movie. The director spent New Year's Eve drawing storyboards and said h...read more
Makoto Shinkai has created another animated commercial titled Cross Road for Z-Kai, a correspondence education service. The CM and included song, which is sung by Na...read more
Taisei Corporation, a Japanese engineering and construction company, posted a new anime advertisement on its YouTube channel on Sunday. The 30-second advertisement w...read more
When the movie "Kotonoha no Niwa", directed by Shinkai Makoto, was shown in theaters in Japan, the short anime titled "Dareka no Manazashi" (Someone's Gaze), which l...read more
According to the official website, Shinkai Makoto's new anime movie "Kotonoha no Niwa" was announced to be premiered within the first half of the year 2013. Shinkai ...read more
According to the official website, Shinkai Makoto's new short anime titled "Dareka no Manazashi" was announced to be shown at Nomura Real Estate Group's home living ...read more
According to the official website, Shinkai Makoto came back to Japan this month. He had been in London since February 2008 and not been working on anime movie produc...read more
According to the official website, Shinkai Makoto has produced a TV ad for Japanese construction company Taisei Corp. It's about a woman who works for the Marma...read more
According to Cinema Today, Shinkai Makoto's new anime movie "Hoshi o Ou Kodomo (Children who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below)" was announced to be p...read more
According to their website, Otakon has announced that award winning director, animator, and voice actor Makoto Shinkai will appear as a guest at this year's con...read more
According to Anime!Anime!, Shinkai Makoto appeared in an Animate concert of his image album "Promise". He revealed draft concept of his new work. He said i...read more