*I'm writing this review because this manga is really a funny romcom and I want people to acknowledge it so we can have faster scans and translations!*
The story is the weakest part of this amazing manga, is something we have seen quite a bit in this kind of genres:
Unpopular guy get te chance to date a really cute and popular girl.
What makes this manga amazing are witouth a doubt the characters, Junichi our cliché anime character, weak, a looser is constantly teased by Yuka which seem to understand pretty well the desires of his new boyfriend, but something about her personality seem strange, is she
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Hajimete no Gyaru, My First Girlfriend Is a Gal Japanese: はじめてのギャル InformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Nov 26, 2015 to ?
Shounen Ace Authors:
Ueno, Meguru (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #145232 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #408
Members: 44,560
Favorites: 512 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 16 / 17
Your Feelings Categories Sep 4, 2016
I found this one when i was looking for manga with loser boy getting a hot chick a.k.a shounen and Hajimete no Gal would definitely be enough to satisfy you if you have a similar craving, so far the story is not all that "original" just really really enjoyable.
It does not really carry a heavy dramatic tone because of the comedy integrated in the story which for some people may feel a little bit disengaging but if you love that kind of thing then you should try this. The characters are not the most memorable but not boring either except for the MC's friends, who actually ... Jul 14, 2017
(Updated in April 2021)
Story : 7/10 This story is a bit different compared to typical high school rom-coms because the relationship starts off very early. It's funny, light and somewhat reminds me of Hollywood sex-coms. It's not thought provoking or complex, but it fits perfectly with what the author is aiming for : adolescence sex comedy Art : 7 It's simple and clean. Apparently it's also the author's first serialization, so it's impressive considering that. ... May 16, 2019
Hey y'all. MAL's biggest gal manga reviewing mouthbreather here.
You know what I like? A story premise with cute shit. You know what I hate? Going full-blown harem when you're running out of ideas and need something to cater and appeal to the broadest types of weebs possible. This manga was always pretty tied with harem as the main character just suddenly attracts gals like moths to a flame when he starts to date the main girl by the name of Yame. Typical story of loser gets with very popular girl and wacky misadventures ensue as everyone tries to fuck him. I always understood why ... Dec 12, 2016
You already know the drill, so let's get to it.
This manga is very stereotypical. Loser homie gets the hottie and he's always nervous and she's all yandere but not really yandere. However before ya think that I'm bashing this I really do love the art. It takes a while for the update which makes it more of a laidback, every once in a while read but you'll enjoy it. There's also a To Love-Ru reference that I laughed pretty hard at. The comedy is probably the best part compared to the decent story. The artist knows how to make ya laugh when you wouldn't expect it ... Jan 17, 2022
Got to Chapter 60 before the harem drama was too much for me to stand. I came in looking for a cute romance between gyaru and average MC, but the problem is that this "average virgin" MC winds up having every single on screen female either fall in love with him or *just* flirt with him shamelessly and often with the real girlfriend catching it in the act.
I could accept average MC getting his hot girlfriend, and I was ok with the gyaru best friend flirting with him to try to break them up, but then it gets ridiculous when the oppai Loli and ... Aug 9, 2017
Also known as Hajimete no Gyaru. In English, it's called My (Frist) Girlfriend is a Gal. The two main characters are fairly typical Japanese high school students, although one of them has bleached hair and dresses like a gyaru. Something else you might not have noticed is how unusual their expressions tend to be on the various covers.
>Characters I originally found this manga by its anime. The art was nice, and the main female protagonist, Yukana had something about her... something so rare in a female anime character. This girl is overflowing with confidence, and confidence is sexy. The male character, Junichi is no pushover either. ... Nov 10, 2020
Extremely annoying. The MC is quite possibly the worst main character ive ever seen, being simultaneously annoyingly lecherous and pervy (basically seeing his new GF as a piece of meat for the large part of the early chapters) and annoyingly a pussy (refusing to do anything even when his girlfriend borderline sexually assaults him asking to bone). His main goal is to end his virginity, yet purposefulyl declines every reasonable chance his girlfriend throws his way.
His GF Yume-San is a very kind, nice, empathetic (obviously extremely attractive) and understanding person, while he offers nothing. Obviously this is a simple trashy escapism manga, but usually ... Dec 2, 2020
This manga started off with overused gags, and the whole premise is superficial itself. Honestly, I only read the manga because of the yuri route it went. However, I do notice that the author did listen to some of the critical reviews.
If you want to have a short read with just fanservice and exaggerated characters with overused humor, Id suggest this. Now, for the actual criticism, I will say that at first the MC was just superficial, however I noticed he became more calm and more understanding. I hated him at first because I believed he was just using her, however he grew out to ... Sep 25, 2021
Given the last english translator (as of 25/09/21) has given up on scanlating the sad remains of this once very promising manga, it should speak volumes on the state of the manga and the mentality of the author (hint:all the author cares about is sweet sweet MONEY)
Minor spoilers following: Hajimete no Gal started with a relatively unique premise, with the MC getting the girl almost immediately (which most series try to tease and cash grab for as many volumes as possible, looking at u rent-a-gf); the sky was the limit for how potentially successful Hajimete could be. With the first 60-80ish chapters being effectively world/harem building, ... Nov 24, 2017
I had high hopes for this series i thought it was going to show me the character development i always wanted to see in a anime and alot of progress in the relationship but what i exepected was wrong the anime turned into a borderline hentai i have no problem with that but when the harem came into place that is when the line was crossed after that i no longer got the enjoyment i wanted every time anything romantic is happening it is always ruined by the harem and honestly the anime is just following the typical plot all ecchi anime take a harem
Jun 28, 2017
This manga surprised me. It really sticks to the ecchi, romance, school and shounen aspect and the comedy had me dying multiple times. (There was this one Nisekoi reference that killed me. That reference is why I'm writing this review xD.)
Story (6) - It's a somewhat of a cliche story where this unpopular kid gets a hot girl, but they realize that it's cliche, which is why the story never takes itself too seriously. This lack of seriousness made the story enjoyable. Art (9) - You want ecchi, you get ecchi. Simple as that. Characters (8) - The characters were actually pretty good. The MC was a ... Jul 22, 2017
[I'm writing this because it's strange for me to smoke a entire manga in a night, so I feel like telling you why this shit is good]
[NO SPOILERINOS AHEAD] Story [5]. Since this is clearly a non-history aimed manga, there isn't much to say about. It just exist to put rocks into the main characters path and make them develope. Art [9] ... Nov 2, 2017
This manga fills the void in my heart. It takes care of me unconditionally. It knows that I am a virgin with a tsundere fantasy. I love this manga. I am filled with warmth after reading each chapter.
Please, Trumpu-san, make this manga real so I may have a glorious and beautiful 2D waifu in real life. Hey shawty. lemme holla at you right quick ya know what im sayin. checkin you out over there you lookin kinda good, ya know what im sayin. so i was wondering ya know how about you and me go back to the place, get comfortable, probably sip on some of ... May 4, 2024
What is there to say about this manga. Not much. A guy forced into confessing to a "gal" and she accepts. It's not a premise that stands out but it makes for a nice story. The problem is that it goes nowhere. They get together but there's little development in their relationship in the first many chapters and in the latter chapters there's even less development. There is so little relevant things happening that it gets hard to keep track of what is going on between the male main character and the female main character. The lack of development causes the author to also attempt
Oct 12, 2023
Review the story, characters, also how the author tells the story with the readers. Like the title, mostly this manga is about how the MC (main character) meets Gyaru and then makes a relationship until falls in love with one of those gyaru.
The story is quite effective, each conflict can be solved properly so reader can get satisfied about "how the conflict goes in, and how it is done". How author can solve the conflict is quite interesting. Well, as we know this manga contain fan-services in each story or even situation. So reader should ready about to accept each fanservice’s scene in every conflict. About ... |