Totsukuni no Shoujo
The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún
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Totsukuni no Shoujo

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Foreign Girl
Japanese: とつくにの少女
English: The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 11
Chapters: 53
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 5, 2015 to Mar 5, 2021
Genre: Fantasy Fantasy
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Comic Garden
Authors: Nagabe (Story & Art)


Score: 8.321 (scored by 2011620,116 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #2922
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #195
Members: 83,413
Favorites: 3,236

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Preliminary Spoiler
Mar 7, 2021
Honestly this manga is a work of art.
The art is great, the characters are great, the story / plot is outstanding.
Fantastic worldbuilding, also really great world in general. Very immersive, the characters and world just feel alive. It's probably a bit hit or miss, and i can imagine that it might not appeal to everybody, but it certainly hit me. I can't really think of more to say, it's just great in general with certain very strong points.

TL;DR: This manga achieves what it set out to do splendidly, it's generally strong in basically every aspect, and so deserves at least a 9.

With that said, it ...
Mar 23, 2016
Preliminary (4/53 chp)
This is such a find! A sad and beautiful story about a little human girl and a monster, who takes care of her, living together in a forest, because… Don’t want to spoil anything, don’t know enough yet, but I urge you to check this out, at least for the art, if nothing else - it's lovely and it's unique. Also there’re plenty of things to talk about besides retelling the plot.

The second name of this manga is Siúil A Rún (Go, my love), the name of an Irish song, also sad and beautiful, about a lover, who left for war, and about the wish ...
Oct 15, 2019
Preliminary (53/53 chp)
Copycats are a dime a dozen when it comes to anime and manga. With the advent of a successful series, oftentimes a publisher will seek content of a similar formula with hopes of capitalizing on the trend set by its predecessor. I'm sure you're aware of where I'm going with this: The Girl From the Other Side is clearly a ripoff of The Ancient Magus' Bride (Mahoutsukai no Yome)... or is it? Well, I'm here to tell you that this is, in fact, far from the truth. While it's clear as day that Comic Garden was hoping to emulate the success of Mahoutsukai, what we've ...
May 4, 2021
At least three times while reading this manga, I though I had an idea where things are going, and every time it turned out completely differently. Whether that is quality or a fault, I do not know, but the story of Totsukuni No Shoujo certainly is as unique as I've ever seen from a manga.
Though I must admit that the end had me lost a bit. It certainly is very poetic, but also, at least to me, is a bit too vague and unclear.

At least as unique as the story, the art style of Nagabe, despite differing in almost every regard from the traditional manga, ...
Jun 20, 2022
Mixed Feelings
Good and evil. Light and darkness. Soul and body.

These are the themes, readers are exposed to most of the time in this manga. And it takes its time to fully absorb us into the world and into the two main contrasting characters.

I was first skeptical. It may burn out its magic halfway through. It may fall into slice of life stereotype.
It showed that it has a lot to offer, whether a rich story and lore, or interesting characters, which can’t really be categorized as villains or heroes. Motives of all characters feel real.

Yet it was chapter 41 that started overall decline of the story. Why ...
Nov 12, 2021
I don't quite remember how I first learned about Siuil a Run: The Girl From The Other Side, but I think it might have been seeing a review of the first volume a few years ago. I was intrigued by the premise, and wanted a new manga to read. But as soon as I read the first volume, I immediately sought out every other volume that had been put out, and continued to do so until the very end, which just got released recently. Then I saw the absolutely marvelous 10-minute OVA put out by Wit Studio, which I already did a review of, and ...
May 21, 2017
Preliminary (5/53 chp)
"The Girl from the Other Side" is, without exaggeration, one of the finest manga I have ever read. Here's why you should read it.


It's unusual to start with the art but here it's well deserved. This manga looks unlike any other I've read - its style is quite reminiscent of 19th century childrens books and western fairy tail artwork and it pulls off the style superbly. The colour scheme and small details perfectly compliment the simple but subtle story.


The story of TGFTOS will be quite familiar in tone to anyone who has read a western fairy tale - innocent and sweet ...
Dec 29, 2023
Mixed Feelings
I'm a sucker for child-like tales being adapted into a full-blown series with a pinch of adult element inserted into it and Totsukuni no Shoujo is exactly one of those. It tells the simple story of a little girl (Insider) who doesn't remember anything about her past, living in the dark side with "Sensei" which the Insider thought as "evil" (Outsider) who also doesn't remember anything about his past. The story tells us about their struggle living in the Outside, finding the truth about their past, and their effort to just live simply in peace; which is certainly not possible for them.

The slice-of-life aspect in ...
Nov 9, 2015
Preliminary (25/53 chp)
A new manga published in Mac-Garden very similar to Mahoutsukai no yome( Ancient Mangus Bride) if u like Mahoutsukai no yome you gonna like this.

Slow pace and kinda magical. If you think long and hard, your will find out I've seen this type of story before but not in a manga. Feels like a classic fairytale in a manga form and feels really original. There is a lot of suspense with the whole "curse" its going and that because the story doesn't give you what you want but only what you need to know.

This is the best part about the manga. This is ...
Oct 26, 2023
Estou com o emocional destruído de 32 formas diferentes após ler este gibi de otaco. A forma como o Nagabe constrói os conflitos e como as soluções são dadas a elas é de quebrar o coração. A cada capítulo que se passa, mais e mais o coração aperta e as lágrimas correm pelo rosto. A forma como nos preocupamos com os personagens, como nos apegamos a eles, como é construída essa relação é única desse autor e como ele usa isso contra o prórpio leitor no plot final é de destruir o coração. Enfim, é indiscutivelmente uma obra de arte que merecia mais reconhecimento público: ...
Jan 25, 2019
Preliminary (21/53 chp)
This is such a wonderful story that it brings the capacity of artwork enjoyement to a whole other level, this gives a feeling of necessity and how having someone to really care about is something that can completely change your life, the atmosphere that reding this story gives is one of the most beautiful experiences one can find in this medium.

The story focuses on a black person that is called teacher through the series and his shining relationship with shiva a little girl that behaves like a girl of her age would do and makes him feel comfortable with himself and his life with her ...
Apr 2, 2020
Preliminary (35/53 chp)
I was mesmerized by the art the moment I picked this manga up. Very stylized and expressive; extremely inspirational to me as an artist. I kept stopping just to admire some panels.
That aside, Totsukuni no Shoujo twisted my heart in ways I didn't think were possible. You can clearly see the internal problems of each character and how they tackle them, how they deal with reality. It's very domestic, and yet it never lets you brush off the feeling of uneasiness - there is always trouble coming the characters' way. It may also be a bit slow-paced, but I think that just adds to the ...
Dec 26, 2021
Totsukuni no Shoujo:The least manga-like manga

Totsukuni no Shoujo is one of the most beautiful stories I've read, it was a breath of fresh air.At first I didnt know that it was a manga. Having seen the short no-voice episode of it, I thought that it was just an anime original,but I found out that it was not and I'm glad that I did.

The story is pretty simple ,yet really unique and heartwarming.Some things were not answered ,but I'm totally fine with it. Some people may call those missing things plotholes ,but in my point of view they didn't matter after serving their purpose.The story is ...
Jun 10, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (23/53 chp)
The art style is very unique and fits the story perfectly. The use of the dark imagery really emphasizes the fact that the setting is the "outside", where the dark creatures live and Shiva is a pure soul. I did really love the art, and would have continued to love it if the series was shorter. After volume three it did become a bit tiring to have to really stare at some of the pages to try and figure out what exactly I was meant to look at since black is heavily used. The volumes do consistently end on a nice cliffhanger, but I failed ...
Jan 24, 2024
Okay, it was a very different experience. Totsukuni no Shoujo is unique, whether in its character or its story. It's hard to find something so different in an ocean of clichéd manga.

I really liked the story, especially at the beginning, as it was kind of a dark slice of life. In the middle (volumes 4 to 6), it really caught my attention, the plot was evolving very well, no matter how many doubts there were, it was really very good. At the end (volumes 10 and 11) it seemed to me that the author was a little lost, I'm almost sure that not even he ...
Mar 3, 2019
Preliminary (25/53 chp)
Right off the bat, I'd like to go ahead and just say this is probably not the kind of manga for a large majority of users on this site, especially younger ones. For one, it's likely that it's tagged entirely incorrectly, since I'd much sooner give it the tags of fantasy drama but potato, potahto, no? All that being said: this one is a rather unique read.

Imagine handing your good old book of Peter Rabbit into Tim Burton's hands and asking him to add to it. Then get rid of any stripes or Halloween decorations he might've put in, sprinkle it with some depth, and ...
Jan 9, 2022
Spoilers ahead. If you want to read a melancholic, adorable and visually unique series I wholeheartedly recommend this one. I will explain why below, but doing so might spoil certain aspects of the story.

For a manga this is quite unique. The style and the story simply isn't that similar to most other series.

There are elements to it that are, of course. The monstrous father figure with the young girl is visually reminiscent of The Ancient Magus' Bride, or Somali and the Forest Spirit. The drawing style is different, but the effect here is cute and endearing in the same way as such works.

The storyline starts ...
Mar 16, 2024
The story is about a cursed figure called "Teacher" and a little girl named Shiva.

Its a touching story with INCREDIBLE art! I cant emphasise enough how good the art is. The black-and-white style of the manga really helps emphasise the diffrent moods throughout the story. The ambience is dark and mysterious, yet light-hearted and beautiful.

The story itself is similar to old folklore and fairy tales. The character design of Teacher especially feels very familiar. The choice of making Shiva in lighter colors is really fitting.

At first glance, it seems lika a beautiful story about life, but it holds deeper, more sinister themes ...
Nov 26, 2021
I came for the wholesome moments, stayed for it's plot (and wholesome moments).

The Girl From the Other Side is a fascinating story with a classic human and inhuman being. I love how it's heartwarming yet heart-throbbing at the same time, how it catches me off guard with this unexpected suspense, yet balances this with its wholesome moments that make me smile and really do warm my heart.

Now back to the plot. I was actually completely caught off guard with the plot, it kept me curious and the storytelling of this manga is what kept me reading. I'm in love with this manga, the backstories ...
Jun 14, 2022
Preliminary (10/53 chp)
There were two worlds, the inside, where the humans lived and the outside, where monsters called outsiders lived, it was belived that outsiders could curse you with just one single touch. In our fairytale for a more mature audiance, there were humans who were in fear and as a result of this, they did monstrous things and there was a monster called teacher who was gentle and nice. There was this stark contrast the humans were monstrous and the monster was very gentle and good. There was an abondened town because of the outsider invation where Teacher found a little girl who was left behind ...